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Featured image for “Hacksaw Ridge: A Movie Review”
February 21, 2017

Hacksaw Ridge: A Movie Review

by Josh Matthews
…more reviews. And, if you have watched the movies, give us your own movie review by leaving a comment. On the subject of any American war, it’s hard to get past labels. Either you support the war, which makes you a warmonger, or you are against the war, which makes you an appeaser. We are hawks or doves, jingoists or pacifists. Choose we must, and most tend to choose the supporting side. This is why, in Mel Gibson’s 2016 movie “Hacksaw Ridge,” th…
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Featured image for “Speaking to the Living: A Review of <em>Theology in the Democracy of the Dead</em>”
November 21, 2019

Speaking to the Living: A Review of Theology in the Democracy of the Dead

by Myles Werntz
…d for centuries before his 19th century renaissance. To return then to the comment which animated this review: part of the reason that modern Christians remain unaware of their own heritage is that while the theologians of Jenson’s work are indispensable for understanding the history of Christianity, the trajectory which they establish feels too fixed. The line which runs from Irenaeus to Anselm to Calvin to Barth is in truth a story of change and
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Featured image for “Movie Review: “Solo””
June 2, 2018

Movie Review: “Solo”

by Josh Matthews
…Calrissian, how he wins the Falcon, and—in the best scene of all—how he becomes buddies with Chewbacca. I’ve held off on explaining the plot because mentioning almost any of it would spoil too much. What should suffice is that Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) is probably twenty years younger in Solo than he is in Episode IV. He has a girlfriend whom he loves, but they are separated melodramatically in the movie’s opening. After their split, he forever hop…
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Featured image for “Is Technology Bringing Us Together or Pushing Us Farther Apart?”
June 8, 2015

Is Technology Bringing Us Together or Pushing Us Farther Apart?

by Liz Moss
…age or Facebook. The addition of smartphones and the expansion of internet access in developing countries has the potential to change the quickly expanding country similar to many other countries like Ethiopia. Healthcare education, disease control and online educational tools are just a few of the ways this could change the country. It seems like the expansion of technology could be bringing us together. But, on the other hand, sit in a busy rest…
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Featured image for “Generationally Speaking: A Review of <em> Speaking Across Generations </em>”
January 12, 2023

Generationally Speaking: A Review of Speaking Across Generations

by Todd Zuidema
…rs, but through the nurturing of meaningful relationships, adopts a child-centered agenda6.  This vision encompasses the desire to serve and provide for the spiritual needs of those who are older, but also seeks to equip and enfold younger generations so that they have a sense of belonging, knowing that they are valued. This sense of ownership will pass from generation to generation as the church seeks to be the visible expression of the family of…
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Featured image for “Were the Terror Attacks in Paris motivated by radical Islam?”
January 15, 2015

Were the Terror Attacks in Paris motivated by radical Islam?

by Donald Roth
…in beliefs are more protected than others. This is especially true when it comes to religion, the free exercise of which is guaranteed by the Constitution. The problem then is that by defining what is or is not motivated by religious belief, the Administration is seemingly claiming to be able to define the boundaries of what falls into that more protected class of religiously-motivated action. I won’t play the fear-monger here, but the reasons for…
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Featured image for “Hospitality in Higher Education: Is There Room for All?”
February 28, 2019

Hospitality in Higher Education: Is There Room for All?

by Christina Edmondson
…Jesus’s powerful teaching in Matthew 22:36–40: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” The law of love hangs on two commands that place the…
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Featured image for “The <em> How </em> of Communication: A Case for Integrity, Humility, and Curiosity”
September 20, 2022

The How of Communication: A Case for Integrity, Humility, and Curiosity

by Dawn Berkelaar
…l; we all know this. But how we speak may be at least as important when it comes to communication.  In a world of information overload, we all have to make daily decisions about whose voices we listen to. Often those with the loudest voices, the biggest platforms, and/or the message we like are the ones that get the most attention. However, we can and should find better criteria.  What People Say Though I will touch on it only briefly here, it is…
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Featured image for “The Ease and Speed of Judgment”
July 24, 2017

The Ease and Speed of Judgment

by Aaron Baart
…ctually be the greatest danger in the way that we engage the world. My greatest social media/fake news/online fear is that this new way of interacting with ideas is making us incredibly judgmental. In a very short period of time, our response to a myriad of complex, global issues has been reduced to something we either “like” or don’t; something we’d either “share” or not. But this inability to hold complex thoughts in tension isn’t just bad for o…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table”
February 12, 2018

iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table

by Mary Nickel
…having genuine membership in existed on an online platform, it was almost completely composed of people he had met in person. I’m concerned that the connections that we have to those that we have never met in person are simply so easy to forsake that they don’t seem worth the work of forbearance. I’m not so certain, however, that there’s that much more hope for forbearance in the “real world,” so to speak. I’ve been apprehensive about this since…
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Featured image for ““Yes” to a Dress: A Journey in Being Clothed with Care”
January 27, 2022

“Yes” to a Dress: A Journey in Being Clothed with Care

by Dawn Berkelaar
and cons of these fabrics, see posts from my 100 Day Challenge at Polyester, a synthetic fiber found in the majority of clothing today, is especially problematic. It is basically a type of plastic made from petroleum, thus not biodegradable. Production of polyester requires much more energy than the production of cotton. During all stages of polyester production, dangerous chemicals are used. Many less toxic…
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Featured image for “The Enneagram Issue: Reactive or Reflective?”
September 18, 2019

The Enneagram Issue: Reactive or Reflective?

by Chuck DeGroat
…find podcasts up-and-down your podcast dial. The internet offers dozens of free tests. And people on social media debate about the Enneagram types of their favorite characters from Friends or Star Trek or contemporary politics. In fact, on Twitter you can follow the EnneaDog. What we’ve done with it is so classically…American. Perhaps that’s why I’ve transitioned from enthusiastic to cautious. Who am I? Curiosity about oneself is good and importan…
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Featured image for “Lessons from the Ozone Hole”
November 12, 2019

Lessons from the Ozone Hole

by Carl Fictorie
…ience provides. In the press release overviewing the 1995 award, The Nobel Committee comments as follows: “By explaining the chemical mechanisms that affect the thickness of the ozone layer, the three researchers have contributed to our salvation from a global environmental problem that could have catastrophic consequences.”19 While scientists tend to focus on the knowledge their studies generate, the work of Sherwood and Molina point to the moral…
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Featured image for “Health, More than a Biological Issue: Talking About Holistic Health”
October 29, 2019

Health, More than a Biological Issue: Talking About Holistic Health

by Luralyn Helming
…able-201309046648  â†©  â†©  â†© Social connection is often thought to be the reason that those who attend religious services experience better outcomes, this study controlled for social connection and still found a correlation between religious services and positive health outcomes.  â†© Gene…
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Featured image for “Walking the Talk in a Vaccine Study”
July 27, 2021

Walking the Talk in a Vaccine Study

by Carl Fictorie
…lly the Phase 3 trial of the Novavax NVX-CoV2373 vaccine candidate  â†©  Emergency Use Authorization is a preliminary authorization granted by the FDA to permit the use of new medicines in the case of a public health emergency. The medicines have had to been through the three standard phases of testing to ensure that it is both safe for use in humans and effective toward the illness. For more informat…
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Featured image for “Podcast: INTERPRETING Your World with Justin and the hosts of Hallway Conversations”
September 7, 2022

Podcast: INTERPRETING Your World with Justin and the hosts of Hallway Conversations

by Justin Ariel Bailey, Dave Mulder, Matthew Beimers, Abby De Groot
…line at” Follow Dr. Dave Mulder’s substack: Follow Dr. Matthew Beimers: Follow Abby DeGroot:…
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Featured image for “A Tool for Translation: A Review of <em>The Path Between Us</em>”
September 19, 2019

A Tool for Translation: A Review of The Path Between Us

by Dawn Berkelaar
…not accept that other ways of seeing the world than their own are equally valid? After thinking about this, I’ve decided to act in much the same way as I do when I think about one of my children, recognizing certain behaviors but trying not to label them as a particular Enneagram type. In her book The Enneagram of Parenting, author Elizabeth Wagele points out that children try out different ways of behaving as they grow. She refers to children’s…
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Featured image for “The Birth and Progression of the Black Lives Matter Movement: A Review of <em>On the Other Side of Freedom</em>”
February 26, 2019

The Birth and Progression of the Black Lives Matter Movement: A Review of On the Other Side of Freedom

by Chelsea Maxwell
…r the scope of this book, Mckesson uses personal experiences to speak to a community he identifies with. That community is not white Christians. The premise every reader must accept is that what he has to say about his experiences, both individual and communal, matters. For white Christian readers like myself, reading this book requires a posture of humility, listening, and learning. There is much with which to grapple. But, not everything is new
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Featured image for “Top 15 Business Books for 2014”
December 26, 2014

Top 15 Business Books for 2014

by Dale Zevenbergen
…d in 2014 Ten Great Books on Church History A Librarians Guide to a Good Book Happy reading! credit for books summaries: â†©…
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Featured image for “Seeing the World Through the Eyes of Persecuted Christians”
May 19, 2015

Seeing the World Through the Eyes of Persecuted Christians

by Joel Veldkamp
…etting people out of slavery in Sudan, medical treatment for victims of anti-Christian terrorism, and supporting Christian education in countries where Christian communities are threatened. Our main areas of work are Nigeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, South Sudan and India. Our website is Please e-mail me if you have any more questions about it: Another good organization in Iraq specifically is the Ham…
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Featured image for “Created by the Creator God”
May 26, 2016

Created by the Creator God

by Grace Carol Bomer
…n. Dig Deeper You can see more of Grace Carol Bomer’s work on her website, or check out her old website, which is still functioning and has more past work and links to shows. Grace Carol Bomer also has two online books, The Grace Paradox and City of God/City of Man. See my blog post: Creating Worm Holes in the World View Divide â†© 1 John 4 â†© Leland, Ryken. The Liberated Imagination. (Wheaton, Ill. : H. Shaw Publishers, 1989….
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Featured image for “Unsung Holidays: Arbor Day”
April 27, 2023

Unsung Holidays: Arbor Day

by April Fiet
…you do for Arbor Day this year?  â†© Many states now observe Arbor Day on the last Friday in April â†© â†©…
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Featured image for “Voting for Donald Trump”
November 3, 2016

Voting for Donald Trump

by Justin DePlato
…y—the lives of the unborn. He is the candidate who believes that religious freedom is a fundamental pillar of free societies. Trump also chose Pence as his running mate, an unashamed champion of evangelical Christian viewpoints. Voters are not tasked with casting judgment on a candidate (or any person for that matter) other than considering which candidate will further the good of the nation and the kingdom of God. On these terms, Trump expresses…
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Featured image for “Podcast: PLANTING – Feature Conversation: Andrew Peterson”
November 17, 2021

Podcast: PLANTING – Feature Conversation: Andrew Peterson

by Justin Bailey
… Follow Andrew Peterson: Here is a link to Ruth Clark’s IAT review of The God of the Garden: Bible Project Podcast on Trees (mentioned at 11:50): ***Production note: This is the first episode we were able to record in person. Special than…
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Featured image for “What’s the Point?: A Review of <em>Ungrading</em>”
March 4, 2021

What’s the Point?: A Review of Ungrading

by Kayt Frisch
…ts like this are not easy (it took several years for “earning grades” to become my default), but it might not be as difficult as you think. There is no one way to go gradeless (just like there is no one way to construct the grading table on a syllabus), and the accounts in Ungrading are not prescriptive, but they are rich in detail and experience and will provide a guide for any teacher who wants to dip a toe in the waters of encouraging learning…
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The blog.