Do you ever have it where you have read, watched, or driven past something many times, and then one time you spot, or discover, something new? Sometimes this reminds us of truths, gives us a picture of beauty in the world, or opens our eyes to really see something for the first time: good or bad. Well, we all find hidden gems and reminders throughout our life, and this passage was not any different for me.
I will admit that when this passage was given to me for a devotional, I didn’t realize the gem that was there to be discovered. I didn’t even realize the value the first time reading through the verses. But after a few times of reading the verses to myself and still not grasping the vast awe of the passage, I read it out loud with a friend nearby. As I was reading, I began connecting the dots—honestly, I found myself in a state of humility. While the whole entire passage is great, let especially these words sink in: “It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: ‘Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.’” We receive righteousness, holiness, and redemption because of Christ, not of ourselves. Growing up, I knew that it wasn’t about me, but I sometimes forget and must turn it back to God.
Now, rewind to the week before the death of Christ. Wait, no…long before that week. Think of what your life would look like if God didn’t send his son; think about if Christ never died on that cross – if he never rose again from the grave. What would your existence be? Hopeless. Our struggles would be overwhelming, and we would indulge in our sins. We wouldn’t have anything to cling to during our many stages in life. We wouldn’t have the same extent of grace, love, and forgiveness. We wouldn’t have a king who paid the price for you and I. This week is Holy week—and it leads into Palm Sunday, Maunday Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. Boast in the Lord this week, and thank God for the coming week—because without it, our lives and this world would look drastically different. God’s redemption story was never about us and never will be. But, God still chooses us to join him. We should never take credit for the work he is ultimately doing. The moment you think you can go through life without relying on Christ, you are going to begin to feel overwhelmed and empty. If we look inwardly regarding our strength, we need to fall on our knees and let the power of who Christ is wash over us. And when we have given it all (not just some) back to Christ, we need to put on our armor and face each day of trials, joys, changes, and new opportunities, keeping our eyes fixed on him and boasting in him. Because without Christ, we would be lost, and he gives us the gift of today to love, be joyful, show grace, forgive, be patient, and live selflessly – but most of all, to give him the glory for it all.
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