“Come on, grow up!”
Did you ever hear that growing up? Have you ever said it to someone else? Now that I’m old(er), I find myself thinking, “Come on, grow up!” rather often. It’s usually a situation when I think someone has to consider the needs of others or focus on what’s really important. People of every age need those reminders.
As I read the three passages today, I think of God reminding me to “Grow up!” Many aspects of life distract me and get me thinking of the less important or even unfaithful details. Therefore, this old man needs to hear God’s reminder to focus on the important ways to live a faithful life.
The words of Jesus’ Great Commission remind the Church of the primary focus of our work and life. We aren’t doing church for our sake, but (primarily) for the purpose of making disciples of all nations and encouraging everyone to live faithful lives. We need to be about the work of building and strengthening God’s kingdom.
Paul’s admonition at the end of II Corinthians is an interesting summary of this letter. He urges us to “Rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace.” When we are burdened with many challenges and wonder what God really wants us to do, we need these five reminders. The ministry and impact of the Church could be quite different if society used these words to describe Christians rather than the ones we read about in the news (ex. extreme, hypocrites, judgmental).
Finally, Psalm 8. I want these words to describe my thoughts and reflections as God’s child. “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” This is a great Psalm for meditation and prayer. As we see the beauty of God’s work and love, it’s easier to focus on who He is and who He made us to be. And according to Psalm 8, God has big things for His people to do. He made us the rulers over the majestic work of His hands and put creation under our feet. That’s some serious responsibility.
Let’s all grow up, regardless of our age, and earnestly meet the work and challenges God places in front of us. We know what He wants us to do; it’s very clear in the three passages we read for today. Best of all, we don’t have to DO this on our own. “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” That’s how much God loves us!
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