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Featured image for “Shows that Shape Us: Asking the Right Questions”
January 21, 2020

Shows that Shape Us: Asking the Right Questions

by Justin Ariel Bailey
…that none of these questions evaluate the stories of pop culture for their compatibility with the Christian vision of the world. That comes later. I should say that my students are quite adept at doing this, at least at a surface level. They can tell me countless ways that their beloved shows, songs, and video games miss the mark. At some level, that’s what they think I want to hear. But I find that this ability to do worldview critique neither ab…
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Featured image for “Christian Living”
February 20, 2017

Christian Living

by Susan Hetrick
…ften their motivations came down to apathy and fear. There was very little compassion or hospitality offered; few leaders mourned with the masses who were mourning; even fewer were willing to associate with the refugees (“those of lower position”) and repay the evil done to them with blessings. It is a difficult thing to live by the values that Paul espoused, especially when we are dealing with migration on such a massive scale. It seems that our…
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Featured image for “Rashomon”
June 26, 2017


by Josh Matthews
…s framing scene, which takes place at a ruined castle gate. When the movie opens, it’s raining, with two men—a woodcutter and a priest—sitting together and lamenting the recent sorrows of their lives. Both have been present at the murder trial, and the woodcutter will be the last to offer his version of the terrible event in the forest. They will recount the other three stories as well, but those are in the past; the story’s present moment takes p…
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Featured image for “Compensation as Cultivation”
August 12, 2015

Compensation as Cultivation

by Donald Roth
…supported, and how might that be accomplished? How might you push for pro-flourishing compensation policies even at the middle management or employee level? We welcome your comments below. See, for instance, this article in Forbes, and this one in Inc. Magazine ↩…
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Featured image for “Speaking to the Living: A Review of <em>Theology in the Democracy of the Dead</em>”
November 21, 2019

Speaking to the Living: A Review of Theology in the Democracy of the Dead

by Myles Werntz
…sonate with you, it can simply remain history. The problem is that their accomplishments are already part of the modern story, both in their influence over what the faith has become and in what the modern world seeks to not be. The thing about tradition is that it endlessly invites valuation of what it contains, because, for better or worse, it is already a part of our own believing. The question is not one of disavowing, then, a Calvin or a Luthe
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option”
April 7, 2017

iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option

by Robert Lancaster
…of Dreher’s major arguments. At this point, there is not much on which to offer further comment in relation to his framing. I think his distinction between seeing ourselves as being in exile versus being ambassadors is a fair one, and likely does explain some of the push back that Dreher is receiving. I would agree with Donald that Smith and Dreher may seem to be operating with different imaginative visions, but I wonder if that has to be the cas…
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Featured image for “The Rainbow Promise”
May 22, 2017

The Rainbow Promise

by Diane Maodush-Pitzer
…, hardships, trials, persecutions, and disasters – though the world as it was known has been changed forever – the promise of God’s presence, God’s love, God’s care, and God’s companionship on the journey will not change. The rainbow promise holds fast as the Light guides us forward. Thanks be to God….
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Featured image for “Movie Review: “Solo””
June 2, 2018

Movie Review: “Solo”

by Josh Matthews
…o doesn’t seem to care for much besides getting paid. It explains how he becomes a pilot, how he meets Lando Calrissian, how he wins the Falcon, and—in the best scene of all—how he becomes buddies with Chewbacca. I’ve held off on explaining the plot because mentioning almost any of it would spoil too much. What should suffice is that Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) is probably twenty years younger in Solo than he is in Episode IV. He has a girlfriend whom…
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Featured image for “Gen Z Perspective: When I Left the Church”
June 7, 2018

Gen Z Perspective: When I Left the Church

by Ashley Huizinga
…iritually more times than I would be willing to tally. But there was something that brought me back. It was not exceptional guitar solos during heartfelt renditions of “Oceans.” It was not the warm and welcoming draw of the church community. It was not a talking donkey or a flash of light or a vision in a dream. It was the Holy Spirit at work inside me that said, “This means something.”…
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Featured image for “When Iraq Expelled the Jews”
April 24, 2017

When Iraq Expelled the Jews

by Joel Veldkamp
…ecuted Christian refugees. We absolutely should. But it is one thing to welcome them here. It is quite another to leave them no choice—to offer emigration as the only solution to the destruction we have helped wrought in their country. It is a terrible thing for people to be exiled from their homeland, houses, churches, language, friends, and extended families. As we can see, since World War I, Great Britain and the U.S. have been interfering in I…
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Featured image for “Be salt and light”
December 17, 2014

Be salt and light

by Brian Hoekstra
…, for example, and running a successful business requires the ability to accomplish goals, meet deadlines, and complete projects. Other skills such as conflict management and good communication can be developed and purposefully employed in the business environment. Many businesses offer training programs to help their employees develop and grow in these and other areas, and these skills are useful in different social spheres such as at home or vol…
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Featured image for “Psalm 139: on the Embodiment of Good and Evil”
September 7, 2021

Psalm 139: on the Embodiment of Good and Evil

by Chandra Crane
…e world. To use our physical selves to speak truth in word and deed, as we combat the very embodied evil in the world. So, as we strive to think God’s thoughts on what it means to be knit together both in our individual bodies and as God’s people, I offer this blessing:  May we know full well that all God’s works are wonderful  in mind, body, and soul.  May we find conviction that even now there are offensive ways in us  in mind, body, and soul. …
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Featured image for “A Christian Response to Pride Month: Is Pride Revolution or Carnival?”
June 21, 2022

A Christian Response to Pride Month: Is Pride Revolution or Carnival?

by Donald Roth
…issued a call in World Magazine to oppose the celebration and symbols that come each June during what has become Pride Month. On one level, I can appreciate Trueman’s call for opposition to what June has come to stand for; however, I’ve also seen many people using the month to rally together against the perceived oppression of religion, and I do wonder if this month is the time and place to play into a caricature foisted upon Christians. In the wa…
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Featured image for “Teaching Christianly at the Graduate Level”
July 9, 2019

Teaching Christianly at the Graduate Level

by Steve Holtrop
…nt is a sinner and an explorer. Yes, the teacher is sometimes a controller and sometimes an accommodator (and maybe mostly a collaborator). Yes, we’re teaching a lot of head knowledge but also a lot of heart-knowledge (whether we realize it or not). Yes, we’re all called to duty but also to freedom. Yes, truth is being questioned like never before in our lifetimes. But Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.1 And he commands us to go into all t…
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Featured image for “Who Loved the Neighbor? A Review of <em> Faithful Antiracism </em>”
November 3, 2022

Who Loved the Neighbor? A Review of Faithful Antiracism

by Abby De Groot
…for neighbor. Their recommended action steps similarly find their roots in examples and commands from the Bible. Because I have read a variety of other books on racial justice assigned by my secular graduate school, leaving me to wrestle alone with how the content fit into the truth of scripture, I found the authors’ transparent inclusion of their own understanding of faithful antiracism both refreshing and stimulating. “…the authors’ purpose (for…
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Featured image for “The Presence of The Spirit: A Review of <em>A Profound Ignorance</em>”
May 14, 2020

The Presence of The Spirit: A Review of A Profound Ignorance

by Myles Werntz
…use the Holy Spirit is God, that the Spirit is at work in ways which may become clear to us in retrospect, though perhaps not immediately. This is the witness which we find in Israel—the simultaneous suffering of Israel and God’s presence—and we wish that combination away at the peril of wishing away God’s own presence to us. Radner’s work is challenging precisely in the respect that he wants to decouple the alleviation of suffering from the prese…
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Featured image for “Blade Runner 2049”
October 18, 2017

Blade Runner 2049

by Josh Matthews
…’s novel, K lives in an artificial world where nothing is really real. For example, his girlfriend is a virtual-reality computer simulation who can follow him wherever he goes. She tells him that she loves him, but we see images of her on gigantic neon signs in the cityscape. We’re told later that she’s a corporate product, one who simulates love but, apparently, can never provide the real thing. All of this makes “Blade Runner 2049” sound like a…
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Featured image for “Grace is Complicated”
May 30, 2017

Grace is Complicated

by Beth Carroll
…ter the world around us. This is grace. The parts of ourselves that seem uncomfortable or complicated are actually the parts God relishes to use in serving the needs of others. We might feel ugly or marred, but with a little polishing and care, we can be used to unite and bind together others who are also feeling ugly or marred. I am divorced. When I first began sharing that life-changing event with others 6 years ago, I felt raw, alone, and vulne…
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Featured image for “Mind-Full Love”
February 3, 2016

Mind-Full Love

by Bruce Vermeer
…we age. This is particularly evident after the age of 50. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to remain mentally engaged with every passing year. In nearly 25 years of practice as a geriatric neuropsychologist, I have noticed that the people who remain healthiest, cognitively and physically, are those who maintain vital involvement throughout their lifetime. Such involvement, by its very nature, requires considerable cognitive fitness. T…
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Featured image for “Loving God by Making Poems”
January 12, 2016

Loving God by Making Poems

by Dave Schelhaas
…shell, it goes like this: the writer sits down with no subject in mind and opens his mind. “We can’t keep from thinking,” Stafford says. So we must simply be receptive and uncritically take what comes. “One thing will lead to another,” he writes, “that’s the way it is with thought.” I use a variation on this technique when I write. As I begin writing, I think of the pleasure I find in picking raspberries, how it relaxes me after a day’s work. My m…
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Featured image for “Anger is a Choice”
February 12, 2017

Anger is a Choice

by Eliana Radde
…ere before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” Anger breeds contempt, hatred, wrath, and self-loathing. But the natural cure to anger is love: love for others and love for self. And out of love emerges forgiveness, grace, and reconciliation. We are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves. Perhaps instead of simply suppressing our anger, we should see it as an opportunity to actively chann…
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Featured image for “SuErvIviZnEg the Summer”
May 5, 2015

SuErvIviZnEg the Summer

by Chad Hanson
…ive” this life. Jesus told the Pharisees in John 10:10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” In his response to the rich young ruler in Matt 22:37, “Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Matthew 11:28 Jesus says, “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy la…
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Featured image for “Filling Empty Cups: A Review of <em>The Soul of the Helper </em>”
November 15, 2022

Filling Empty Cups: A Review of The Soul of the Helper

by Erin Olson
…only her childhood trauma, but also how she’s tried, in some ways, to overcompensate for it.” It is common for people to choose a helping profession when they themselves have been the recipient of some form of professional help. I became a social worker in part because of my own personal experience with my parents’ divorce when I was a child. I didn’t spend a lot of time in therapy working through the divorce or my subsequent turbulent relationsh…
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Featured image for “Created to Create: Fostering Innovative Education”
January 21, 2016

Created to Create: Fostering Innovative Education

by Dave Mulder
…learning? What if Piaget is right, and becoming educated actually means becoming creative? Maybe I’m a little worried that school culture seems to be centered on high-stakes testing and convergent, universal curriculum. I worry about how this affects creativity, motivation, engagement and true learning. What are students going to come away with? Excellent test-taking skills? I’m sorry; I know that sounds cynical. It’s just that, in a conformity-f…
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Featured image for “Mary: Our Role Model?”
March 25, 2017

Mary: Our Role Model?

by Annie Sears
…rst of all, but the suffering will be more than worth it once the birth is complete because the love will have come in full. The pain’s purpose will be revealed, and the pain itself will seem insignificant. So even if we’re not called to give birth to the Messiah, we are called to mimic Mary’s process. We’re called to waiting, to certainty of the good to come, to expectancy, and to preparation for the now-not-yet’s full arrival. We’re called to th…
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The blog.