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Featured image for “Parenting in the Moment”
October 7, 2016

Parenting in the Moment

by Luralyn Helming
…charge, he simply does not take my discipline as seriously, regardless of comparative severity. We have been working on ways for Jordan to communicate that he is supporting me without him taking over the disciplining. It has not had huge effect yet. We do not find our parenting to be significantly breaking stereotypes, as stereotypes in parenting are being broken all over these days by stay at home dads, two working parent families, single parent…
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Featured image for “How To Help Your Kid Survive Middle School”
August 9, 2016

How To Help Your Kid Survive Middle School

by Dave Mulder
…feeling the same way!) This can be a fine balance to walk, but strive for open lines of communication, reassuring them that you are willing to listen, and try not to pry too Young adolescents need plenty of sleep. With their busy schedules, homework may be pushed off until evening, and the draw of technological entertainment and social media can be significant for them as well. Encourage reasonable limits—like no cell phones or video games after…
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Featured image for “God’s Got This, <em>Part 2</em>”
September 17, 2020

God’s Got This, Part 2

by Nicole Baart
…ds. “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come!’ Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” (Revelation 22:17) The invitation has been issued and our happily-ever-after is assured. For the days we are given in the in-between, may we join the Author in crafting a tale that is overflowing with beauty and hope…yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Come, Lord Jesus….
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Featured image for “Why vote?”
October 23, 2015

Why vote?

by Jeff Taylor
…ur local community, and, most importantly, try to provide a daily personal example of truth, morality, justice, mercy, and community. Nowadays, political campaigns tend to be slick, cynical things making use of messianic and apocalyptic language. The language pushes our buttons of hope and fear. We can vote and engage in the political process without buying into such save-the-world, sky-is-falling nonsense. Put in proper perspective, and done with…
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Featured image for “Letting Go”
June 23, 2021

Letting Go

by Dawn Berkelaar
…also want him to make choices that stem from his own convictions. There is freedom in letting go of my expectations for what he will do and who he will be. And there is comfort in knowing that God understands and cares for him and for my other children on a level deeper than I do. I have prayed for my children all along, but more and more I pray that the Spirit will help me let go appropriately, and that my children will know the love of Christ an…
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Featured image for “Are Healthcare Bills Racking Up? You Might Qualify for Help”
February 19, 2016

Are Healthcare Bills Racking Up? You Might Qualify for Help

by Derrick Vander Waal
…romise and other healthcare systems are – the patients should not be affected much. Finally, don’t hesitate to ask questions. “Anybody is welcome to come in – not just Promise patients,” she said….
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Featured image for “Aleppo: Making Sense of the Tragedy”
January 4, 2017

Aleppo: Making Sense of the Tragedy

by Hélène Rey
…r help would make the greatest impact. And at home, we should follow their example and open our arms to those whom the war brought to our countries. It is easy to be afraid of people we do not know. But as Christians, it is our duty to welcome them. “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself” (Lev 19:33-34) Let us not be “arroga…
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Featured image for “John the Baptist and Advent”
December 8, 2015

John the Baptist and Advent

by Aaron Baart
…d the season of Advent, it was John. His life, ministry, and teaching all centered around preparing for the coming Messiah. In fact, even before his birth, we are told that his life would essentially become the personification of Advent. But John’s version of Christmas preparation stands in stark contrast to our cultural one today. As recorded in Luke’s Gospel, his message of preparation sounded like this: 3 He went into all the country around the…
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Featured image for “My Brother, My Sister”
May 18, 2015

My Brother, My Sister

by Charles Veenstra
…ay not bring out the result that we desire. Nevertheless, faithfulness to God requires that we continue to work and pray—including this prayer: “Come quickly, Lord Jesus. Come quickly and make all things new.”…
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Featured image for “Being Good News”
December 7, 2017

Being Good News

by Rachel Reinink
…ty kept coming up that seemed like the best fit. They are called Missional Communities. Essentially, a Missional Community is a lightweight, low maintenance weekly gathering in someone’s home. We eat, we give thanks, and we pray. That’s it. But it’s intentional. Every Wednesday, for the past two years, we have opened the doors, cooked some food, and said, “Come, eat.” We’ve had to say no to things, but we believe, that being good news to our neigh…
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Featured image for “Cultivating a Biblical Imagination”
October 13, 2015

Cultivating a Biblical Imagination

by Jason Lief
…what does the text say? And who gets to decide? When I read Augustine, for example, I don’t come away with a scientific reading of the text. (Honestly… I’m not always sure I know what he’s talking about.) If the meaning of the biblical text is always the shallow, literalistic reading, I’m not sure Augustine would have converted to Christianity. Not that he’s the standard of orthodoxy, but Calvin seemed to take him very seriously. A positive impact…
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Featured image for “Poetry, Madness, and a Cat Named Jeoffry”
April 28, 2017

Poetry, Madness, and a Cat Named Jeoffry

by Aleisa Dornbierer-Schat
…ime, back to life: … Easeful air presses through the screen with the wild, complex song of the bird, and I am overcome by ordinary contentment. What hurt me so terribly all my life until this moment? How I love the small, swiftly beating heart of the bird singing in the great maples; its bright unequivocal eye.3 Sometimes, it’s the smallest, most ordinary thing that restores us—the dog, breathing in and out; the bright eye of a songbird; the cat,…
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Featured image for “Books Your Kids Should Read”
December 19, 2014

Books Your Kids Should Read

by Sioux Center Public Library
…a serious disease. Naomi, or “Chirp” as friends and family call her, finds comfort in birds and her friend, Joey, the boy from across the street. This is a juvenile novel that I would highly recommend – it is funny and very touching with great honesty. A bit slow going – but it picks up and keeps you turning pages to the very last one. Cartwheeling in Thunderstorms by Katherine Rundell Here is a book that I will be sharing with our “juvenile” read…
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Featured image for “Once-For-All Sacrifice”
April 10, 2017

Once-For-All Sacrifice

by Justin Vander Werff
…that Christ, in this confidence and power, is “a light for the nations, to open the eyes that are blind”. And we are reminded that Christ alone is the source of our confidence. Christ is powerful over all creation, yet he cares enough to open our eyes, to love us, in spite of our sinfulness, feebleness, and frailty. As we walk through this week, let’s be reminded that every week is Holy Week, and every week we have the privilege of knowing and liv…
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Featured image for “How to Get a Job”
September 10, 2015

How to Get a Job

by Liz Moss
…are on the job search? What tips would you give? Leave your advice in the comments below. Bureau of Labor Statistics, accessed 9/9/15. â†© Since graduating from Dordt College in 1987, Bryan has been involved in the recruiting world his entire career, serving in roles such as College Recruiter, Human Resources Management, and Leadership Development Consultant. For the past 3 years Bryan has been a full-time recruiter specializing in the Ag industry….
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Featured image for “Making a Desert in Mosul”
December 14, 2016

Making a Desert in Mosul

by Joel Veldkamp
…. But what can we “do”? Glad you asked! We can welcome Iraqi refugees with open arms and open homes, as we have opportunity. We can give generously to organizations trying to help Christians, Yazidis and Muslims who have become victims of the Islamic State and the Battle of Mosul. We can press our new president to protect Christians, Yazidis and Sunni civilians. The next time our leaders try to sell us on a war or sanctions regime or revolution or…
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Featured image for “Advent: What are you Waiting for?”
December 11, 2015

Advent: What are you Waiting for?

by Neal DeRoo
…ace when they open that perfect present we got for them? Are we waiting to open our own presents, and see what new toys we will have to play with? Are waiting for our favorite Christmas carol to play on the radio, or for our favorite Christmas special to play on TV? Are we waiting to see our kids or grandkids perform in their Christmas programs, singing the songs we sang as kids, re-enacting the story that has been done and re-done, year after yea…
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Featured image for “What I Have Learned From My Ambivalent Career Path”
June 28, 2016

What I Have Learned From My Ambivalent Career Path

by Dan Beerens
…es and dreams of both public and Christian school teachers. 4. What I have come to understand and believe • God has used my gifts for good in both settings. However, having come to a clearer understanding of my gifts over time, I believe that because of my inclination toward connectedness, my heart will naturally beat faster when I can freely connect my beliefs and actions without restriction. I truly enjoy helping educators make stronger connecti…
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Featured image for “Expecting: Being Ready”
December 14, 2015

Expecting: Being Ready

by Dave Mulder
…-don’t-miss-the-bus” sort of message? What if it’s more of a “you’ve-been-trained-and-equipped-so-get-busy-bringing-in-the-Kingdom” kind of encouragement? How would this change your sense of expectation? For those of us living between Christ’s first coming and second coming, we too are called to be ready. Are you living expectantly, watching for Christ’s coming? Are you looking for the places where the Kingdom will break into the here-and-now? Are…
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Featured image for “Is the Gospel Thriving in Postmodern Europe?”
June 25, 2019

Is the Gospel Thriving in Postmodern Europe?

by Sacha Walicord
…mi-autonomous province of the United Kingdom with a historically strong Protestant witness. Protestants represent the majority religion in the region with almost 50% of inhabitants defining themselves as such. It is, of course, a completely different question how many of these self-declared Protestants are actually true born-again Christians. Only God Himself, as the searcher of hearts, knows the answer to this question. The second possible assump…
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Featured image for “Hidden Curriculum: Stumbling Along the Trail towards Faith Formation”
February 25, 2020

Hidden Curriculum: Stumbling Along the Trail towards Faith Formation

by Dave Mulder
…l of these things. I’m not part of the ‘we.’” My friend and her family are definitely Christians, but I would say that they are more moderate or even left-leaning politically. Compared to many of their neighbors and friends from church and the local Christian school, they are more progressive on social issues, and perhaps even theological issues. So, it’s probably no wonder Jake might start to realize that some of his family’s values are different…
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Featured image for “Listening to a Language Not Our Own:  Reading Louise Erdrich’s The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse”
June 28, 2017

Listening to a Language Not Our Own: Reading Louise Erdrich’s The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse

by Samuel Martin
…s DeWitt again, all because of her musical, mystical encounter with a dead composer. She then finds herself a companion to a farmer named Berdnt, whom she later marries. Their love is described in the same sensuous way as her encounters with Chopin. Both Chopin and Berdnt speak to her in languages foreign to her, and what they speak changes her. She is unsettled by Chopin’s music, as she is by Berndt’s love for her, and she returns to Chopin’s mus…
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Featured image for “I Am a Part”
November 22, 2021

I Am a Part

by Josie De Jong
…y my peers, but also my professors and the surrounding community of Sioux Center. My eyes are open, eager for the new, for things they’ve never seen, for the intimidating and unfamiliar.  Let me tell you about one of those things.  A couple months ago, I went volunteering with my professor Bob De Smith and his wife, Rebecca. Through their church and connections with others in Sioux Center, Rebecca was introduced to an organization called Sack Pack…
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Featured image for “Obediently Listening”
July 18, 2017

Obediently Listening

by Marcy Rudins
…oductivity for as long as we can remember. In schools we are measured with tests, in families we are compared with other family members, in friend groups we’re measured on whether we’re good enough, and in society we are met with an endless list of standards and expectations. It’s all too much. It seems like we can’t escape these expectations and unrealistic ideals anywhere we turn. Some of us turn to the church, hoping for refuge and maybe even a…
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Featured image for “Respectful Conversations as Deep Expression of Love”
December 3, 2014

Respectful Conversations as Deep Expression of Love

by Harold Heie
and deep conviction. But I may be wrong. So, I need to model that unusual combination of commitment and openness to correction that Ian Barbour points to as a sign of “religious maturity”: “It is by no means easy to hold beliefs for which you would be willing to die, and yet to remain open to new insights; but it is precisely such a combination of commitment and openness that constitutes religious maturity.” Another obstacle is lack of patience….
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The blog.