She walked into the room, dressed simply, dressed beautifully. At first it felt awkward, with short smiles and simple trading of names. Two other translators joined us for the meeting — one to speak in English and Amharic, another to speak in Amharic and Kembatan (the native language). We sat across from each other in a small room on blue chairs, at first feeling so distant, worlds apart, but soon joining our hands.
Her story is hard — not one to share on the internet or with a stranger. It is one of courage, of strength, of pain and of struggle. My respect for her is great. The love she has for her son runs deeps and wide. And, the love she has for her Lord and Savior runs even deeper. It overflows out of her. When asked what gives her the most joy in life she said reading her Bible and singing songs about Jesus. That simple. When she discovered we, too, believe in the same Lord, it was as though a complete peace came over her. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. She told us she was now fine with her first born son to go with us for she knew whom we believed in, repeating over and over again, “God bless you.” “I am at peace.”
It is amazing how God works in all things. God not only worked out every detail on our end of the adoption of our son, but God worked all things out for the good of our sweet son’s birth mother, giving her the peace to continue living out life. God is in every single detail.
The psalmist writes, ““I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.” (Psalm 139:14-15a)
I wonder in the midst of the crazy, unknowns of life — the big unknowns, like placing a child for adoption, or the lesser unknowns, like where to park your car — how often we take the time to recognize the presence of God at work in the details of life. Where have you seen God in the details of your day? I wonder if we would take more time to notice God’s presence if the crazy, unknowns would be filled with peace and assurance.
In the midst of you discovering the peace of God, may you also exalt God in the great things done.
I too am an adoptive mother and an adoptive grandmother. The Lord be with you as you raise your son.