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Featured image for “The Master Narrative: The Popular, but Problematic Memory of the Civil Rights Movement”
November 21, 2016

The Master Narrative: The Popular, but Problematic Memory of the Civil Rights Movement

by Jemar Tisby
…ut the movement that prevents progress. In his book, I’ve Got the Light of Freedom: The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle, Charles M. Payne summarizes what he calls the “Master Narrative.” It is the diluted story of the Civil Rights Movement that has been imbibed decades. “Traditionally, relationships between the races in the South were oppressive. Many Southerners were very prejudiced against Blacks. In 1954, the Supreme C…
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Featured image for “Power in a Name”
March 7, 2023

Power in a Name

by Jessica DeWit
…de “Jazz Music Unit” to “Jazz: Making a Joyful Noise” (based on Psalm 150) completely changed how my students and I interacted with the art form of jazz. This new name reframed the study of jazz as something to be discovered as God’s inspiration, creation, and avenue of worship. This was a totally different invitation for students to see their learning as part of God’s story. The idea of Reframing and Renaming can be taken into any area of our wor…
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Featured image for “A Floating Feather of Grace: A Review of <em>Reading Buechner</em>”
August 6, 2020

A Floating Feather of Grace: A Review of Reading Buechner

by April Fiet
…ings? The transparency and wisdom of Buechner’s writings invited Monroe to open his heart to his own pains, an invitation that transformed Monroe’s life. Through Buechner’s words and wisdom, Monroe found a path toward healing and wholeness. He said it this way: “The path to healing, to wholeness, to salvation, is always through the difficult and painful things, not around them. Buechner’s words challenged me to bring my pain out and hold it to the
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Featured image for “Finding Your Story in God’s Story”
November 27, 2017

Finding Your Story in God’s Story

by Todd Zuidema
…uld remember this: We read in community. We hear in community. We learn in community. It is in community that we can continue to be shaped and formed by God’s Word. I don’t know how many churches continue to do family visiting. For some it seems anachronistic, an antique of a practice. Sitting across a table with someone and talking about how a favorite verse of the Bible has shaped and changed our life is extremely personal, but can be so rewardi…
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Featured image for “Parenting, Attachment Theory, and God”
May 24, 2018

Parenting, Attachment Theory, and God

by Erin Olson
…strong relationships with God and see their relationship with Him as being compensatory to failed relationships with earthly parents. God becomes the parental figure these individuals didn’t have during their childhood. In the mental model hypothesis, the opposite happens and the earthly representation of a father/mother/caregiver becomes the mental model for God as Heavenly Father (Reinert & Edwards, 2014). The model of relationships formed with…
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Featured image for “Kill Contempt with Kindness: A Review of <em>Love Your Enemies</em>”
September 10, 2019

Kill Contempt with Kindness: A Review of Love Your Enemies

by April Fiet
…t to those who disagree with us—even strongly so—and listening to find our common why. Love Your Enemies is a refreshing book that urges the building of relationships rather than the fragmenting of them; however, this call is not without its own weaknesses. For example, Brooks explores moral foundations theory, which asserts that there are five (or more recently, six) moral foundations that are innate to all people. The idea behind this theory is…
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Featured image for “Becoming Artist Christians”
April 12, 2022

Becoming Artist Christians

by Vaughn Donahue
…new theatre professor, Karen Bohm Barker, stood in front of us all. She welcomed back the upperclassmen and welcomed in the new freshman class. She talked about the work we would be doing in the coming months, both on and off the stage. I don’t recall all that was said or how it was phrased, but I do know that in this moment she used the term “artist Christians” to describe all of us in that room. I remember thinking it sounded like a funny and un…
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Featured image for “For the LORD is a God Who Knows”
December 10, 2016

For the LORD is a God Who Knows

by Leah Zuidema
…r to strengthen her ties to her husband, to be treated with respect in her community, to be able to put her talents and passions to use in the household, and to have safety and security in old age and widowhood when her adult sons would provide for her and protect her. Perhaps you hesitate to pray your desires for healing, for relationships, for worth in your community, for a place to use your talents with joy, or for safety and security. Perhaps…
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Featured image for “A Challenging Trio”
October 7, 2017

A Challenging Trio

by Daniel Vos
…nstead, it lands on John 7:40–52, another challenging text. The savior has come, but people are still stuck on the idea that prophets do not come from Galilee. Thus, the lectionary (not-so-hopefully) makes the connection between the closed ears of rebellious Jerusalem in Jeremiah 6:10 and those who scorn Jesus as an illegitimate prophet in John 7:52, instead of drawing some more hopeful connection between a plea for grace and God’s gracious respon…
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Featured image for “Unsung Holiday: Memorial Day and Christian Patriotism”
May 26, 2023

Unsung Holiday: Memorial Day and Christian Patriotism

by Donald Roth
…untry is typically dismissed by the political Right and framed as an all-encompassing boogey man for the political Left, Memorial Day embodies a number of reasons why this is such a difficult issue. The principal difficulty arises from the fact that honoring the dead simply doesn’t feel like it should be so controversial. Frankly, it shouldn’t be. I’m proud of my brother-in-law’s honorable service. At the same time, death is a time when the desire…
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Featured image for “Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?”
June 1, 2016

Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?

by Mitch Kinsinger
…atter how committed we are to that platform, and that God’s truth is large enough to accommodate the opinions of all kinds of people, even those with whom we strongly disagree.2 So if conventional wisdom suggests that one refrain from talking about religion and politics in polite company, polite company would likely not be offended if those who claim the name of Christ sought to be Christ to the nation by emulating his self-sacrificial redemptive…
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Featured image for “50 Shades of…Clay?”
February 17, 2015

50 Shades of…Clay?

by Neal DeRoo
…e to watch movies better (in addition to watching better movies)? Could we offer some recommendations about good movies, and discuss what we think is “good” about them? My friend Bob DeSmith has started. Are there movies that you would recommend to fellow iAt readers, or things you would recommend people look for when watching movies? Are there other creative outlets you would recommend, other than movies? Please post them in the comments. Yes, th…
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Featured image for “Seeking Out the Seventh Day: A Review of <em>God’s Sabbath with Creation</em>”
February 11, 2020

Seeking Out the Seventh Day: A Review of God’s Sabbath with Creation

by Ethan Brue
…raced wholesale by the Christian community under the auspices of the great commission. The evangelical community was busy trying to argue and market their way into cultural, scientific, political, economic, and social legitimacy. I was a teenager. Back then, I paid little attention to the theological air I breathed. I was not doing theology, just consuming the music—the soaring tenor melodies and electric guitar interludes of artists such as Keith…
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Featured image for “Prayers in the Mud”
June 22, 2017

Prayers in the Mud

by Annastasia Boncyzk
…those first Biblical scribes who took these ancient prayers and songs and passed them down to us, preserving them for us. Reading and praying the psalms in the wilds of creation is a perfect way to offer up a prayer of deep-held longing or regret or fear or uncertainty. You can bask in the vivid scenery before you as you seek to translate your prayers into the language of the prayers that might have been offered in those places so many centuries…
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Featured image for “Reflections on Prayer in a Time of Panic”
March 24, 2020

Reflections on Prayer in a Time of Panic

by Kayt Frisch
…cle, we want to offer a place of reprieve for our readers by continuing to offer book, podcast, and movie reviews along with our regular series of articles. We hope you find comfort in our continued focus on expanding our imaginations for what the Christian life—and life of the mind—can accomplish as we explore God’s creation. The panic in my west-coast city is palpable. The grocery store has been sold out of clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, and flou…
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Featured image for “Creating a Culturally Sensitive Classroom”
September 13, 2018

Creating a Culturally Sensitive Classroom

by Barb Hoekstra
…end to make all students, regardless of color or other differences feel welcome and comfortable. They build a caring community so that students get to know each other as quickly as possible and are comfortable with each other and can care for one another. David Smith, author of On Christian Teaching: Practicing Faith in the Classroom suggests teachers spend ten minutes privately with each of their students at the beginning of a semester.1 Sharing…
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Featured image for “Loving God Through… Sex?”
February 4, 2016

Loving God Through… Sex?

by Neal DeRoo
…fear having surface-level connections with people that we don’t want to become best friends (or spouses) with. Perhaps we should be similar when it comes to the physical expression of connection that is our sexuality. We should expect to have various levels of physical contact with various kinds of people in our lives: we can hug our siblings or kiss our mom, but is it also okay to hold hands with a good friend? To place a hand on someone’s arm t…
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Featured image for “7 Lies Creative People Believe”
January 18, 2016

7 Lies Creative People Believe

by John MacInnis
…ursuing the many duties of adult life adds definite value and meaning. The composer Franz Schubert no doubt broke his father’s heart when he chose music composition over the stability of a teaching career. But Schubert’s musical creations have enriched the lives of countless and ennobled Western civilization ever since. No one would now call his investment of time and effort irresponsible, since so many are the richer for it. 7) I have nothing to…
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Featured image for “People and Places: The Evidence of Holiness”
September 13, 2022

People and Places: The Evidence of Holiness

by Hannah Landman, Kara Jasper
…of war, conflict, and imprisonment surrounded us, it was our hope that our offering and presence would bring some type of comfort, a prism of shattered light across the shadowlands. One of these many moments sticks out because of its proximity to a concert and the extent to which we all realized our own limits. We were all forced to confront the fact that we were exhausted and emotionally unprepared to say goodbye after the next concert, but also…
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Featured image for “Poetic Youth Ministry: Learning to Love Young People by Letting Them Go (Excerpt)”
May 19, 2015

Poetic Youth Ministry: Learning to Love Young People by Letting Them Go (Excerpt)

by Jason Lief
…ognize how the Christian community and social imaginary of Western culture offer competing visions of faith and faith formation. The social imaginary of Western culture is increasingly shaped by a new vision of economic life—global technocapitalism—that emphasizes progress, surplus value, and the transcendence of humanity through technological processes.2 This new cultural situation cultivates a cycle of desire for an ideal (abstract) human identi…
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Featured image for “It Is Up To You”
February 15, 2016

It Is Up To You

by Kate Vander Veen
…hese?) is based in something that warrants appraisal. Contentment does not come easy, but it will come, if sought. Social health goes hand in hand with emotional health. As human beings, we were created to be in relationship not only with God and his creation that surrounds us, but also the multitude of human beings with whom we interact. Just as you were wonderfully made, so were the many others on this plant. Clearly each of us has strengths and
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Featured image for “Blue Christmas”
December 20, 2021

Blue Christmas

by Kara Jasper
…e was no expectation for a right, put-together frame of mind. Instead, the offer of community and hope for what is to come was given.   This service took place in the light of a cool evening. The morning is a lovely time, but often by evening, there is a sense of tiredness, of letting your guard down, of awareness of your vulnerability and your inability to hide this vulnerability with others. Holding a Blue Christmas service at night isn’t meant …
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Featured image for “Coach, Can We Talk?”
August 19, 2015

Coach, Can We Talk?

by Chad Hanson
…Worse than that is when parents go straight to the athletic director and bypass the coach altogether. Please allow me to ease your anxiety and mention that I completely understand that a child’s safety and health are of utmost importance. If either are at risk beyond the sport, then anyone and everyone involved in the situation should help to protect the child. In anything short of safety and health areas, I firmly believe that parents should empo…
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Featured image for ““Hostiles” Review”
February 9, 2018

“Hostiles” Review

by Josh Matthews
…erfully portrays Blocker as a war veteran, a hater, a tough man, stoic yet compassionate, a reader of Julius Caesar and the Bible, a doubter but maybe a Christian, and a man who wants to be meeker. This is one of the best performances of his career. He is accompanied by Rosamund Pike’s remarkable turn as Rosalie Quaid, a frontier woman whose entire family is murdered by Comanche horse-thieves. Early in the movie, Blocker’s party finds Quaid holdin…
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Featured image for “An Unlikely Story: A Review of <em>Reformed Public Theology</em>”
September 8, 2021

An Unlikely Story: A Review of Reformed Public Theology

by Justin Bailey
…ollow, other writers at In All Things will offer their own reflections on other parts of the book, which considers markets, justice, aesthetics, academics, and worship. The danger with any edited volume, of course, is that in the diversity of contributions, the center becomes thin. But for my part, I found the diversity delightful. I frequently found myself nodding and saying, “Yes! This is why I resonate with this tradition.”   I remain an unlike…
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The blog.