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Featured image for “Growing in Global Perspectives: A Book Conversation of <em>Reading the Bible Around the World</em>”
April 6, 2023

Growing in Global Perspectives: A Book Conversation of Reading the Bible Around the World

by Hannah Landman, Eoghan Holdahl, Joya Schreurs, Jaelyn Dragt, Susan Wang
…from kind of the norm of interpreting the loving neighbor and then another passage of scripture, and instead looks at examples of Christians who have been displaced from their historical cultural communities, or who faced some major upheaval in their understanding of the world. There’s an example in there of Elie Wiesel and his understanding of just sin and asking how do you rationalize something like the Holocaust?  I was challenged that there ar…
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Featured image for “Should Obama have compared ISIS to the Crusades?”
February 20, 2015

Should Obama have compared ISIS to the Crusades?

by Walker Cosgrove
…in the name of Christ.” How should one respond to such a statement? Is it valid or not to compare the context of the crusades to the twenty-first century context of ISIS? A brief history The best place to start is a simple definition of the crusades, which were wars waged in Christ’s name (usually for Jerusalem) for the remission of sins. The crusades were a combination of just war and holy war theories as they developed in Christian thought from…
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Featured image for “Summer: A Beautiful, Holy Mess”
May 4, 2015

Summer: A Beautiful, Holy Mess

by Kayla Craig
…, step by step, or choose to be absent from their lives except for great accomplishments. Just as Jesus fully entered our human experience, we parents can jump into our children’s wonder-filled world,” Mark and Jan Foreman, Never Say No. Our Father in Heaven delights in His children. He loves us with an everlasting love. And you know what that means? He actually enjoys us. He perfectly desires to enter into our lives. In Zephaniah 3:17, the prophe…
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Featured image for “Voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton”
October 28, 2016

Voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton

by Wesley Granberg-Michaelson
…ater)? Are police officers — both black and white — feeling more or less comfortable in communities of particular race characterizations? Are those same police officer policing more and better or less and worse? Is the black community, for which Obama has particularly advocated, doing better economically after his 8 years or significantly worse? I haven’t at all talked about abortion of course. What is even more important (more fundamental) than…
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Featured image for “Voting for Donald Trump”
November 3, 2016

Voting for Donald Trump

by Justin DePlato
…idential election of 2016 is forcing all Americans to consider their moral compass in selecting a candidate to vote for in the upcoming presidential election. This challenging decision is perplexing for American Christians. Normally sincere Christians could resoundingly and – more often than not – proudly support the Republican candidate, but this cycle poses a peculiar moral challenge. The main concern Christians have regarding Trump is his flawe…
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Featured image for “The Grace of Failure”
November 25, 2015

The Grace of Failure

by Dave Mulder
…n the words of master educator, Rick Wormeli: LSAT. MCAT. Praxis. SAT. Bar exam. CPA exam. Driver’s licensure. Pilot’s licensure. Auto mechanic certification exam. Every one of these assessments reflects the adult-level, working-world responsibilities our students will one day face. Many of them are high stakes: People’s lives depend on these tests’ validity as accurate measures of individual competence. All of them can be redone over and over for…
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Featured image for “Who Solves Your Most Urgent Medical Questions?”
August 17, 2016

Who Solves Your Most Urgent Medical Questions?

by Darren Stoub
…onditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand. MedlinePlus offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free.” If you are using google to search for information, a general rule of thumb is to read at least ten different sources of information and using the provided information to construct a summative understanding of the disorder or treatment. For topics that have sources providing conflicting information…
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Featured image for “Scientists Aren’t Hostile Alien Priests: A Review of <em>Redeeming Expertise</em>”
February 22, 2022

Scientists Aren’t Hostile Alien Priests: A Review of Redeeming Expertise

by Jeff Ploegstra
…understandings will still be valid and reliable. Paradigm shifts tend to encom*]}*pass and reframe our current observations and techniques rather than completely replace them.   Reeves points out that reality pushes back against misrepresentation. Often our assumptions and presuppositions in science are challenged by the observations that we make and the success or failure of our models and technologies. This is actually what often leads to paradigm s
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Featured image for “Habits of Lent”
March 7, 2022

Habits of Lent

by Kayt Frisch
…day&qid=1645456698&sprefix=isaiah+by+the+day%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-1  ↩  ↩  ↩ ACNA. The Book of Common Prayer. “Ash Wednesday” (…
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Featured image for “Christian Wisdom on Technology Use and Parenting”
April 18, 2018

Christian Wisdom on Technology Use and Parenting

by Dawn Berkelaar
…In some ways, our devices are like candy or junk food—everywhere, easy to obtain, and offering a short-term reward of distraction and stimulation. But as with candy and junk food, too much has negative impacts in both the short-term and the long-term. We have all heard statistics or warnings about digital addictions. Glowing screens offer a seemingly irresistible draw. How, then, can we protect our kids from becoming dependent on them? Certainly…
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Featured image for “What Role Do Bible Scholars Play in Your Bible Reading?”
August 16, 2016

What Role Do Bible Scholars Play in Your Bible Reading?

by Benjamin Lappenga
…rstood the portions from Isaiah he was reading, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” (Acts 8:31). Such guides include pastors and teachers and spiritual mentors of many kinds, but especially for those of us living in a time and place radically separated from the culture and languages of the Bible, such guides must also include biblical scholars. “New Testament Studies at the Turn of the Millenium: Questions for the Discipline?” SJTh 52, no. 2 (1…
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August 20, 2014

Markup Guide for Basic HTML

…ent Example: <p style=”text-align: center;”>The text in this paragraph is centered.</p> Text Color Example: <span style=”color: red;”>This is red text.</span> Big Text Example: <big>This is a big text.</big> Small Text Example: <small>This is the fine print.</small> Headings Example: <h1>This is an h1 heading.</h1> Horizontal Line Example: <hr/> Special WordPress Markup Read More Breaks The button in the visual editor with a dashed line will inser…
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Featured image for “Fact-Checking Claims about Winners and Losers with New Tax Reform (Part II)”
April 12, 2018

Fact-Checking Claims about Winners and Losers with New Tax Reform (Part II)

by Donald Roth
…nia nearly entirely in his presidential bid. It’s also not unreasonable to come to this reading based on the lingering open hostility between the President and the governing officials of California. However, the fit is not exact, and, if we look at the three factors that cause analysts to judge blue states as losers in the new law, we can have a better appreciation of what the target really is. The three factors that led some to conclude that this…
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Featured image for “Podcast: GETTING out of Bed with Alan Noble”
April 12, 2023

Podcast: GETTING out of Bed with Alan Noble

by Justin Ariel Bailey
…ng. I have that same experience with students and yeah, at the ones I feel compassion. So my first response is I feel compassion for them. And then, so I always say to students, because I teach classes on pop culture, and I say there is a space for escape that you need to check out of an inhuman world, but that can’t become your long-term strategy for dealing with life. It only sort of kicks the can down the road a bit. I wonder if you wanted to s…
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Featured image for “Voice of the Villains: The Attraction of and Response to Villain Retellings (Part 1)”
February 21, 2022

Voice of the Villains: The Attraction of and Response to Villain Retellings (Part 1)

by Lydia Jayaputra
…akespeare), such a quick string of villain retellings within leading major entertainment companies is enough to be considered a new trend within U.S. culture.   What caused an influx of such movies? And how should we, as Christians, react? To answer the second question, we must first solve the first question. In other words, we are trying to ask why we like villain retellings and what messages they tell us. After these questions are solved, we can…
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Featured image for “A Grim Reality, a Good Hope: A Review of  Fortune”
June 16, 2022

A Grim Reality, a Good Hope: A Review of Fortune

by Howard Schaap
…, pick up a book, read an article, or listen to a conversation and make biblical steps to engage well with one another. Maybe this article could be a starting point: 48  ↩ 50  ↩ 51  ↩ 69  ↩ 200-202  ↩…
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Featured image for “Shepherd Us to Stillness”
March 26, 2017

Shepherd Us to Stillness

by Alex Ross
…d. Like the wadis, our world is fast, loud, violent, and shallow. “Wisdom” comes to us in the form of asinine inspirational quotes set against generic backgrounds posted on Facebook. Our news comes to us in the quick, violent, and too-often deceptive form of clickbait articles. Our politicians incite us to anger with garbled sentences crammed into 140 characters and spit out onto the internet without an ounce of forethought. Where in this desert a…
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Featured image for “Unsung Holidays: May Day”
May 1, 2023

Unsung Holidays: May Day

by April Fiet
…he world, but it wouldn’t hurt for us to try. This Unsung Holiday celebrates the tradition of sharing May Baskets on May 1, not the Worker’s Day connected to labor movements also called May Day.  ↩  ↩  ↩  ↩…
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Featured image for “A Librarian’s Guide to a Good Book”
November 28, 2014

A Librarian’s Guide to a Good Book

by Sheryl Taylor
…oks like Edan Lepuck’s California and David Egger’s The Circle effectively opened my eyes to what the world could become. Memoir: Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Women’s Prison by Piper Kerman – a white, blue-eyed, blonde, well-educated woman serves a prison sentence in a federal prison year’s after the consequesces for some youthful actions catch up with her. Graphic Novel: Gene Luen Yang’s Boxers and Saints – brilliant telling of the Chine…
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August 23, 2014

Brand Style Guide

and, even on their first encounter of it, should be one of recognition and validated expectations. For in all things we wish to convey a consistent and coherent visual identity and tone that is: conservative rather than progressive, traditional rather than innovative, cold rather than warm (think austere; a sharp wind on a bright, clear, crisp winter day), serious rather than fun, formal rather than casual, laid back rather than energetic, classic…
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Featured image for “Social Media and Persuasion – Great Expectations”
February 9, 2016

Social Media and Persuasion – Great Expectations

by Bruce Kuiper
…ia for internal communications. Bizzuka, Retrieved from For Van der Kleij, et al (2009), the challenge becomes how to overcome communication hurdles in various environments – for example, how to achieve similar communication results in a video conference that might be achieved in a face-to-face meeting. ((Van der Kleij, R., Maarten, S. J., We…
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Featured image for “The Core Practices of Citizenship: Re-enchanting Our Conception of Civic Duty”
July 6, 2017

The Core Practices of Citizenship: Re-enchanting Our Conception of Civic Duty

by Jeff VanDerWerff
…ng unpaid and uncoerced responsibility for the welfare of strangers or the community at large, examples of good citizenship abound.”12 Local expressions include coaching Little League or serving as a mentor with ATLAS or volunteering at Hands Around the World, and on, and on, etcetera.13 These citizenship opportunities will look different depending on the regional context, not to mention the urban, suburban, or rural setting, but they are right th…
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Featured image for “What Does Social Democrat Mean?”
July 11, 2016

What Does Social Democrat Mean?

by Dave Schelhaas
…ind, as if they were useless adjuncts if unable to “make their own way”. In fact, the primary attributes of a social-democracy are, at present, two – but both are key elements: *National Health Services that are very low cost and universal. *Free or nearly free Tertiary Education, so that everyone can school themselves in the attributes that will allow them the most professional success possible, in order to make a decent income for their families…
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Featured image for “Podcast: REDESIGNING – Feature Conversation: Ethan Brue”
April 20, 2022

Podcast: REDESIGNING – Feature Conversation: Ethan Brue

by Justin Ariel Bailey, Kayt Frisch, Ethan Brue
…nating case study about the rise and fall of the electric vehicle in the late 1800s/early 1900s. – How we can navigate between technological optimism and pessimism, and what every Christian engineering student should know. Get the book: To read Dr. Kayt Frisch’s review:…
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Featured image for “Nostalgia in Entertainment”
February 2, 2022

Nostalgia in Entertainment

by Kara Jasper
…through injustices? When we are soothed to indifference, our awareness and compassion decreases. Further, entertainment companies “churn out art and entertainment that lull the oppressed into believing that they are actually happy with their lot in life.”6 The nostalgic entertainment industry is “the new opiate of the masses, a means by which the elite preserve their privilege.”7   Community in Nostalgia   The biggest thing at play in nostalgic en…
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The blog.