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Featured image for “The Problem with Cussing Christians and Easy Answers”
April 19, 2016

The Problem with Cussing Christians and Easy Answers

by Donald Roth
…ing in my tongue when I’m around my wife or old friends. I’m not a perfect example of Christian practice when it comes to using curse words, but I don’t intend to abandon the effort, and while there might be a list of naughty words for my children not to repeat when they’re young, I hope to be able to shift those rules toward understanding why and how we use language as they get older. Ultimately, the training wheels that simple rules provide need…
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Featured image for “Why Give?”
October 8, 2015

Why Give?

by John Baas
…acters from Mickey Mouse to the Muppets. Even though our selfishness often competes against it, the joy experienced with giving that flows from love is common to the human condition. Need One of the privileges of my work has been to meet many people who have recognized and responded to a neighbor’s need. I’ve seen a couple “adopt” a single mother and her child and help provide food, clothing, job transportation, and advocacy. I’ve seen a family in…
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Featured image for “Consuming Rightly: The Task of Christian Higher Education”
July 21, 2016

Consuming Rightly: The Task of Christian Higher Education

by Jason Lief
…for all to share. Or it is a wedding banquet in which the doors are thrown open, the poor are welcomed, and the sick are healed. It is a way of life shaped by an economy of the Eucharist, the gift of grace that is ours as we consume the body and blood of Jesus Christ—a form of consumption that does not require credentials or grades, money or branding, but a gift that brings healing and forgiveness. As Jesus makes very clear, this way of life is at…
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Featured image for “Discovering the <em>Good</em> in Good Friday”
April 10, 2020

Discovering the Good in Good Friday

by Allison Wordes
the world—what it means to live in this absence of busyness, I came to the passage of Matthew 5. Opening up my Bible to this chapter, I was struck by the relevance to my situation. I have rarely spent time with this sermon because it always seemed rather over-preached and felt a little dry to me. However, this time it was like the lens of my viewpoint had focused, becoming sharper than before. In giving his sermon on the mount, Jesus is talking to…
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Featured image for “The Joy of Having Faith in a Perfectly Faithful God”
March 11, 2017

The Joy of Having Faith in a Perfectly Faithful God

by Stephanie Kuiper
…t low for our sake. The Centurion was a man who was highly esteemed in his community. He had power and wealth. Yet, in verse six, he says he is not worthy to have Jesus even enter his household. There is an important lesson of both trust and humility to be seen in the Centurion. Not only did the man not think himself worthy of being in the presence of Jesus, but he also trusted the power of Jesus enough to ask the Lord to heal his servant from whe…
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Featured image for “Talking back to Christian Parenting: A Review of <em>Habits of the Household</em>”
January 26, 2023

Talking back to Christian Parenting: A Review of Habits of the Household

by Kayt Frisch
come us…who our children are becoming is tightly connected to who we are becoming–personally and communally.”5 After introducing readers to the ideas of habits in the introduction, Earley launches into ten chapters, each describing an area of life and considering how habits may already be present and shaping that area before proposing new habits to consider. The order of the chapters is structured around the rhythm of the day: Waking, Mealtimes, D…
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Featured image for “Teacher Flexibility and the New Normal”
June 29, 2022

Teacher Flexibility and the New Normal

by Sheila Mulder
and instructional design. Schools were implementing professional learning communities, common formative assessments, and differentiation. While these were important goals and ideas, the pandemic widened the achievement gap in students, so they became essential. According to MAP NWEA, student achievement lagged in post-pandemic growth. High achievers seemed to be on target with growth goals pre-pandemic and low achievers seems to lag pre-pandemic…
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Featured image for “Walk Humbly with your God”
December 28, 2015

Walk Humbly with your God

by Charles Veenstra
…hristian. We must pick up on the element of mercy in Micah 6:8. That means compassion, which is in really short supply today. We see almost no compassion for any immigrant — Syrian or otherwise. In fact, self-centered approaches almost always exclude compassion. Check how well your candidate demonstrates compassion. Christians need to lead the way with the famous Micah passage as our guide. We need to show others how to listen and how to show comp…
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Featured image for “Remember That You Are Dust”
April 5, 2017

Remember That You Are Dust

by Liz Moss
…love of Jesus. *** Psalm 143 is often referred to as a psalm to inform and guide the practice of returning to God and the repentance of our sins. “Hear my prayer, O Lord; give ear to my supplications in your faithfulness; answer me in your righteousness.” (verse 1) “Save me, O Lord, from my enemies; I have fled to you for refuge.” (verse 9) “For your name’s sake, O Lord, preserve my life. In your righteousness bring me out of trouble.” (verse 11)…
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Featured image for “Podcast: MAKING – Feature Conversation with Makoto Fujimura”
March 17, 2021

Podcast: MAKING – Feature Conversation with Makoto Fujimura

by Justin Bailey
…r cultural imagination and move forward in a polarized world. During the two weeks after this episode is released, we are giving away five copies of Mako’s new book, Art + Faith. To enter that giveaway, follow this link: All episodes embedded below….
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Featured image for “Podcast: WAITING – Feature Conversation with Tish Harrison Warren”
March 1, 2021

Podcast: WAITING – Feature Conversation with Tish Harrison Warren

by Justin Bailey
…ter about the vision of In All Things and the plan for this podcast. During the first two weeks of the podcast, we are giving away five copies of Tish’s new book, Prayer in the Night. To enter that giveaway, follow this link: All episodes embedded below….
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Featured image for “The Ease and Speed of Judgment”
July 24, 2017

The Ease and Speed of Judgment

by Aaron Baart
…ers). What is worse, our modern form of intellectual trench warfare only becomes even more deeply entrenched as our apps and web browsers study our behavior, re-creating an internet and online world fashioned in our own likeness. In other words, our digital screens end up serving as a sort of mirror. Although, instead of a true reflection of our physical likeness, they shine back at us all of our inner likes and dislikes, political leanings, and f…
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Featured image for “Top 5: Most Helpful Parenting Resources”
June 17, 2022

Top 5: Most Helpful Parenting Resources

by Sarah Moss, Kayt Frisch, Donald Roth, Justin Ariel Bailey, Erin Olson
…ith you also. 4. The Explosive Child by Ross Greene – provides insightful, compassionate, and practical insights for parents whose kids respond to routine problems with disproportionately large (and often violent) reactions (one might describe them as explosive). This book gave me empathy for myself as a parent and the techniques presented in this book have literally changed my life. 5. Audiobooks & Kids podcasts – are our family go-to for the car…
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Featured image for “What if I Don’t Like My Job?”
April 27, 2016

What if I Don’t Like My Job?

by Sarah Moss
your own work life. For example, do you like larger corporations or small companies? Are you most concerned about working with great people, making a fabulous income, or having plenty of opportunities for advancement? A lot of these factors can’t be learned in the classroom; they have to be experienced. So, get out there—job shadow, volunteer, or intern. You’ll learn a lot about yourself and about the type of work you’re interested in, which will…
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Featured image for “Finding Pure Joy”
January 25, 2017

Finding Pure Joy

by Lisa Gierlach-Walker
…erstand the depth of the joy that Zechariah foretold of the incarnate Word entering our world “to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace” (Luke 1:79). Yes, it is January and we have once again left behind the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. Even so, let us continue to bask in the warmth of the pure joy of knowing that God has “visited and redeemed his people” in the person…
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Featured image for “Top 5: Spiritual Formation in Your Home”
August 19, 2022

Top 5: Spiritual Formation in Your Home

by Jessica Joustra
…t’s like being wrapped in a warm blanket”). This book, like the Psalter, encompasses a range of emotions even in its paraphrasing: scared, mad, happy, sad, calm, angry, etc. It’s all there in these short Psalms, teaching children that they can bring all of it, the good and the bad, to God! They are short and impactful, perfect for reading after a meal or before bed! 5. When God Made You by Matthew Paul Turner: this little book explores what it mea…
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Featured image for “The Lord will be Gracious”
December 2, 2016

The Lord will be Gracious

by Donald Roth
…future, the real vision stretches to the coming of the Messiah and beyond. Comfort The comfort in this passage is deep and apparent. Despite the coming trial, God will see to it that His people endure, and He promises to deliver them when they cry out to Him. However, God promises more. Israel is defined by stubbornness (its very name means “struggles with God”), yet God promised that He would one day circumcise the hearts of His people, that He w…
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Featured image for “The Lord is Our Light”
January 20, 2017

The Lord is Our Light

by Katlyn DeVries
…k to her true home – turning, stumbling, straining her eyes for a light to guide her. I can’t help but think that’s what I do all too often. Caught up in the joys of this life that I’ve been given, I venture out into the world, picnicking under the familiar trees—a comfortable job, the respect of colleagues and peers, a happy, healthy family. But too soon, my confidence is shaken as the truth sinks in that these things will never truly satisfy. Th…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table”
February 8, 2018

iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table

by Justin Bailey
…tin Bailey, Erin Olson, and Mary Nickel.   Title: How to Think: A Survival Guide for a World at Odds Author: Alan Jacobs Publisher: Currency (October 17, 2017) Paperback: 160pages Price: $15.00 (Hardcover) ISBN: 978-0451499608 Thanks for your thoughts, Myles. I echo your praise of Alan Jacobs’ excellent book How to Think. I’m most interested in the points you bring up about social media. Like you’ve mentioned, many of our worst pathologies are exa…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table”
February 15, 2018

iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table

by Myles Werntz
…l. Today we hear more from Myles Werntz.   Title: How to Think: A Survival Guide for a World at Odds Author: Alan Jacobs Publisher: Currency (October 17, 2017) Paperback: 160pages Price: $15.00 (Hardcover) ISBN: 978-0451499608 Erin’s pointing us to the phenomenon of “lumping and splitting,” combined with Mary’s reading along the axis of forbearance, brings up a question about the virtues necessary to pursue Jacobs’ preferred way of thinking: In ad…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table”
February 22, 2018

iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table

by Myles Werntz
…cultivation of a friendship with someone with whom you don’t have much in common seems both imprudent and, frankly, a waste of precious time. But, two things come to mind for me when I find myself shrinking from that possibility. First, I’m reminded over and over again of what Bonhoeffer writes in the opening chapter of Life Together, that the worst danger to the church is that of creating a church in our own image, assembled of those with whom w…
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August 7, 2014

How to write, publish, and share effectively online

Some Good Ideas: A Scientific Guide to Posting Tweets, Facebook Posts, Emails, and Blog Posts at the Best Time A Scientific Guide to Writing Great Headlines on Twitter, Facebook, and Your Blog The Anatomy of a Perfect Blog Post: The Data on Headlines, Length, Images and More Subject Line: Choose Your Words Wisely The Ideal Length of Everything Make your writing bold and clear with Hemingway Voice & Tone Buffer’s 9 best social media tips to boost…
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Featured image for “Persecution: Necessary or Inevitable?”
May 20, 2015

Persecution: Necessary or Inevitable?

by Tim Martin
…ore justice (which is the government’s role), it is important to weigh the costs before military intervention is used and to see if there are better, perhaps more Christ-like, ways of handling the situation. It is also important to recognize that, while persecution is an evil, God does indeed work through it, and in fact, seems to use it as one of his greatest tools for building the Church. Although persecution is an evil and we need not fear stop…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table”
February 6, 2018

iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table

by Myles Werntz
…ationships are largely the same. Jacobs proposes that thought, as a social enterprise, occurs in the company of difference, engaging with those whose words and dispositions are not ours. This, I think, is not due to a desire to think differently, but largely due to the ways life (and perhaps our world) is organized: we seek out people in our stage of life, or with our own tastes, or with our backgrounds. As C.S. Lewis once put it, friendship has t…
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Featured image for “What Makes a Church Missional?”
July 14, 2016

What Makes a Church Missional?

by Tanner Smith
…ow God’s leading through your statements of purpose and calling. They must guide you and your community to take the risks you should take together for the sake of God’s expanding reign. What are these “missional” statements of purpose and calling? Mission: Helping people find their way back to God. Vision: To remove barriers that keeps people from turning to God. (See Acts 15:19) Values: We are better together. We will reproduce at all levels. We…
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The blog.