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Featured image for “I Am the Face of Infant Loss”
October 19, 2017

I Am the Face of Infant Loss

by Jill Jacobsma
…l, were taken as hurtful. Suggestions that we just needed to pray more and open our Bible caused us to withdraw from company. We tried to behave as we thought people expected us to behave, covering up the sadness. When asked how I was doing, my answer was always “Fine!” and I was quick to change the subject to something else. My husband, Mike, deserves a lot of credit. He was grieving his child while trying to shoulder the burden of a wife who was…
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Featured image for “Sharing the Gospel Well”
June 23, 2016

Sharing the Gospel Well

by Nathan Tintle
…a large herd of swine was feeding; and the demons begged Jesus to let them enter these. So he gave them permission. Then the demons came out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. When the swineherds saw what had happened, they ran off and told it in the city and in the country. Then people came out to see what had happened, and when they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom…
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Featured image for “Weathering Storms in Marriage”
August 16, 2018

Weathering Storms in Marriage

by Nicole Baart
…any given situation is not just different, it’s wrong. We want someone to commiserate with. Someone who “gets us” (sometimes going as far as to try and match compatible personalities on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and put our faith in “armchair philosophy” instead of the infinite knowledge of a loving God). We often long for someone to sit in the corner and pout with us, but God in his wisdom put people in our lives to temper us. Our spouse m…
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August 20, 2014

Publishing Workflows

…e is by category, what status individual content items have, and Editorial Comments: Allow authors, editors, and administrators to make private, backend comments on content regarding editorial concerns and so on. Editorial Metadata: Private, backend metadata attached to content that you can create and modify. For example, “First Draft Date” is a date you might assign to a draft post to indicate when it needs to be complete in an initial draft stag…
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Featured image for “Hope for Harmony: A Review of <em>Women in the Mission of the Church</em>”
August 3, 2021

Hope for Harmony: A Review of Women in the Mission of the Church

by Kate Vander Veen
…” In this chapter, women are titled social justice activists, and multiple examples are offered where women stepped up to address prostitution, alcoholism, child abuse, lynchings, and other sexism-based inequities in society and in the home. The most remarkable chapter of this section of the book (post-reformation) is where Dzubinski and Stasson described female missionaries and their organizational achievements. In China, India, and across the Af…
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Featured image for “Challenge and Opportunity: Abraham Kuyper’s Evaluation of Islam”
March 1, 2018

Challenge and Opportunity: Abraham Kuyper’s Evaluation of Islam

by Jordan Ballor
…ghtened. For Kuyper, however, the vital power of this religion, this all-encompassing worldview, was undeniable. It was, as he puts it, a mystery or an enigma, a riddle that had to be acknowledged and wrestled with. Kuyper opens the second volume of his travel narrative with a chapter on “The Enigma of Islam,” and as he observes, “Islam appeared suddenly, like a brilliant meteor, in seventh-century Arabia, and from Mecca it quickly began its mirac…
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Featured image for “Seven Stanzas at Easter”
April 14, 2020

Seven Stanzas at Easter

by Dave Schelhaas
…what he wanted to say, but it’s more likely that knowing seven represents completeness, he uses that number in his title to suggest the completion of Christ’s work in his resurrection. And why that irksome if in line one? Is Updike revealing his doubt that the resurrection occurred? I don’t think so. More likely he recognizes he is writing in a secular age where many clerics and church members are explaining away the supernatural elements of thei…
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Featured image for “A Calvinist Defense of Islam?”
February 27, 2018

A Calvinist Defense of Islam?

by Matthew Kaemingk
…in particular—have failed to earn a reputation for warmth, generosity, or openness when it comes to religious difference in America. Here in the US, Calvinists—if they are known at all—are known for an intense focus on defending religious beliefs and boundaries. Calvinists are known in particular for defending two very specific (and unpopular) doctrines. These two doctrines concern the rebellious and sinful state of the human heart and the overwh…
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Featured image for “How Do You Know?”
March 21, 2016

How Do You Know?

by Dawn Berkelaar
…t how do you evaluate the impact of the more nebulous kind of knowing that comes with experience? Answers are emerging when it comes to our relationship with the non-human creation. Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, coined the term “nature-deficit disorder” to describe the impact of a lack of interaction with the non-human natural world. He describes a correlation between less time in nature and higher rates of anxiety and depressio…
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Featured image for “Widening the Dialogue of Classic Christianity: A Review of <em>A Pastoral Rule for Today</em>”
August 8, 2019

Widening the Dialogue of Classic Christianity: A Review of A Pastoral Rule for Today

by Joel Kok
…ical investigations, the authors acknowledge that their survey of pastoral examples and wisdom from the Christian tradition does not include the important role of women in Christian communities, organizing and guiding. They admit further that their “historic rules do not include insights from global Christianity in its entirety” (12). Therefore, they encourage their readers to call on the rich spirituality of figures such as Martin Luther King Jr….
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Featured image for “From Worldvision to Worldview: A Review of <em> Personality and Worldview </em>”
May 9, 2023

From Worldvision to Worldview: A Review of Personality and Worldview

by Donald Roth
…should not underestimate the cumulative impact of generations of faithful communal commitment to a Christian worldview. The effects that we can expect from this labor is not an instant conflagration of change, like switching on a gas burner. Instead, the commitment to cultivating a Christian worldview is a generational commitment to stoking coals that will burn hot long after the flames have died down. Bavinck closes with a pithy inversion: “You
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Featured image for “God’s Unbelievable Faithfulness”
March 17, 2017

God’s Unbelievable Faithfulness

by Eliza Cortes Bast
…e” in verse 11 is “dabar.” Dabar has a multitude of translations, the most common being “spoke.” My curiosity continued, especially because the word also has this root meaning: “to lead, to guide, to bring into order”. The presence of the living God appears to the assembly of Israel the following day, and the Lord “dabar’s” to Moses. And subsequently, to the children of Israel. In my research, I began to wonder. What if God was not just talking, b…
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Featured image for ““Dancing in the Minefields”: A Review of <em>The Nicene Option</em>”
March 16, 2022

“Dancing in the Minefields”: A Review of The Nicene Option

by Rylan Brue
…a way to allow our foundational beliefs to build signposts of the world to come, while not allowing these signposts to become violent, exclusionary ‘isms.’” You might expect that if a philosopher is looking to tear down fences, they would turn to the French deconstructionist Jacques Derrida. However, the problem as Smith sees it is that Derrida did not actually succeed in tearing down the Kantian fences plaguing Western philosophy. The Kantian bin…
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Featured image for “That Proverbs 31 Woman: A Review of <em>The Preacher’s Wife</em>”
September 24, 2020

That Proverbs 31 Woman: A Review of The Preacher’s Wife

by Chandra Crane
…ender-and-authority-the-legacy-of-sibling-rivalry/  ↩  ↩ Yet she did not include mention of, nor did she interview, Jackie Hill Perry, a black woman with much evangelical influence who identifies as formerly gay. Another strange oversight. Disappointingly, Bowler also left out differently abled evangelical celebrity women such as Joni Eareckson…
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Featured image for “A Year-in-Movies: Top 7 Movies of 2017”
December 1, 2017

A Year-in-Movies: Top 7 Movies of 2017

by Josh Matthews
…0 movies released this year, whereas real critics have watched hundreds. I offer this list, then, only as a group of recommendations for your viewing pleasure. I’m sure I missed a good movie or ten from this year. Here are my rules for composing this list: I include all movies released widely between January 1 and November 28. Because I live in a rural corner of Middle America, some movies weren’t available to me upon their initial, limited 2016 r…
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Featured image for “My Service Conversion”
October 5, 2015

My Service Conversion

by Aaron Baart
…ppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwel…
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Featured image for “Seeing Family in the Light of the Cross: A Review of <em>The Storm-Tossed Family</em>”
August 29, 2019

Seeing Family in the Light of the Cross: A Review of The Storm-Tossed Family

by Erin Olson
…he Culture without Losing the Gospel” BJ Haan Auditorium 5:30 p.m. – Picnic Supper & Talk: “Adopted for Life” Registration is Required. Register Here. Campus Center More info can be found at or at our Facebook Page @AndreasCenter
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Featured image for “Big Oil and Climate Change Denial”
October 18, 2018

Big Oil and Climate Change Denial

by Emily Rowe
…, and the Cornwall Alliance are all financed by secret money—much of which comes from oil companies. However, it is difficult to prove this since corporate donations are often channeled through many different donor groups. Nevertheless, the Cornwall Alliance’s commitment to increasing fossil fuel consumption is blatant, and though it was made under the guise of a Christian commitment to the poor, it denies all scientific research that reveals the
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Featured image for “Who Do Your Kids Look Like?”
November 30, 2016

Who Do Your Kids Look Like?

by Leah Zuidema
…rn cultures saw their rulers as “images” or representatives of their gods. Common folk, foreigners, and enemies need not apply; it was kings who were the divine image. Genesis 1 presents a different scenario. All human beings, male and female, are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-28). All have dignity and value.3 All human beings—kids, too! By God’s good design, each person is an image bearer from day one. Though sin may tarnish or dim the r…
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Featured image for “Ethics and Lethal Autonomous Robots”
October 10, 2016

Ethics and Lethal Autonomous Robots

by Derek Schuurman
…his talks began with a comedic video clip showing a parody of an insurance commercial offering “robot insurance,” a product designed to insure against robot attacks. The commercial ends with the sobering line: “…for when the metal ones decide to come for you.” Although the notion of a robot attack seems humorous, the fact is that there is active research in the area of lethal autonomous robots. 1 Although drones and robots are currently used in th…
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Featured image for “How Might We Teach Christianly?: A Review of <em>On Christian Teaching</em>”
April 16, 2020

How Might We Teach Christianly?: A Review of On Christian Teaching

by Kayt Frisch
…hese things might look within the practice of the reader’s discipline. One example that I find particularly thought-provoking comes from early in Smith’s career, where he recounts his realization that the German textbook he was using (and indeed most of the ones available) prepared students with vocabulary to be self-oriented international vacationers, focusing on their own needs, stories, and dissatisfaction, all of which in no way prepared them…
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Featured image for “Q+A with Derek Webb”
November 15, 2017

Q+A with Derek Webb

by Luke Hawley
…for me and both in seasons of life where I felt very in tune with or had a comfortable name for the source of that inspiration and in other seasons where I haven’t, it still feels like something that comes in from the outside, which is a really strange thing. I read somewhere that you said that when you are attached to Christianity that you “have a very conservative theological ethic.” It sounds to me—and I might be way off here—but… there’s a wor…
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Featured image for “Windy Weighty Words of Lament”
March 9, 2023

Windy Weighty Words of Lament

by Rylan Brue
…n the Psalms, trans. Arthur Golding (1571),  ↩ In a recent lecture at Calvin Seminary, Dr. Esau McCaulley was asked to comment on the disappointment expressed by many young people making their way toward the exit doors of churches across the United States. His answer was sympathetic but cutting. Disappointment with the church, he said, is nothing new for the Black church. In fact, the failure…
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Featured image for “Visual Art: Cultivating Christian Viewers”
October 29, 2018

Visual Art: Cultivating Christian Viewers

by David Versluis
…ttle differences all fitting in together.4 Carl Sandburg once wrote in his Complete Poems that, “Poetry is the opening and closing of a door, leaving those who look through to guess about what is seen during a moment.” With this passage in mind, it takes a certain kind of humility to view an artwork by not “reading into it,” but better yet, taking time to cultivate a process of “drawing out” the significance of the artwork. Dig Deeper Interested i…
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Featured image for “The Art of Distancing: A Review of <em>How to Do Nothing</em>”
April 30, 2020

The Art of Distancing: A Review of How to Do Nothing

by Matt Drissell
…in the Bay Area and Silicon Valley, where so many technology start-ups are combining technical wizardry, graphic design, and cognitive psychology to try to capture and monetize our collective attention. Odell gives a compelling description of her environment with a scrutiny that reveals just how closely she is paying attention. But it’s not the start-up culture she depicts and details; it’s the birds in her neighborhood, the gardens she walks thro…
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The blog.