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Featured image for “How To Help Your Kid Survive Middle School”
August 9, 2016

How To Help Your Kid Survive Middle School

by Dave Mulder
…agnetic pull on adolescents, and the full text is available on her website free of charge. I highly recommend reading this book! What advice do you have for other parents of young adolescents? In the U.S., there are a wide variety of different grade-level arrangements for young adolescents. In some places, young adolescents are included with elementary schools, such as in a K-8 school. In others, they are included with high schools, in a 7-12 scho…
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Featured image for “The Prophetic and Black and Pentecostal Voice: A Review of <em>Shoutin’ in the Fire</em>”
October 7, 2021

The Prophetic and Black and Pentecostal Voice: A Review of Shoutin’ in the Fire

by Howard Schaap
…t denigrates his Black Pentecostal upbringing in the most painful terms, becoming convinced “that Black Pentecostals like us were not really saved,” and even doubting his own baptism, announcing to his mother that he will get rebaptized because he didn’t feel they “did it right” (“Wages”).  Of this time in his life, Stewart reflects, “The more I pursued white Jesus and his disciples, the more I learned about what felt like the ‘right’ kind of Chri…
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Featured image for “Why the Life of the Mind: A Review of Lost in Thought”
September 3, 2020

Why the Life of the Mind: A Review of Lost in Thought

by Myles Werntz
…ic labor which makes possible the conditions of Mary’s contemplation. Hitz offers examples of working classes who have engaged in contemplation while employed as gardeners, bookkeepers, and day laborers, but it is these who—by doing the dishes—make it possible for the contemplatives to retreat to the library. Precursors to this work, such as A.G. Sertillanges’ The Intellectual Life, and before this, Augustine’s Confessions, presuppose a great deal…
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Featured image for “God’s Got This, <em>Part 2</em>”
September 17, 2020

God’s Got This, Part 2

by Nicole Baart
…do I see beauty today? Whose lives are rich and generous, overflowing with compassion and goodness and light? What is the Christ in me drawn to? Find the fruit. God is always in it. What We Hope For The world has changed so much in the last six months, and even now it’s impossible to predict where we’ll be in a year…or even next month. Travel plans have been disrupted, weddings and baptisms postponed, sports seasons abruptly suspended. Half of our…
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Featured image for “Prayer of Confession”
November 25, 2014

Prayer of Confession

by Liz Moss
…“Harlem.” Or read Christena Cleveland’s post “The Cross and the Molotov Cocktail”, Sarah Bessey’s thoughts “In which I have a few things to tell you about #Ferguson,” or Ebony Adebayo’s article “When Black Victims Become Trending Hashtags.” Peggy, McIntosh. “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” (Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, 1988). Posted online as an excerpt and reprinted again in 2010. ↩…
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Featured image for “The Raging Waters of Advent”
November 28, 2016

The Raging Waters of Advent

by Teresa Ter Haar
…Paul calls us to live not under the law, but under grace. While Advent is often considered a time of waiting for the Christ child and thoughtful reflection, perhaps this year we need to challenge ourselves to do more than wait. The passages for today open up space for us to act with confidence in God’s saving grace. Our baptism into Christ frees us and challenges us to move through the torrent of a broken world. We know that ultimately, we WILL l…
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Featured image for “The Endless Cycle of Want”
December 1, 2015

The Endless Cycle of Want

by Howard Schaap
…people affected along the way by our purchases. Ten Thousand Villages, for example, is a company that attempts to bridge the developing and developed worlds with handicrafts made at the local level. As is so often the case, scripture gives the best insight into both the cycle of want and freedom from that cycle. Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth. You cannot serve two masters. I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances….
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Featured image for “La La Land: A Musical For Everyone”
February 22, 2017

La La Land: A Musical For Everyone

by Marta Vander Top
…g “made it,” each of us can empathize with the characters. We wrestle with compromise, and what it means to be in love and follow your dreams. Mia tells Sebastian that “People love what other people are passionate about,” but he simply responds, “Not in my experience.” Especially those who are in the creative business asks how they can “be themselves” while still being authentically themselves. Thoughts of self-doubt and anxiety cause us to ask, “…
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Featured image for “Why Vote”
November 6, 2018

Why Vote

by Jeff Taylor
…ur local community, and, most importantly, try to provide a daily personal example of truth, morality, justice, mercy, and community. Nowadays, political campaigns tend to be slick, cynical things making use of messianic and apocalyptic language. The language pushes our buttons of hope and fear. We can vote and engage in the political process without buying into such save-the-world, sky-is-falling nonsense. Put in proper perspective, and done with…
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Featured image for “What About the Women?: A Review of <em>The Making of Biblical Womanhood</em>”
May 13, 2021

What About the Women?: A Review of The Making of Biblical Womanhood

by Melissa Bailey
…’t always theologically motivated. More often than not, the power struggle comes first, and the theology comes second as a means to justify decisions already made. If the reader disagrees with that last sentence, then I encourage them to read Barr’s book with an open mind, particularly her analysis of the patriarchy and its tight connection with the inerrancy argument and its use of “slippery slope” theology, and allow the good, bad, and ugly of c…
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Featured image for “Is Pre-Vatican II Roman Catholicism a Closed Church? A Review of Chapters 2-3 of  Neo-Calvinism”
February 14, 2023

Is Pre-Vatican II Roman Catholicism a Closed Church? A Review of Chapters 2-3 of Neo-Calvinism

by Eduardo Echeverria
…ity to teach, he nonetheless argues that ultimately every believer has the complete freedom to interpret the Word of God for himself, by his own light, leaving him “free to confess otherwise” than what the Church teaches in accordance with its creeds and confessions and hence “to conceive the truth of God in some other sense.” Here, then, we have what Alister McGrath once called Protestant Christianity’s dangerous idea. But how can Bavinck’s posit…
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Featured image for “Parenting in the Moment”
October 7, 2016

Parenting in the Moment

by Luralyn Helming
…charge, he simply does not take my discipline as seriously, regardless of comparative severity. We have been working on ways for Jordan to communicate that he is supporting me without him taking over the disciplining. It has not had huge effect yet. We do not find our parenting to be significantly breaking stereotypes, as stereotypes in parenting are being broken all over these days by stay at home dads, two working parent families, single parent…
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Featured image for “Living Business as Mission”
October 23, 2014

Living Business as Mission

by Justin Schuiteman
…United States and around the world as a coordinated effort to advance the common good in the communities to which we are called to live. The event included presentations from three national speakers via simulcast and three local speakers–Amanda Bahena (Christianity, Immigration and Sioux County), Matt Drissell (Why Small Towns Need Art), and Justin Schuiteman. Each local speaker had nine minutes to share their thoughts and wisdom with the partici…
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Featured image for “My Brother, My Sister”
May 18, 2015

My Brother, My Sister

by Charles Veenstra
…ay not bring out the result that we desire. Nevertheless, faithfulness to God requires that we continue to work and pray—including this prayer: “Come quickly, Lord Jesus. Come quickly and make all things new.”…
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Featured image for “What I Have Learned From My Ambivalent Career Path”
June 28, 2016

What I Have Learned From My Ambivalent Career Path

by Dan Beerens
…es and dreams of both public and Christian school teachers. 4. What I have come to understand and believe • God has used my gifts for good in both settings. However, having come to a clearer understanding of my gifts over time, I believe that because of my inclination toward connectedness, my heart will naturally beat faster when I can freely connect my beliefs and actions without restriction. I truly enjoy helping educators make stronger connecti…
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Featured image for “Obediently Listening”
July 18, 2017

Obediently Listening

by Marcy Rudins
…be obedient, or “to obey,” would include stopping, breathing slower, and becoming aware of what is before you? Could this passage mean that obedience might require us to be still? That to “obey the Lord your God” might mean listening or hearing God? Listening to God could mean a whole host of things, as if this verse were opening up a paradoxical Pandora’s Box. What does it mean to listen to God? What does that look like (or sound like)? I’m not h…
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Featured image for “Passing the Mic: A Review of <em>After the Last Border</em>”
November 19, 2020

Passing the Mic: A Review of After the Last Border

by Melissa Stek
…ttlement that moves readers to stand up once again for our country’s noble commitment to welcoming those fleeing violence and persecution across the globe. Readers will meet Mu Naw, a gregarious and brave young mother resettled with her family in Austin, Texas. As a targeted ethnic minority, Mu Naw fled Myanmar as a 5-year-old girl and grew up and started a family in a refugee camp in Thailand. Readers will also meet Hasna, a fierce and loyal moth…
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Featured image for “Is the Gospel Thriving in Postmodern Europe?”
June 25, 2019

Is the Gospel Thriving in Postmodern Europe?

by Sacha Walicord
…ferences depending on the region. The situation looks even bleaker when it comes to churches of the confessionally Reformed persuasion. There is, for example, only one small, somewhat Reformed congregation in the whole country of Iceland. But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. While mainline denominations are shrinking dramatically, Biblically conservative evangelicalism is actually growing, even in traditionally secular places like Franc…
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Featured image for “Shame, Vulnerability, and Faith”
October 2, 2014

Shame, Vulnerability, and Faith

by Sara Gerritsma De Moor
…ess means we are unable to withstand attack, vulnerability enables us to become aware of and to protect areas of ourselves that need special attention. This makes us LESS prone to the damages inflicted by those who would attack and shame us. Given this contrast, it becomes clear that–counter-intuitively—to embrace vulnerability is actually a profound act of courage, and requires strength rather than weakness. Vulnerability is neither always good n…
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Featured image for “Respectful Conversations as Deep Expression of Love”
December 3, 2014

Respectful Conversations as Deep Expression of Love

by Harold Heie
and deep conviction. But I may be wrong. So, I need to model that unusual combination of commitment and openness to correction that Ian Barbour points to as a sign of “religious maturity”: “It is by no means easy to hold beliefs for which you would be willing to die, and yet to remain open to new insights; but it is precisely such a combination of commitment and openness that constitutes religious maturity.” Another obstacle is lack of patience….
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Featured image for “Expecting”
December 16, 2015


by Lisa Smith
…tion of the coming child. Right now Christians have an expectation for the coming of Christ. We want Him to come now, and that’s great! However, we cannot forget the beauty and joy in the present. A prayer from the heart to have our eyes opened—how God’s kingdom is here on earth, and the blessings we have from Him and the lessons He wants to teach us. Through the expectation of Christ’s coming we cannot forget the beauty that we miss out on if we…
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Featured image for “How to Get a Job”
September 10, 2015

How to Get a Job

by Liz Moss
…i feels most companies are really looking for experience and likeability. “Companies want employees who have a passion for what they do, work hard, and love their job.” Any experience or internships college students can get while studying is vital. Employers want their future employees to have a taste and feel for the job and solid references — without it, they can’t predict too well how the job candidate will really do in the job. Employers seek…
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Featured image for “God’s Power and Belly of the Whale”
July 29, 2017

God’s Power and Belly of the Whale

by Lisa Smith
…or Him, who is most powerful. Daily we should be praying and asking Him to open our eyes to His power and strength, open our eyes to see how he is working—whether in big wonders or small signs. We pray and ask to remember that he is constant, the same God who brought all of those people to Him. So, ask boldly for God to work always, but do so not to test. Rather, pray in the knowledge that God’s strength and power comes in big and small ways, and
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Featured image for “Cultivating a Biblical Imagination”
October 13, 2015

Cultivating a Biblical Imagination

by Jason Lief
…what does the text say? And who gets to decide? When I read Augustine, for example, I don’t come away with a scientific reading of the text. (Honestly… I’m not always sure I know what he’s talking about.) If the meaning of the biblical text is always the shallow, literalistic reading, I’m not sure Augustine would have converted to Christianity. Not that he’s the standard of orthodoxy, but Calvin seemed to take him very seriously. A positive impact…
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Featured image for “Expecting: Being Ready”
December 14, 2015

Expecting: Being Ready

by Dave Mulder
…-don’t-miss-the-bus” sort of message? What if it’s more of a “you’ve-been-trained-and-equipped-so-get-busy-bringing-in-the-Kingdom” kind of encouragement? How would this change your sense of expectation? For those of us living between Christ’s first coming and second coming, we too are called to be ready. Are you living expectantly, watching for Christ’s coming? Are you looking for the places where the Kingdom will break into the here-and-now? Are…
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The blog.