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Featured image for “Top 5: Podcasts for the Road”
May 20, 2022

Top 5: Podcasts for the Road

by Jackson Nickolay
…ow at one insight or another. That said, the conversations and the sort of compassionate curiosity which Taylor and Lamb cultivate creates a space where potentially faith-shaking questions can be asked non-anxiously and with grace. If you want to give this podcast a try, I strongly suggest listening to their first episode to start things off. In it they describe their ethos and their name and set up the direction the podcast will be heading. Best
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Featured image for “The Question of What We Do With Our Past”
May 5, 2017

The Question of What We Do With Our Past

by Myles Werntz
…her’s life, while hazardous to a casual reader, is what makes this book so compelling: it unfolds as our memories of our lives actually unfold, in fits and starts, partial recollections which are completely intelligible to the teller but an inviting mystery to the hearer. Grandfather’s meeting of his first wife in the aftermath of World War 2 is followed by his work some decades later in the aerospace industry, interrupted by descriptions of last…
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Featured image for “Slow Down”
May 13, 2016

Slow Down

by Sonya Jongsma Knauss
…xed as I read and listened to my girls practicing their piano pieces, which they do longer than they need to, without being asked, because they like it. Imagine that! I think they get it, despite the uneven example I’ve been able to offer. I hope they hold onto the things they love that renew their spirits, and learn the balance and benefit that slowing down—at least in some things—can bring….
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Featured image for “5 Myths and Misconceptions About the War on Drugs”
June 13, 2016

5 Myths and Misconceptions About the War on Drugs

by Donald Roth
…enforcement efforts have had a vastly disproportionate effect on minority communities, particularly African Americans. With the current crisis of confidence in policing radiating out from minority communities in recent years, this significant factor cannot be overlooked. Myth 3: Legalizing drugs will lead to a huge increase in their use. This is a commonly-cited fear by those opposed to any relaxing of drug laws, and, just as frequently, the lack…
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Featured image for “Remembrance, Communion, and Hope Review”
March 23, 2018

Remembrance, Communion, and Hope Review

by Stephen Shaffer
…ull effect of this engagement is that reading the book begins to accomplish its overall goal. The love of, care for, and passionate reception of Scripture as the Word of God is demonstrated on almost every page. As you read it, you grow in your hunger for the Supper and for Jesus Christ who offers himself there. Why come to the Table? To remember the death of Christ for us, yes. To be transformed through union with Christ, yes. To anticipate the c…
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Featured image for “See the Blood of the Covenant”
May 3, 2017

See the Blood of the Covenant

by Shari Oosting
…live. They beheld God; then, they ate and drank. A tiny glimpse of kingdom come, commemorated and celebrated with a shared meal. Generations later, followers of Jesus ate breakfast on the beach with the resurrected Jesus; I can only imagine their awe and wonder. They had seen Jesus crucified. They had seen his shed blood. In their wonder and covenantal faithfulness, they committed to follow Jesus. “See the blood of the covenant.” See and wonder. C…
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Featured image for “Reflections From the Day Before Today”
October 23, 2014

Reflections From the Day Before Today

by Neal DeRoo
…ragic events in Ottawa yesterday. And I pray, too, that I will remember to offer sympathy and prayers for people affected by other events, ‘big’ and ‘small,’ ‘newsworthy’ and not, today and yet to come. Indeed, I pray that I will learn to see people as full-orbed people, and not merely as the ‘next’ in a long line of things I will encounter in my life. Let this shooting be an occasion to be with people in their grief and their joy…and the fullness…
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Featured image for “Nothing But Net”
June 13, 2016

Nothing But Net

by Josh Bowar
…ry but agrees to head out. And he is soon glad they did because the nets become so filled with fish that they start to break. Soon everyone is amazed, and Simon becomes ashamed of resisting Jesus at first. Jesus responds by telling the men they will fish for people. The end of the passage makes you think that there wasn’t much resistance at this point, as it says “they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed Him”. So what’s th…
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Featured image for “Culture of Comparison”
August 25, 2017

Culture of Comparison

by Justin Vander Werff
…atively meaningless comparisons, let’s remember that one sinful human measured against other sinful humans is still just a sinful human. We don’t need to, and can’t, look for our confidence and self-assurance by boasting in our relative worth compared to other fellow humans. Our confidence comes in Christ, and through His merit we experience our heavenly Father’s amazing, overflowing, ongoing love and sustenance. As the Holy Spirit teaches through…
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Featured image for “For I Was Sick and You Looked After Me”
February 16, 2016

For I Was Sick and You Looked After Me

by Christina Eggink-Postma
your support really can make an impact. Treat them with the same care and compassion that we are so good at lavishing on those with physical illnesses. Because at the end of the day, agencies, clinics, and legislators can only go so far in improving health. As a community, we can do better. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (September 4, 2014). The NSDUH Report: Substan…
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Featured image for “A Song to Shape our Loves”
February 9, 2017

A Song to Shape our Loves

by Matt Postma
…s about walking, following, and taking the long way. But the blessing does come: a blessing which is worth describing for another 168 verses. In this description of perseverance, commitment, patience, learning, walking, following…all attributes describe a beautiful love. This is a love for God’s Law because, through it all, the Law provides the means to be close to God and bask in God’s love. This Psalm talks about the Law—not as some rigid docume…
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Featured image for “A Letter to Teachers”
August 17, 2015

A Letter to Teachers

by Dave Mulder
…nk. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. School can be a dark place for students, and even for teachers. Be light in the darkness! Remember: you matter. You make a difference. You are fulfilling your calling! Be Jesus’s hands and feet, and serve where you are called!2 The basis of this encouragement comes from Romans 12. ↩ This letter was first shared as a blessing to the
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Featured image for “Created to Glorify: a review of Chapters 6-7 of  <em>Neo-Calvinism</em>”
February 8, 2023

Created to Glorify: a review of Chapters 6-7 of Neo-Calvinism

by Jessica Joustra
…l – restore by his grace? One that is swept up in the glory of God, that encompasses all that God has made. “God will make his dwelling place with humankind, Immanuel, God with us.”8 We could then rightly ask: what was humanity created to be, and thus, to what will humanity be restored? Here again, Brock and Sutanto underscore the way neo-Calvinism’s distinctive emphases as both “self-consciously holistic” and “organic, not mechanical” are present…
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Featured image for “Mishandling Christmas and Handel’s <em>Messiah</em>”
December 21, 2022

Mishandling Christmas and Handel’s Messiah

by Rylan Brue
…race. I am aware that as a member of that group I am in the worst possible company: communists, fascists and totalitarians of all sorts, militarists and tyrants, exploiters, vandals, gluttons, ignoramuses, murderers, thieves, and liars.”2 Whether you’re willing to grant Mirandola his anthropological point, it’s probably fair to say that the shapes we take—chosen or not—are not always all that impressive.  Which brings me, logically, to Handel’s Me…
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March 9, 2021

A Diversity of Easter Traditions

by Chandra Crane
…ss: 2015.  ↩ Rah, Prophetic Lament, 2015.  ↩ See Jemar Tisby, The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church’s Complicity in Racism, Zondervan: 2019.  ↩ Donna Barber, Bread for the Resistance: 40 Devotions for Justice People, InterVarsity Press: 2019.  ↩ Richard Twiss, One Church Many Tribes: Following Jesus the Way God Made You, Chosen Books: 2000.  ↩ Sandra Van Opstal, The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World, InterVarsi…
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Featured image for “The “Enough Resume”  ”
March 21, 2022

The “Enough Resume”  

by April Fiet
…e that I deserve to be loved.  “We can never prove our worth through our accomplishments or inspire people to treat us with care and love because we’ve produced enough results.” Here’s the problem: it doesn’t work. We can never prove our worth through our accomplishments or inspire people to treat us with care and love because we’ve produced enough results. In my book The Sacred Pulse: Holy Rhythms for Overwhelmed Souls, I realized this: “Even ver…
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Featured image for “Mere Is Always a Dangerous Word: A Review of “Mere Sexuality” Part One”
August 14, 2018

Mere Is Always a Dangerous Word: A Review of “Mere Sexuality” Part One

by Steven Rodriguez
…book review, I will explore the problems with isolating biological gender complementarity and offer a suggestion for a different way forward. John Henry Newman, The Works of Cardinal Newman: Historical Sketches (London, UK: Longmans, Green, and Co.), 1914, 1:409.  ↩ Jerome, Against Jovinianus, I.1.  ↩ Martin Luther, Luthers’s Works (St. Louis, MO: Concordia, 1968), 21:93.  ↩ C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves (London: Fontana Books, 1963), 8.  ↩ The chu…
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Featured image for “Thriving Against the Technological Tide (Part 1): A Review Conversation of <em>The Life We’re Looking For</em>”
August 10, 2022

Thriving Against the Technological Tide (Part 1): A Review Conversation of The Life We’re Looking For

by Justin Ariel Bailey, Matthew Beimers
…ace where our needs are anticipated and met, but this is also a home where commitment to others is not required. I keep coming back to a question from Crouch that has haunted me since I first read it: “what kind of place do we require to thrive as persons?”4 More than that, how do we build such places? Where does Crouch suggest we begin? JAB: One of the things I enjoy most about Crouch’s writing are these elegant distinctions he makes. He proposes…
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Featured image for “Cry Out to God”
November 4, 2017

Cry Out to God

by Amy DeGroot Bowling
…doubt. The Psalmists honestly cry out to God; they lament. In lament, they offer their “complaint” to God with raw emotion, yet always in the context of trust in God. You are God my stronghold. Why have you rejected me? Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy? The Psalmist speaks from a place of both trust and pain. God, you are my stronghold (trust). Why have you rejected me (pain)? When I was younger, I found laments in the Psalms d…
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Featured image for “Seek Justice, Encourage the Oppressed”
October 21, 2014

Seek Justice, Encourage the Oppressed

by Abby Foreman
…s, orphans, aliens and the poor.1 Many of us can easily be convicted to be compassionate in these ways; to give food, money, clothing and even our time. We know that we are doing what God calls us to. But is this all that God is calling us to in our response to the poor and vulnerable? In the Old Testament God gives various commands about how to live in community with one another. These are not commands to be acted upon haphazardly when we are con…
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Featured image for “Beginning with Imagination: A Review of <em>Reimagining Apologetics</em>”
November 12, 2020

Beginning with Imagination: A Review of Reimagining Apologetics

by Jessica Joustra
…. In his affirmation of an apologetic that begins with imagination, Bailey offers a compelling witness for our time and shows his central conviction: “the good news of Jesus Christ can be communicated in the logic of authenticity without compromising its integrity” (26) for, “God may be more present in the quest for authenticity than we think” (8). In his quest to both ground and describe a reimagined apologetic, Bailey draws on a multitude of phi…
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Featured image for “The Meaning of the Trinity”
January 27, 2018

The Meaning of the Trinity

by J. Todd Billings
…both the history of fourth century trinitarian controversies and also the competing movements in those debates. While these chapters offer basic key issues and figures, Anatolios also gives a helpful typology for making sense of the issues at stake amidst a complex set of alliances and disputes. These disputes include theologies which argued for the unity of the Trinity on the basis of a unity of will, set against those who grounded unity in a un…
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Featured image for “Following to Lead”
October 20, 2017

Following to Lead

by Todd Zuidema
…e space. Sit down and be silent. Read. Remember your Maker. Along with the passage from Deuteronomy, the 1 Peter passage reminds us that leadership is an act of service, not merely an exercise of power. There is authority given to those who lead, but that authority is to be used as an instrument to bless, not oppress. For those who shepherd, the pattern of leadership is that of the Good Shepherd, with a balance of humility and authority. We are en…
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Featured image for “Life-Giving Law”
February 14, 2017

Life-Giving Law

by Daniel Vos
…e that he was not a trained economist and could not speak in detail to the complexities of modern economies.2 I must offer the same disclaimer here. Yet the big picture is clear: In Psalm 119, God’s law gives life. In Deuteronomy 24, God’s law requires that we do the same. Our life-giving activities involve protecting the dignity and wellbeing of our neighbors. Faithfulness to this law is played out in the everyday details of our lives. Dig Deeper…
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Featured image for “The Mars Rover, the Power of the Particular, and Love”
May 1, 2017

The Mars Rover, the Power of the Particular, and Love

by Aleisa Dornbierer-Schat
…endear him to us further, inviting our identification and, ultimately, our compassion. Like a child at play, he shoots a laser, he digs. If he were human, perhaps he would be cold. Eventually, he coughs, and we feel moved to care for him like we might a child in illness. Now that our affections are fully engaged, we experience, at the end of the poem, the deep and unexpected pleasure of recognition. In this otherworldly landscape, and in the movem…
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