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Featured image for “By Our Love”
January 28, 2017

By Our Love

by Josh Bootsma
Daily Scripture Texts Psalm 15 Micah 3:1-4 John 13:31-35 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35 Love. What a loaded word—perhaps so loaded that its true meaning has been lost entirely. We love “that scarf.” We love “that new Mustang.” “That new carpet in the chur…
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Featured image for “Curbing Climate Change”
April 22, 2020

Curbing Climate Change

by Lindsay Mouw
…rs cannot be left as a poignant, momentary imploration. These stories must compel comprehensive, urgent action to solve the climate crisis and provide justice for those who are losing everything. As Christians, personal and behavioral action is an integral aspect of our faith. By making sustainable choices, we are choosing to fulfill the Genesis 2:15 mandate to steward creation by working it and caring for it. To work suggests that we should use t…
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Featured image for “A Christian Way to Work”
April 7, 2016

A Christian Way to Work

by Andrew Peterson
…a result, there are many types of students. At its worst, academic study becomes self-absorbed, a sort of self-indulgent puzzle game. The road to a funded PhD position at a good school can encourage many bad habits. It sometimes favors those who are willing to talk over or forcefully defeat the thoughts of fellow students in order to win the favor of faculty members. It sometimes favors those capable of diving deepest into the minutiae of obscure…
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Featured image for “Stop S’Driving to Become”
August 11, 2016

Stop S’Driving to Become

by Sam Leverton
…without getting overwhelmed in doing. Trust your doing to the One-Who-Does-It-All. Trust that God is making you. Be (with God) and you’ll become. Here’s the thing I’m learning: God created us as we are. The Lord created us to be. God also created us to become. He has lovingly and purposefully placed specific traits and attributes inside of you that this world needs more of. If you let God, the Creator will use and cultivate growth in the traits t…
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Featured image for “Has a Nation Ever Changed its Gods?”
March 22, 2017

Has a Nation Ever Changed its Gods?

by Donald Roth
…it is. From the Garden on, mankind has been inclined to the worship of self-over-savior, and resisting that impulse is something truly radical. It’s not impossible to worship God well in the modern age, but we should be suspicious if it seems too easy. Scripture shines a light that makes the foolishness of the Israelites clear, but that light falls on us as well. Where do you see these temptations creeping in in your life? Let us all pray for the…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table”
February 12, 2018

iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table

by Mary Nickel
…suggests that online encounters aren’t less ideologically diverse than face-to-face encounters. But, it seems clear to me that the problem isn’t simply about what kind of exposure individuals have to ideological difference. Many of us, I think, have had a great deal of exposure to what Jacobs calls an “RCO”—a repugnant cultural other—on social media. The trouble is that it is vastly more feasible to dismiss, berate, or dehumanize an RCO online tha…
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Featured image for “Bible Stories No One Talks About”
October 16, 2015

Bible Stories No One Talks About

by Mark Verbruggen
…e in the biblical narrative. In Genesis 38, Judah has sex with his daughter-in-law whom he mistakes for a prostitute. However, from this son of Jacob and his affair will come our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Matthew 1). In Judges 19-21, there is a long story that begins with a Levite and his concubine who is later taken by the men of Gibeah who rape her all night long and leave her for dead at the door of the house. What follows is a civil war be…
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Featured image for “Be Not Afraid…To Vote for a Third-Party Conservative Candidate”
November 4, 2016

Be Not Afraid…To Vote for a Third-Party Conservative Candidate

by Tom Clark
…will likely hurt the chances of a third party candidate getting elected if–in Iowa for example–Trump voters move over to McMullin or Johnson and consequentially, Hillary takes the state. Outside of Arizona and Utah, Trump needs all the swing states he can get to prevent Hillary from reaching 270. Indeed, a vote for Trump in a swing state could actually be a vote for McMullin or Johnson. The tricky part is going to be making sure that such a bal…
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Featured image for “The Hardest Thanks (On Being Broken Bread)”
November 27, 2014

The Hardest Thanks (On Being Broken Bread)

by Jennifer Dukes Lee
…“Thanks for Everything,” and it has long been the tradition at our 125-year-old church — where gray-haired farmers share pews with diapered babies and their mamas. Every November, around Thanksgiving, we celebrate the annual tradition with a Sunday meal. But before the catered dinner, we always feast on Word and Sacrament. So there we were, packed into our small sanctuary. And there I was, trembling at the pulpit to deliver a few words. Pastor had…
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Featured image for “Hell or High Water: Tattered and Familiar”
April 10, 2017

Hell or High Water: Tattered and Familiar

by Bob De Smith
…theme of the film. The movie transcends all that familiarity with its reap-the-whirlwind logic tempered by a deep love between the brothers. The climax of the film comes when the two are parting ways on their horses—I mean vehicles—and need to say those three words that brothers find so hard to say. The scene is perfect (This from a brother whose only crimes with his bro were a few backroad drag races—sorry, dad). And while the plot is intricate…
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Featured image for “Joseph the Imperturbable”
December 5, 2016

Joseph the Imperturbable

by Howard Schaap
…y. Of course, Joseph’s dream and the Christ-child that it promised held no real comfort for Joseph himself. “He will save his people from their sins,” the dream promises, but it’s a future promise and tremendously broad, almost abstract. For Joseph, there is little comfort in store. He will take in a wife about whom others whisper. He will make a cross-country trek with this wife while she is large with child, walking while she rides a donkey, onl…
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Featured image for “What Makes a Church Missional?”
July 14, 2016

What Makes a Church Missional?

by Tanner Smith
…ice.” What do your committees do? Nothing, because we don’t have permission-giving committees. Recently, someone shared a burden she has to help women connect with each other. She wondered if we could start a women’s ministry committee. I said “No, we don’t have committees. How about if you and I meet and talk about what you really want to accomplish and then I’ll help you figure out the next steps.” This sounds risky, because it is. But it’s less…
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Featured image for “Learning to Love Literature”
May 12, 2016

Learning to Love Literature

by John Baas
…olumnist David Brooks says “moral improvement occurs most reliably when we come into contact with people we admire and love, and we consciously and unconsciously bend our character to mimic theirs.” I keep finding people to admire in books. From real life heroes like Louis Zamperini in “Unbroken” and Sarah Thebarge in “The Invisible Girls,” to fictional characters like Mr. Peggotty, in Dickens’ “David Copperfield,” who, like the parable’s good she…
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Featured image for “Understanding Scripture”
November 28, 2017

Understanding Scripture

by Jonny Craig
…derstanding? The transformative nature of Scripture is minimized and our propensity to re-author Scripture is maximized. In other words, we naturally read Scripture and filter it through our own categories and experiences, creating a meaning from a passage that aligns with the world as we already understand it. And as long as we, as pastors and church leaders, continue to press people toward reading rather than understanding, we will continue to p…
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Featured image for “Mathematical Justice?”
March 29, 2017

Mathematical Justice?

by Valorie Zonnefeld
…tion of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences? Their biennual conference is this spring (May 31 – June 3) , reduced early registration ends April 1. Francis Su is an active member….
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Featured image for “Let the Fire Out”
June 26, 2017

Let the Fire Out

by Alex Ross
Daily Scripture Texts Psalm 86:1-2; 16-17 Jeremiah 20:7-13 Romans 6:1b-11 Matthew 10:24-39 Following a calling from God can be both gloriously liberating and excruciatingly painful. One of the marks of a true calling from God is that it is unavoidable, you may try to repress it but you simply cannot. You are drawn to your calling because it is woven into your very being. Whether you are called to be an artist, an activist, a farmer, a pastor, or…
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Featured image for “Giveaway”
March 7, 2019


by James Calvin Schaap
…of the room, protested to the woman’s daughter. “I’m not family—some great-granddaughter should really have this. . .” She looked at me as if I’d uttered an obscenity, and I got the message: the blessing of the ritual was not my getting but her mother giving. That is what it was all about. She smiled at me, but her expression made it clear: “Don’t muck things up.” *** On an April morning a few years earlier, I felt a notion of what a “giveaway” m…
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Featured image for “The Ease and Speed of Judgment”
July 24, 2017

The Ease and Speed of Judgment

by Aaron Baart
…good-point-creating-some-helpful-dissonance-in-my-thought-life-and-I-should-really-pause-and-think-about-that-before-responding.” However, perhaps spoon-fed news and overly-simplistic opinions from one of “our guys” might not actually be the greatest danger in the way that we engage the world. My greatest social media/fake news/online fear is that this new way of interacting with ideas is making us incredibly judgmental. In a very short period of…
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Featured image for “Advent: Clearing a Path for Christmas”
December 1, 2015

Advent: Clearing a Path for Christmas

by Mary Beth Pollema
…reparing the way of the LORD is a word picture that reveals to us that the real preparation for Christmas must take place in our hearts. This is the preparation that demands our focus so that we may rightfully acknowledge the deep significance of the coming of our Messiah. With our hearts well prepared, we engage in many of the other activities of the season that also point us on this path, but we need to be wary of those that distract us from att…
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Featured image for “Easter Morning and New Realities: To Be Made Alive Together With”
March 27, 2016

Easter Morning and New Realities: To Be Made Alive Together With

by Aaron Baart
…e or culture the world has ever known. The word in Greek is a new verb: syn-zwo-poiesen: “to be made alive together with.” It’s all one word. And the result of Paul’s efforts to describe this new reality is more than simply a new entry in the Greek dictionary. It changes everything. You and I were made alive together with Christ. So when he was raised from the dead, so were we. When he conquered sin and death, and hell, and all its final implicati…
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Featured image for “A Christian Response to Pride Month: Is Pride Revolution or Carnival?”
June 21, 2022

A Christian Response to Pride Month: Is Pride Revolution or Carnival?

by Donald Roth
…ne with even a passing familiarity with the social phenomenon. So is Pride really an anti-structure that serves, almost counterintuitively, to uphold the structure of a heteronormative society? I think both yes and no. Pride doesn’t have exactly the dynamics of Carnival. For one, the idea that we might desire a sort of perpetual bacchanalia seems to be more seriously entertained. Further, ancient anti-structure featured an intentional synthesis wi…
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Featured image for “How Should Christians View Fantasy Sports?”
September 22, 2015

How Should Christians View Fantasy Sports?

by Paul Fessler
…offline can be. Playing with people you like and know fairly well is great — if they all know how to keep it in balance. But we all know those friends who are overcompetitive, prone to trash talk that goes too far, or maybe they’re just comfortable with a level of intensity that makes others feel stress and anxiety. My personal experience with fantasy leagues was brief. Like financial markets and geopolitical analysis it is fascinating and addict…
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Featured image for “Christ, Consumerism, and Christmas”
December 2, 2015

Christ, Consumerism, and Christmas

by Aaron Baart
…one more cultural liturgy or marketing ploy? What if (and I say this tongue-in-cheek, of course) Jesus doesn’t give a rip about Starbucks cups or that he really does hope you have a happy holidays? On one occasion, Jesus showed up at a scene where the religious and the commercial had assumed they could make perfectly compatible bedfellows. It didn’t go so well. In fact, this is the one story of the Bible where Jesus appears to become more angry th…
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Featured image for “What Does it Mean to be Pro-Life?”
September 3, 2015

What Does it Mean to be Pro-Life?

by Erin Olson
…ountry (and around the world, for that matter). And while there is no quick-and-easy solution to fix poverty, being pro-life means we should be having conversations about how to get kids and families out of poverty. Poverty often means a lack of access to food, safe and clean housing, quality education, and healthcare. Governmental assistance programs such as WIC (Women, Infants, & Children), SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, former…
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Featured image for “Nature or Nurture: Leadership as a Learned Trait vs. Leadership Inheritance”
August 18, 2016

Nature or Nurture: Leadership as a Learned Trait vs. Leadership Inheritance

by Eric Forseth
…ut Biblical principles in the context of his work as CEO of Herman Miller, one of the most consistently admired companies to work for in the U.S.. I was inspired by his book Leadership Jazz to write this poem on leadership: Marion D.+Van+Soelen Thank you Eric! This is why you are a great humble leader! Larré Robertson Great read Eric. I have learned much from you. Greg Wiles…
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The blog.