The term “leadership” is one that continues to receive attention in our society. There are many books and websites focusing on “leadership” that can help us improve our leadership skills. I enjoy studying leadership and I find many of these webpages and books as a positive resource. While reading and studying leadership, one question I often consider is “how can I see the difference between a Christian and non-Christian leader?” A safe answer is to say you should see leadership by the actions of the leader. This might be true, but couldn’t a non-Christian still show love, respect, and care to their followers much like a Christian leader? By focusing on the calling of an individual as a servant for Christ it has helped me understand leadership from a Christian perspective. This has further helped me understand what traits are characteristic of a Christian leader.
Teaching and coaching allows me the freedom to impact my students and players from a Christian perspective. Impact relates specifically to my calling as a Christian educator and coach. College students are at an important time in their life where the decisions they make now can impact how they discover their calling in Christ’s kingdom. Whether students are led to be accountants, educators, social workers, or graphic designers it is important for them to see their work as a way to bring glory to the Lord. Our work in Christ’s kingdom is ultimately a part of God’s hand. We are called to carry out God’s work in ways in which we can use the talents that we have been blessed with. This looks differently for all of us and it is an exciting way to have an impact in our jobs and occupations. By focusing on bringing glory to the Lord in our work it gives our jobs more meaning and satisfaction.
Leadership should be a direct response to our calling as Christ’s image bearers. Leadership can look differently based on our jobs or our role in society. It can be seen by leading others in management positions or within our families. It could be seen in church groups or other facets of our society. Whatever your role may be it is important to understand that you are having an impact on those around you. You may have never been called a leader or you don’t like leading others, but you still have the opportunity to influence and impact those you work with or will work with in the future. Leadership comes in different formats and looks differently based on the leader. Our calling in Christ’s kingdom can be viewed the same. No job should be seen as too important or irrelevant because it all relates back to how we are doing our jobs and impacting others based on using the gifts and talents that the Lord has blessed us with. Everything we do should be based on bringing glory to the Lord. I enjoy seeing students find their calling while at Dordt College. It is a rewarding part of my calling as an educator and coach. My hope is that you too can see the impact you have on others while leading others to fulfill your calling in Christ’s kingdom.
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thanks for this inspiring write up!
Tabatha Malik