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Featured image for “Civil War Staff Rides”
May 28, 2015

Civil War Staff Rides

by Paul Fessler
…also read it while walking the battlefield yourself. Secondly, you should examine a free website, History Animated, that has animated maps and shortened readings for every major Civil War battlefield. Though relatively straightforward and not graphically impressive like an XBOX game, these maps are well annotated with background and details from some of the most important histories written on the subject. Watching the troops move on the battlefie…
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May 30, 2017

Beaches, Barbecues, and Books: Your Guide to Summer Reading

by Gail Marincovich
…ry. While the story is extremely disturbing, it also challenges readers to open their eyes to a sad and complex social tragedy. Imagine the worst day of your life, and then multiply it by ten. A successful, happily married husband and father throws a bachelor party for his brother. What follows is a series of nightmarish events that fall on one another like dominoes. In the end, we are haunted by the consequences of a single bad decision. Language…
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August 7, 2014

Markup Guide for HTML, Shortcodes and Special Typography

…not play well with the tooltip display. Math Mathematical formulae of any complexity can be composed using LaTeX markup. You can learn about LaTeX here or use an equation editor like this one to generate the markup you need without having to understand the syntax. Icons Want to add an icon to a post or page? The Font Awesome icon font is available to you via CSS or shortcodes. (The current 4.x version of Font Awesome is used and will be updated a…
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Featured image for “Podcast: STRETCHING the Poetic Imagination with Drew Jackson”
February 15, 2023

Podcast: STRETCHING the Poetic Imagination with Drew Jackson

by Justin Ariel Bailey, Howard Schaap, Rose Postma
…nk that’s part of what I’m trying to say too, with that, is that this is a communal offering of all of the people who have helped to form me as a writer. Yes. (20:38) Howard Schaap: I mean, speaking of voice, would you read a couple of poems for us? Yeah, we’re dying to hear you read, to have that second piece of the poetry come off the page in your voice. (20:53) Drew Jackson: Yeah, I would love to. So, the first poem I’ll read, this was one that…
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Featured image for “The Arrogance of Ethnonationalism: A Review of <em>The Virtue of Nationalism</em>”
March 14, 2019

The Arrogance of Ethnonationalism: A Review of The Virtue of Nationalism

by Myles Werntz
…ilation in the name of sound political philosophy.  â†Š  â†Š…
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Featured image for “The Invitation”
March 4, 2016

The Invitation

by Kim Brinkerhoff
…d. The invitation is open. One Door. One Voice calling for His children to come and follow: to enter the abundant life as it was intended to be. We only need to sincerely ask, seek, and knock. Once inside the door, the Keeper of the door is also the Keeper of my heart. The twists and turns, the bumps and bruises and even the falls are not in vain because only by His grace am I still dancing at all. My good Father remains the Lord of the dance with…
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Featured image for “Schooling for the Soul: A Review of <em>Theology as a Way of Life</em>”
March 5, 2020

Schooling for the Soul: A Review of Theology as a Way of Life

by Myles Werntz
…in many places the areas of science and technology are in high demand (or at least perceived by administrations as being so) and become the priorities for Christian universities. But, in the struggle to keep afloat and to offer new programs befitting an increasingly technocratic world, is there a place—even at Christian universities—for theology to be a topic of study for everyone? The opposition to executing this notion well are legion….
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Featured image for “A Stress-free Christmas?”
December 17, 2015

A Stress-free Christmas?

by Erin Olson
…celebrate Christmas It sounds cliché, but this might be the most important guideline of all. Revel in the mystery of God coming to earth as a baby. Praise God for this miracle and the gift of his Son to humankind. Remember that this gift of Jesus has made the ultimate difference in our broken world and sinful hearts. Make time for what you need This is how you stay focused on why we celebrate Christmas. What practices of your faith help you stay f…
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Featured image for “Colin Kaepernick and the Professional Cost of Protest”
September 26, 2017

Colin Kaepernick and the Professional Cost of Protest

by Jemar Tisby
…ousness, but this phrase too often remains abstract to believers. Concrete examples of the cost of acting Christle-like as a citizen may be losing a job, being passed over for promotions, and getting put on a list of people deemed “not a team player.” Considering responsibilities like feeding a family, paying bills, and securing shelter not many people would have the courage to publicly protest like Colin Kaepernick did. But Jesus proclaims, “Bles…
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Featured image for “Mindful Love of God”
January 13, 2016

Mindful Love of God

by Kory Plockmeyer
the Great. My reasons for academic study are many, but to see my academic study in light of and in response to God’s grace in my life has been the most freeing. I spent my college years inundated with the Kuyperian mantra, “There is not a square inch of creation over which Christ does not claim, ‘This is mine!’” I learned to see the life of the mind as being more than a means to an end – good grades, a skill set for the job market, a career – but…
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Featured image for “A Summary and Initial Response to the Same-Sex Marriage Ruling”
June 26, 2015

A Summary and Initial Response to the Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

by Donald Roth
…wn the 103 pages of text into a roughly two-page summary for you, and I’ll offer some brief thoughts and responses at the end. The Decision The primary components of this decision depend on both a narrative of continuity and change. The majority says that marriage has always been a fundamental institution in society, but it also says that what exactly that institution looks like has been the subject of ongoing change and evolution. The Court’s cha…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: The Church and Homosexuality”
March 6, 2015

Answering Your Question: The Church and Homosexuality

by Aaron Baart
…ould arise. I took his claims about Jesus’ way of interacting with people (compassion and care–healing and restoration–sending forth) to apply to how we ought to deal with ALL people, as all of us are broken and in need of Christ’s healing and restoration. This, I think, is why we need to start with ‘compassion and care’: if we jump into ‘healing and restoration’ without compassion or care, we risk viewing people as a ‘problem’ to be ‘fixed’, ra…
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Featured image for “Kinds of Science and Exploring the Past”
August 4, 2020

Kinds of Science and Exploring the Past

by Channon Visscher
…ote that 1 parsec (pc) = 3.26 light-years = 19 trillion miles. Fourth, the combined and complementary roles of different scientific approaches also help illustrate that the boundaries between observational, experimental, and historical science are often fuzzy or arbitrary, and in practice scientist typically don’t articulate “kinds” or distinctions between them. This is especially evident in fields such as astronomy (see figure above) where any di…
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Featured image for “Created by the Creator God”
May 26, 2016

Created by the Creator God

by Grace Carol Bomer
…n. Dig Deeper You can see more of Grace Carol Bomer’s work on her website, or check out her old website, which is still functioning and has more past work and links to shows. Grace Carol Bomer also has two online books, The Grace Paradox and City of God/City of Man. See my blog post: Creating Worm Holes in the World View Divide â†Š 1 John 4 â†Š Leland, Ryken. The Liberated Imagination. (Wheaton, Ill. : H. Shaw Publishers, 1989….
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Featured image for “How is Your Technology Use Shaping You Today?: A Review of <em>A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers</em>”
April 19, 2022

How is Your Technology Use Shaping You Today?: A Review of A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers

by Kayt Frisch
…erek Schuurman articulates how a Christian engineer’s ethics should both encom*]}*pass and surpass the professional engineering ethics codes, and then in chapter six, he discusses the role of pride and sin in engineering design. The next two chapters complement each other nicely, with Brue providing a look backwards through the history of the development of the (first) electric car in chapter seven, and Schuurman considering two widespread imaginings
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Featured image for “Person,  Pastor, and Theologian: A Review of <em> An Explorer’s Guide to John Calvin</em>”
November 29, 2022

Person, Pastor, and Theologian: A Review of An Explorer’s Guide to John Calvin

by Gayle Doornbos
…hroughout Thianto’s work but especially in his second section, in which he guides readers through an outline of Calvin’s Institutes and confronts a second common misunderstanding: that Calvin ignored the Holy Spirit in his theology. Contrary to these claims, Thianto shows how Calvin places “the Holy Spirit at the center of our redemption” in his theology of Union with Christ.5 “To reduce Calvin and Calvinism to the doctrine of predestination is to…
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Featured image for “Is Christian Education ’Worth It’?”
August 1, 2022

Is Christian Education ’Worth It’?

by Sheila Mulder
…workers that desire to serve others and work towards restoration.  â†Š  Graham, R. (2021, October 19). Christian Schools Boom in a Revolt Against Curriculum and Pandemic Rules. The New York Times. Retrieved May 24, 2022, from  â†Š  Smith, J.K.A. (2011). Desiring the kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation…
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Featured image for “A Guide to Digital Decluttering: A Review of <em>Digital Minimalism</em>”
March 9, 2019

A Guide to Digital Decluttering: A Review of Digital Minimalism

by Mike Janssen
…ocialization into virtual socialization. These harmful effects (and how to combat them) are the focus of computer scientist Cal Newport’s new book Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World. “Human beings are not wired to be constantly wired,” he declares in this incisive critique of modern technological life—particularly as it relates to social media and smartphones. The first part of the book lays out the problem: most of us ha…
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Featured image for “People of the Second Chance”
November 26, 2015

People of the Second Chance

by Nicole Baart
…o offer grace and hold your breath as you wait to see if your beloved will open your precious offering with joy or cast it aside. “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke 11:13 We do nothing to earn grace and it remains a gift so sacred and incomprehensible there are many who will never have the courage to believe it co…
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Featured image for “Freedom from Our Sins”
May 17, 2017

Freedom from Our Sins

by Jerusha Neal
…nd the reality of our lives together. It reminds us that this “land of the free” accommodated and coddled the institution of slavery for nearly 250 years, and afterward turned a blind eye to the violence of Jim Crowe and segregation. The tragedy of this history is not simply the tragedy of black Americans. It is the tragedy of all Americans. Those who enslave others are slaves of a different sort. In Jesus’ words, “Everyone who commits sin is a sl…
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Featured image for “Nobody Knows What They’re Doing….and That’s OK”
August 10, 2016

Nobody Knows What They’re Doing….and That’s OK

by Jeremy Engbers
…ittle hints to lead you to fullness in Him. He is the giver of talents and passions. He will get you to where you need to be. You may take a complete 180 degree turn. Don’t panic. You just need to keep your eyes and ears open and pray for wisdom and discernment in times of uncertainty. Going into college undecided is not the worst thing in the world. In fact, I think it’s really exciting. You have endless possibilities in front of you. If you only…
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Featured image for “Why Doesn’t the U.S. Mandate Paid Leave?”
June 12, 2018

Why Doesn’t the U.S. Mandate Paid Leave?

by Donald Roth
…U.S. do indeed lag substantially behind other nations. However, even this comparison is complicated by trying to make complex bureaucratic schemes uniform, and parental leave itself is often spread out over multiple years of eligibility, which only further complicates things. The last wrench I’ll throw at this is that using these benefits is always in place of getting paid for work, and this means that anytime benefits are substantially below a p…
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Featured image for “We Are Children”
December 20, 2016

We Are Children

by Jenna Harms
…is season is a reminder that “we are children, not of the slave but of the free woman. For freedom in Christ has set us free.” Whether we are old or young, we are all children that have been set free by Christ. Our souls long to be in union with Christ and by God’s grace, the Spirit frees us to live into that union that has been shaped by God’s love. We remember this promise and are given evidence of it through the words that were given to Sarah a…
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Featured image for “Advent Peace: The Time Between Time”
December 11, 2018

Advent Peace: The Time Between Time

by Kevin Slusher
…ant part of the vocabulary of not only Advent but also the Christian life. Commenting on this passage the New Testament scholar Richard Hays writes, “Anyone who does not recognize this as a description of authentic Christian existence has never struggled seriously with the imperatives of the gospel which challenge and frustrate our ‘natural’ impulses in countless ways.”1 Ours is a world groaning under the weight of sin. Ours is a world empty and d…
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Featured image for “Were the Terror Attacks in Paris motivated by radical Islam?”
January 15, 2015

Were the Terror Attacks in Paris motivated by radical Islam?

by Donald Roth
…in beliefs are more protected than others. This is especially true when it comes to religion, the free exercise of which is guaranteed by the Constitution. The problem then is that by defining what is or is not motivated by religious belief, the Administration is seemingly claiming to be able to define the boundaries of what falls into that more protected class of religiously-motivated action. I won’t play the fear-monger here, but the reasons for…
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The blog.