Merry Christmas from iAt!
As we wind down 2022, we want to say thank you, readers. We are grateful for your consistent readership. Enjoy these highlights from our most read articles from the past year.
1-2. Is Christian Education ‘Worth it’? by Sheila Mulder
Sheila Mulder reflects on the role of Christian education. She writes, “Christian educators — let’s heed the challenge of making Christian education worth it and let’s invest in prioritizing peculiar, kingdom workers that desire to serve others and work towards restoration.” For further reading, consider this additional essay about education by Professor Mulder: Teacher Flexibility and the New Normal.
3. Russia and Ukraine: What to Know from a Historian by Mark McCarthy
Historian and professor Mark McCarthy states, “What is important to remember in looking at this conflict, though, is that it is not some recent development. It has very deep historical roots, going all the way back to the 1200s, and it involves various countries who all have different understandings of the past.”
4. More than Lip Service: Coaching as a Christian by Craig Heynen
“Many Christian coaches have the desire for their faith to be intentionally impactful. They hope that their coaching can shape how the athletes live out their lives not only as Christian athletes, but as Christian people.” writes Craig Heynen, a Dordt track and field coach. Enjoy this article that gives helpful advice and reflections for coaches and others in mentoring our youth.
5. Why Should Christians Care about Bitcoin? by Jesse Veenstra
Veenstra writes, “God entrusted us with financial assets, and we must act responsibly in making our financial decisions. Christians should carefully weigh the pros and cons of Bitcoin and discern how to develop this technology and currency to further advance God’s Kingdom.“ Do you invest in crytocurrencies? Consider this read as you navigate your financial responsibilities.
“God entrusted us with financial assets, and we must act responsibly in making our financial decisions.”
Jesse Veenstra
6. Learning to Disagree in a Cancel Culture by Liz Hall
Psychology professor and author, Dr. Liz Hall encouraged our Dordt campus in her lecture this Fall. In this article, she writes, “With wisdom, we must choose whether this involves following Jesus in speaking words of peace, or in cleansing the temple. With courage, we must choose whether to sacrifice our safety or pride for the sake of others. With humility, we must carefully consider the needs and perspectives of the other. With generosity, we must give our time and energy to make the effort to build bridges instead of walls.” How are you doing in navigating disagreements in your community?
7. Becoming Artist Christians by Vaughn Donahue
Vaughn Donahue, a Dordt art professor, explains, “Artistic expression and interpretation are different for everyone, and an artwork will have a different impact on each person who experiences it as either creator or observer. It need not hit you over the head with a pre-packaged message. This is a freeing idea for an artist Christian.” Read more to consider the valuable ways artists influence our world.
8-9. A Christian Response to Pride Month: Is Pride Revolution or Carnival? (Part 1 and 2) by Donald Roth
“If we see what sorts of longings lie at the heart of the intuitions behind both senses behind Pride, we can start to ask what Christians might do to address those same longings.” writes Donald Roth. Much to digest and consider in his two-part essay.
10. Top 5: Movies about Rural America by Josh Matthews
Josh Matthews, movie critic and English professor, highlights some valuable movies to consider that celebrate the wide-open spaces of Rural America.
Wishing you peace and joy from the in All things editorial board at Dordt University.
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