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Featured image for “A World-Viewing Approach to Faith and Science”
August 29, 2016

A World-Viewing Approach to Faith and Science

by Richard Mouw
…ust type the question into our worldview system and wait for the answer to come. We are on a journey, and often we have no idea what we will come upon around the next bend in the pathway. But we can shine the light of God’s Word on what we see, and pray for the kind of discernment that comes from what God has revealed in the Scriptures. Many of the students whom I teach come from the same kind of spiritual environment in which I was raised. They h…
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Featured image for “Lunar Stories: The Violence of Creation”
August 26, 2016

Lunar Stories: The Violence of Creation

by Channon Visscher
…back to the Earth and some separating into small “moonlets” that merged to complete the formation of what would become our moon. In science, the stories that endure are those that are most consistent with observations of the physical world around us. The best stories are those thought to most closely resemble the actual sequence of events of how things came to be. Recognizing that even small differences early in the story can lead to dramatically…
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Featured image for “The Academy and Aesthetics: A Review of <em>Reformed Public Theology</em>”
October 6, 2021

The Academy and Aesthetics: A Review of Reformed Public Theology

by Gayle Doornbos
…ly powerful in this regard is Fujimura’s article that introduces the term “common curse” to go along with this discussion of “common grace.” For Fujimura, we met with others not only on the grounds of common grace but also in our shared brokenness and experience of trauma, sorrow, and suffering. 3 Thus, as he explains, one of the callings of the artist is to “sympathize with and share in the suffering of those different from us” because we share l…
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Featured image for “Dear Dordt Seniors: With Love, A Graduate From 2022”
May 4, 2023

Dear Dordt Seniors: With Love, A Graduate From 2022

by Josie De Jong
…plea is true in a very specific, very limited way. No matter what area of study you placed your hope in—be it the ones your dad approved of, or, y’know, the humanities, prepare for a period of unemployment. One that might be longer than you expected. Advice: It is not the end of the world. And you are not lazy, stupid, or incompetent. The Midwest concept of failure states that anyone outside of work has the predisposition to be one, if not all th…
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Featured image for “Zechariah”
December 8, 2016


by Dave Schelhaas
…l God. Let me sing a bit of it for you now: O bless the God of Israel, who comes to set us free, who visits and redeems us and grants us liberty. The prophets spoke of mercy, of rescue and release; God shall fulfil the promise to bring our people peace. Now from the house of David a child of grace is given; A Saviour comes among us to raise us up to heaven. Before him goes the herald forerunner in the way, the prophet of salvation, the messenger o…
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Featured image for “In Your Neighborhood”
January 5, 2016

In Your Neighborhood

by Jen Sandbulte
they have texted or snap chatted inappropriate photos of themselves, which come back to haunt them. Most of these girls are free in a physical sense, but in bondage because of lies and manipulation, because of fear for their families, etc. The following statistics from help us understand the magnitude of the problem in the United States. Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in the United States: There are 100,000 to 300,000 underage girl…
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Featured image for “The Promises of God”
May 11, 2017

The Promises of God

by Tori Mann
…e cross. Christ himself had to trust in the promises of God! He had to trust because he was also helpless. But at the same time that Christ needed faith in the God’s promises, he was also fulfilling them, because God’s promise to Abram was fulfilled by Christ. So, in Christ we can find comfort and assurance. Comfort, because we know that Christ knows our suffering and that because he hears us we can always run to him for strength and refuge. Assur…
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Featured image for “Growing in Global Perspectives: A Review of <em>Reading the Bible Around the World</em>”
April 4, 2023

Growing in Global Perspectives: A Review of Reading the Bible Around the World

by Eoghan Holdahl, Jaelyn Dragt, Joya Schreurs, Susan Wang, Hannah Landman
…ning within a given text. In some instances, this approach is helpful. For example, Western interpreters are often committed to researching the cultural and historical context of scriptural passages to apply them most accurately to modern circumstances. In others, it falls short: most often on the favored side of a power imbalance. European and European Americans often fail to grasp power dynamics at work within biblical texts. This chapter was hi…
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Featured image for “Understanding Yourself as a Parent”
September 9, 2016

Understanding Yourself as a Parent

by Tara Boer
…Focus on praising their character and the journey, not just the desired outcome (for example, getting an A on a test). Depression and anxiety can manifest themselves in children and teens who have learned to put their worth in their accomplishments and others’ approval of them rather than their God-given personality and character. Children need to know that their choices are important but their worth comes in being created and loved by a good, goo…
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Featured image for “Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets”
August 4, 2017

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

by Josh Matthews
…o watch Valerian is to look around at it. Early on, Valerian and Laureline enter a multi-dimensional tourist city, half of which takes place in an open desert and the other half in a virtual-reality city market. As it switches back and forth between desert and market, this long scene one-ups all of its predecessors, which include the Star Wars movies, the Star Trek movies, the Hellboy movies, and Avatar. It may be the standard for all virtual-real…
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Featured image for “Spirit-Filled Mindfulness Through Lectio Divina”
May 9, 2017

Spirit-Filled Mindfulness Through Lectio Divina

by Shirley Folkerts
…io divina, we come to God’s Word to be with God, and in this presence we become open to the Holy Spirit’s transforming work in us. Little did I know that this would be the beginning of one of the most meaningful seasons of spiritual growth in my life. Even less so did I realize that I had signed up to memorize Scripture passages each week! If you are not one to memorize Scripture, you should know that memorization is not a requirement for lectio d…
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Featured image for “Recovering a Grammar for the Soul: A Review of <em>The Logic of the Body</em>”
March 29, 2021

Recovering a Grammar for the Soul: A Review of The Logic of the Body

by Donald Roth
…onnecting our executive consciousness and adaptive unconscious. Our body encompasses a world of feeling, linking our adaptive unconscious and the bodily inputs of the world around us. In what remains of this essay, I will describe how this model provides a powerful grounding for a virtue ethic that roots us more firmly in who God is and what Scripture reveals as His purpose for us. Losing our connection with a higher power After Aquinas, the conve…
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Featured image for “A Place To Start For (Patriotic) Christians: A Review of <em> How To Be a Patriotic Christian </em>”
July 19, 2022

A Place To Start For (Patriotic) Christians: A Review of How To Be a Patriotic Christian

by Meg Jenista
…f the evangelical church in North America when it comes to divesting ourselves of unholy alliances with Christian nationalism, there should be nothing stopping us from starting the journey, especially with Richard Mouw and his new book serving as gracious companion and guide along the early stretches of the trail. If you are ready to restart the conversation, or perhaps even repair some of the partisan alienation that has crept into our homes and
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Featured image for “Do Modern Christians Know God Differently?: a review of Chapters 4-5 of <em>Neo-Calvinism</em>”
February 6, 2023

Do Modern Christians Know God Differently?: a review of Chapters 4-5 of Neo-Calvinism

by Geoffrey Fulkerson
…h time traveling, one eventually becomes a stranger in one’s own country,” commented René Descartes. He spoke in travel images, but he had in mind the danger of studying the past. His Discourse on the Method continues, “and when one is too curious about what commonly took place in past ages, one usually remains quite ignorant of what is taking place in one’s own country.”  “…and when one is too curious about what commonly took place in past ages,…
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Featured image for “Social Issues on Social Media”
January 20, 2017

Social Issues on Social Media

by Neal DeRoo
…t out because that’s not something they care about? Am I desiring to build community and create safe spaces for expression, dialogue, validation and affirmation? If so, how do I bring in the people who need that community—and keep out the people who threaten to undermine it? How do I make sure that I myself am not undermining someone else’s safe community through my words and actions? If not every post is shared because people want to debate the t…
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Featured image for “Jesus: Signal of Hope”
July 26, 2017

Jesus: Signal of Hope

by Kate Meyer
…d, I can’t imagine keeping quiet in a moment like that! Finally healed and freed—and saying nothing? I truly can’t fathom it. I read the passage from Matthew in six different versions, and it wasn’t until I read it in the Message that I began to see things differently. Here’s the end of the passage from The Message: “He won’t walk over anyone’s feelings, won’t push you into a corner. Before you know it, his justice will triumph; the mere sound of…
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Featured image for “Embracing Embodiment: A Review of <em> The Wisdom of Your Body </em>”
May 4, 2022

Embracing Embodiment: A Review of The Wisdom of Your Body

by Erin Olson
…a and they are often also judged by their appearance and image. In a small study I completed in partnership with one of my graduate students, we found that Christian women (the sample we surveyed) experience this and many of them cited scripture to justify their punishment of their bodies for not being up to society’s standards. Using verses like 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 which says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who i…
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Featured image for “Community Mental Health in Small Communities: Why We Need More Therapists”
March 17, 2020

Community Mental Health in Small Communities: Why We Need More Therapists

by Erin Olson
…al intervention.   Dig Deeper Interested in a mental health career? Learn more about Dordt University’s online Master of Social Work program: The 100% online MSW program offers three areas of specialization: Clinical Practice Community Practice and Administration Advanced Generalist…
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Featured image for “All the Nations”
August 18, 2017

All the Nations

by Jamin Hübner
…n v. 6 assumes the local. And it is within this scandalously local, other-centered praise that anyone can, in fact, partake without compromising their mind or their conscience. If I’m painfully lying on my death bed and then hear wonderful news about someone else’s life (perhaps of a relationship that’s been reconciled, or of a new birth in the family, etc.), I can genuinely say “Praise God!” –so sincerely in fact, that I may even be able to trans…
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Featured image for “How Do You Pray?”
March 22, 2016

How Do You Pray?

by Todd Zuidema
…e Spirit leads”—because it is “more from the heart.” Can’t the Holy Spirit guide us if we write out our prayers? Is one more heartfelt than the other? I looked at different examples of prayer from Scripture as well as the different traditions of prayer that have been recorded throughout time and in the tradition of the church. I looked at the creeds and confessions of the church—the Heidelberg Catechism and other documents to see what a Reformed p…
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Featured image for “Books Your Kids Should Read”
December 19, 2014

Books Your Kids Should Read

by Sioux Center Public Library
…d find that it is a great discussion starter on slavery in America and the compassion and courage found in one young girl as she cares for and saves a young man. Henry Cole ends his author’s note with the words, ‘I’m hoping you will write the words and make the story your own – filling in all that has been unspoken.” Open Very Carefully: A Book with a Bite by Nick Bromly and Its a Tiger! By David LaRochelle If you are looking for a laugh out-loud…
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Featured image for “Transformative Conversations: A Review of <em> Renewing Communication</em>”
November 22, 2022

Transformative Conversations: A Review of Renewing Communication

by Gail Ashmore
…pel are at the heart of Derr’s writing: “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” Children, youth, and adults will have access to all kinds of messages whether it be through conversation, social media, literature, movies, political rhetoric, news outlets, or advertising. However, it is the work of the Hol…
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Featured image for “The Toughest Question about Christian Education”
September 10, 2018

The Toughest Question about Christian Education

by Leah Zuidema
…al puts it like this: “Ultimately, a Christian education is for others—the common good of the communities in which we and our students live and serve.” This idea about the common good isn’t just a trendy saying. In The Case for Christian Higher Education, the CCCU estimates that its institutions are responsible for contributing $60 billion in total economic output annually (through institutional expenditures, alumni employment, and institutional w…
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Featured image for “Book Review: <em>Singing the Congregation: How Contemporary Worship Music Forms Evangelical Community</em>”
December 18, 2019

Book Review: Singing the Congregation: How Contemporary Worship Music Forms Evangelical Community

by John MacInnis
…Earth: The Conference Congregation as Pilgrim Gathering and Eschatological Community,” Ingalls examines CWM practices at Christian conferences to show how participants are encouraged to interpret the conference congregation as prefiguring the gathering of all believers in the renewed creation, Christianity’s eschatological vision. As Ingalls shows, music’s role in this interpretation is crucial, with eschatological discourse such as repeated menti…
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Featured image for “Twin Poles: A Review of <em>Bavinck</em>”
April 8, 2021

Twin Poles: A Review of Bavinck

by David Westfall
…uch like our own. We would certainly do well to learn from Bavinck’s all-encompassing vision of the gospel’s relevance to every area of life : “The gospel is a joyful tiding not only for the individual person but also for humanity, for the family, for society, for the state, for art and science, for the entire cosmos, for the whole groaning creation” (quoted on 160). According to Eglinton, the story of Bavinck’s personal and intellectual developme…
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