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August 7, 2014

Good Sources for Free Photos and Graphics

…h — Unsplash — Picjumbo — Free Refe — Jay Mantri — Public Domain Archive Magdeleine — Gratisography — Picography — Superfamous — Little Visuals — Split Shire — Pixabay — I’m Free — <= Especially http://www.imcreator….
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Featured image for “Free Religion is not Free Discrimination”
March 31, 2015

Free Religion is not Free Discrimination

by Donald Roth
…of these are our brothers and sisters in Christ. Religious freedom must encom*]}*pass their freedom, too. Anthony RFRA is hardly being attacked by “LGBT advocates” or any single interest group. NASCAR and Wal-Mart have weighed in against it. If this is all due to religious conservatives trying to misuse RFRA in their anti-LGBT crusade, then your admonitions should fall on them first and hardest. Consider the possibility that this legislation created
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: Vaccines and Religious Freedom”
February 19, 2015

Answering Your Question: Vaccines and Religious Freedom

by Donald Roth
…in, without a longitudinal double-blind, true placebo, properly controlled study comparing the health outcomes of a vaccinated vs unvaccinated population, how would you know how effective they are and how prevalent the adverse outcomes might be? You wouldn’t. And why won’t that study ever be done? Because it would be ‘unethical’ to withhold the wonders of vaccines from a specific population. That’s the argument. So in order to test the true long-t…
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Featured image for “A Christian Psychologist’s Take on Parenting in a Tech-Driven World”
April 17, 2018

A Christian Psychologist’s Take on Parenting in a Tech-Driven World

by Luralyn Helming
…logy/  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩…
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Featured image for ““You Gotta Serve Somebody””
May 5, 2017

“You Gotta Serve Somebody”

by Josh Bootsma
…rican culture in which many of us were raised. We live in the “land of the free,” where “freedom rings.” We call our home “the sweet land of liberty,” in which the Rolling Stones and Pitbull tell us “I’m free to do what I want.” We need our free time so we can “catch up” on our favorite Netflix show (an ironic obligation), we need our vacation time to be free from the job that we worked so hard for, we need to retire as early as financially possib…
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Featured image for “Walking the Talk in a Vaccine Study”
July 27, 2021

Walking the Talk in a Vaccine Study

by Carl Fictorie
…., on August 3, 2021, Francis Collins recommended on CNN that vaccinated parents should be wearing masks at home around their unvaccinated children. To me, no amount of expertise could convince me that this is not a deeply wrong recommendation. Do you think Collins is a trustworthy individual, regarding crafting actual policy? Don’t you think that our government leaders have delegated too much of their pandemic response to the scientific community…
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Featured image for “Topics Christians Should Discuss: The Importance of a Living Wage”
April 13, 2023

Topics Christians Should Discuss: The Importance of a Living Wage

by Lexi Schnaser
…060/  ↩ “The State of U.S. Healthcare in 2022.” Commonwealth Fund.  ↩ Dreier, Hannah. “Alone and Exploited.” The New York Times, 25 February 2023, ; Leonhardt, David. “Child Labor Today.” The New York Times, 26 February, 2023, https://www.nytim…
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Featured image for “Open Educational Resources for the Kingdom”
April 28, 2020

Open Educational Resources for the Kingdom

by Mike Janssen
…es of both cost and speech. Translated to OERs, I’ll suggest the following freedom: free knowledge of Creation. Christians have interpreted the cultural mandate as a command to develop the potential in Creation. Much of this work has involved studying it and building the systems of knowledge which have formed into the academic disciplines we know today. Knowledge of these disciplines is required to meet the challenges of contemporary culture. Stor…
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Featured image for “Helicopter or Free Range: A Dilemma of Modern Parenting”
February 25, 2015

Helicopter or Free Range: A Dilemma of Modern Parenting

by Donald Roth
…h to kids that just don’t fit that model. Not only are kids different, but comparing unaccompanied children in one area to those in another is not always an apples to apples comparison. Many of the stories that are making the news involve parents in urban areas. For those of us that don’t live in those places, the thought of leaving children to ride the subway or wander the streets alone seems horrifying. As I confessed above, my initial reaction…
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Featured image for “Why Does My Insurance Cost So Much?”
February 18, 2016

Why Does My Insurance Cost So Much?

by Donald Roth
…gle-payer systems still face significant difficulties in terms of managing costs. Overall, there are no easy complete solutions to the challenges we face in insurance costs, but there are many small things we can do based on the model of how insurance works. As a few quick examples, Americans spend significantly more on brand name medications, but we use generics more than most other nations as well, and that growing trend is helping to lower cost
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Featured image for “Christian Democrat?”
October 20, 2015

Christian Democrat?

by Dave Schelhaas
…t vote party lines! Vote for the best candidate who has a character, moral compass and voting record that is in line with the Bible, and for somebody whose beliefs are most closely rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ. A candidate who seeks to honor and glorify God with every decision he or she makes and who spends time in prayer asking God to help guide his or her words and actions will be much more powerful and do more to further God’s kingdom t…
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Featured image for ““Salsafication” and the Problem of Racial Essentialism in Congregational Life”
October 2, 2018

“Salsafication” and the Problem of Racial Essentialism in Congregational Life

by Mark T. Mulder
…k/2018/08/08/why-americas-nones-dont-identify-with-a-religion/.  ↩,204,203,200_QL70&dpSrc=srch  ↩ Kevin D. Dougherty, Brandon C. Martinez, and Gerardo Martí, “Congregational Diversity and Attendance in a Mainline Protestant Denomination,” Journal for the Scientific Study
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Featured image for “Topics Christians Should Discuss: Climate Change”
April 20, 2023

Topics Christians Should Discuss: Climate Change

by Debra Rienstra
…bying amid record profits in 2022,”, 22 Feb. 2023.,Oil%20and%20gas%20industry%20spent%20%24124.4%20million%20on,amid%20record%20profits%20in%202022&text=The%20oil%20and%20gas%20industry,OpenSecrets%20analysis%20of%20lobbying%20disclosures  ↩ Brendan O’Connor, “How Fossil Fuel Money Made C…
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Featured image for “Apocalyptic Films: <em>Don’t Look Up</em>, A Case Study”
February 23, 2023

Apocalyptic Films: Don’t Look Up, A Case Study

by Elyse Kuperus
…e end, while science can offer reasoning and understanding, only faith can offer comfort, is not lost on the characters, and should not be lost on the viewer either. Yule’s prayer seems an apropos note to end on: “Dearest Father and Almighty Creator, we ask for Your grace tonight, despite our pride. Your forgiveness, despite our doubt. Most of all, Lord, we ask for Your love to soothe us through these dark times. May we face whatever is to come in…
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Featured image for “Back to the Beginning: A Review of <em>A Call to Christian Formation</em>”
January 18, 2022

Back to the Beginning: A Review of A Call to Christian Formation

by Jessica Joustra
…” By this, Kuyper means that Calvinism provides biblical principles that encom*]}*pass all of human life: “(1) our relation to God, (2) our relation to man, and (3) our relation to the world.” 2 In other words, Calvinism highlights the biblical reality that every aspect of our lives is lived before the face of God and ought to be lived in line with God’s ways and design. Other Protestant traditions, Kuyper argues, fail to grasp just how expansive God’
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Featured image for ““Yes” to a Dress: A Journey in Being Clothed with Care”
January 27, 2022

“Yes” to a Dress: A Journey in Being Clothed with Care

by Dawn Berkelaar
and production practices before purchasing from them. For example, is the company certified by an outside, reputable organization? (GOTS and OEKO-TEXⓇ are two kinds of certification to look for. 8 )   Perhaps we would all be better off owning fewer items of clothing, but ones of better quality. Today, creation groans under the weight of North American consumption, while we are weighed down by all of our stuff; at the same time, too many people in…
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Featured image for “Social Media around the Table”
November 20, 2018

Social Media around the Table

by Luralyn Helming
…  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩…
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Featured image for “Where Do All the Questions Go?”
February 4, 2020

Where Do All the Questions Go?

by Luralyn Helming
…top-asking-why/  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩ & https://…
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Featured image for “Lessons from the Ozone Hole”
November 12, 2019

Lessons from the Ozone Hole

by Carl Fictorie
…ience provides. In the press release overviewing the 1995 award, The Nobel Committee comments as follows: “By explaining the chemical mechanisms that affect the thickness of the ozone layer, the three researchers have contributed to our salvation from a global environmental problem that could have catastrophic consequences.”19 While scientists tend to focus on the knowledge their studies generate, the work of Sherwood and Molina point to the moral…
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Featured image for “Here be Dragons: <em>Squid Game</em> and Wealth Disparity”
March 17, 2022

Here be Dragons: Squid Game and Wealth Disparity

by Josie De Jong
…021-08-06/report-15-hourly-wage-isnt-livable-anywhere-in-the-us  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩ https…
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Featured image for “Science and Ethics in Practice of Earth Stewardship”
October 13, 2016

Science and Ethics in Practice of Earth Stewardship

by Calvin DeWitt
…biblical Stewardship Tradition, and inspired by the Appointment “to serve and to keep” summarized in Genesis 2:15, see my 2016 paper: “III. Earth Stewardship and Laudato Si’,Quart. Rev. Biol. 91(3):271-284, with free access at: and related material including PowerPoints at (My University of Wisconsin Home Page). ↩…
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Featured image for “Revisiting Religious Freedom in Dordt v. Burwell”
September 25, 2015

Revisiting Religious Freedom in Dordt v. Burwell

by Donald Roth
…edures may or may not be covered, and I happen to know (since I sit on our compensation committee) that we have had conversations about some things like whether we should help to fund adoption processes and, in that context, there was some talk about things like in vitro fertilization. Within that context, we absolutely have talked about whether we should cover certain procedures, but we aren’t being compelled to provide any of those by the govern…
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Featured image for “Top 10 U.S. Supreme Court Cases From the Last Term”
October 27, 2014

Top 10 U.S. Supreme Court Cases From the Last Term

by Donald Roth
…elling stolen medical devices and laundering the proceeds, the prosecution obtained a freeze on all of their assets. The couple then sought to challenge the denial of a hearing to challenge the grand jury’s determination, since that indictment led to the freezing of assets they intended to spend retaining an attorney. Opinion (6-3): Justice Kagan delivered the Court’s opinion, finding that the criminal court system entrusts the probable cause dete…
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Featured image for “A Parent’s Guide to AAU Sports”
December 22, 2014

A Parent’s Guide to AAU Sports

by Chad Hanson
…ortunities for the longer seasons. 2. How much financial expense (up-front cost vs. implied cost through my child’s involvement) is required for participation? There might be an up-front cost of $100 per month for a child to play an AAU sport (some more expensive, others less expensive), but that may only cover the gym rental and uniform cost, tournament entry fees, and maybe also the coach salary. There are implied costs such as: spectator admiss…
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Featured image for “OK for Boomers: How Do We Remember Those Who are Locked Down as We Open Up?”
June 9, 2020

OK for Boomers: How Do We Remember Those Who are Locked Down as We Open Up?

by Donald Roth
…s ongoing cost lightly, and it will hopefully motivate us to mitigate that cost as much as we can. So how do we mitigate these costs? There are a number of solutions that I’ve seen offered out there, and I won’t pretend to be originating a new list. Among the ideas that most interest me are those that go beyond checking in to journeying with. Of course, we want to make regular calls. Expanding things like grocery delivery services also make great…
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The blog.