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Featured image for “A Nurse’s Pledge”
September 4, 2015

A Nurse’s Pledge

by Kate Vander Veen
the fellowship of others. Being with you is what I can do for you. I will offer you comfort in ways that you may not be aware of, yet your mind and body will rest better for it. I will be with your family as they are with you. They too need mind and body comforts. You and they will not be alone as this time passes. I believe you are held in the arms of my Lord even now. And when your heart beats its last, I will rejoice even in my sadness. I know…
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Featured image for “Digging into Durable Books”
October 1, 2019

Digging into Durable Books

by Josh Matthews
…e Twitter” Science Building Room 1606 More info can be found at or at our Facebook Page @AndreasCenter is actually an introduction to an edition of St. Athanasius’ On the Incarnation.  ↩ An actual list of durable books would be impossible here, but anything written before the Industrial Revolution (i.e., late 1700s) that is still read, taught, revered, criticized, quoted, or referenced by current works of art counts as “durabl…
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Featured image for “Western Society and Cultural Elites: A Review of <em>Return of the Strong Gods</em>”
August 13, 2020

Western Society and Cultural Elites: A Review of Return of the Strong Gods

by David Westfall
…e “openness” that it advocates it is “a managed, orchestrated, and finally compelled openness” (91, emph. mine). According to Reno, this consensus is well-established, at least in practice, among liberals and conservatives alike. Whether through interventionist economics and the ministrations of “social technologists” (e.g. Karl Popper, Arthur Schlesinger) or through the autonomous self-regulation of the free market itself (e.g. Friedrich Hayek, M…
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Featured image for “The Gift of the Artist: A Review of <em>Art and Faith</em>”
February 4, 2021

The Gift of the Artist: A Review of Art and Faith

by Justin Bailey
…bilities. As the human vocation, culture care requires our creativity, the commitment to unfold the potentialities of creation to the glory of God. The common thread is the centrality of the imagination as a site of discipleship. Christians have often taken apologists, activists, or politicians as models of cultural engagement. But Fujimura gives us reason to believe that our best models may be artists. Fujimura offers a “theology of making” which…
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Featured image for “Finding Lent in Children’s Books”
March 5, 2019

Finding Lent in Children’s Books

by April Fiet
…ups in my church will be reading through Courtney Ellis’ book Uncluttered: Free Your Space, Free Your Schedule, Free Your Soul, and I have decided that I am going to un-tether myself from digital distractions in the evenings so that I have more time for reading with my kids. As part of this at-home Lenten commitment, I have decided to select one children’s book a week to share with my kids as part of our Lenten journey together. Each book touches…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: Horrible Decree or Doctrine of Hope”
October 24, 2014

Answering Your Question: Horrible Decree or Doctrine of Hope

by Monica Schaap Pierce
…t ALL be saved, then we have perfect assurance to rest in His will being accomplished, some in life dying and entering into eternal light, and others, who have loved sin, entering into remedial chastisement to accomplish their repentance. What then of those verses which state that God has predestined some to to wrath. Calvin’s error was to take St. Paul’s statements and apply them to the whole of all humanity, based on Augustine’s erroneous anthro…
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Featured image for “When Words Are Weapons: Inside a Crisis of Faith”
September 22, 2020

When Words Are Weapons: Inside a Crisis of Faith

by Justin Bailey
…y has lifted me into the heavens; the way a line of theology has broken me open. At a moment’s notice, I could quote words that are never far from my mind, words that have opened up my world, at least. I could also add to this the experiences of students and friends, but that would be their story to tell. Finally, I cling to the hope that words are more than weapons, because most Sundays I experience them another way. I stand up in a church to try…
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Featured image for “The Gift of Rest”
March 24, 2016

The Gift of Rest

by Aaron Baart
…whatever way he could. Resting in the promise of God’s work by not doing any of his own one day every week makes more sense to me now. My grandfather has long since passed away from this world, entering into God’s eternal Sabbath rest. I wonder if he has a bike there?…
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Featured image for “Chattel and Prophets: African Americans in Presbyterian Church History”
May 19, 2017

Chattel and Prophets: African Americans in Presbyterian Church History

by Eric Michael Washington
…S) shook up the world in 1903-1904 when he provided evidence of atrocities committed by the Congo Free State against Africans.9 Upon returning to the United States, the Sheppards would have successful ministries at Grace Presbyterian Church in Louisville from 1912 until George’s death in 1927.10 Though her husband pastored Grace, Lucy Sheppard would choose to labor as a social worker in Louisville from 1918-1935. In her own right, Lucy Sheppard ha…
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Featured image for “The Birds and the Bees”
July 2, 2015

The Birds and the Bees

by Erin Olson
…at they know and find out what they have questions about. Talking with your kids about sex and sexuality may feel completely unnatural and uncomfortable to you, but if we want our kids to come to us with their questions and concerns then we need to begin the open communication about this topic as soon as possible. In order to help our kids develop healthy sexual attitudes and behaviors, we need to get rid of the mask of secrecy around sex and let…
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Featured image for “Two Books That Will Contribute to Your Happiness”
July 30, 2020

Two Books That Will Contribute to Your Happiness

by Dave Schelhaas
…Oates, and Louise Erdrich.You might ask “And how, David Schelhaas, did you come to reside in such elite company?” If I tell you that Stan Wiersma (Sietze Buining), Rod Jellema, Randall VanderMey, and Carl Kromminga also have poems included in this anthology, and if you have a Calvin College connection of some kind, you may have figured out that the editor of this collection, Barry Koops, is a Calvin graduate who found a few poets among his fellow…
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Featured image for “How Faith Informs Our Thoughts on Immigration”
August 24, 2015

How Faith Informs Our Thoughts on Immigration

by Matthew Soerens
…t opportunity tied to migration is a missional opportunity. Christ’s Great Commission compels us to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). While some certainly are called to join in God’s mission by going, we would be shortsighted to not recognize that “the nations” are present within our own communities. God’s work through migration — what missiologists call “diaspora mission”7— is multi-directional: many immigrants who arrive in the U….
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Featured image for “Pentecost”
June 11, 2019


by James Calvin Schaap
…can share in Christ and all his benefits,” the Catechism promises of Pentecost; “that very Spirit comforts me and will remain with me forever.”1 For the disciples’ avid excitement, there were no words—only the utterance of odd languages rising from spiritual plenitude. Shouldn’t we all be so blessed? Just imagine the B. J. Haan lit with tongues of fire. In the First Church of the Ice Box, am I missing something basic, something moving and fundame…
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Featured image for “The Millennials and the Reformation”
March 17, 2017

The Millennials and the Reformation

by Aaron Baart
…e while they do it. After all, Jesus gave the bumbling disciples the Great Commission amidst all of their uncertainties, doubts, and shortcomings. It went alright. If there is one thing that serving millennials has taught me, it’s that the state of the church in its current form might be in peril. But the state of their faith might not be in jeopardy at all. In fact, I would go so far as to argue that the faith they are demonstrating might, in som…
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Featured image for “Shooting in Ferguson”
March 13, 2015

Shooting in Ferguson

by Donald Roth
…of maintaining order. Again, if the police are seen as just one tool that comes along to pursue the greater goal of community flourishing, I don’t see how that would fail to address issues drawn from all three aspects of a diagnosis of the problem. My attempt here was to offer a focused solution, a broader solution, and a (at least partial) solution that ties directly into the Christian community. Melissa Vanden Bout Speaking the truth about syst…
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Featured image for “5 U.S. Supreme Court Cases Every Christian Should Be Aware Of”
October 27, 2014

5 U.S. Supreme Court Cases Every Christian Should Be Aware Of

by Donald Roth
the first group I say “congratulations!” To the second group, I say, “Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments, but nana nana boo boo, I picked the list, not you.” For more information on each case, click on the case title. 5. Loving v. Virginia (1967) Photo by Beltmann/Corbis. This case makes the list because it sits as the goalpost for the same sex marriage movement, and it may even set the legal groundwork that will bring that moveme…
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Featured image for “Why I’m not Voting (for President)”
November 2, 2016

Why I’m not Voting (for President)

by Donald Roth
…What is Political Engagement? But if I’m not voting for president, am I becoming passive in the political process? I could plead an exception based on the fact that I’m still voting for other offices, but I’d like to defend the validity of choosing to sit out the whole affair as well. So long as the decision is born of protest, not apathy, choosing not to vote is not rejecting political engagement, regardless of what society seems to insist. This…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: Is Christian education tuition a tithe?”
February 10, 2015

Answering Your Question: Is Christian education tuition a tithe?

by Liz Moss
…ould you LIKE to give? Imagine the joy that can come from that gift being put to good use. Now remember that God can take that gift farther that your imagination can run. Here’s the full article from Austin Pryor: Lyn Kingipotiki I feel pastor three was awesome with his answers. Pastor two was money for his church and was quite arrogant. Pastor was i between….
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Featured image for “Nature or Nurture: Leadership as a Learned Trait vs. Leadership Inheritance”
August 18, 2016

Nature or Nurture: Leadership as a Learned Trait vs. Leadership Inheritance

by Eric Forseth
…entor) Others Nouwen astutely emphasized that leaders are shepherds within community and leadership is a “communal experience and a mutual experience that involves confession and forgiveness.”16 Practice both. Be Civil Richard Mouw challenges leaders to ‘initiate divine character’ by demonstrating civility in the public square. Mouw asserts the living out of civility is by demonstrating kindness and gentleness. 17 Be Calm Taking time can improve t…
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Featured image for “One Body”
November 15, 2016

One Body

by Nicole Baart
…le method of achieving personal gain, a world in which decency, sincerity, compassion, and sacrifice are considered weaknesses. It’s a world where in my own small Midwestern town, Confederate flags are proudly flown from the back of pickup trucks during Sunday “cruise night,” and instead of the whole community being horrified, some people still smile and say, “Boys will be boys.” This is a world where a young, biracial friend of ours is routinely…
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Featured image for “Making Nothing of Evil, and Everything of God: A Review of <em>That All Shall Be Saved,</em> Part 1”
August 13, 2019

Making Nothing of Evil, and Everything of God: A Review of That All Shall Be Saved, Part 1

by Myles Werntz
…Hart: Freedom is a being’s power to flourish as what it naturally is, to become ever more fully what it is…the freedom of a rational spirit is its consummation in union with God. Freedom is never then the mere “negative liberty” of indeterminate openness to everything… (172). This is not to say that choices do not have consequences, but that choices—if they are evil—are not the things which are ultimately sought even in evil. The freedom which is…
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Featured image for “God is in the Bean”
April 9, 2015

God is in the Bean

by Laremy De Vries
…long read—though certainly one that I’d recommend—so let me point out one passage in particular that guides much of what I do in my life. By denying spirit and truth to the nonhuman Creation, latter-day proponents of religion have legitimized a form of blasphemy without which the nature- and culture-destroying machinery of the industrial economy could not have been built — that is, they have legitimized bad work. Good human work honors God’s work…
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Featured image for “Doing Business on Facebook”
July 8, 2016

Doing Business on Facebook

by Hiroshi Yamada
…ut $1100 U.S.). It actually doesn’t sound bad. Although in Singapore, rent costs at least 700 Singapore dollars and cost of living is one of the highest in the world. I still remember eating tons of junk food and gaining weight because of it. I didn’t like it but it was cheap. And that was the compromise that I had to make. Looking back, it was one of the toughest periods of my life. But I’m glad that it happened. Because the job actually led me t…
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Featured image for “What Did the Supreme Court Decide About the Contraception Mandate?”
May 18, 2016

What Did the Supreme Court Decide About the Contraception Mandate?

by Donald Roth
…emanding the order, it is at least encouraging the Obama Administration to come to some sort of compromise with the affected religious organizations. Similarly, the Court reemphasizes that the Government has a legitimate interest in seeing that women have access to FDA approved contraceptives. Finally, the Court did resolve one minor question by forbidding the Government from imposing taxes or penalties on the organizations who sued them for faili…
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Featured image for “Dordt Prepares for PPCI”
September 30, 2019

Dordt Prepares for PPCI

by Jeff Taylor
…ential Politics Conference of Iowa (PPCI) being held October 24th-27th, 2019 at Dordt University.   More info can be found at or at our Facebook Page @AndreasCenter
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The blog.