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Featured image for “Freedom in Finitude: Reframing How We Look at Limits”
August 8, 2022

Freedom in Finitude: Reframing How We Look at Limits

by Dawn Berkelaar
…important things when we focus on being masters of our own time. Burkeman comments, “freedom, sometimes, is to be found not in achieving greater sovereignty over your own schedule but in allowing yourself to be constrained by the rhythms of community–participating in forms of social life where you don’t get to decide exactly what you do or when you do it.”8 Sometimes the inconvenient limits on our time, such as the time needed to maintain and nur…
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Featured image for “Top Books 2018”
December 22, 2018

Top Books 2018

…any more. However, there were many more books in 2018 than we were able to review. Compiled by iAt’s Editorial Board, this diverse list gives a variety of topics and genres to consider as you discern what to read in 2019. And we want to hear from you! What books should iAt consider reviewing this next year? Leave your ideas in the comments below. The Drama of Doctrine: A Canonical-linguistic Approach to Christian Theology by Kevin Vanhoozer “Obser…
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Featured image for “Podcast: DOUBTING – Feature Conversation with A.J. Swoboda”
March 30, 2021

Podcast: DOUBTING – Feature Conversation with A.J. Swoboda

by Justin Bailey
…ions Counsel for those who are doubting, as well as for those who are trying to walk with doubters (parents & teachers) The importance of the local congregation when it comes to holding onto faith As we’ve done with previous episodes, we are giving away five copies of A.J.’s book. You can enter the drawing by following In All Things on Social Media, sharing or re-tweeting this episode; leaving a review of the podcast will get you three bonus entri…
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Featured image for “Podcast: RESISTING Celebrity Culture with Katelyn Beaty”
August 24, 2022

Podcast: RESISTING Celebrity Culture with Katelyn Beaty

by Justin Ariel Bailey, Ruth Clark
…rdinary faithfulness are so important for followers of Christ Get Katelyn’s book: To read Ruth Clark’s review:…
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Featured image for “The Choices You Make”
January 6, 2016

The Choices You Make

by Lisa Smith
…ould be the discovery of Christ. Finding Christ’s love, peace, safety, and complete freedom. I can work to help free the victims of human trafficking, but complete freedom is in Christ. I pray as Christ does his work and I believe he will rescue. Prayer for the johns and pimps. A john is the customer paying for service, while a pimp is the person collecting on the service. When it comes to human trafficking, I ask the question, “How could anyone t…
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Featured image for “Grandpa and Grandma’s Table”
December 15, 2016

Grandpa and Grandma’s Table

by Brandon Huisman
…we put on new clothes. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Again, it’s not an option, for just as I am a grandson of Don and Grace Huisman, so we are all one in Christ. Further, verse 29 says: If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. Grandpa and Grandma were not wealthy in worldly things, but they were heirs, an…
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Featured image for “Disagreements as a Pathway Towards Common Ground in Politics”
March 17, 2016

Disagreements as a Pathway Towards Common Ground in Politics

by Harold Heie
…taken on an issue. As Susan Jacoby has suggested, “Americans today have become a people in search of validation for opinions that they already hold,” demonstrating a strong reluctance “to give a fair hearing – or any hearing at all – to opposing points of view,” wanting to hear only an “echo” of themselves. The tragedy of politicians shouting names at each other to garner voter support, or of citizens only listening to an echo of themselves, is t…
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Featured image for “Sanctification and Wild Things”
December 7, 2015

Sanctification and Wild Things

by James Calvin Schaap
…eace of Wild Things When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their li…
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Featured image for “Lessons from a Guinea Pig: Love, Fear and the Law”
February 18, 2017

Lessons from a Guinea Pig: Love, Fear and the Law

by Shelbi Gesch
…el free to go to him or her for help when obedience is hard. She will feel free to confess shortcomings and learn that trying to hide things from mom or dad always ends in more pain. Love has a way of revealing truth. When I first heard the Sunday-school admonition to “fear the Lord,” it confused me. The idea of fearing God, this Almighty unseen and infinite who was somehow also my friend, was something difficult to wrap my child-brain around. C.S…
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Featured image for “Inauguration Day and the Politics of a Partial Exorcism”
January 19, 2021

Inauguration Day and the Politics of a Partial Exorcism

by Donald Roth
…e upon. They recognize the rhetorical impact of distinctive terms that are open to amplification, creating a chasm between the travesty at the capitol and the attempted establishment of “autonomous zones” in several U.S. cities after a summer that turned many urban centers into burned-out war zones. There is a serious difference between the two that should not be papered over, but a spirit of hyperbole papers over similarities as well. Of course,…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: Horrible Decree or Doctrine of Hope”
October 24, 2014

Answering Your Question: Horrible Decree or Doctrine of Hope

by Monica Schaap Pierce
…t ALL be saved, then we have perfect assurance to rest in His will being accomplished, some in life dying and entering into eternal light, and others, who have loved sin, entering into remedial chastisement to accomplish their repentance. What then of those verses which state that God has predestined some to to wrath. Calvin’s error was to take St. Paul’s statements and apply them to the whole of all humanity, based on Augustine’s erroneous anthro…
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Featured image for “Advent Love: The Advent of #MeToo”
December 24, 2018

Advent Love: The Advent of #MeToo

by Aaron Baart
…rch learned to mimic the heaven Jesus described. This is the invitation to come out of hiding and into the light, where freedom for the captive is found, and the broken-hearted move from shame to healing. So, this Christmas, as we ceremoniously light the Advent candle of love, consider it a move of sheer insurrection against the kingdom of darkness, a declaration that we will strive to love like heaven does, renouncing a lust that only ever asks,…
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Featured image for “Are the FCC’s “New” Regulations really an “Obamacare for the Internet”?”
March 12, 2015

Are the FCC’s “New” Regulations really an “Obamacare for the Internet”?

by Donald Roth
…ourt Upholds FCC Role as Data Roamin’ Umpire” CommLawBlog (Dec. 12, 2012). â†© Fact Sheet: Chairman Wheeler Proposes New Rules, Federal Communication Commission (Feb. 4, 2015). â†©…
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Featured image for “De profundis: Lament in Worship”
June 20, 2018

De profundis: Lament in Worship

by Karen A. DeMol
…ar God’s word of forgiveness.13 When we voice our grief and loss we can be open to God’s comfort. When we lift up our troubles and confusion. our eyes can be opened to God’s guidance. And then we can praise. See how David’s Psalms of lament end in praise and trust: Psalm 69:30: “I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.” Psalm 13:6: “But I trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvati…
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Featured image for “Nobody Knows What They’re Doing….and That’s OK”
August 10, 2016

Nobody Knows What They’re Doing….and That’s OK

by Jeremy Engbers
…ents and passions. He will get you to where you need to be. You may take a complete 180 degree turn. Don’t panic. You just need to keep your eyes and ears open and pray for wisdom and discernment in times of uncertainty. Going into college undecided is not the worst thing in the world. In fact, I think it’s really exciting. You have endless possibilities in front of you. If you only let God move you and trust that He will instill a passion within…
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Featured image for “Engaging with the Other”
October 10, 2017

Engaging with the Other

by Justin Meyers
…nly public Christian that many people in Oman will ever meet. But, if I am open to listening to them and opening my heart to them, then I will be able to represent Christ to them. And, one by one, my hope is that their thoughts, feelings, and stereotypes of Christians—and Americans for that matter—might form into something different than what they get from the latest episode of our raunchiest T.V. show, violent movie, or foreign policy. Too often,…
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Featured image for “When Christ Bursts Forth”
May 20, 2017

When Christ Bursts Forth

by Linda Burlew Gold
…salvation was at hand, when Christ’s final victory over sin and death was complete, it was not accomplished with a quiet whisper, but with a bursting forth. Matthew’s Gospel even gives us an earthquake, the very earth bursting forth in triumph at what has been accomplished. Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time for everything. There was a time for the ark and a time for leaving it. There was a time for the tomb and a time for the resurrectio…
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Featured image for “Making Room For Christmas”
December 22, 2022

Making Room For Christmas

by April Fiet
…ld waiting for a Savior with open hands, but the truth is, God had to tear open the heavens and come down to a world that was too busy, too engaged in power struggles, too fixated on doing things in the usual way. God made room in the world for the Christ child because the world, left to its own devices, would never have made the space on its own. I came across a quote somewhere that said (to paraphrase) that each of us has the opportunity to deci…
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Featured image for “Considering Citizenship: Dare to be a Daniel”
July 28, 2020

Considering Citizenship: Dare to be a Daniel

by Abby Foreman
…en we think of democratic citizenship. We have the constitutional right to free speech, we can protest, we have the right and privilege to vote, and we can contact our elected representatives to urge their action on matters important to us. Although these are important elements, reducing citizenship to just these is too narrow a definition. Alexis de Tocqueville successfully summarized it years ago in his observations of early American life: the p…
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Featured image for “Consumerism vs. Calling”
July 22, 2016

Consumerism vs. Calling

by Sarah Moss
…nicked. I frantically searched for a well-paying job, spending hours on my computer scouring job boards and applying for positions. Now, years later, I’m glad I didn’t hear back from some of those companies where I applied. After months of rejection, I’d stopped focusing on positions that would utilize my unique skill set and started applying for jobs that I knew would pay the bills. Would they have been a good use of my God-given skills and abili…
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Featured image for “Race and Policing on the Second Anniversary of Ferguson”
November 22, 2016

Race and Policing on the Second Anniversary of Ferguson

by Donald Roth
…to make headlines.  â†© For instance, a report by the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board in 2015 found that 1% of officers generated 26% of all use-of-force complaints and 93% of all offensive language complaints.  â†© The same NYC Review Board report showed that 86% of officers had no complaints lodged against them during the period of the study.  â†© The Harvard study’s data set on officer-involved shootings focused on Houston, TX, and its…
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Featured image for “2020 Top Podcasts”
December 10, 2020

2020 Top Podcasts

by Emily Rowe
…ear? What podcasts would you recommend to the readers of iAt? Leave your recommendations in the comments. The Christian Humanist Podcast with Victoria Farmer “Three Christians, teachers, and intellectuals gather digitally to hold forth on literature, theology, philosophy, and other things human beings do well. Taking the question at hand utterly seriously and ourselves not at all, the Christian Humanists attempt to record weekly during the school…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option”
April 7, 2017

iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option

by Robert Lancaster
…peaking solely for myself, of course). And if one would look around Sioux Center many of the prescriptions in this book are already being practiced in this community. Many of the concerns Dreher raises (the alarmism he is being accused of), we only know by turning on the television or reading the newspaper. Or looking at the outrage du jour on Twitter. At this point, our livelihoods are not threatened because of what we believe. However, we would…
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Featured image for “Neo-Calvinism for the Nations: Reviewing Part 2 & 3 of <em>Reformed Public Theology</em>”
September 23, 2021

Neo-Calvinism for the Nations: Reviewing Part 2 & 3 of Reformed Public Theology

by Donald Roth
…number of themes which I don’t have the space to get into, but this brief sampling hopefully illustrates the valuable tools that the Neo-Calvinist tradition has to offer to Christians engaged in seeking the common good more broadly, and I commend the work of the scholars published in this volume as a reason for the optimism I have about these tools reaching a new and wider audience.  p. 93  â†©…
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Featured image for “Life”
May 3, 2017


by Josh Matthews
…of Calvin and Hobbes, but you’d be wrong. The works of John Calvin? Wildly entertaining compared to this movie. Anything to do with Calvin Coolidge? An explosion of aesthetic pleasure compared to this movie. Rather, Calvin is the nickname of the Martian creature in “Life” who is reanimated on an International Space Station. Orbiting somewhere above Earth in the very near-future, the station captures a sample of a hibernating single-cell organism f…
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The blog.