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Featured image for “Coral Reefs, Climate Change, and Ecological Lament”
July 7, 2020

Coral Reefs, Climate Change, and Ecological Lament

by Chloe Hansum
…ov, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 13 Feb. 2020, climate/climate-change-ocean-heat-content.  ↩ Gattuso, Jean-Pierre, et al. “Coral Reefs.” Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Oct. 2018, CCboxes_FINAL.pdf.  ↩ Wolff, Nicholas H., et al. “Vulnerability of the Great Barrier Reef to Climate Change and Local Pressures.”…
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Featured image for “On the Formative Power of Technology”
May 17, 2017

On the Formative Power of Technology

by Sam Speers
…e habits are conducive to a flourishing life. No strategy for “putting technology in its place” can succeed without putting something else in the places where technology tends to creep. ↩ ↩…
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Featured image for “Growing in Global Perspectives: A Book Conversation of <em>Reading the Bible Around the World</em>”
April 5, 2023

Growing in Global Perspectives: A Book Conversation of Reading the Bible Around the World

by Hannah Landman, Jaelyn Dragt, Eoghan Holdahl, Joya Schreurs, Susan Wang
…not only for individuals or how we can love other people, but also a more communal approach. For example, how the crime in society needs to be fixed and for Christians to focus on how we can develop and protect people in the systems we have in society. The Good Samaritan also indicates the much-needed changes in the brutal social systems where the dominant (robbers) rule over the weak (traveller) and the imbalanced power causes violence in this w…
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Featured image for “Life as a Writer”
July 5, 2016

Life as a Writer

by Kendra Broekhuis
and sufferings. By encouraging each other and being the kind of people who pass out grace like we got it for free or something. The joy goes beyond that too. As I write about whatever life is throwing at us, I learn to intentionally seek Christ’s presence too. I look for whatever God might be teaching me in any given moment or day. I mean, goodness gracious, the lessons of faith to learn by watching a stubborn toddler refuse to listen to your ever…
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Featured image for “My Kids Want To…Should I Let Them?: A Review of <em>The Family Firm</em>”
April 7, 2022

My Kids Want To…Should I Let Them?: A Review of The Family Firm

by Kayt Frisch
…uestions the elementary school years have a parallel to the questions that companies face. For example, the question, “should your child play travel soccer?” (family) has a lot of similarities to the question, “should we acquire this other shampoo brand?(company) (9). Oster, a former business school professor, puts forward the idea that the tools you would use to make decisions in the business world can be similarly deployed to make most of the
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Featured image for “Together We Make Football”
November 6, 2014

Together We Make Football

by Timothy Van Soelen
…to $13.4 billion a season. We have paid the culture of sports the ultimate compliment – we study it, we talk about it, we give some of our treasures to it, and we too often imitate it. Personally, I have spent countless hours engaged in the culture of sport. From little league baseball to college golf, from coaching three teams per year as a middle school teacher to chasing my own kids around the youth soccer fields, I am very aware of the culture…
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Featured image for “Sharing the Burden of Gender Dysphoria”
February 1, 2018

Sharing the Burden of Gender Dysphoria

by Mark Yarhouse
…at the National Prayer Breakfast, February 3, 1994. Retrieved from Pinckaers, Servais O.P., Morality: The Catholic View. South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’s Press, 2001. Mark A. Yarhouse, Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Navigating Transgender Issues in a Changing Culture. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2015. Mark A. Yarhouse & Dara Houp, D., Transgender Christians: “Gender identity, family relat…
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Featured image for “Gender & Authority: Tish Warren, Jen Hatmaker, and the “Crisis” of the Female Christian Blogosphere in Historical Perspective”
August 31, 2017

Gender & Authority: Tish Warren, Jen Hatmaker, and the “Crisis” of the Female Christian Blogosphere in Historical Perspective

by Kristin Kobes du Mez
they find themselves (and help sustain), building and keeping an audience comes at a cost. It’s not enough for women to share their theological insights. They must also cultivate the illusion of intimacy. Much of that intimacy comes through vulnerability. They must share their weaknesses, their flaws, their heartaches, their trauma. With the world. On a daily basis. Their power as Christian women comes paradoxically through their weakness. There’…
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Featured image for “Shows that Shape Us: The Office”
January 22, 2020

Shows that Shape Us: The Office

by Justin Bailey
…It Was Made for and Originally Aired on an Old-School Broadcast Network. Oh, the Irony,”, accessed December 21, 2019,  ↩…
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Featured image for “Whole Life Worship: A Review of <em>Work and Worship</em>”
December 16, 2020

Whole Life Worship: A Review of Work and Worship

by Jeremy Perigo
…ional implications of Christ in all things, may have helped develop a more comprehensive study. Additionally, the study may have benefitted from an exploration of public witness and mission in the workplace, showing how the transformative work of God in corporate worship can spark transformation in workplace relationships. These critiques move beyond the authors’ tasks but may encourage future scholarly inquiry. Theologians, seminary students, wor…
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Featured image for “A New Social Pietism”
January 24, 2019

A New Social Pietism

by Caleb Schut
…ur obstinate willingness to continue sitting on our hands. “If you want to come to our black churches, you are welcome,” he said. The room felt split. I felt split. He made me aware of my skin color in a prophetic way. I was responsible for it. What does it mean to be a white pastor in a predominantly white church on the north side of a city divided into north and south, black and white? What obligation do majority-white churches have to the most…
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August 7, 2014

Avatars for Users, Authors, and Commenters

…o that. Fallback If there is no Gravatar and no local avatar for a user or commenter, the fallback is the blank profile “mystery man” image. This can be changed to a variety of other preset options or left a complete blank. You can also upload alternative default/fallback avatars for people who have none. Authors / Contributors / Bylines Most article authors who appear in post bylines are not actual users in WordPress, but they can have an avatar…
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Featured image for “The Discipline of Gratitude”
November 23, 2021

The Discipline of Gratitude

by Dawn Berkelaar
…“28 Benefits of Gratitude & Most Significant Research Findings” by Courtney E. Ackerman.  ↩ For example, see “Brene Brown on joy and gratitude.”  ↩  Luke 17:11-19.  ↩ Kate Bowler, Everything Happens for a Reason: And other lies I’ve loved. 2019. p. 144  ↩ Alexander Schmemann, For the Life of the World. p. 15.  ↩  Romans 8:39.  ↩…
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Featured image for “Eat This Bread: Blessed, Broken, and Given  ”
April 6, 2021

Eat This Bread: Blessed, Broken, and Given  

by Dawn Berkelaar
…wship with each other and with God. My hope is that we as the Church would open our tables and offer ourselves to be guests so that we might all receive a foretaste of the reconciliation of all things in Christ.6 I now see definite connections between the Lord’s Supper and hospitality. But after learning this year about the Lord’s Supper during a time of lockdowns and physical distancing, I wonder: how can we practice hospitality during this time…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table”
February 12, 2018

iAt Book Club: “How to Think” Round Table

by Mary Nickel
…having genuine membership in existed on an online platform, it was almost completely composed of people he had met in person. I’m concerned that the connections that we have to those that we have never met in person are simply so easy to forsake that they don’t seem worth the work of forbearance. I’m not so certain, however, that there’s that much more hope for forbearance in the “real world,” so to speak. I’ve been apprehensive about this since…
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Featured image for “Gender and Authority: The Legacy of Sibling Rivalry”
August 30, 2017

Gender and Authority: The Legacy of Sibling Rivalry

by Chandra Crane
…see Jesus face-to-face, and to be able to sin no more. Tish herself has welcomed constructive criticism and pushback, especially in regard to hierarchical structures’ impacts on women of color. I am not saying that the many folks who thoughtfully, even passionately, disagreed were wrong to speak out. (And, oh, the irony if I did!) But those who were harsh and unyielding in their judgments were poor stewards of their authority, speaking more out of…
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Featured image for “Advent Love: The Advent of #MeToo”
December 24, 2018

Advent Love: The Advent of #MeToo

by Aaron Baart
…rch learned to mimic the heaven Jesus described. This is the invitation to come out of hiding and into the light, where freedom for the captive is found, and the broken-hearted move from shame to healing. So, this Christmas, as we ceremoniously light the Advent candle of love, consider it a move of sheer insurrection against the kingdom of darkness, a declaration that we will strive to love like heaven does, renouncing a lust that only ever asks,…
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Featured image for “iAt’s Top Book List for 2017”
December 8, 2017

iAt’s Top Book List for 2017

by Liz Moss
…Is Happiness a pleasure or a pain? You hardly know. Certainly it is not a comfort for comfort spells seciurity and hapiness can take you out of yourself to a degree where all secutiry is left behind. Behind a feeling of exultation, you can sense the flame of incandescent terror. This short book is entirely original and will further enhance McCabe’s posthumous reputation.” The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt “In his widely praised book, awa…
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Featured image for “Clear Eyes, Full Hearts: A Review of <em>Calvinism for a Secular Age</em>”
February 8, 2022

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts: A Review of Calvinism for a Secular Age

by Gayle Doornbos
…least two kinds of clarity. The first is clarity concerning Kuyper’s all-encompassing, capacious, and constructive vision of Christianity. Kuyper presents a Christianity that is enmeshed in creational life. For Kuyper, Calvinism’s unique contrition is that it presents a life-encompassing vision of Christianity that refuses to reduce Christianity to soteriological categories. In the able hands of the contributors to this volume, the insights and ce…
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Featured image for “Eco-Pietism vs. Eco-Piety”
October 27, 2015

Eco-Pietism vs. Eco-Piety

by Ethan Brue
…ogether different. In my experience, what all Christian traditions hold in common is a propensity for the creation and re-creation of systems of pietism. This recurring habit influences everything, right down to our care for the environment. In many of the church traditions I grew up in, true faith was manifest in abstaining. This included not drinking, not smoking, not watching movies, not playing cards, not using cosmetics, and making sure your…
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Featured image for “Not If But How”
January 18, 2017

Not If But How

by Peter TeWinkle
…It’s not just signing on to membership in an organization. God has put an offer of rescue on the table, freely and for all. The blood on the doorframe was an acceptance of that promise. It served as a sign of renewed commitment. The blood that outlined the doors of their homes was a sign of renewed trust in God to rescue them. It was a seal of their promised loyalty to seek life from God and God alone. The blood was a “no” to the gods of Egypt an…
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Featured image for “Pentecost. It’s a Big Deal.”
June 4, 2017

Pentecost. It’s a Big Deal.

by Caleb Schut
…t on your Sunday best. Take hope. Christ has not left us as orphans. He has come to us. It’s a BIG deal. This was previously published on Republished with permission….
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Featured image for “Movie Review: Ford v. Ferrari”
December 6, 2019

Movie Review: Ford v. Ferrari

by Josh Matthews
…ness books combined. That conflict is excellence versus brand loyalty. For example, what does a company want: to make the best product, or to be the best at telling everyone they make the best product? There’s so much focus on branding and marketing these days that we miss how absolutely crucial it is to strive for high-quality. Companies seem to think they can trick people into liking their stuff, with fancy words and images, while not caring as…
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Featured image for “Engaging All People of God”
June 21, 2016

Engaging All People of God

by Tom De Vries
…church served as a social outlet where people met their friends and shared community. Congregants went over to one another’s houses for Bible study, they lingered after Sunday school classes, they took extra time to talk and drink their coffee after service. This is just not the case anymore. People are making friends in different social networks and this makes church socialization very challenging. Another example is infant baptism. This is a cha…
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Featured image for “Is Moving Immoral?”
October 20, 2022

Is Moving Immoral?

by Caleb Schut
…nsuming what we want, only to leave it once we’ve had our fill. To live another way takes effort. Composting, finding ways to volunteer, becoming a part of a faith community, developing relationships with depth. We don’t want to be vacationers and so we’ll do what we can to offer ourselves to a community.  There are deep moral considerations to make when moving. But there are threats to staying somewhere, too. Perhaps the error we make is forgetti…
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The blog.