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Featured image for “In spite of hardship”
September 11, 2014

In spite of hardship

by Eric Forseth
…pending the next eight hours in a hospital bed waiting for the children to come home. I’ve often wondered how we can be so self-absorbed when we really aren’t going through that many hardships compared to others. Do you wonder if you could give yourself away in the same way Barnabas did? Do you wonder if you can give yourself away in the same way Barnabas did? Could the following types of actions allow you to give yourself away? Listening instead…
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August 21, 2014


…This User Guide covers the content creation, editing, publishing, and management tasks you will do as an Editor or Webmaster for Version 1.0 • September 2014 ~all things flow……
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Featured image for “Reading in Context: Justice Like Waters, and Righteousness Like an Ever-Flowing Stream”
April 26, 2018

Reading in Context: Justice Like Waters, and Righteousness Like an Ever-Flowing Stream

by Tom Boogaart
…will never be thirsty.” Then, he adds, “The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life” (4:13-14). Both Amos and Jesus give us a remarkable image of what it means to be the people of God. In our life together, in our resting and in our working, in our solitude and in our communion, in our being and in our doing, we are a river of life. Our acts of justice and righteousness are water in a dry and thirst…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: Elder and Deacon Training”
October 20, 2014

Answering Your Question: Elder and Deacon Training

by Liz Moss
…as Christ served. They are people of spiritual commitment, exemplary life, compassionate spirit, and sound judgment. Deacons are called to serve the people, providing a ministry of mercy, service and outreach. Beyond gathering the offerings, deacons work to care for the gifts faithfully and distribute them to persons in need, working to advance God’s kingdom on earth. Elders are called to a ministry of caring for the church through oversight of al…
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Featured image for “Seeking Connections: A Podcast Review of <em>Rabbit Hole</em>”
January 12, 2021

Seeking Connections: A Podcast Review of Rabbit Hole

by Jackson Nickolay
…nity for those hungry for these things? How has this migration from church community to online chatrooms and comment threads happened, and is there any responsibility the church has for this migration? Have we failed in our calling to cultivate connection? Have we made our spaces less about who belongs and more about who doesn’t? Of course, Rabbit Hole does not answer these questions for us. But it does jog them loose and forces us to ask more que…
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Featured image for “Leading Redemptively: The Heart of Christian Leadership”
May 6, 2020

Leading Redemptively: The Heart of Christian Leadership

by Ryan Zonnefeld
…seen in the actions of a leader, but the deeper purpose and direction that guide these actions is rooted in heart-commitments that lie at the core of the leader. Or, to put it another way, the liturgies of the hands (acts of leading) are grounded in a philosophical imagination that comes from the head, directed by the heart.2 We need to focus on the heart before we focus on the head (leadership thinking and knowledge) or the hands (leadership skil…
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Featured image for “Only from God”
April 16, 2019

Only from God

by Heather Beaudoin
…death penalty returned in 1976. It was no surprise that these “fixes” were completely insufficient, and that major racial discrimination still exists. For example, multiple studies show that if you kill a white person, you are much more likely to receive a death sentence than if you kill a person of color. And, it is not just racial inequality that we are dealing with. The death penalty comes with major economic disparities as well. If you can aff…
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Featured image for “God’s Nearness in Grief and Suffering: A Review of <em>Either Way We’ll Be All Right</em>”
September 1, 2021

God’s Nearness in Grief and Suffering: A Review of Either Way We’ll Be All Right

by Anna Westfall
…am in turmoil.” A soul in chaos may need to wrestle or to rest, and God welcomes both. The patriarch Jacob wrestled with God through the night. Jesus himself invites the weary to rest. Faith in the midst of suffering does not mean there is no struggle; it means the struggle is Godward. Tonjes then shifts finally to God Victorious. He offers Jesus’ triumph to grief’s cynicism that “death is the last word.” Tonjes focuses on the Christian story that…
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Featured image for “In, For, and Becoming All Things Within God’s Family: A Review of <em>Becoming All Things</em>”
July 14, 2021

In, For, and Becoming All Things Within God’s Family: A Review of Becoming All Things

by Chandra Crane
…defining themselves” (41). This is the way forward which we learn from the example of Jesus—what Reyes calls “the theology of cultural accommodation in a nutshell” (55)—we strive to sit with cultural differences, sit with the reality of our own discomforts, and remind ourselves that we humans are not the standard. Indeed, “no one person or cultural group is the standard…” (62), which means that “no one person gets to place a higher value on his or…
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Featured image for “Shining a Light on Mental Health”
May 3, 2022

Shining a Light on Mental Health

by Mark Christians, Jon Moeller, Leah Mouw, Melanie Wynja
…ans, in law enforcement need to learn how to address these challenges with compassion and mercy, while keeping our officers safe when coming alongside someone in crisis.” Jon Moeller Law enforcement agencies report that 5 to 15 percent of their annual calls for service involve an individual struggling with mental illness. Although these calls for service may not include actual criminal activity, they may include missing or endangered individuals,…
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Featured image for “Memento Mori: A Review of <em>The End of the Christian Life</em>”
January 21, 2021

Memento Mori: A Review of The End of the Christian Life

by Todd Zuidema
…t question and answer of the Heidelberg Catechism asks, “What is your only comfort in life and in death?” The first part of the answer is one that many have memorized and print on the folders that are passed out at funerals. It answers, “That I am not my own, but belong body and soul, in life and in death to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ…” We acknowledge our mortality, but in that mortality, we are not alone. J. Todd Billings, in his book, The
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Featured image for “Bent But Unbroken: A Review of <em>Hurting Yet Whole</em>”
October 13, 2021

Bent But Unbroken: A Review of Hurting Yet Whole

by Chandra Crane
…ragile states and find Christ in the longing for something more, something complete and healed. In the remainder of section one, Huska examines the specific issues of navigating the healthcare industry, especially for women. As she moves into part two, “Becoming Whole,” her intentionality to honor the reality of inhabiting liminal spaces gives ground for trusting that she will not merely jump from lament to joy. Rather, we can find joy in lament,…
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Featured image for “Peace Like a River”
March 23, 2017

Peace Like a River

by Erin Olson
…our all-knowing, all-loving Shepherd. We may not see where He’s leading us and maybe we can’t possibly understand how we can follow Him through the fiery trial in front of us, but he promises that He will comfort us, He will guide us, and He will be with us. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts and your minds through Christ Jesus.Philippians 4:7…
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Featured image for “Three Tributaries, Exploring the Reformed, Baptist, and Catholic Branches: A Review of <em> The Church’s Book </em>”
August 31, 2022

Three Tributaries, Exploring the Reformed, Baptist, and Catholic Branches: A Review of The Church’s Book

by David Westfall
…ctical, guiding the church as “the sociopolitical charter of the Christian community, at once binding it historically to the community’s founders, (the apostles) and predecessors (the prophets), while norming its response to challenges on the mission field and serving as a locus of unity for all the many divided branches of the one messianic tree.”7 For Yoder, this analysis amounts to a “deflationary” account of biblical inspiration and authority:…
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Featured image for “The Light of Motherhood: A Review of “Birthing Hope””
August 24, 2018

The Light of Motherhood: A Review of “Birthing Hope”

by Rebecca De Vries
…s from the NICU were with us and I was looking down at my daughter saying “come on baby, come on baby.” She had somersaulted her way through the umbilical cord in her haste (and mine) to be alive. And she lived. My husband and I hadn’t feared this when we decided to have children. We had consented to what seemed right and normal. And because we live where we live, when we live—because of our privilege—fear was at bay. Things go wrong: My mother-in…
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Featured image for “2022 Top Podcasts”
December 14, 2022

2022 Top Podcasts

by Justin Ariel Bailey, Ruth Clark
…weigh in! What podcasts influenced you in the past year? What podcasts would you recommend to the readers of iAt? Leave your recommendations in the comments….
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Featured image for “The Ideal King, Donald Trump, and the Work of the Church”
January 3, 2017

The Ideal King, Donald Trump, and the Work of the Church

by Steven Mann
…moral of his story is that sometimes even wisdom lacks the strength to overcome one’s personal will and greed. There were many kings that followed Solomon: some good, most bad. But still, this Psalm remained the ideal image of Godly leadership until such a time that royalty and divinity was born in a manger and later emerged as the suffering king of Israel and all of humanity. Jesus shatters all notions of what a king is by being all that a King i…
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Featured image for “Discerning Doubt: A Review of <em>After Doubt</em>”
April 29, 2021

Discerning Doubt: A Review of After Doubt

by Justin Bailey
…hat deconstruction—in which we actively seek to take our beliefs apart and examine them—can have a dark side. We may become addicted to the iconoclasm of questioning authority while forgetting to question ourselves. Or we may be tempted to deconstruct our faith simply so that it conforms to our cultural or personal preferences. But as Swoboda reminds us (channeling Augustine), “if we believe what we like in the Gospels, and reject what we don’t li…
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Featured image for “Movie Review: <em>Parasite</em>”
February 13, 2020

Movie Review: Parasite

by Josh Matthews
…ienced viewers, will not stun anybody who has watched even a few screwball comedies. For example, you know the kind of scene where the parents leave their house to their kids on the weekend? The parents go away, and the kids think that they can do whatever they want. So what do they do? They have wild parties and trash the place. Only, they get a phone call from the parents, who say that they will be home early—in fact, in five minutes. So, the ki…
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Featured image for “Misunderstandings”
September 21, 2017


by Ed Starkenburg
…way we understand them to be. Psalm 145:8 states “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Many around us consider that type of “slowness” to be a sign of weakness. Truly strong people know what they want and are able to go out and get it now! Patience is often seen as weakness. But, that is a serious misunderstanding! A friend of mine, Greg Steggerda, summarized this well in his recent blog: “Because God is patient…
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Featured image for “Podcast: RESISTING Celebrity Culture with Katelyn Beaty”
August 24, 2022

Podcast: RESISTING Celebrity Culture with Katelyn Beaty

by Justin Ariel Bailey, Ruth Clark
…brity culture in the church and in the Christian publishing industry – Why obscurity and ordinary faithfulness are so important for followers of Christ Get Katelyn’s book: To read Ruth Clark’s review:…
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Featured image for “Church Music in the Current Technological Age”
May 8, 2018

Church Music in the Current Technological Age

by Jonathan De Groot
…. But, anointing has a certain mystery that implies the idea of something “coming on” (and the archaic association is pretty cool). Calling has a divine directional implication with a sense of doing, while anointing carries a sense of bestowed authority of being where the ordinary is supernaturally empowered. Thus, the “anointing” approach makes sense in keeping with the AG’s particular interest with the Holy Spirit. In my personal experience with…
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Featured image for “Reflections From a First Time Voter”
February 2, 2016

Reflections From a First Time Voter

by Carlye Gomes
…susceptible to depression and anxiety just like any of us. They overthink passive comments and stay up late wondering what they’re even doing, anyway. It ought to go without saying, but they deserve the same love we do, they deserve to know they are forever and unconditionally loved and they deserve measures of grace poured out from cups that have no bottom. To us much grace has been given, may we turn and pour it out generously. So look, I know…
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Featured image for “Top Webpages to Follow in 2015”
January 9, 2015

Top Webpages to Follow in 2015

by Liz Moss
…e transformation. Led by Tim Keller and Don Carson, this webpage publishes articles from a variety of contributors with the attempt to “champion the gospel of Jesus Christ with clarity, compassion, courage, and joy.” Readers of iAt: Tell us what webpages you like to read regularly. What sites should be added to our list for 2015?…
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Featured image for “Top 10 Websites to Watch in 2016”
December 30, 2015

Top 10 Websites to Watch in 2016

by Liz Moss
…to understand what is relevant to Christians around the world. For those who like to follow the U.S. Supreme Court decisions, this is a great webpage to keep up to date on legal proceedings and outcomes. BioLogos “demonstrates how can discuss the relationship between science and the Bible in a gracious and intellectually rigorous way.” Inviting the church and the world to see the harmony between science and faith, BioLogos features…
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The blog.