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Featured image for “Top 5: Books to Read Aloud”
July 8, 2022

Top 5: Books to Read Aloud

by Kayt Frisch, Donald Roth, Ruth Clark, Justin Ariel Bailey
…If you haven’t gone back to listen through books of Scripture recently, I commend the practice. 5. Police Craft by Adam Plantinga – If you want a ground-level introduction to the worldview of a patrol officer, this book nails it. It also does so in a way that’s mostly about relating stories of police work. I found myself reading some of these stories to my wife as I went through, which recommends reading it aloud. It’s entertaining, insightful, a…
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Featured image for “The Reformation and the Cause of the Gospel”
March 13, 2017

The Reformation and the Cause of the Gospel

by Richard Mouw
…c friends is still exercising an important leadership role in the Catholic community. I don’t see that gratitude as a betrayal of my Protestant commitments. I’m pleased that people like them choose to remain Catholics, even though I could never be one myself. And I can claim some measure of support for my gratitude from none other than John Calvin. It is an understatement to say that the great Swiss Reformer had little respect for the Catholic Chu…
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Featured image for “De profundis: Lament in Worship”
June 20, 2018

De profundis: Lament in Worship

by Karen A. DeMol
…wing our need and brokenness. Some sorrows, such as illness and death, are commonly addressed in the company of the congregation; but depression, unemployment, and family woes are more difficult to express and can remain hidden. Perhaps we falsely believe that we should always be up-beat, positive, victorious; we believe that lamenting is only complaining, revealing a lack of faith. But true lament is expressed in the context of faith and of trust…
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Featured image for “Wine, Food, and Friends: John Calvin on God’s Gifts”
November 11, 2016

Wine, Food, and Friends: John Calvin on God’s Gifts

by Bruce Gordon
…llowable. Following Paul, Calvin saw eating and drinking as symbols of the freedom of a Christian in matters of practice and conscience. Reflecting on I Timothy 4:1-5, the Frenchman commented at length: Let us notice the reasoning in this matter: we ought to be content with the freedom which God has given us in the use of different foods, because it is for our use that he has created them. It is the joy of all godly people to know that every food…
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Featured image for “All the Nations”
August 18, 2017

All the Nations

by Jamin Hübner
…). Who does this? “All the people” (v. 3). To what end? “o that your way becomes known on earth” and “so that your salvation becomes known, among all the nations” (v. 2). Why? “Because you judge the nations fairly and guide all the nations of the earth” (v. 4), and “The earth has yielded its harvest” (v. 6). But, what about when nations seem to be judged unfairly? What about when there is no harvest? How can one reconcile these grandiose praises w…
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Featured image for “Gender & Authority: Authority in the Blogosphere”
September 5, 2017

Gender & Authority: Authority in the Blogosphere

by Anne Kennedy
…s a heady time, a time of commenting and connection, of uncovering virtual community from the isolated comfort of suburbanism. But, children grow, and Facebook overtakes the world, and as all my various friends dropped out of the blogosphere, I kept going, looking for anything else to write about. I woke up one day and remembered that I had a masters of divinity, and that I’d ridden the wave of literary criticism and deconstruction in university t…
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Featured image for “You and Me and West Texas: Review of Hell or High Water”
February 13, 2017

You and Me and West Texas: Review of Hell or High Water

by James Calvin Schaap
…Alberto reminds Marcus that a couple of centuries earlier his people, the Comanches, ran wild and free over all that land out there. What he says is a rejoinder to Marcus’s endless racial slurs. But then Alberto looks across the street at the little bank and tells the old ranger that Marcus’s people—the poor, white folk of this woebegone world–are now being chased off themselves, just as the Comanches were long ago, and he points out across the s…
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Featured image for “Beloved Unity: A Review of <em>Native</em>”
February 11, 2021

Beloved Unity: A Review of Native

by Chandra Crane
…est in Christ, the one that the First Nations Version8 calls “Creator Sets Free.” May we learn from the Native believers among us to be set free into the great love of Christ. xii, emphasis/italics hers  ↩ The chapter where she specifically addresses her mixed ethnic identity (“Fighting Invisibility”) was such a gift to me, and I highly recommend it to other multiethnic folks.  ↩ xiv  ↩ 17  ↩ 1 John 4:18  ↩ Please note that I am not propping up an…
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Featured image for “Jesus: Signal of Hope”
July 26, 2017

Jesus: Signal of Hope

by Kate Meyer
…in God’s kingdom: persistently, yet without hatred/judgment/violence. I am coming to believe that Jesus ordered people to keep quiet because Jesus knew if we talked, we would mess up the simple message: Jesus is the Son of God and he was sent to this earth to free the oppressed and bring restoration to the whole of humanity and creation. Clearly, Jesus was right to expect that we would mess that up. We live in a world full of evidence that we do n…
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Featured image for “What is Happening?”
November 20, 2015

What is Happening?

by Joel Veldkamp
…th body and soul in hell” (Matthew 10:28). These verses are not merely for comfort; they point us to a different way of thinking about the world. Christians are not supposed to fear the same things that other people fear, and that should set us free to do what God asks of us. What does he ask? “You are to consider the foreigners residing among you as native-born” (Ezekiel 47:22). “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers” (Hebrews 13:2). “I…
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Featured image for “Advent Peace: The Time Between Time”
December 11, 2018

Advent Peace: The Time Between Time

by Kevin Slusher
…we hear the familiar story we are made ready, our hearts prepared, for his coming again. And in the time between, the peace of Christ has its way with us, setting us free to continue on the way, making the humble pilgrimage of the life of faith in a world that is not our home. In the time between, the peace of Christ nestles deep within us, seeping into all the cracks and fissures, setting us free from despair and resignation to faithfully work an…
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Featured image for “Hear My Prayer”
May 15, 2017

Hear My Prayer

by Ethan Brue
…ferent prayer altogether—a short prayer, which has generated more words of commentary than it probably deserves: the prayer of Jabez. A prayer with very little context for us to lean on. A prayer that asks for God to increase the author and free him from pain. God grants it. End of prayer. After receiving and reading the Chronicles devotional, I went back to the tragedy of Psalm 102 and read on. “Hear my Prayer, O Lord.” The Psalmist is not asking…
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Featured image for “If Philando Castile Was a Threat, Then Black People Are Never Safe”
June 28, 2017

If Philando Castile Was a Threat, Then Black People Are Never Safe

by Jemar Tisby
…son who was following directions, and the one who pulled the trigger walks free? Oppression, Comfort, and Dignity The march of injustice has taught me at least this much—how to lament. Ecclesiastes 4:1 says, “Again I saw all the oppressions that are done under the sun. And behold, the tears of the oppressed, and they had no one to comfort them! On the side of their oppressors there was power, and there was no one to comfort them.” The courts cater…
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Featured image for “Who is My Neighbor?”
January 30, 2017

Who is My Neighbor?

by Tom Clark
…d we ask for the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to break free just to be brought here? Should we lift our lamp beside the golden door? Or should we wall our hearts against the refugees fleeing from war? Should we support executive orders preventing refugees from Syria from coming to America until it is safe for them to return? To be clear, refugees fleeing from conflict are not the same as undocumented immigrants. That is an enti…
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Featured image for “Lessons from a Guinea Pig: Love, Fear and the Law”
February 18, 2017

Lessons from a Guinea Pig: Love, Fear and the Law

by Shelbi Gesch
…el free to go to him or her for help when obedience is hard. She will feel free to confess shortcomings and learn that trying to hide things from mom or dad always ends in more pain. Love has a way of revealing truth. When I first heard the Sunday-school admonition to “fear the Lord,” it confused me. The idea of fearing God, this Almighty unseen and infinite who was somehow also my friend, was something difficult to wrap my child-brain around. C.S…
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Featured image for “People of the Second Chance”
November 26, 2015

People of the Second Chance

by Nicole Baart
…I continue to fail and fall short. To struggle with childish sins and shortcomings I should have left behind long ago. How could I? A couple of weeks ago I blew it big with my kids. We work hard to keep mornings sweet, streamlined, and drama-free at the Baart house (no one wants to go to school cranky). But for some reason everyone woke up prickly, spoiling for a fight, and I played along. The battleground we chose was the breakfast table and thin…
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Featured image for “Inauguration Day and the Politics of a Partial Exorcism”
January 19, 2021

Inauguration Day and the Politics of a Partial Exorcism

by Donald Roth
…driven by a fear that a Democrat regime represents an equal and opposite “free fall into hell,” and the mob represented those who were willing to sacrifice even democracy to the fire if it means avoiding a worse apocalypse. Given that our political rhetoric has long painted oppositional political figures as heirs of Hitler or Stalin, we have become so accustomed to hyperbole that genuinely trying times can only be described by ever more extreme h…
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Featured image for “New Wine into Old Wineskins”
January 18, 2017

New Wine into Old Wineskins

by Liz Niehoff
…omise, but by June, my wineskin is feeling patched and worn, those eager resolutions less filled with excitement and promise. Because to welcome in the change we were so eager for in January seems far less enticing now that its reality has had time to settle in with the daily hustle and bustle of work, kids, spouses, and the chaos of life. But let’s face it: change and innovation is hard. Switching from the smooth, worn, road-tested wine skin is h…
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Featured image for “Labor Day: Stories of Work”
September 7, 2020

Labor Day: Stories of Work

by James Calvin Schaap
…not afraid to admit it, or even flaunt it. But then there’s this: We love free stuff, the more the merrier; but it’s passing strange that the one thing in life that’s offered freely is something we want so badly to work for and to earn—salvation. That line isn’t mine, but I’ve used it often because of the catchy irony that traps most of us when we hear it unrolled. It’s Labor Day all right, a holiday meant to celebrate work and those who do it, b…
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Featured image for “Christ the Conqueror”
July 10, 2017

Christ the Conqueror

by Anneke Wind
…ut he’s not. He’s with us, working in our hearts, serving as our guide and comfort in times of trouble. He is our hope. He is our fortress when things seem bleak. Zechariah says, “I will take away the chariots from Ephraim and the warhorses from Jerusalem, and the battle bow will be broken. He will proclaim peace to the nations. His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth” (v. 10). Ultimately, God will win the…
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Featured image for “They Both Prayed to the Same God”
May 26, 2015

They Both Prayed to the Same God

by Scott Culpepper
…cluded in his list of those united in Christ the phrase “neither slave nor free.” Examples in the Old Testament such as the Exodus and the provisions in ancient Israel for a “year of Jubilee” (Leviticus 25: 8-13) supported the case for abolition. Above all, the Biblical account of human creation in the image of God and the unrealized ideal of the equality of all men included in the Declaration of Independence spurred Northerners to embrace the ema…
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Featured image for “Why Is Obedience So Hard?”
February 11, 2017

Why Is Obedience So Hard?

by Leah Dunlap-Ennis
…do it. He has given you his Spirit. That is why Augustine prayed, “O Lord, command what you will, and give what you command.” Tell us what you want us to do, and give us the power to do it! On our behalf, the Psalmist acknowledges that one of his greatest needs is to be steadfast in keeping God’s statutes. And as he sets forth on the path of life, he promises: I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your st…
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Featured image for “Netflix Review: “Bandersnatch””
January 18, 2019

Netflix Review: “Bandersnatch”

by Josh Matthews
…n idea so far from new that it rotted away in the sun a long time ago. Metacommentary on the free-will-versus-determinism debate and the relationship between an artistic medium and its effects on readers, presented within that medium, has been a staple of written literature forever. Just read Don Quixote, written in the early 1600s, which beat Bandersnatch to all ideas by 400 years, and it deals with them far more complexly. Or, just play any vide…
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Featured image for “A Guide to Digital Decluttering: A Review of <em>Digital Minimalism</em>”
March 9, 2019

A Guide to Digital Decluttering: A Review of Digital Minimalism

by Mike Janssen
…ocialization into virtual socialization. These harmful effects (and how to combat them) are the focus of computer scientist Cal Newport’s new book Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World. “Human beings are not wired to be constantly wired,” he declares in this incisive critique of modern technological life—particularly as it relates to social media and smartphones. The first part of the book lays out the problem: most of us ha…
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Featured image for “Why Are Vacations So Exhausting?”
July 26, 2016

Why Are Vacations So Exhausting?

by Howard Schaap
…hem in their space, making memories and getting in each other’s hair until coming home felt like freedom. This is another aspect of “vacation.” We “vacate” ultimately to return. In literature, the goal of any hero’s journey is to go out, have experiences that change us, and then return with our changed selves to better the place from which we came. The same can be said for vacation. Even if we return with tales of eating smoked gator, vacation and…
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The blog.