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Featured image for “Friendship and the Power of Holiness”
October 27, 2018

Friendship and the Power of Holiness

by Aimee Byrd
…rist helps us to understand this better. It is an even higher calling that comes with rights and obligations. Are we capable of becoming a sincere friend to our brothers and sisters in Christ? And how does this extend to unbelievers? Friendship changes us. It is a virtue that we need to develop, and there are close to sixty “one another” verses in Scripture teaching us how. God’s household promotes friendship, as it requires rooted identity, missi…
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Featured image for “Advent: Alpha and Omega”
December 4, 2014

Advent: Alpha and Omega

by Ross Douma
…me that God is sovereign over all things from the beginning of time to the coming of Christ made the wheels of an elementary student’s mind spin. In the passages in Revelation, God is very direct and leaves little to the human imagination –“…the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” In cracking open the Cruden’s Concordance; there are over 200 names or titles for Jesus – so many ways to acknowledge the one who came to earth as a baby to…
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Featured image for “A Minute to be Mindful”
August 11, 2020

A Minute to be Mindful

by Hannah Buteyn
…nderfully faithful. I can finally see it, feel it, hear it all clearly and come home. God says “come back to Me” again and again. “I’ll give you what you need. Don’t worry about tomorrow, come seek and find me. Abide in me. Be mindful of my abundant presence.” Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid (John 14:27). Abide in me, and I in you….
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Featured image for “Are You Distracted From Living Well?: A Review of <em>Things that Matter </em>”
July 4, 2022

Are You Distracted From Living Well?: A Review of Things that Matter

by Kayt Frisch
…s all the discussion of distraction will empower you to do. You can’t live a focused life if you don’t know where you’re going, and you’ll become exhausted on the trail if you’re carrying too many distractions. It takes courage and effort to stop trying to keep all your options open and instead commit to living your purpose, but you have a greater impact when you do. Things That Matter can help you in this pursuit. How might your world look differ…
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Featured image for “Christ’s Footprint”
May 25, 2017

Christ’s Footprint

by Marta Vander Top
…ere we were, two thousand years later, from “the ends of the earth” Sioux Center, Iowa, still proclaiming the name of Jesus. The word “power” that Jesus speaks of in verse eight is an incredibly strong word. The Greek word “dunamis” is the same root word for the English word “dynamite.” This power that Jesus gives us is explosive, wild, and uncontainable. It’s a pretty radical concept that this kind of explosive power resides within me. As our gro…
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Featured image for “Suffering, Double Negatives, and the Friday We Call ‘Good’”
March 30, 2018

Suffering, Double Negatives, and the Friday We Call ‘Good’

by Howard Schaap
…ering must necessarily consider where these “bad or unpleasant” somethings come from. However, we must always consider suffering through concrete examples—or so it seems to me—in order to keep this from being a merely academic exercise. When I think of suffering and its origins, I think of my aunt Marie, who as a young woman was “subjected to” polio. Recently, I saw pictures of Marie in her youth, when she was a thin young girl dating my uncle Ber…
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Featured image for “Reading as the Reformers: A Review of “Jeremiah, Lamentations””
September 15, 2018

Reading as the Reformers: A Review of “Jeremiah, Lamentations”

by Stephen Shaffer
…hasizing either. For the Reformers, the horizon of interpreting Jeremiah encompassed all of salvation-history and finds its center in Christ. Their comments include detailed discussions of the period of Josiah’s reign as well as practical advice for Christians living in the period of Reformation. Yet, all the prophecies of Jeremiah hold forth Christ clothed in his gospel. The words given to Jeremiah were given for us, that we might reject our idol…
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Featured image for “Strangers to Ourselves: Reading Viet Thanh Nguyen’s The Refugees”
August 28, 2017

Strangers to Ourselves: Reading Viet Thanh Nguyen’s The Refugees

by Myles Werntz
…uma of many kinds, and there is no ideal refugee, but only strangers to welcomed. But the call to welcome strangers, as The Refugees reminds us, is not because we are those with ample goods and the refugees with nothing, but because we have often become strangers to ourselves, closed off to the world in an attempt to hide from our own pasts. We may attempt to hide from our own pasts, but as in the classic ghost stories, and as Nyguen shows, the pa…
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Featured image for “A Lasting Promise”
April 20, 2017

A Lasting Promise

by Ed Starkenburg
…lves that things aren’t the same and never will be the same again. Today’s passages encourage us and give us ideas to consider as we work toward this goal. In Colossians 4, Paul suggests we “devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful”. He tells us to “be wise in the way we act toward outsiders, making the most of every opportunity” to be imitators of Christ and praying for God to open doors for the gospel message. When we live as God…
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Featured image for “War for the Planet of the Apes”
July 21, 2017

War for the Planet of the Apes

by Josh Matthews
…ops force that attacks Caesar’s apes, only to be wiped out by them. Caesar offers mercy and peace to the captured human soldiers, yet the human special-ops team comes back and murders Caesar’s wife and oldest son. This causes Caesar to rage. He leaves his tribe, who are sojourning across a desert to a promised land, to avenge his murdered family members. This begins a revenge-journey tale that, midway through, lapses into a prison-break movie. (De…
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Featured image for “A Call to Gladness”
December 25, 2016

A Call to Gladness

by Aaron Baart
…was only treated as such by those who had nothing to begin with. Psalm 97 opens with a call to gladness due to the reign of God in the world, and an invitation for distant shores to rejoice because of our God. And yet, the Pharisees weren’t the only ones who had a hard time receiving God on his own terms. Even his closest friends and followers struggled to recognize him as God, let alone get excited about the type of Kingdom he had come to bring….
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Featured image for “Advent Joy: The Joy of the Incarnation is in Tents”
December 18, 2018

Advent Joy: The Joy of the Incarnation is in Tents

by Howard Schaap
…nt-living. In the midst of the 18-verse, largely abstract meanderings that open the Gospel of John, we get only a few specific images rather than a story. One of those images comes in verse 14: “The Word became flesh,” John writes, “and made his dwelling among us.” I’m not a biblical scholar, but famously the emphasis in the verse is on a makeshift dwelling, literally, “The Word became flesh and tabernacled”—or, for North American minds—“pitched h…
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Featured image for “What Makes Music Christian?”
May 24, 2016

What Makes Music Christian?

by John MacInnis
…one has them, is always the same—do they make one more obedient, more God-centered, and neighbor-centered and less self-centered? ‘Though I speak with the tongues of Bach and Palestrina and have not charity….’”5 For an explanation of the generative power of art to construct meaning and not just reflect it, consider Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2007), 755ff. ↩ John Butt, “Bach’s Metaphysics of Music,” in The Cambrid…
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Featured image for “Why I’m Thankful for Failure”
November 21, 2017

Why I’m Thankful for Failure

by Donald Roth
…hat looked to be the potential implosion of my legal career in a time when competition was only set to become more fierce, and a man referred to by the other associates in tones of reverence was about to tear me a new one. But, that’s not what happened. In what I can only take to be the voice of providence, this man went on to praise the quality of my writing, acknowledging that it differed from the norm, but praising its character and later encou…
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Featured image for “Solace for Sojourners: A Podcast Review of <em>Refugia</em>”
February 20, 2020

Solace for Sojourners: A Podcast Review of Refugia

by Jackson Nickolay
…king spaces of refugia that are particular, rooted in God, and thus can welcome the wanderers of the world with open arms. A refugium—as Rienstra and her guests claim—is not a place to hunker down and isolate oneself. It is not meant to be a place where you surround yourself with those things in life that you like, a little echo chamber in which you can sit back and feel great about yourself. Instead, a refugium is a place that creates space for s…
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Featured image for “Learning to Disagree in a Cancel Culture”
August 15, 2022

Learning to Disagree in a Cancel Culture

by Elizabeth Hall
…are expanded, you learn more deeply about your own perspective, and you become a more nuanced, complex thinker. But if professors and classmates don’t express diverse perspectives because of the fear of being shamed, ostracized, or called out, everybody loses.  “…this polarized, hostile climate doesn’t just affect interactions on social media and politics; it also undermines these purposes of education.” Where do you see yourself in this situatio…
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Featured image for “Thankful in Unexpected Places”
November 20, 2017

Thankful in Unexpected Places

by Carlye Gomes
…of West Africa, of Southeast Asia… yet the only door God allowed to remain open was the one I stepped through on June 22, 2017. My experience of God has been that He is the great re-director of plans. When I asked for adventure, it was quite intentional of Him to lead me just 58.6 miles north-and-west of my childhood home. I know I’m not alone in this ache for a story filled with wild adventure and moments that steal the very breath from our chest…
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Featured image for “Technology and Mindful Evaluation”
June 12, 2015

Technology and Mindful Evaluation

by Nick Breems
…tions, and a vision of how we wish to engage with others, we can be prepared to make careful choices about which technologies we use, and how we employ them. This need not always be the case. In the example of computer games, the concept of efficiency is murky at best, since use of the word “utility” to describe what we get from these games seems a bit of a stretch. ↩…
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Featured image for “Vulnerability and Fauxnerability: Learning the Difference is Essential for a Leader”
September 25, 2018

Vulnerability and Fauxnerability: Learning the Difference is Essential for a Leader

by Chuck DeGroat
…nd honest. Vulnerability responds to another’s pushback with curiosity and compassion. Fauxnerability responds with defensiveness and reactivity. Vulnerability speaks in present terms (“I am so scared because I self-harmed again this morning, and I feel the temptation again now”) while fauxnerability speaks in general or past terms (“I battled porn back in the day.”) Vulnerability is other-centered, focused on empathic connection to another. Fauxn…
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Featured image for “Forgotten Treasure”
February 6, 2017

Forgotten Treasure

by Emily Scatterday Holehan
…a famous painting stuck behind a door or the Book of the Law concealed in a closet somewhere in the house of the Lord or even a wise prophetess in a male-dominated biblical narrative. It can surprise us. It can shock us. It can knock us off our feet with the stories of God’s grace and compassion, God’s abundance of steadfast love and faithfulness. Today I’m thankful for the treasure of scripture. I’m grateful that all those years ago someone redis…
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Featured image for “What is Art?”
November 10, 2014

What is Art?

by Sara Alsum-Wassenaar
…ges of God’s creative work at the beginning of time. It can also honor the compassionate example of Jesus Christ by challenging indifference and cynicism and by respecting creational diversity. Contributed by David Versluis Credit: Sara Alsum-Wassenaar . I primarily think of art as indexical in that it records thoughts, emotions, culture, and truth. This function is similar to how text records these same insights. Art, however, has the ability to…
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Featured image for “God’s Plan for the Terrible-Two’s”
February 2, 2015

God’s Plan for the Terrible-Two’s

by Luralyn Helming
…s the table with yogurt. Some mornings he is excited to push the button to open the garage door, other days he tried to throw himself out of my arms in avoidance which is quickly followed by tears when I push the button and he has lost his opportunity to do so. After dropping him off at daycare, I head to campus to teach my students what happens in human development, giving me much opportunity to reflect on my son’s development as I see it happen….
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Featured image for “Comfort”
March 11, 2016


by Dennis Vander Plaats
…sed in the Calvinist tradition. The doctrine of the providence of God is a comforting doctrine but can be complex and troubling as well. God’s providence ensures that nothing happens by chance, but that He rules and governs all things. Understanding that nothing happens without His will, Gloria’s cancer and devastating prognosis made us wonder what God was up to. If God is really in charge of everything, why was the timing of this cancer so out of…
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Featured image for “Fighting for Dignity in Undignified Times”
July 31, 2018

Fighting for Dignity in Undignified Times

by Gustavo Maya
…ordered ICE to crack down on undocumented immigrants by surveilling Latino communities. He has threatened to withhold federal funding from “sanctuary” states. Now come reports that detained immigrant families are being separated, children ripped from their parents’ arms. Given anti-immigrant hysteria and draconian policies, we shouldn’t find it shocking when tragedy strikes people fleeing ICE as occurred to Santos Hilario Garcia and Marcelina Garc…
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Featured image for “Thin Places”
February 24, 2017

Thin Places

by Annastasia Boncyzk
…mpets. They hear Moses shout and God respond. It is a powerful moment that communicates something about the power and the holiness of God. Moments like these, where God meets His people in power and might, are recorded and remembered. Mount Sinai is remembered as the place where God’s presence was known and the experience was so powerful, so holy, that the people had to prepare for days for His appearance. Toward the end of the passage, Moses is e…
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