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Featured image for “The Inscrutable Other: A Review of <em>Talking to Strangers</em>”
November 14, 2019

The Inscrutable Other: A Review of Talking to Strangers

by Donald Roth
…n try to lower our threshold for abandoning our default to truth, but that comes with serious costs as well. Gladwell profiles Harry Markopolos, an eccentric financial analyst who argued that Bernie Madoff was a fraud years before Madoff was exposed. Markopolos’ insight came because of his inherently suspicious personality and his complete lack of trust that the heavily regulated financial system could be trusted to catch someone like Madoff. As a…
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Featured image for “Social Principles of Good Agriculture”
February 24, 2016

Social Principles of Good Agriculture

by Ron Vos
…aling Himself in creation. It is through both of these that Christians can obtain guidelines on how they are to interact with other humans in the area of agriculture. The following example illustrates how this relates to agriculture. It is obvious from Scripture that God delights in the diversity of what He made (Job 38-42, Genesis 1, Psalm 19). He delights in things that humans may ignore or think are insignificant. If we examine what He created,…
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September 15, 2014

Terms of Use

by In All Things
…be granted by us for any type of link to be posted to the Site, by users, commenters, or any other party. 9.  Right of Modification and Termination We reserve the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, this Site (or any part thereof) with or without notice. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of this Site. Additi…
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Featured image for “2021 Top Articles”
December 29, 2021

2021 Top Articles

by Ruth Clark
…professes—I wanted to walk my talk. I teach my students that science is a reliable tool for obtaining genuine knowledge of how creation works, enabling humanity to care for creation, to use it to provide for our needs, and to make useful, interesting, and beautiful things. Even though I don’t have expertise in the science of vaccines that is any better than the average person, the opportunity to participate in a vaccine trial seemed an excellent…
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Featured image for “What Has Jesus to do with John Wayne? A Review of <em>Jesus and John Wayne</em>”
June 11, 2020

What Has Jesus to do with John Wayne? A Review of Jesus and John Wayne

by Scott Culpepper
…sative factors. She includes allusions to other studies that highlight the complicated array of factors that amplified and accompanied the impact of idealized white masculinity. In terms of readability and her ability to hold your interest, who doesn’t want to read a book with chapter titles like “John Wayne Can Save Your Ass,” “Pilgrim’s Progress in Camo,” and “Spiritual Badasses”? I was struck by how well Du Mez’s book compliments fellow histori…
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Featured image for “Keep the Hope Alive: A Review of <em>Imagining Theology</em>”
July 23, 2020

Keep the Hope Alive: A Review of Imagining Theology

by Justin Bailey
…e. By contrast, Green’s approach is simultaneously more holistic, and more open to surprise. The role of the theologian is to offer a biblically grounded “grammar” of Christian imagination, so that our apprehension of the world trusts and follows the imagination of the biblical authors. Green writes, “Just as the discipline of grammar does not prevent the poet or philosopher from employing the language in new and creative ways, so the church’s doc…
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Featured image for “Unsung Holiday: Earth Day”
April 21, 2023

Unsung Holiday: Earth Day

by Channon Visscher
the unborn to whom the living will in turn bequeath it.” What can we do to pass on the gift of good land to our children and their children? “What can we do to pass on the gift of good land to our children and their children?” The third response is that we would learn to “practice good husbandry” as possessors of the land given to us. Where this task might seem daunting in light of enormous global challenges, a possible way forward might be borrow…
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Featured image for “History and the Human Condition: Reflections on Kate Bowler’s Everything Happens for a Reason”
March 2, 2018

History and the Human Condition: Reflections on Kate Bowler’s Everything Happens for a Reason

by Kristin Kobes du Mez
…on the outside. What compels us to stare at those behind the glass? Surely compassion, but perhaps something more? Relief? An almost voyeuristic sense of relief that we are on the outside, that we can walk away when we tire of looking, or when the reality of what we’re glimpsing becomes unbearable? But mixed with that relief is something more, I think. Deep down, we all know that we are only a stabbing pain, a dreaded phone call away from being re…
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Featured image for “MLK Day”
January 19, 2015


by Liz Moss
…Address at March on Washington, August 28, 1963. Washington, D.C. Letter from Birmingham Jail (view the document and listen to the audio) An open letter written on April 16, 1963, by Martin Luther King, Jr., this letter defends the strategy of nonviolent resistance to racism, arguing that people have a moral responsibility to break unjust laws. The letter was widely published and became an important tex…
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Featured image for “Inauguration Day and the Politics of a Partial Exorcism”
January 19, 2021

Inauguration Day and the Politics of a Partial Exorcism

by Donald Roth
…omous zones” in several U.S. cities after a summer that turned many urban centers into burned-out war zones. There is a serious difference between the two that should not be papered over, but a spirit of hyperbole papers over similarities as well. Of course, the violent insurrectionist mob at the capital wasn’t spurred on primarily by an enthusiastic embrace of fascism; instead, many on the Right are driven by a fear that a Democrat regime represe…
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Featured image for “Enough”
March 23, 2017


by Dawn Berkelaar
… ↩ Ralph Winter proposed (and himself lived) a simple lifestyle that would free up income for world missions. He wrote, “We must learn that Jesus meant it when He said, “Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required’ (Luke 12:48). I believe that God cannot expect less from us as our Christian duty to save other nations than our own nation has required of us in times of war in order to save our own nation. This means that we must be…
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Featured image for “The New Tax Law in Context”
April 13, 2018

The New Tax Law in Context

by Donald Roth
…e bill at hand—that is, filibustering. Since the 1970s, filibusters have become increasingly common, and while deals are sometimes made to avoid them, the threat of a filibuster has become increasingly necessary in order for the Senate to gather the 60 votes needed to end debate. In fact, an average of 123 votes to end debate were required in the last five sessions of Congress compared with an average of 22 back when the move became more common in…
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Featured image for “Wage Gaps in Professional Sports”
June 7, 2016

Wage Gaps in Professional Sports

by Bill Elgersma
…s records don’t necessarily breed loyalty. Affinity does. That is until it comes to women’s athletics. While we are occasionally willing to take in a game, for most in the country, this is not as much planned as occurring. SportsBusinessDaily reports attendance at professional women’s basketball games (WNBA) averaged 7,318 fans, and according to, the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) attendance averaged 5,046, an increase of 22…
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Featured image for “Technology Isn’t Just for Smart People”
June 9, 2015

Technology Isn’t Just for Smart People

by Kari Sandouka
…are the largest contributing factors. In accordance with the Pew Research Center, McKinsey & Company released a report in 2014 titled Offline and Falling Behind: Barriers to Internet Adoption. Their report identifies four categories of barriers: incentives, low income and affordability, user capability and infrastructure. The factors within these four categories include: lack of awareness of the Internet and/or cases that create value for the offl…
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Featured image for “NDAs: How should Christians think about Non-Disclosure Agreements?”
May 16, 2023

NDAs: How should Christians think about Non-Disclosure Agreements?

by Donald Roth
…ere Christian organizations are operating as a business or as a non-profit offering more commercial services, the reasons to utilize NDAs should be largely and unobjectionably similar. Of course, religion is closely bound to a higher expectation of trust, so some Christians may feel like using an NDA signals a lack of trustworthiness. However, the degree of trust that we place in other people is a matter of conscience and prudence judged individua…
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Featured image for “A Life of Worship”
December 9, 2016

A Life of Worship

by Ed Starkenburg
…y and filled with unfailing love. The Lord is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation. All of your works will thank you, Lord, and your faithful followers will praise you. Psalm 145:5-10 (NLT) Psalms is a book of worship, and it closes with a series of praise songs designed to help worshipers bring praise and glory to our great God. We are created for just that purpose. The Westminster Shorter Catechism states that “humanity’s…
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Featured image for “Advent: High Priest”
December 21, 2014

Advent: High Priest

by Neal DeRoo
…ight religious rituals, doctrines, or beliefs—to God’s level, but when God comes down and dwells with us. We don’t need to do anything special to gain God’s presence—God has freely granted it to us, first in the baby we wait for this Advent season; again in the Spirit we celebrate at Pentecost; and finally in the return of the king that we wait for every hour of every day. To live in the presence of God is the gift that we were all given on that f…
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Featured image for “Whole People, Wholly Reliant on Jesus”
December 9, 2020

Whole People, Wholly Reliant on Jesus

by Chandra Crane
…handra Crane. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL. Kat Chow, interview with Elizabeth Rule, “So What Exactly is ‘Blood Quantum’?,” Code Switch, National Public Radio, February 9, 2018,  ↩ All interview quotations as well as quotations from survey responses were gathered by the author throughout 2018 and 2019, and are cited…
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Featured image for “Christian Discipleship: Commodity or Community?”
February 18, 2020

Christian Discipleship: Commodity or Community?

by Ben Rowe
…nd grief. Maybe the loudest and most powerful thing we can do is close the’s of Christian industry and go next door to introduce someone to the actual URL. Maybe the loudest and most powerful thing we can do is live the message in word and deed with no concern for how big our audience is. Marshall McLuhan, a media theorist and devout Catholic, said, “In Jesus Christ there is no distance or separation between the medium and the mess…
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Featured image for “Rock that Touched the Sky”
August 28, 2017

Rock that Touched the Sky

by April Fiet
…ld, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Psalm 18:2). Let us be on the look-out. Let us bear witness to what God has done and is doing. Let’s keep our eyes open, for surely God is in our midst.  ↩…
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Featured image for “Christian Civility”
March 19, 2015

Christian Civility

by Erin Olson
…be taught and improved. Mouw says” when we break out of the bonds of self-centeredness, entering into the experiences of other people, we come closer to fulfilling God’s purposes for human beings.”2 Mouw also encourages us to be curious as we are in dialogue with those who are in our lives. He says “we ought to want to become familiar with the experiences of people who are different from us simply out of a desire to understand the length and bread…
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Featured image for “Finding Purpose in the Clutter: A Review of <em>The Minimalist Home</em>”
February 14, 2019

Finding Purpose in the Clutter: A Review of The Minimalist Home

by Kayt Frisch
…family has no desire to go back to our old way of life. We appreciate the freedom that has come with minimalism—we spend less money on stuff, our house is a neater and more relaxing place to be, and we are content in a small (by cultural standards) space. In short, we feel freer to pursue our callings in life. As a result, we are starting to encourage our family and friends to consider minimalism and have the following advice for how to introduce…
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Featured image for “Capital Punishment in Christological Perspective”
September 29, 2017

Capital Punishment in Christological Perspective

by Myles Werntz
…he stronger arguments against capital punishment) and thicken it. It has become common as of late to argue against capital punishment on the basis of Jesus’ unjust death. The argument, rooted in the work of Rene Girard’s writings on violence, runs like this: Jesus, in dying an unjust death on the cross, reveals the law to be merely an application of force and thus, unjust. In his death, Christ unmasks the violence of the law for what it is, negati…
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Featured image for “Should Christians Call out Sin in Others?”
January 15, 2018

Should Christians Call out Sin in Others?

by April Fiet
…biases. And ultimately, we need to have a relationship with the person built around trust. In the absence of these things, the answer is almost always no.  ↩…
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Featured image for “Conscious Consumption: A Review of <em>101 Ways to go Zero Waste</em>”
July 25, 2019

Conscious Consumption: A Review of 101 Ways to go Zero Waste

by Kayt Frisch
…industrial composting facility to compost properly because they require higher temperatures than are produced in a backyard compost bin.  ↩ Not a carcinogen itself but may contain crystalline silica ( and Accessed 29 May 2019  ↩…
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The blog.