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Featured image for “Giving Thanks in the Waiting”
November 24, 2016

Giving Thanks in the Waiting

by Chelsea Maxwell
…olding to tradition, my plans involve waiting: waiting for the phone to be passed around to each loved one, waiting for the day to pass, waiting for Christmas so I can join them. And yet, in spite of the ache that longs to be wrapped up in hugs, kisses, and laughter, I will still lift my heart this holiday in thanks. I am thankful for the opportunity I have to pursue my education, despite the distance. I am thankful for those who have walked with…
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Featured image for “As the Deer Pants”
December 13, 2016

As the Deer Pants

by Robert Lancaster
…r thirst is finally, fully and completely, satisfied. So, this Advent, let us look back and look ahead. And let us answer the call of our Lord Jesus Christ, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink” (John 7:37). Let us come and find our thirsts relieved as we drink from the well that will never leave us thirsty again….
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Featured image for “Teacher as Servant”
August 5, 2015

Teacher as Servant

by Laura Stauffer
…n serve many roles in the lives of students: teacher, mentor, parent, cheerleader, counselor, and the list could go on and on. Standardized test scores seems to dominate education, but thankfully many teachers are investing more into our students to help them become caring human beings who can make a positive impact in our world. Looking back at my time studying at Northwestern, I realize now that all teachers are servants. Sharing the love of Chr…
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Featured image for “The Road Leading Home”
December 8, 2016

The Road Leading Home

by Shaelee Boender
…tep, because of the faithful action of Ruth, that Naomi experienced the welcoming, grace-filled embrace of the people of Bethlehem, saw the redemption in her family through this Moabite daughter, and experienced the blessing of the God she had, at the beginning of her journey, deeply believed was against her in all odds of life, through the women around her as she held her baby grandson. Our Advent journey, this road we continue to travel on, whet…
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Featured image for “Sphere Sovereignty and the Electoral College”
February 10, 2017

Sphere Sovereignty and the Electoral College

by Donald Roth
…rom In All Things, or, to read about how this could be practically applied, pick up Abraham Kuyper’s Our Program: A Christian Political Manifesto, recently published by the Kuyper Translation Society.  ↩ The federal government can incentivize certain regulation by offering grant money, but it cannot force States to pass specific laws.  ↩ See, e.g. Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 10  ↩ Arguably, even Hamilton and other Founding Fathers would h…
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Featured image for “Our Favorite Podcasts from 2017”
December 15, 2017

Our Favorite Podcasts from 2017

by Liz Moss
…of human life: What does it mean to be human, and how do we want to live?” Pass the Mic–“Pass The Mic is the premier podcast of The Witness. Every month Jemar Tisby and Tyler Burns sit down with voices from across the reformed movement with the mission of addressing the core concerns of African Americans biblically.” Planet Money Podcast–“The economy, explained, with stories and surprises. Imagine you could call up a friend and say, ‘Meet me at th…
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Featured image for “Generationally Speaking: A Review of <em> Speaking Across Generations </em>”
January 12, 2023

Generationally Speaking: A Review of Speaking Across Generations

by Todd Zuidema
…meaningful relationships, adopts a child-centered agenda6.  This vision encompasses the desire to serve and provide for the spiritual needs of those who are older, but also seeks to equip and enfold younger generations so that they have a sense of belonging, knowing that they are valued. This sense of ownership will pass from generation to generation as the church seeks to be the visible expression of the family of God.  While the main body of th…
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Featured image for “Advent: Christ as Judge”
December 12, 2014

Advent: Christ as Judge

by Donald Roth
…yes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:3b-4) So in this advent season, let us give thanks for the coming of the King, the righteous judge, the one with the authority to pass judgment over death itself, and the one who delivers His people from every sorrow into everlasting joy and peace. Amen….
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Featured image for “Covid-19, Church, and Contradictions”
September 29, 2020

Covid-19, Church, and Contradictions

by John Lee
…es between competing goods: spiritual health and physical health, personal freedom and community welfare, our call to love God and our call to love neighbor. These are not either/or but both/and realities. My council engaged in a polarity mapping exercise as a structured way to name the upside and downside aspects of the conflicting positions we hold. Such an opportunity for self-reflection on the limitations of our own positions and the strengths…
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Featured image for “Can We Get Rid of Valentine’s Day?”
February 14, 2015

Can We Get Rid of Valentine’s Day?

by Liz Moss
…k packages.” How Chocolate and Valentine’s Day Mated for Life ( “It turns out that chocolate really has a history as a love food. Passion for chocolate is rooted in Mesoamerican history. It was a highly-prized luxury item among Mayan and Aztec upper class elites, who were known to savor a drink that combined roasted cacao beans with cornmeal, vanilla, honey and chilies. Cacao beans were as valuable a commodity as gold, and were eve…
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Featured image for “Lotteries and Gambling vs. Investing”
January 22, 2016

Lotteries and Gambling vs. Investing

by John Visser
…o emerging-market farmers, sponsoring a child through an organization like Compassion International, aiding a hard-working young adult so he can complete his education, or adopting children. Fortunately, these kinds of excellent investments are promoted by biblical directives that state that we should love our neighbors as ourselves, show concern for the downtrodden, or build others up. Investing is also encouraged by biblical illustrations – such…
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Featured image for “Making Peace with a God of Vengeance”
April 27, 2019

Making Peace with a God of Vengeance

by Donald Roth
…We cannot ignore our avenging God; we must make peace with Him, and He has come to bring us a message of peace and reconciliation in His Son. In embracing the latter, we should not cast out the former. Gen 2: 16-17“And the LordGod commanded the man, saying, ‘You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.’”  ↩ This is a theme…
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Featured image for “Who Are You? ”
December 21, 2017

Who Are You? 

by Erin Olson
…eed each other, and don’t survive long without social contact. We all have common basic needs when it comes to how we feel in relation to the “others” in our lives, specifically those closest to us, including our friends and family members. Christian therapists Mark & Debbie Laaser in their book, Seven Desires, identify desires that they believe are common to all people and which, if left unmet, can lead to problems with intimacy and interpersonal…
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Featured image for “Political Divisions and Pastoral Discernment”
October 27, 2020

Political Divisions and Pastoral Discernment

by Joel Kok
…included different parties in the body of Christ living out their beliefs passionately, with no party despising another or passing judgement on those with whom they disagree. With teachings that seem urgently applicable to our differences today, Paul writes: “Why do you pass judgment on your brother or sister? Or you, why do you despise your brother or sister? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God. For it is written: ‘As I live,…
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Featured image for “Striving to be the Church Reformed, Always Reforming”
October 28, 2021

Striving to be the Church Reformed, Always Reforming

by Dawn Berkelaar
…new one.   As an undergrad, I attended a course at the Overseas Ministries Study Center in New Haven, Connecticut. In a presentation about Moravians, we learned the motto, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, love.” What a wonderful philosophy, I remember thinking—if only we could agree on what are essentials! I know that church splits are deeply personal, and often motivated by matters of conscience. However, it seems…
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Featured image for “My Grandfather’s Hands: A Review of <em>Heartland</em>”
May 23, 2019

My Grandfather’s Hands: A Review of Heartland

by Chelsea Maxwell
…ck in the hand is job well-done. My grandfather was the same way. He would come in from the farm or wood shop, put vaseline on the cracks, and rest—no complaint. Satisfaction for Smarsh’s family and for my grandfather was derived simply by owning a piece of land, caring for it well, and passing it down to their children. And yet, as Smarsh surmises, “You can pay an entire life in labor, it turns out, and have nothing to show for it. Less than noth…
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Featured image for “2019 Top Articles”
December 31, 2019

2019 Top Articles

…s from this past year? And, what topics would you like iAt to explore this coming year? Comment with your thoughts and ideas. Making Nothing of Evil, and Everything of God: A Review of That All Shall Be Saved, Part 1 & Part 2 by Myles Werntz “When David Bentley Hart burst on the scene in 2004 with The Beauty of the Infinite, two things became immediately clear: this was a scholar who was erudite as he was pugnacious… Simultaneously wide-sweeping a…
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Featured image for “Praise”
May 8, 2017


by Kermit Cornell Moss
…wander aimlessly from the path of righteousness like sheep. Sometimes we become so busy or we get so distracted by problems that we stray from the loving guidance of our Shepherd. Yet, when we reflect upon the love and care God gives us daily as sheep in God’s pasture, it should lead to exuberant praise and faithful living. God is worthy of praise because God is continually, steadfastly, and consistently loyal to inconsistent people like us. Psalm…
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Featured image for “Classroom Civility”
March 18, 2015

Classroom Civility

by Chelsea Maxwell
…d. Learning is a process of questions and exploration, and it inherently encompasses a yearning for a deeper understanding of God’s creation. It also inherently results in growth. Learning is a sacred, lifelong experience, and the classroom is a central component. It is within the classroom, however, that the beauty of learning tends to fall apart. Every class I have ever been a part of has been unique. There is something special about how the stu…
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Featured image for “On Being Born Again”
March 12, 2017

On Being Born Again

by Robert Lancaster
…at is Jesus saying? “Unless one of born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” That is, born twice. To be one “born of water” has the meaning of fleshly birth, of actually being born. And being one born “of the Spirit” is being born again, of being renewed in our inward soul by the Spirit of God—and having our life transformed so that the fruits of the Spirit become evident. Though we must be born of the flesh, it is our bir…
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Featured image for “Extro-spection, Empowering Expectations, and Convenient Healing?”
December 28, 2016

Extro-spection, Empowering Expectations, and Convenient Healing?

by Eric Forseth
…serve to have you come under my roof.” It might appear that Jesus isn’t welcome in the Centurion’s home, but more is at play here. Jews didn’t enter the homes of Gentiles. The Centurion, as a Gentile, was being gracious in saying, “But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.” Even stranger, the Centurion goes on to describe his level of authority by sharing he tells others when to come and where to go. What are the lessons of this abstra…
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Featured image for “Writing a Letter”
January 15, 2017

Writing a Letter

by Rachel Klompmaker
…first and foremost a beloved child of God; By naming what we might have in common—we are both parents on the PTA, we are members of the same church; An offer of grace and peace—literally! With a list of things we like or appreciate about the person or group. In the midst of the flurry (and fury) of modern communication, we would do well to model a different way, one that is marked by gracious and generous speech, acknowledging the personhood of th…
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Featured image for “Age is Nothing but a Number”
January 10, 2017

Age is Nothing but a Number

by Matthew J. Warfield
…ake a contribution toward the bills I was producing. Even in this gracious offer, I felt that they were asking too much of me, because I was in fact still only a kid. This is exactly where I believe we find Jeremiah in the text. Jeremiah most likely was in his teens when God called him. Jeremiah felt ill-equipped and inadequate: he wanted to continue enjoying his youth. The office of prophet was an intense and laborious task that often came with t…
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Featured image for “Calling and Vocation and College”
October 26, 2016

Calling and Vocation and College

by Harlan VanOort
…o know how to learn, who can make connections, who know how to listen with compassion, and who can discern. Employers know that there is no applicant who knows everything needed for the job. They want employees who can perceive what things are needed, and learn them. I have watched students enlarge their minds so well, that I have smiled to myself thinking how grateful their employers will be. Employers in high quality companies have impressed me…
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Featured image for “Exploring the Legacy of Apollo: A Review of <em>One Giant Leap</em>”
July 16, 2020

Exploring the Legacy of Apollo: A Review of One Giant Leap

by Kayt Frisch
…n. For those two men, it was imperative that the leader of the Democratic “free world” be better at scientific achievement than their Communist Soviet rival. John F. Kennedy, the president who set America the challenge of going to the moon before the end of the 1960s, did not actually care about space. Fishman demonstrates convincingly that while Kennedy used space as a symbol of American progress in his 1960 presidential campaign promising to get…
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The blog.