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Featured image for “Movie Review: Chappaquiddick”
May 19, 2018

Movie Review: Chappaquiddick

by Josh Matthews
…since he probably suffered a concussion in the wreck. Or maybe, he is some combination of the three: calculating, traumatized, concussed. Every viewer will have to decide what exactly happened and how much responsibility Kennedy bears. It is likely that there are a hundred ways to interpret his behavior. In my view, “Chappaquiddick” is anti-Kennedy, but not too much. We know that Kennedy has some of his wits about him. He tries to take charge of t…
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Featured image for “Movie Review: <em>Green Book</em>”
February 22, 2019

Movie Review: Green Book

by Josh Matthews
…ally unique. Great movies go one step further. In them, the characters overcome their types and become idiosyncratically human and yet, simultaneously, their strong development ends up reaffirming their character types as meaningful and significant. But Green Book is neither great nor good. Mortenson and Ali struggle with the clichés surrounding them. They both, and Ali in particular, succeed occasionally. If nothing else, Green Book exemplifies h…
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Featured image for “Only a Stubborn Past Can Survive: A Review of <em>The Nickel Boys</em>”
October 8, 2019

Only a Stubborn Past Can Survive: A Review of The Nickel Boys

by Myles Werntz
…nues to live—through gentrification and Black Lives Matter, through prisons and housing, through plantation tours and voting districts. The anonymous graveyards of the Dozier School for Boys are but one attempt to efface that which cannot be effaced, and to segregate a past which we have not yet come to terms with. In the opening scenes of the The Nickel Boys, college students unearth a historical site for college credit. However, it is more like…
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Featured image for “Two Books That Will Contribute to Your Happiness”
July 30, 2020

Two Books That Will Contribute to Your Happiness

by Dave Schelhaas
…ity can be when they are not the election of a contained mind but only the defenses of an incompetent. Or consider the last lines of Linda Pastan’s “25th High School Reunion”: Look! We have all turned into ourselves. There were many poems I did not know. Andrew Hudgins’ “The Benedictine Hand” tells the story of a teacher who, while demonstrating how to “push the glass tube through the stopper,” severs the median nerve of her hand, but instead of r…
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Featured image for “In the era of mean tweets…and much, much worse”
March 16, 2015

In the era of mean tweets…and much, much worse

by Abby Foreman
…le, and prone, in our brokenness, to divide and separate and to break down community. Our communal response should be one in which we hold each other accountable for our words in a grace-filled way. We should use words to build up rather than break down. In the next few days, my colleagues will offer insights into how to build community in our homes and on an individual level. Clearly, the uncivil are not always “other people” but is very often ou…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option”
April 5, 2017

iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option

by Gustavo Maya
…not an academic, to make its meaning clear. In the interim, I strongly urge American (including those north of the 49th parallel) folks to take the Harvard Implicit Association Test ( Second, any shortcomings in the scope of Dreher’s book are simply an opening to write one’s own book. That Dreher didn’t write the book one would have written if one had written a book is an underwhelming criticis…
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Featured image for “Stopping Slavery Before it Begins: Here’s What You Can Do”
January 8, 2016

Stopping Slavery Before it Begins: Here’s What You Can Do

by Tala Strauss
…involved. Sign up for foster care classes. Support foster parents in your community. Become a Big Brother or Big Sister or volunteer for Case Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). Apply for law school. Study social work. Vote for representatives who are dedicated to fighting human trafficking. Be the police officer who treats a victim like a victim and not a criminal. Be the social worker who cares about her cases. Be the lawyer or judge who speaks…
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Featured image for “How Should We Read the Bible?”
October 15, 2015

How Should We Read the Bible?

by Benjamin Lappenga
…ent. Theological interpretation requires that we read the Bible within the community of faith. This includes reading with our local church communities, but it also means seeking God’s word along with Christians from other traditions, from other parts of the world, and from other periods of history (especially interpreters and from the early centuries of the faith).3 4. Embrace the fact that passages have a range of valid interpretations. If we rea…
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Featured image for “Christian Wisdom on Technology Use and Parenting”
April 18, 2018

Christian Wisdom on Technology Use and Parenting

by Dawn Berkelaar
…re important to how we live before God and with others. After all, the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). Anything that diminishes our ability to love God in one of these dimensions lessens the faithfulness of our response to Him. In all of this, I see several implications for parents: – Families need to talk about what healthy technology use looks…
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Featured image for “Habits of Lent”
March 7, 2022

Habits of Lent

by Kayt Frisch
…day&qid=1645456698&sprefix=isaiah+by+the+day%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-1  â†©  â†©  â†© ACNA. The Book of Common Prayer. “Ash Wednesday” (…
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Featured image for “Embracing Embodiment: A Review of <em> The Wisdom of Your Body </em>”
May 4, 2022

Embracing Embodiment: A Review of The Wisdom of Your Body

by Erin Olson
…ey are often also judged by their appearance and image. In a small study I completed in partnership with one of my graduate students, we found that Christian women (the sample we surveyed) experience this and many of them cited scripture to justify their punishment of their bodies for not being up to society’s standards. Using verses like 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 which says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you…
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Featured image for “Green Space”
July 15, 2015

Green Space

by Luralyn Helming
…ocation and quality of public parks ought to consider the needs of all the community. Public parks should provide places where visitors can access the feeling of retreat and children can enjoy play structures. Perhaps office windows with a view should be a workplace standard rather than a status you attain. Even if offices are unable to provide all employees with a view outdoors, the artwork displayed in the office should reflect some consideratio…
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Featured image for “Digging into Durable Books”
October 1, 2019

Digging into Durable Books

by Josh Matthews
…can read them, discover great information about them online, go through a free online class, or start a local book club. A durable book will tell us, as Lewis argues, that we and our own age have many blind spots. Anybody who wishes to see better, and to see the blind spots of people in the past better, ought to take up the challenge offered by the durable books. Dig Deeper Interested in great books and reading? Come hear from Karen Swallow Prior…
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Featured image for “Is America Looking to Politics to Meet its Spiritual Needs?”
July 5, 2018

Is America Looking to Politics to Meet its Spiritual Needs?

by Myles Werntz
…be born, a face to be learned. If American political life, as it is now becoming in digital and online forms, is a new kind of replacement for the spiritual, then the spiritual which it is replacing is one which is no real loss to the world to begin with. Good riddance to a spirituality which is rooted in expression of the self! Good riddance to a spirituality with all speech and no listening! Let me be the first to show the door to a religion wh…
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Featured image for “Podcast: DEMYSTIFYING Critical Race Theory with Jeff Liou”
April 26, 2023

Podcast: DEMYSTIFYING Critical Race Theory with Jeff Liou

by Justin Ariel Bailey
…hrases like the culture of fatherlessness as deeply offensive, but it’s an example of deficit thinking. So, yeah, you look at the statistic about single parent households, et cetera, and the data is what it is, but you somehow are unable to see the assets that are built resilience, resistance, capital, et cetera, that are the kinds of things we should expect from a God of redemption. So we could look at Israel and say, what an unlucky bunch of los…
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Featured image for “What Online Communities Leave Out: Unlikely Friendships”
November 27, 2018

What Online Communities Leave Out: Unlikely Friendships

by Matthew Arbo
…nd Justin Bailey) share their experiences. Donald Roth Between specialized online communities and the pervasive polarization of our current societal moment, there are powerful social pressures for us to seek friendships only among those who share virtually every viewpoint with us. I hear this contrasted with the “good old days” when you just had to learn to get along with the people who lived with and around you because that was all you had. Witho…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table”
February 8, 2018

iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table

by Justin Bailey
…eak social connections” with whom we ought to entangle ourselves. It would certainly seem a shame to neglect the one space we frequent populated by ideological diversity. What if the frustration we feel online is an invitation to engage rather than unplug? To plunge in rather than remain above the fray? Equipped with Jacobs’ prescriptions for thought, how can we do better online?…
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Featured image for “Revealing History’s Underlying Layers: A Podcast Review of <em>Revisionist History</em>”
October 22, 2019

Revealing History’s Underlying Layers: A Podcast Review of Revisionist History

by Jackson Nickolay
…o see more of society’s under layer being pulled back as our perspective becomes more complete. Now let’s descend into particulars, there is an excellent series of episodes in which Gladwell engages with memory and how untrustworthy it can be. Starting with two episodes about two different war stories, he systematically shows that memory is not something to be trusted. He reveals how the brain can fabricate complete lies—lies that, once told enoug…
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Featured image for “The Core Practices of Citizenship: Re-enchanting Our Conception of Civic Duty”
July 6, 2017

The Core Practices of Citizenship: Re-enchanting Our Conception of Civic Duty

by Jeff VanDerWerff
…ng unpaid and uncoerced responsibility for the welfare of strangers or the community at large, examples of good citizenship abound.”12 Local expressions include coaching Little League or serving as a mentor with ATLAS or volunteering at Hands Around the World, and on, and on, etcetera.13 These citizenship opportunities will look different depending on the regional context, not to mention the urban, suburban, or rural setting, but they are right th…
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Featured image for “Fewer “App(s) for that” ”
March 24, 2022

Fewer “App(s) for that” 

by Mike Janssen
…th them. Working backward from there, I identified a few news websites and online communities, particularly tied to my hobbies, to block myself from accessing from my phone. There’s nothing inherently wrong with these sites, but making them inaccessible from my phone reduces the temptation to pick my phone up when bored.   I also unsubscribed from several podcasts and set a self-imposed rule that I won’t listen to podcasts while I’m in the same ro…
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Featured image for “Is Christian Education ’Worth It’?”
August 1, 2022

Is Christian Education ’Worth It’?

by Sheila Mulder
…workers that desire to serve others and work towards restoration.  â†©  Graham, R. (2021, October 19). Christian Schools Boom in a Revolt Against Curriculum and Pandemic Rules. The New York Times. Retrieved May 24, 2022, from  â†©  Smith, J.K.A. (2011). Desiring the kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation…
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Featured image for “Podcast: EQUIPPING for political engagement with Stephanie Summers”
September 21, 2022

Podcast: EQUIPPING for political engagement with Stephanie Summers

by Justin Ariel Bailey, Stephanie Summers
…do you find hope amid the political cynicism of our time? To learn more: Center for Public Justice:  Shared Justice: Unleashing Opportunity book:  More about the Hatfield Prize: Follow CPJ on Twitter: Read an in All things review from Lexi Schnas…
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Featured image for “Technology At Every Moment”
June 13, 2015

Technology At Every Moment

by Justin Vander Werff
…evelopments in communication technology seem to be culturally appropriate. Open Communication is interesting with regards to current communication technology. On the surface, it seems that technological tools like social media and text messaging do nothing but enhance open communication and thus promote and strengthen relationships with respect to this principle. Upon closer inspection, however, I suggest that almost all our new communication tool…
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Featured image for “What the Numbers Tell Us”
March 28, 2019

What the Numbers Tell Us

by Caleb Schut
…econd coming of the Apostle Paul. Like one of Pavlov’s dogs, I find myself coming back to the numbers to validate or wallow. When I suffer statistical overload, I stop at two core numbers: How many first-time visitors are coming to church? And how many of those first-time visitors are returning? It is a problem if no one new is ever attending a church. What might that mean? Perhaps it never occurs to the congregation that they could invite people…
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Featured image for “Apocalyptic Films: <em>Don’t Look Up</em>, A Case Study”
February 23, 2023

Apocalyptic Films: Don’t Look Up, A Case Study

by Elyse Kuperus
…hael Horton, Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World, p. 101  â†© Justin Bailey, Interpreting Your World, p. 103  â†©  â†©…
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The blog.