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Featured image for “Voting for Gary Johnson”
November 1, 2016

Voting for Gary Johnson

by Adam Adams
…ositive change in the last 40 years are better addressed at a neighbor and community level. One key component for making all of this work is for the church to define some terms. Inviting neighbors to our buildings and our programs should only come after actively engaging our neighbors in real life. When we confuse an invitation with engagement, we won’t see the results we desire. So, why does Gary Johnson get my vote? First, I believe he has far m…
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Featured image for “The Common Core: Good or Bad?”
April 6, 2015

The Common Core: Good or Bad?

by Ed Starkenburg
common core is part of the warp and woof of everyday life. On one hand our company had shirts made up proudly exclaiming that our curriculum is “uncommon” and at least once a week I find myself helping a (formerly) public school parent to transition into their new roll as home school parent using our curricula who sites this very issue as their reason for defection. On the other hand, I have yet to find anyone–whether in our organization or outsi…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option”
April 5, 2017

iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option

by Gustavo Maya
…e of loss that carries a whiff of privilege threatened rather than witness compromised. When Dreher, for example, laments the “loss of a world,” several people notice that world tends to be white. And what seems to be lost is a certain default power and privilege. When Dreher imagines “vibrant Christianity,” it is on the other side of the globe. He doesn’t see the explosion of African churches in the heart of New York City or the remarkable growth…
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Featured image for “In the era of mean tweets…and much, much worse”
March 16, 2015

In the era of mean tweets…and much, much worse

by Abby Foreman
…le, and prone, in our brokenness, to divide and separate and to break down community. Our communal response should be one in which we hold each other accountable for our words in a grace-filled way. We should use words to build up rather than break down. In the next few days, my colleagues will offer insights into how to build community in our homes and on an individual level. Clearly, the uncivil are not always “other people” but is very often ou…
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Featured image for “I Want to Go Home”
June 1, 2017

I Want to Go Home

by Tanner Smith
…f a person. The person we receive in Jesus Christ, and the person we are becoming because our life is hid in him. (Colossians 3:3) We become people who are formed not by the land we live in, but by the person we follow, and the adopted family to which we belong, the Church. We become a people who find ourselves on the move from death to life, from old to new, from darkness to light. People who aren’t just looking for a new home, but who are lookin…
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Featured image for “Sex and Social Robots”
May 15, 2017

Sex and Social Robots

by Derek Schuurman
…eem bizarre, but David Levy predicts these relationships will eventually become commonplace and that human-robot marriages will be legal by 2050. It is argued that robot companions are helpful for those who would otherwise be lonely, but opponents of sex robots suggest such developments are potentially harmful. The online “Campaign Against Sex Robots” argues that sex robots are harmful because they perpetuate the objectification of women. In her b…
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Featured image for “Is Technology Bringing Us Together or Pushing Us Farther Apart?”
June 8, 2015

Is Technology Bringing Us Together or Pushing Us Farther Apart?

by Liz Moss
…making-us.html Dave Mulder Nicholas Carr’s book The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains includes some data on this, but I believe there is some controversy about several of the studies he cites. Here’s the Amazon link: Liz Moss This is a great question, Scott. We are actually working on another article to answer your question. We’ll let you know when we publish i…
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Featured image for “What Does Populism Mean?”
July 13, 2016

What Does Populism Mean?

by Jeff Taylor
…If interested, you can read more in the last section of the paper: But I can certainly understand why many Republicans do not think that Trump is a conservative. It depends on how you define the word. To give a counter-example: Looking at his pedigree and record, I would not call George W. Bush a conservative. Pragmatism, Wall Street domination, and neoconservative globalism are not in t…
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Featured image for “Taking the Gift out of Christmas”
November 30, 2015

Taking the Gift out of Christmas

by Neal DeRoo
…ind actions, and instead engaging actively in forgiveness, social justice, compassion, encouragement, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control, faith, hope and love. But we can never do all these things, so we live our lives constantly aware of our own failure. We have been given a great gift, we think, but have not received it with gratitude. As a result, every day we fall further and further behind, creating a deeper and dee…
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Featured image for “We Need to Talk”
November 10, 2014

We Need to Talk

by Neal DeRoo
…f God gets lost amid the stereotypes and assumptions. And things get said. Things that do not honor God, or God’s image, or anyone or anything. Things that cause a great deal of pain and separation and brokenness. Things like those Yik-Yak comments. And in those comments, and the things that get said (or don’t get said) in response to them, Christian communities seem to perpetuate the pain, separation, and brokenness of sin, rather than offering a…
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Featured image for “Imagine a World Where Faith Was More than Political Eye Candy”
March 27, 2015

Imagine a World Where Faith Was More than Political Eye Candy

by Scott Culpepper
…not “engage” his culture as “a Christian.” He is represented to us with a funny kind of ‘I’ that asserts itself confidently to offer itself humbly. Luther’s famous definition of Christian freedom comes to mind: “A Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject to all.”…
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August 7, 2014

Getting Image Sizes Right

…tion in the Media Manager. Learn More Official documentation on Editing images in the Media Library Simpler instructions, with more screen images. (This is for the service, which is a little different and simplified) Detailed examples of how to crop and scale photos in WP. (Slightly dated but still accurate.)…
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Featured image for “The Rapture of the Geeks”
November 5, 2015

The Rapture of the Geeks

by Derek Schuurman
…hence minds, could be entirely simulated in a computer. Ray Kurzweil, an accomplished computer scientist and author of several books including The Age of Spiritual Machines, suggests that within the present century we will be able to download our brains into a computer and thus escape our mortality. All that remains to achieve this is for neuroscientists to map the brain and for sufficiently powerful computers to be developed. At that point, it is…
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Featured image for “Weapons of Math Destruction”
October 20, 2017

Weapons of Math Destruction

by Derek Schuurman
…sponsibilities beyond the immediate technical concerns of their work.” Our computer science and engineering schools need to attend to ethics and values if we hope to build a just society. I would add that Christian engineers must see their technical work as a response to God, one in which even our mathematical models, computer programs, and architecture need to enhance justice and show mercy as we walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8).   This artic…
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Featured image for “The Salute of Grace”
October 20, 2016

The Salute of Grace

by Joel Van Dyke
…unclean, Gentile and Jew. The Samaritan, unshackled from such allegiance, freely comes to Jesus, understanding him as both a source of physical healing and a giver of social restoration. The verbs Jesus uses in this story reveal the progression. The ten were all initially “cleansed” (tharizo- “to be made clean or healed of a disease”). But the Samaritan, upon returning to Jesus, was “made well,” (sozo- “to be healed of spiritual disease and death…
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September 15, 2014

Privacy Policy

by In All Things
…, or write to us at: Dordt University, Attention: Andreas Center, 700 7th St NE, Sioux Center, Iowa 51250-1606.  Please provide a concise communication with complete information, including your contact information….
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Featured image for “A Psalm for the Night Shift”
October 30, 2015

A Psalm for the Night Shift

by Leah Zuidema
…he Levites might have been up to. Some of them, I suppose, were on call to comfort those in distress. Like today’s pastors, these Levites would have been ready for a knock at the door at any hour, prepared to pray with people who were overcome by worry, fear, shock, or grief. But I suspect that more often, the evening work of the Levites was more like the ordinary and routine night work in our churches. Picture them: servants of the Lord after hou…
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Featured image for “Seeing the Faces of Opioid Addiction”
February 5, 2019

Seeing the Faces of Opioid Addiction

by Erin Olson
…rates of opioid addiction and overdose, no group of people is immune. Some communities have been affected in greater numbers, but almost all communities have been impacted in some way. What drove Matt to start using? Why did a kid who seemed to have so much going for him end up dead from an overdose? In work with people who are abusing or addicted to various types of substances, professionals are often asked to consider what the addicted person mi…
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Featured image for “Giving up Excess for Advent—Hope”
November 25, 2022

Giving up Excess for Advent—Hope

by April Fiet
…. We would cram drawers full and force them shut, hide blankets and school papers and notebooks in cupboards and close the door on the chaos.  When the time came for us to leave the home where we’d raised our kids for eight years, we owned way too many things. We packed it all up and moved it to our new home in Nebraska, a home with about one-quarter the square footage and almost exactly zero storage space. We downsized a lot, got rid of furniture…
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Featured image for “From Our Basement to God’s World”
August 4, 2015

From Our Basement to God’s World

by Ginger Culpepper
…f the presidential libraries as possible. Our kids’ first written research papers centered around this goal, as well. They each chose a president at random and we spent a month learning how to research about that president, his early life and his political life and his goals and his accomplishments and his legacy. They then organized that information and wrote simple term papers. We now call those “president reports,” as it became an annual projec…
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Featured image for “Compass Plant Leaves and Apparent Randomness”
October 11, 2018

Compass Plant Leaves and Apparent Randomness

by Jeff Ploegstra
…random. So much in this leaf seems unpredictable; and yet, I know it is a compass plant leaf (Silphium laciniatum). Even given the variability of these leaves, they are always recognizable, identifiable, knowable. Somehow this leaf assumed a meaningful form that is incredibly well suited to its environment on the Great Plains. What appears sheer chaos at one level, becomes predictable and recognizable form at another. This sermon has two lessons….
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Featured image for “Rhetoric in the Worship and Witness of the Church: A Review of <em>Seasoned Speech</em>”
July 11, 2019

Rhetoric in the Worship and Witness of the Church: A Review of Seasoned Speech

by Scott Culpepper
…ularly her Gilead trilogy, serve to illustrate eunoia as dwelling place or community. Robinson fashions a rhetorical world in which her readers are able to join a community of souls wrestling with brokenness and blessing. Beitler links this tension between the brokenness and blessing of Christian communities with the celebration of Eastertide. In his final chapter, Beitler calls on the collective witness of his chosen examples to assert that Bakht…
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Featured image for “Responding to Church Violence”
September 24, 2019

Responding to Church Violence

by Rebecca De Smith
…here are several reliable websites dealing with this issue, too. Insurance companies can also offer advice. In thinking about church safety, consider some of the most vulnerable members in your congregation—your children. Does your church provide safe spaces for them to worship, learn, and be cared for? If not, what could be done to provide this protection? Offering safety protocols about who can pick up children, securing certain doors, and ensur…
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Featured image for “Fish and Bread”
July 29, 2015

Fish and Bread

by Howard Schaap
…Bring some of the fish you have just caught,” Jesus instructs. Then, these comforting words: “Come and have breakfast.” We cannot live on bread alone, or fish. But we cannot live without them either. We’re called to drop our nets, our poles, and follow Him, but we’re also affirmed in the stuff of the world, in the fish and bread and burning coals to cook them on, and a meal already prepared after a long, dark night. “Bring some of the fish you hav…
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Featured image for “God’s Got This, <em>Part 1</em>”
September 15, 2020

God’s Got This, Part 1

by Nicole Baart
…urely send it back arguing that the plot is ridiculous: too convoluted and completely implausible. Hard pass. We’re reeling, all of us, because this is our reality. And the image that keeps coming back to me is of a moment in my life a few weeks ago. I had just completed the substantive edits on my new novel, and was carrying the 400+ loose pages of the manuscript to my desk. I tripped over the dog. Trying to clutch the bundle of papers closer onl…
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The blog.