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Featured image for “We Create Because God Created First”
June 28, 2018

We Create Because God Created First

by Kim Brinkerhoff
…nk there are eight billion ways to make men and women, and He continues to come up with new combinations of personalities, body types, skin tones, and skill sets every day. To each new person He also instills creativity, this innate desire to imagine, dream, and experiment. We all have it, all eight billion of us, because we are made to imitate God. We create because God created first. Human beings were made to be creative. In fact, it could be ar…
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Featured image for “Compass Plant Leaves and Apparent Randomness”
October 11, 2018

Compass Plant Leaves and Apparent Randomness

by Jeff Ploegstra
…ld stop learning right now for fear of making God smaller and smaller. Instead, as we learn more about how the world works, we are given a deeper sense of the immensity of God’s power, His creativity, and His sovereignty. Dig Deeper The Andreas Center is pleased to co-sponsor an upcoming event with the Colossian Forum here at Dordt College: A Conversation about Origins, with Todd Wood and Darrel Falk. Mark your calendars for Friday, October 26, 20…
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Featured image for “Reflections From a First Time Voter”
February 2, 2016

Reflections From a First Time Voter

by Carlye Gomes
…to think I’m pretty good at using the internet to stay up to date on the latest joke. And then last week, January 29, my roommates were gone. So I went to attend the last ten minutes of the Jeb Bush rally hosted at my college, because…I don’t even know. After the event ended, I made my way down the stairs and through the crowd to take a selfie with him, to the scoffs of “grown-ups” who thought a selfie with someone from the Bush family was silly a…
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Featured image for “Misunderstandings”
September 21, 2017


by Ed Starkenburg
…he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but for everyone to come to repentance.” The warnings in Nahum and II Corinthians remind us we have to be discerning when it comes to appearances. God teaches us not to look only at appearances, but to look deeper and more carefully. Things are not always the way we understand them to be. Psalm 145:8 states “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Many around u…
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Featured image for “Church Music in the Current Technological Age”
May 8, 2018

Church Music in the Current Technological Age

by Jonathan De Groot
…ed (are the worship wars really over)? Is our church music a popularity contest? Nostalgia? Are we victims of the Matthew principle4 on social marketing steroids? Are we Christian pawns being duped by business-savvy music ministries with money and power? Or, is there something else, an anointing—like Billy Graham—on people who write songs that seem to resonate and find their way into a majority of Churches throughout the country? Maybe the technol…
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Featured image for “Top 5 books on ministering to millennials”
October 3, 2014

Top 5 books on ministering to millennials

by Liz Moss
…oor’s article Shame, Vulnerability and Faith) In the evening, the Andreas Center will welcome Jon De Groot (Campus Ministries Coordinator), Jason Lief (Associate Professor of Theology), Kory Plockmeyer (pastor a Covenant Christian Reformed Church in Sioux Center, Iowa and former campus chaplain at MSU), along with Sara Gerritsma De Moor in a panel discussion on “Ministering to Millennials” at 7:30 pm in the Science & Technology Center. If you live…
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Featured image for “NDAs: How should Christians think about Non-Disclosure Agreements?”
May 16, 2023

NDAs: How should Christians think about Non-Disclosure Agreements?

by Donald Roth
News Service Powerful arguments like this have inspired movements like #NDAfree, which calls on Christians everywhere to “share publicly that you have chosen freedom from contracts of silence.” It’s against this moral tide and the constraints of length requirements that resist nuance that I’m going to offer a potentially unsatisfying, “It depends.” Having done that, I’ll try to redeem myself by answering the question that my answer begs, “on what?…
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Featured image for “Advent: I AM”
December 7, 2014

Advent: I AM

by Nathan Tintle
…s world and His Spirit’s life in us, we will find I AM in all things. A recent short-lived reality television show, Same Name, matched celebrities with regular folks of the same name. “Hi, I’m Mike Tyson. No, not that Mike Tyson.” â†© uses census records to count first and list names and tell you how unique your name is. â†© Finding your Roots, a PBS series that shows people who their ancestors were as people seek to find out why they…
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Featured image for “Can We Get Rid of Valentine’s Day?”
February 14, 2015

Can We Get Rid of Valentine’s Day?

by Liz Moss
…g Mayan and Aztec upper class elites, who were known to savor a drink that combined roasted cacao beans with cornmeal, vanilla, honey and chilies. Cacao beans were as valuable a commodity as gold, and were even used to pay taxes levied by Aztec rulers.” Treat Yourself: Budget Friendly Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day Alone (U.S. News & World Report) “Who says you need a special someone for Valentine’s Day? If you find yourself celebrating alone on Fe…
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Featured image for “I’ve Been Going to Yoga on Mondays”
May 10, 2017

I’ve Been Going to Yoga on Mondays

by Caleb Schut
…the entire hour to get to the prayer. I have to go through the stage of accomplishment, boredom, and anxiety before I arrive at the place of stillness where I am finally free to pray. Yoga, of course, is not for everyone. People will find stillness in a variety of things. Gardening or biking or bird watching, perhaps. Right now, I need help finding it. I need parameters, blinders that focus me. Maybe it is surprising that God would use something…
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Featured image for “The Proliferation of Life”
September 2, 2015

The Proliferation of Life

by Aaron Baart
…attack and the least of these, drawing their line in the red African dirt, defiantly declaring to one of evil’s greatest weapons: “No more.” I’m pro-life. I always have been. However, it hasn’t been until more recently that I’ve begun to realize that being pro-life means a great deal more than simply how one votes on Election Day every four years or even whether or not you’ve ever protested in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic. To be pro-life m…
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Featured image for “Missionary Boot Camp”
March 21, 2019

Missionary Boot Camp

by Brandon Jones
…I spent fundraising, downsizing, moving, training, and saying goodbye to become a missionary. Why did I decide to do this? As a child, I saw myself becoming a missionary, which was not some random aspiration. The church that formed me focused much on youth and missions. The short-term mission storm hadn’t reached our church yet, so the focus was on career missionaries, usually church-planting ones. Even today I can think of several missionaries se…
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Featured image for “Between the World and Me, Michael Brown, and White Imagination”
November 17, 2016

Between the World and Me, Michael Brown, and White Imagination

by Howard Schaap
…flict with “the law” in this way. In fact, many of us within the Christian community seem to have a subconscious view that if you do come into conflict with police, it’s your own fault and you probably get what you deserve. And, sure, this thinking continues, certain people seem more likely to run afoul of police. And yes, there are labels that fit these people – among them “black” or “deplorables” or “the undeserving poor.” Before the most recent…
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Featured image for “Who Do Your Kids Look Like?”
November 30, 2016

Who Do Your Kids Look Like?

by Leah Zuidema
…rn cultures saw their rulers as “images” or representatives of their gods. Common folk, foreigners, and enemies need not apply; it was kings who were the divine image. Genesis 1 presents a different scenario. All human beings, male and female, are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-28). All have dignity and value.3 All human beings—kids, too! By God’s good design, each person is an image bearer from day one. Though sin may tarnish or dim the r…
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Featured image for “America and Syria’s Christians”
June 21, 2017

America and Syria’s Christians

by Joel Veldkamp
…lians fight back. By June 2011, Syria was in a civil war. Where Syria’s protestors saw a chance at freedom, the U.S. and its allies saw a chance to change the balance of power in the Middle East. To oversimplify, the main Middle Eastern allies of the U.S.—the countries that host our troops, buy our weapons, and in some cases, sell us our oil—are Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Israel. (As I write this, it…
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Featured image for “Life Through Death”
April 13, 2017

Life Through Death

by Anneke Wind
…. In response to his unfailing love for us, we are called to carry out the command Jesus gave his disciples: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13: 34-35). This is another passage that we cannot become callous to—proclaiming that Christ perseveres through his people. By loving others, we show Christ to a broken world. As David wr…
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Featured image for “Boasting is Our Worship”
January 19, 2017

Boasting is Our Worship

by Kristen Uroda
…did not just set a ladder for us to go up, but God intended for Christ to come down. Seeing honestly the obstacles, the pain, the battles, the fear, and yet still believing that the goodness of God intervenes in our world, here and now—that is hope. Because hope isn’t something tacked on to the gospel as an afterthought. It’s not wishful thinking, weakness, or blind optimism that acts as if problems don’t exist. Hope isn’t a life raft we just hav…
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Featured image for “Digging Deep”
March 15, 2018

Digging Deep

by Dawn Berkelaar
…matters immensely! “What must you know to live and die in the joy of this comfort ? Three things: first, how great my sin and misery are; second, how I am set free from all my sins and misery; third, how I am to thank God for such deliverance.” I still don’t have an answer about whether or what to give up for Lent. Maybe I wouldn’t tell you if I did. The things I would most like to give up are intangible, like my pride and selfishness. But I am t…
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Featured image for “Gender & Authority: Tish Warren, Jen Hatmaker, and the “Crisis” of the Female Christian Blogosphere in Historical Perspective”
August 31, 2017

Gender & Authority: Tish Warren, Jen Hatmaker, and the “Crisis” of the Female Christian Blogosphere in Historical Perspective

by Kristin Kobes du Mez
…ish. But instead of taking sides, it might be more useful for us to realize that we are all, like them, products of historical and cultural forces that define our experiences and constrain our choices in ways we often fail to realize. Understanding this context can help us to better define our differences and to realize that we share more in common than we might have imagined. And, perhaps, it might inspire us to work to cultivate a different cult…
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Featured image for “Rest and Re-Creation”
July 6, 2015

Rest and Re-Creation

by Neal DeRoo
…hanks Mason. I’ll be sure to check that out. And thanks for starting the recommendations on a theology of play. Here’s hoping they keep coming in… Gerry Is prophecy associated with lucid dreaming? I’ve never come across that connection, but it makes sense. Lucid dreaming has always been a pretty common experience for me — often in connection with disturbed short sleep periods actually. It does often seem to produce personal, mostly introspectiv…
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Featured image for “Martin Luther King and the Spirit of Pan-Africanism”
January 21, 2019

Martin Luther King and the Spirit of Pan-Africanism

by Eric Michael Washington
…ican Americans have a deep reservoir to draw from to gain insight into overcoming the oppressor. No movement or its outcome is perfect. King’s sermon should motivate further study of the history of African anti-colonial movements in places like Kenya, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. More so than studying Africa’s history, King is an example of someone who traveled to an African country to witness the unraveling of history. For African Americans, this…
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Featured image for “Joy in the Anticipation”
December 11, 2016

Joy in the Anticipation

by John Baas
…will be unfathomably better). Let us put all our hope in the Lord, who reigns forever. He brings joy to every heart. He comes! He comes!…
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Featured image for “The Diverse Church”
March 15, 2016

The Diverse Church

by Elizabeth Ann Brown Hardeman
…t wear on their heads, and people who are debating the correct way to take communion. This is the first century church. Statements like, “You can’t be a true follower of Jesus if you aren’t circumcised,” “You can’t come to worship if you don’t cover your head,” and “You can’t fellowship with us if you don’t support Apollos,” were probably thrown around like grenades. Truth be told, it doesn’t sound dramatically different from the twenty-first chur…
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Featured image for “War on Drugs in Rural America”
June 14, 2016

War on Drugs in Rural America

by Dan Altena
…rtunities to be mentors or consultants for the program. While the war on drugs may still be “public enemy number one” 45 years later, we have the power to end the war by coming together as a community to provide the resources and support to make a lasting change in our neighborhoods….
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Featured image for “Wine, Food, and Friends: John Calvin on God’s Gifts”
November 11, 2016

Wine, Food, and Friends: John Calvin on God’s Gifts

by Bruce Gordon
…ink Burgundy wine, which I am not allowed to temper with water or any more common beverage. Nay, unless I had obstinately protested, they want to kill me outright with the heating fumes of Malmsey and Muscat wine. Even in the midst of great pain, then, Calvin was not willing to accept inferior wine. For Calvin, the act of eating and drinking was a deeply spiritual activity, reminding us that, according to the reformer’s interpretation, God feeds u…
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The blog.