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Featured image for “Fasting from Jeans, for a Cause”
December 15, 2021

Fasting from Jeans, for a Cause

by Joya Breems
…ixing and matching various thrifted dresses and cardigans in my closet and coming up with fun combinations. After the first week, that thrill wore off and there I was: cold, missing my jeans, and still not feeling more connected to those I was advocating for. After all, a little eighth grader wearing a dress doesn’t do much to help victims of human trafficking.  My mom helped me frame the issue differently. Dressember is like fasting, except it oc…
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Featured image for “What They Gave Away”
February 22, 2016

What They Gave Away

by Partners Worldwide
…program provides college tuition for their employees’ children. The Cherry Committees Because Ralph and Cheryl are also committed to developing the leadership gifts of their employees, they created an opportunity for employees to participate in funding projects. The Broetje Orchards Cherry Committees are managed and directed entirely by Broetje employees. The committees’ main funding source developed almost by accident. Hidden among the hundreds o…
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Featured image for “I Am Thankful for Spiders”
November 23, 2016

I Am Thankful for Spiders

by Kendra Broekhuis
…orever. While that spider and my mild arachnophobia did give me chronic discomfort, my discomfort also made me hyper-aware of my surroundings. And, strangely, that’s where my gratitude for spiders comes in. One of the questions that I will ask Jesus when I get to Heaven is, “Why, Lord? Why spiders?” But I am thankful for what they teach me. I am glad for how they remind me that the times I feel most uncomfortable are the times God speaks the loude…
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Featured image for “Peace with Graham”
February 24, 2018

Peace with Graham

by Scott Culpepper
…vivalist traditions of Charles Finney and D. L. Moody than to the Reformed examples of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. Like most revivalists, Graham chose the big tent and the lowest common denominator in a bid to reach the largest audience possible with the gospel. These choices made it easy to work with people across the theological spectrum. But, they exacted a price. Graham’s influence propagated and reinvigorated a nineteenth century…
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Featured image for “The Pervasive Power of Leaven”
June 24, 2017

The Pervasive Power of Leaven

by Josh Bootsma
…kingdom. Even from the most humble, weak, and small beginnings, God can accomplish his purposes. In fact, he promises that he will. Much like leaven will inevitably leaven the whole lump of dough, so too will Christ inevitably build his kingdom to completion. The process is a slow one, and it is often hard for us to determine where we are in timeline of the “already-not-yet,” but at the end of the day, just as we are confident in the fact that ju…
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Featured image for “What Matters to Us”
June 1, 2015

What Matters to Us

by Kristen deRoo VanderBerg
…n. Taking time to carry out this work means that Alonzo now owns his house free and clear without any risk of a landlord coming to take it from him. It also means that the house was built to earthquake and hurricane-resistant standards and can be trusted to withstand future disasters. What’s more, local men and women have been given a construction skill that they can use for future employment. Despite having to wait 17 months for this home, Alonzo…
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Featured image for “Mental Illness and Your Child: Learning to Loosen and Receive”
April 15, 2015

Mental Illness and Your Child: Learning to Loosen and Receive

by Rachel Valentine
…ere frightened to step in because they were afraid that the mother would become defensive and trample them. As a child and family therapist and mother, I see this in my families. I see this in myself. When our children are sinking, we want to be the ones to do the digging out. To do the saving. And sometimes we find ourselves like this mother and her calf, as all of our best efforts work against us and our children. This is most true when our chil…
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Featured image for “Sabbath Practice”
January 19, 2022

Sabbath Practice

by Jackson Nickolay
…om the state of service to time and into friendship with time, then time becomes love. Time spent with others becomes an embodiment of that love. Engaging in sabbath practice has been a step along that journey of befriending time for me. It has enabled some spaciousness even in the midst of very busy seasons and could be just the thing needed for this new year. If you’re looking for a change to make to your lives in 2022, I offer this as something…
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Featured image for “Jonah’s Example”
March 3, 2017

Jonah’s Example

by Brandon Huisman
…sun, pleading with God for death. God answered one more time, showing his compassion, his control of all things, and his grace for those whom he chooses. God showed Jonah that everything he had was a gift, and that he could take it away at any time. I see myself in God’s relationship with Jonah. God speaks, I feign ignorance. God responds, I go in the opposite direction. It seems to take a lot to get through, but God is faithful. How many times h…
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Featured image for “The Master Narrative: The Popular, but Problematic Memory of the Civil Rights Movement”
November 21, 2016

The Master Narrative: The Popular, but Problematic Memory of the Civil Rights Movement

by Jemar Tisby
…as wrong. Inspired by the court, in the form of sit-ins, bus boycotts, and Freedom Rides. The nonviolent protest movement, led by the brilliant and eloquent Reverend Martin Luther King, aided by a sympathetic federal government, most notably the Kennedy brothers and a born-again Lyndon Johnson, was able to make America understand racial discrimination as a moral issue. Once Americans understood that discrimination was wrong, they quickly moved to…
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Featured image for “Longing for Spring: Songs of Lament”
January 31, 2019

Longing for Spring: Songs of Lament

by John MacInnis
…ed to us, but still we often hunger and thirst; God proclaims that he will come quickly, but he seems deaf when we cry to him. What would become of us were we not supported by hope, and did not our minds emerge out of the midst of darkness above the world through the light of God’s word and of his Spirit? Only personal examination will show for sure, but it is possible that the songs we sing and listen to betray a preference for generic hope, assu…
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Featured image for “Lent: Unless I Wash You”
February 27, 2015

Lent: Unless I Wash You

by Tara Boer
…that God is doing a good work in them. I personally don’t care to bond or commune with people who think they have it all together. Homes are hard to keep clean, marriage is difficult sometimes, kids are naughty, loss is hard, relationships can be messy and we have personal struggles. We’re not in heaven yet so there’s really no need to act like we have this all together. The disciples were washed clean by their master and then had the privilege o…
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Featured image for “The Salute of Grace”
October 20, 2016

The Salute of Grace

by Joel Van Dyke
…unclean, Gentile and Jew. The Samaritan, unshackled from such allegiance, freely comes to Jesus, understanding him as both a source of physical healing and a giver of social restoration. The verbs Jesus uses in this story reveal the progression. The ten were all initially “cleansed” (tharizo- “to be made clean or healed of a disease”). But the Samaritan, upon returning to Jesus, was “made well,” (sozo- “to be healed of spiritual disease and death…
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Featured image for “Seek the Lord While He May Be Found”
November 11, 2017

Seek the Lord While He May Be Found

by Stephanie Kuiper
…to be ready now. There is no time to delay, for “the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians 5:2 ESV). Again in Matthew 25:13, we are warned: “watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” That same concept is repeated again and again throughout Scripture, with each repetition reminding us to be vigilant, to seek the Lord while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6) because there will come a time when it will b…
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Featured image for “The Problem with Cussing Christians and Easy Answers”
April 19, 2016

The Problem with Cussing Christians and Easy Answers

by Donald Roth
…ne away as a sinner because they say certain words, it’s all too easy to become prideful because we avoid them, sliding off into legalism. At the same time, we can easily license ourselves to abandon any pretense of self-regulation, authorizing sin by rejecting legalism. If we look to Paul’s exhortations and his language, we see that strong language may have its uses precisely because it is strong, but that strength may be diluted by overuse. Chri…
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Featured image for “Our Call to Follow”
May 12, 2017

Our Call to Follow

by Matthew J. Warfield
…we read the passage, we ask ourselves what God means when He says, I have come down to deliver them. What does that mean in our current reality which seems so overcome with division, hate, racism, sexism? I believe that, for us, we must turn or gaze upon Jesus, God incarnate. Jesus, in his inaugural sermon found in Luke 4:18-19, declares, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me…
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Featured image for “A New Asceticism: Learning to be Grateful”
February 12, 2019

A New Asceticism: Learning to be Grateful

by Chandra Crane
…ever we have, to lament our prideful attitudes, and care for others better, we will see growth and change in our relationship with the world around us. And yet, as we look to the cultures and people around the world, a question arises: Who defines excess? Or, more importantly: Who do we allow to define excess instead of Christ? In the next part of the article, I address the topic of minimalism and excess across cultures and speculate how it will b…
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Featured image for “More Than Work”
April 30, 2019

More Than Work

by Erik Hoekstra
Freedom, where he states “money itself brings little joy to life, but…the free enterprise system brings what all people truly crave: earned success. This is what I believe the Founders meant by the pursuit of happiness.”1 I’m with Brooks on this. Work can bring us happiness—and not for the money. I do believe that experiencing joy from work is part of the creational structure that God put into our world—and into each of us. So, if the future look…
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Featured image for “5 Things You May Not Know About Our Tax System”
April 18, 2017

5 Things You May Not Know About Our Tax System

by Donald Roth
…g the wealthy in a recession, due to their high proportion of investment income) then you have a deficit. This has been a significant contributor to large state deficits, and the lack of the same budgetary restraints on the federal government only magnify this concern with increasing federal tax volatility. In short, base-broadening tax reform is not just about trickle-down economics, but it can be a key part of more responsible fiscal policy as w…
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Featured image for “In the Wilderness”
December 3, 2016

In the Wilderness

by Jeff Ploegstra
…er been made a slave or been taken captive. Rather, I willingly give up my freedom in a thousand subtle and not-so-subtle ways. I have chosen to become captivated by worthless things; things that make me feel secure, self-sufficient, accomplished, in control. I exile myself from God. I take refuge in the hills of my vanity. I hide in the valleys of my self-assurance, but there is no manna to be found. “A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness pr…
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Featured image for “Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son”
June 29, 2016

Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son

by Dave Mulder
…victory? Where, O death, is your sting3 ?” Genesis 2:16, 17: “The Lord God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.’” And Genesis 3:19, after Adam and Eve’s sin: “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust y…
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Featured image for “Advent: Lamb of God”
December 1, 2014

Advent: Lamb of God

by Lisa Smith
…the world!”John 1:29 Take a moment and think about the sins that you have committed: lying, cheating, being prideful, judging others, jealousy, and discontentment. These are just to name a few that came to my mind—however, I am sure that there are many more. All these sins complied together would make a book larger than a dictionary. Imagine what your life would be like for every sin you committed if you had to pay the price. When was the last ti…
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Featured image for “A Prayer for Graduates”
April 6, 2017

A Prayer for Graduates

by John Baas
…s. I am happy for them, excited for their futures and for what they will accomplish. I am proud of who they are becoming. And I’m a little bit sad they won’t be here next year. This year my wife and I have two children graduating—one from high school and one from college—so those emotions hit even closer to home. These soon-to-be graduates do not yet know much of what the next chapter holds. They may still be looking for a job. Moving to a new com
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Featured image for “The Assassination of Boris Nemtsov”
March 4, 2015

The Assassination of Boris Nemtsov

by Mark McCarthy
…o Nizhny to help advise on methods of privatization of state factories and free market reforms. After this process had been completed, Nemtsov had asked the IMF to help start the privatization process of the large collective farms as well. Photo by M.McCarthy (1994). For his work and success in turning around the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region Nemtsov was appointed by Boris Yeltsin as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in 1997….
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Featured image for “Ending Hunger”
February 25, 2016

Ending Hunger

by David Beckmann
…a fundamental shift in our national priorities by 2017. That shift has to come through our communications with our representatives in government (Congress) and with our votes. Advocacy allows us to bring the world into a closer communion with God, aligning it with the beautiful visions set forth in the Bible. Dig Deeper David Beckmann will be giving the opening keynote address for the Global Agriculture Summit, focusing on the biblical call to fl…
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The blog.