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Featured image for “Where Do All the Questions Go?”
February 4, 2020

Where Do All the Questions Go?

by Luralyn Helming
…brings criticism from peers—and sometimes teachers—which may stifle future questions. Questions are important. Learning is the answering of questions. There is a decline in interest and engagement that happens in middle school; it is the result of the decrease in questions.9 While talking in a group, the person who asks questions controls the direction of the conversation. Engaging in conversation through questions and answers helps meet the human…
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August 7, 2014

Good Sources for Free Photos and Graphics

…h — Unsplash — Picjumbo — Free Refe — Jay Mantri — Public Domain Archive Magdeleine — Gratisography — Picography — Superfamous — Little Visuals — Split Shire — Pixabay — I’m Free — <= Especially http://www.imcreator….
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Featured image for “Free Religion is not Free Discrimination”
March 31, 2015

Free Religion is not Free Discrimination

by Donald Roth
…l liberties are as follows: (1) Indiana’s RFRA extends protection for “the free exercise of religion” to commercial businesses — a protection previously only given to churches and individuals. Only Texas’ RFRA has similar language. It also would allow a business to bring suit against anyone deemed to be violating the business’s “free exercise of religion.” This could mean countersuing an individual who brings a civil rights case against the busin…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: Vaccines and Religious Freedom”
February 19, 2015

Answering Your Question: Vaccines and Religious Freedom

by Donald Roth
…tant individual rights, the most clear of which would be either privacy or free exercise. If the government cannot respect an individual’s rights without endangering the public (the argument regarding herd immunity) it’s very likely that a government action which falls short of physical compulsion (such as a fine or mandated information session) would survive even this strictest scrutiny. I think it’s beneficial for our society to have a healthy f…
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Featured image for “Space for Questions: A Review of <em> A Curious Faith </em>”
September 29, 2022

Space for Questions: A Review of A Curious Faith

by Hannah Landman
…Discomfort with a lack of answers seems to be, if not universal, a pretty common complaint amongst students. We want to know what to expect; to have an answer laid out in front of us and then to go about our day. We want to be able to move on from tasks content that we’ve sorted out the matter completely. Unfortunately, faith doesn’t work like that, and as Lore Ferguson Wilbert assures, that’s not just okay; it’s a good thing. As Wilbert lays out…
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Featured image for “Sabbath Practice”
January 19, 2022

Sabbath Practice

by Jackson Nickolay
…like a lifetime of hustle, I’ve been in a season of trying to find ways to practice self-care, centering practices, and lessen the somewhat manic pace I’ve found myself keeping in recent days. If that sounds familiar to you, then I humbly suggest cultivating intentional sabbath as a practice into your weekly rhythm.   What comes to mind when you think of the Sabbath? Maybe you have a legalistic concept of the Sabbath: a complicated list of dos and…
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Featured image for “Who Solves Your Most Urgent Medical Questions?”
August 17, 2016

Who Solves Your Most Urgent Medical Questions?

by Darren Stoub
…rbidity and Mortality conferences (M&Ms) provide a place where the medical community comes together as professionals to evaluate and improve medical care by learning “from medical errors, complications, and unanticipated outcomes.”1 In addition to M&Ms, medical professionals are examined and licensed by the Federation of State Medical Boards. Finally, Tort law represents a way by which state and federal courts are able “to provide relief to injure…
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Featured image for ““You Gotta Serve Somebody””
May 5, 2017

“You Gotta Serve Somebody”

by Josh Bootsma
…rican culture in which many of us were raised. We live in the “land of the free,” where “freedom rings.” We call our home “the sweet land of liberty,” in which the Rolling Stones and Pitbull tell us “I’m free to do what I want.” We need our free time so we can “catch up” on our favorite Netflix show (an ironic obligation), we need our vacation time to be free from the job that we worked so hard for, we need to retire as early as financially possib…
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Featured image for “Why Question?: A Review of <em>A More Beautiful Question</em>”
February 6, 2020

Why Question?: A Review of A More Beautiful Question

by Kayt Frisch
…sking factual questions at a high frequency, my recent queries for “gluten-free communion wafer recipe” and “Thai restaurant near me” are unlikely to spark the breakthrough ideas that Berger believes drive innovation. Berger’s book is a journalist’s quest to understand “the critical role questioning plays in enabling people to innovate, solve problems, and move ahead in their careers and lives” (1). He builds on his initial premise, that most of u…
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Featured image for “A Christian Psychologist’s Take on Parenting in a Tech-Driven World”
April 17, 2018

A Christian Psychologist’s Take on Parenting in a Tech-Driven World

by Luralyn Helming
…logy/  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩…
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Featured image for “Podcast: STRETCHING the Poetic Imagination with Drew Jackson”
February 15, 2023

Podcast: STRETCHING the Poetic Imagination with Drew Jackson

by Justin Ariel Bailey, Howard Schaap, Rose Postma
…tps:// Get the previous collection: Howard Schaap and Rose Postma, co-hosts, reviewed Jackson’s book. You can find them here: Poetry To Break the Power of Empire – Howard Schaap The Road – Rose Postma Other poets and authors mentioned in the podcast: Rainer Maria Rilke Langston Hughes Ta-Nehisi Coates Kiese Lamon Paul Louis Dunbar Mary Oliver Margaret Atwood Barbara Ho…
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Featured image for “Podcast: TRYING to Get it Right with <em>The Ruralists</em>”
May 24, 2023

Podcast: TRYING to Get it Right with The Ruralists

by Justin Ariel Bailey
…thin it. Scripture offers a response to our deepest questions, but it also questions our two comfortable answers. The preacher and the poet are both essential. They require us to confront the complexity of living in this broken and beautiful world while also answering the claims that are made on us by our neighbors and by God. Perhaps the preacher can begin to cultivate the attentiveness of the poet, and the poet can feel the answerability that is…
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Featured image for “Helicopter or Free Range: A Dilemma of Modern Parenting”
February 25, 2015

Helicopter or Free Range: A Dilemma of Modern Parenting

by Donald Roth
…h to kids that just don’t fit that model. Not only are kids different, but comparing unaccompanied children in one area to those in another is not always an apples to apples comparison. Many of the stories that are making the news involve parents in urban areas. For those of us that don’t live in those places, the thought of leaving children to ride the subway or wander the streets alone seems horrifying. As I confessed above, my initial reaction…
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Featured image for “Topics Christians Should Discuss: The Importance of a Living Wage”
April 13, 2023

Topics Christians Should Discuss: The Importance of a Living Wage

by Lexi Schnaser
…060/  ↩ “The State of U.S. Healthcare in 2022.” Commonwealth Fund.  ↩ Dreier, Hannah. “Alone and Exploited.” The New York Times, 25 February 2023, ; Leonhardt, David. “Child Labor Today.” The New York Times, 26 February, 2023, https://www.nytim…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: Elder and Deacon Training”
October 20, 2014

Answering Your Question: Elder and Deacon Training

by Liz Moss
…entify a leadership calling and what new leaders need (both personally and communally) to lead the church well. Following the new leader training, they have leadership retreats through the year and ongoing leadership formation teaching and training in elder and deacon meetings. Readers of in all things, what stories do you have from how you were trained or not trained well to serve as an elder or deacon in your church? What advice would you give N…
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Featured image for “Where Questions Can Lead”
October 29, 2014

Where Questions Can Lead

by Rikk E. Watts
…c question can lead down some surprising paths–questions that lead to more questions and even more questions, after that. Here is one such question: Why do the gospels in the New Testament only have one name attached? Ancient practice suggests the use of several was the norm. The most likely reason is that the authors were so well known within their intended audience that a single name would suffice. This being so, the most likely candidates would…
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Featured image for “Regarding Homework…”
April 7, 2015

Regarding Homework…

by Dave Mulder
…nts to read: The teacher assigns several pages of reading, and assigns the comprehension questions at the end of the section. The students hand in their answers to these questions the next day in class, and await a lecture on the topics from the readings. The teacher assigns several pages of reading, explaining that students will be working in groups the next day in class to put the ideas from the reading into practice. In my own experience as a s…
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Featured image for “Podcast: EMBODYING Praise with David Taylor”
March 29, 2023

Podcast: EMBODYING Praise with David Taylor

by Justin Ariel Bailey
…he liturgical space, and so kneeling and praying in that kind of posture becomes common. I think the other kind of fun things you discover is the kiss of peace. If you have spent any amount of time in Latin America, you know that greeting with a kiss, or the Mediterranean countries, greeting with a kiss is just like normal way that you greet each other. And that would be true in the many early centuries of the church that greeting with a kiss is a…
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Featured image for “Here be Dragons: <em>Squid Game</em> and Wealth Disparity”
March 17, 2022

Here be Dragons: Squid Game and Wealth Disparity

by Josie De Jong
…021-08-06/report-15-hourly-wage-isnt-livable-anywhere-in-the-us  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩ https…
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Featured image for “Apocalyptic Films: Questions to Ask”
February 22, 2023

Apocalyptic Films: Questions to Ask

by Elyse Kuperus
…beautiful about it? What’s false and ugly and perverse about it? While the questions speak for themselves, the order of the questions matters. It is important to look for the good first, before immediately jumping to picking something apart. Often, when time and care are offered to interpreting a cultural artifact, it is quickly discovered that nothing is as black and white as it seems.  4. How does the gospel apply here? The culmination of evalua…
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Featured image for “Were the Terror Attacks in Paris motivated by radical Islam?”
January 15, 2015

Were the Terror Attacks in Paris motivated by radical Islam?

by Donald Roth
…tected than others. This is especially true when it comes to religion, the free exercise of which is guaranteed by the Constitution. The problem then is that by defining what is or is not motivated by religious belief, the Administration is seemingly claiming to be able to define the boundaries of what falls into that more protected class of religiously-motivated action. I won’t play the fear-monger here, but the reasons for why this is troublesom…
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Featured image for “Christian Democrat?”
October 20, 2015

Christian Democrat?

by Dave Schelhaas
…pent not allowing them to come in illegally in the first place! All are welcome to come into our country by way of the legal immigration process. Now how we handle the illegal immigrants who have not yet been deported or given amnesty …I think we would all agree as Christians that we are to help them, be kind to them, understanding the reasons behind them coming here illegally in the first place was to provide a better life for their families. O…
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Featured image for “Can Christians Believe in Climate Change?”
August 30, 2016

Can Christians Believe in Climate Change?

by Thomas Ackerman
…politics/2011/03/denial-science-chris-mooney (accessed July 27, 2016)  ↩ The Pew Research Center has a detailed analysis on this subject at, as well as a more recent posting at (accessed July 27, 2016)  ↩ I encourage reading Loving the Least of These, a resource ad…
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Featured image for “Top 10 U.S. Supreme Court Cases From the Last Term”
October 27, 2014

Top 10 U.S. Supreme Court Cases From the Last Term

by Donald Roth
…people” under the law). RFRA requires that laws which substantially burden free exercise must be justified by a compelling governmental purpose and be the least restrictive option available. The Court found a compelling purpose, but since HHS has already created an alternative for other religious employers (insurance provides these services without cost sharing), there is clearly a less restrictive option available, meaning that the HHS position i…
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Featured image for “5 Questions for Christians to Ask about Online Courses & Degrees”
November 5, 2019

5 Questions for Christians to Ask about Online Courses & Degrees

by Leah Zuidema
…most in the online frontier isn’t what is new and shiny, or technical and complicated. The questions that matter most are enduring questions that have long been at the heart of teaching and learning. Why—what’s the goal? As you consider your options, look at promotional materials, advertised goals and outcomes, and the definitions of “success” implied through the learning objectives, readings, and assignments. Talk to professors. What reasons for
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The blog.