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Featured image for “Beloved Unity: A Review of <em>Native</em>”
February 10, 2021

Beloved Unity: A Review of Native

by Chandra Crane
…est in Christ, the one that the First Nations Version8 calls “Creator Sets Free.” May we learn from the Native believers among us to be set free into the great love of Christ. xii, emphasis/italics hers  ↩ The chapter where she specifically addresses her mixed ethnic identity (“Fighting Invisibility”) was such a gift to me, and I highly recommend it to other multiethnic folks.  ↩ xiv  ↩ 17  ↩ 1 John 4:18  ↩ Please note that I am not propping up an…
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Featured image for “What is Jesus’ Will?”
May 1, 2015

What is Jesus’ Will?

by Donald Roth
…Will as something that we do or seek to carry out. We debate the extent of free will and what degree of choice we have in the salvation process. Extended into the legal world, a will is a final statement of our wishes for how our property should be divided among our heirs. In this context, getting “written out of/into the will” is shorthand for an answer to the often contentious issue of inheritance. In Hebrews 9, the author uses the Greek word of…
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Featured image for “Part One: Reforming Journalism”
January 15, 2019

Part One: Reforming Journalism

by Lee Pitts
…efferson understood that a press has a vital role in preserving liberty. A free society needed a free media. He believed in this so much that he was willing to abandon the very government that he helped create if it meant preserving the press. This message is forgotten today. I see it in the eyes of high school juniors and seniors and their parents when they visit Dordt. These students love to read and write. They are curious about the world. Thes…
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Featured image for “I’m Racist (and So Are You)”
August 15, 2017

I’m Racist (and So Are You)

by Nicole Baart
…been our problem because silence in the face of evil is cowardice at best, complicity at worst. And so, whether we have participated in the division of the Body of Christ by sins of commission or omission, we need to accept that we have been woefully inadequate at suffering with those who suffer. For “God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts…
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Featured image for “Are the FCC’s “New” Regulations really an “Obamacare for the Internet”?”
March 12, 2015

Are the FCC’s “New” Regulations really an “Obamacare for the Internet”?

by Donald Roth
…ourt Upholds FCC Role as Data Roamin’ Umpire” CommLawBlog (Dec. 12, 2012). ↩ Fact Sheet: Chairman Wheeler Proposes New Rules, Federal Communication Commission (Feb. 4, 2015). ↩…
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Featured image for “Peace in a Bag of Flour: Looking for Contentment in Chaos”
June 16, 2020

Peace in a Bag of Flour: Looking for Contentment in Chaos

by April Fiet
…. Peace is something that is not found in doing or in lack of doing. Peace comes from the realization that regardless of what we are doing, or accomplishing, or experiencing, that we are beloved. I have long struggled to accept the truth that I am beloved of God in every moment in which I find myself, and Henri Nouwen struggled mightily with that, too. I suspect this is one reason his writing resonates so deeply in my heart every time I read his w…
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Featured image for “Grading the New Tax Law”
April 10, 2018

Grading the New Tax Law

by Donald Roth
…ries? Complexity: B On the individual income tax side, filing taxes will become much less complex for many Americans due to the doubling of the Standard Deduction. Far more individuals will begin to use this much simpler route when filing taxes. That is, about 70% of Americans currently itemize their deductions, and that number is predicted to climb to nearly 90% with the new tax law. Of course, unless it’s very clear that you won’t need to itemiz…
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Featured image for “The Picture of Purity: A Review of <em>Talking Back to Purity Culture</em>”
May 6, 2021

The Picture of Purity: A Review of Talking Back to Purity Culture

by Leah Mouw
…re than our sex life; it is a way of life in thought and action. The Bible commands us to “take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5). Welcher warns that purity culture portrays the act of sex as the way to lose purity. In the Christian life, our pursuit to become more like Christ is much more than our sexual nature. We are to pursue the holiness of Christ in all areas of our lives. Welch addresses some of the rigid g…
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Featured image for “Finding Conservative Christianity’s Place Outside the U.S.: A Review of “No Borders””
September 20, 2018

Finding Conservative Christianity’s Place Outside the U.S.: A Review of “No Borders”

by James Bratt
…s of the better possibilities that evangelicalism has always offered: self-searching, compassion, the felt call for social justice, and genuine openness to the movement of the Spirit. McAlister’s writing, as well as her subjects, come alive here. So, to return to the laudatory blurb: Have American evangelicals really been “fundamentally shaped by the wider world,” or have they shaped it per their own imagination? Some of the former but more of the…
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Featured image for “Vision for Repairing Fractures: A Review of <em>Resisting Throwaway Culture</em>”
October 10, 2019

Vision for Repairing Fractures: A Review of Resisting Throwaway Culture

by Chelsea Maxwell
…and murder, in the policy choices that ignore the hurting families in our communities, and in the culture that trends towards treating even people as a commodity. It is in light of this cultural experience that Charles Camosy writes Resisting Throwaway Culture: How a Consistent Life Ethic Can Unite a Fractured People. Camosy’s focus is neither political nor partisan. His aim is to articulate a moral vision for America that is grounded in the valu…
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Featured image for “Supreme Court Decisions in Review (Part 2)”
August 20, 2020

Supreme Court Decisions in Review (Part 2)

by Donald Roth
…rt does lean conservative, but not nearly as strongly or predictably so as commonly asserted. When it comes to specific justices, this term revealed a few instructive trends. Both Justices Roberts and Kagan departed from their affiliative peers in deference to the issue of precedent. This is not surprising for a Chief Justice, who also typically bears the mantle of thinking about the broader prestige of the Court, but it is important to consider i…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: the Bible and traditional beliefs”
January 23, 2015

Answering Your Question: the Bible and traditional beliefs

by Benjamin Lappenga
…of language within a specific set of socio-historical assumptions. So, for example, since the “curse of Ham” (on a linguistic, theological, or any other level) never implied anything to do with “blackness” until the development of folk etymology in the early medieval period, this interpretation and its dreadful implications have no place in Christian thinking or practice.2 2. Christians should celebrate creation as the “theater of God’s glory,” an…
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Featured image for “American Christians: A Review of “The Redemptive Self””
September 8, 2018

American Christians: A Review of “The Redemptive Self”

by Donald Roth
…llenge adversity but an often-excessive confidence that we know how to overcome it. This feeling can foster a certain naiveté that can come across as arrogance, narcissism, or narrow-mindedness. The redemptive story can even be rallied to justify violence in the name of the fight of good versus evil. Lastly, and perhaps most pointedly for Christians, making sense of life in consistently redemptive ways can have a way of rationalizing away poor dec…
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Featured image for “The Essence of Hospitality”
October 19, 2017

The Essence of Hospitality

by Stephanie Doeschot
…d and welcomed into the community of faith that they gladly welcome others freely? Examples of real people in each of these categories come to mind easily for me, as I am sure they do for you if you have been in the church for more than a few years. I give thanks for those who have embodied the grace of Jesus for me and for so many others. Their very lives have been a “welcome mat,” inviting me to walk more fully into the community of faith on so…
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Featured image for “Labor Day, the Side-Eye Holiday”
August 27, 2019

Labor Day, the Side-Eye Holiday

by Howard Schaap
…thers. All of us are complicit in injustice in some way. Even scripture is complicated when it comes to work. Yes, Ecclesiastes sets out enjoying your work as one of the greatest blessings of life, but that proviso comes in the midst of a profoundly skeptical book in which “everything is meaningless” (1:2). Paul says that our “labor in the Lord is not in vain” (I Corinthians 15:58), which often leads toward another dualism, valuing church or spiri…
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Featured image for “Making Peace with a God of Vengeance”
April 27, 2019

Making Peace with a God of Vengeance

by Donald Roth
…rters of the death penalty feel pressure to turn a blind eye to legitimate questions about the practice, and opponents can find themselves inclined to view everyone on death row as a victim, turning a too credulous ear to sob stories of innocence and administrative malfeasance. Neither inclination is healthy. The death penalty is rightly reserved for only the most heinous of cases, and it should be applied only where it meets the highest measure o…
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Featured image for “Top 5: Most Helpful Parenting Resources”
June 17, 2022

Top 5: Most Helpful Parenting Resources

by Sarah Moss, Kayt Frisch, Donald Roth, Justin Ariel Bailey, Erin Olson
…ssage that being a mom is the pinnacle of the female experience and that becoming a mother will “complete” them. Driven by this message, women can find themselves tired and disconnected as they chase the unattainable goal of being the “perfect” mother. Evans’ book uses Catholic contemplative practices to help women find a deeper connection to God while helping readers consider topics like work-life balance, solitude, patience, identity, and a miss…
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Featured image for “Is Moving Immoral?”
October 20, 2022

Is Moving Immoral?

by Caleb Schut
…To live another way takes effort. Composting, finding ways to volunteer, becoming a part of a faith community, developing relationships with depth. We don’t want to be vacationers and so we’ll do what we can to offer ourselves to a community.  There are deep moral considerations to make when moving. But there are threats to staying somewhere, too. Perhaps the error we make is forgetting that both moving and staying are not simply choices, they are…
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Featured image for “Twin Poles: A Review of <em>Bavinck</em>”
April 8, 2021

Twin Poles: A Review of Bavinck

by David Westfall
…t…that both will quickly metastasize in the absence of a higher, universal community” (281) becomes ever more relevant amid the growing tensions between “globalism” and “nationalism” in the western world and the modern church’s troubling tendency to equate Christian faithfulness with allegiance to one or the other. As someone who has been nourished and influenced by a variety of voices within the reformed tradition, I have come to value both of th…
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Featured image for “Is the Letter to Iran Treason?”
March 14, 2015

Is the Letter to Iran Treason?

by Jeff Taylor
…e impropriety of undercutting the Commander in Chief. But Obama is not the Commander in Chief of Congress . . . or of the American people. This is a specific title referring to chain of command for enlisted military personnel. Constitutionally, the President was never intended to be a national dictator. Over the years, especially during the past century, Congress has unconstitutionally and unwisely abrogated many of its powers to the Executive Bra…
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Featured image for “One Christian’s Journey in the Business World”
August 14, 2015

One Christian’s Journey in the Business World

by Scott Peterson
…ronment where people feel encouraged to use their talents well. It is good practice for employees to think about their values and their purpose at the company, but more importantly about their purpose holistically. That’s why I encourage employees to discover their values and write a personal mission statement. When an employee sees the alignment between their values and the company’s direction and values, it can be really motivating. However, I d…
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Featured image for “The Assassination of Boris Nemtsov”
March 4, 2015

The Assassination of Boris Nemtsov

by Mark McCarthy
…o Nizhny to help advise on methods of privatization of state factories and free market reforms. After this process had been completed, Nemtsov had asked the IMF to help start the privatization process of the large collective farms as well. Photo by M.McCarthy (1994). For his work and success in turning around the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region Nemtsov was appointed by Boris Yeltsin as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in 1997….
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Featured image for “War on Drugs in Rural America”
June 14, 2016

War on Drugs in Rural America

by Dan Altena
…rtunities to be mentors or consultants for the program. While the war on drugs may still be “public enemy number one” 45 years later, we have the power to end the war by coming together as a community to provide the resources and support to make a lasting change in our neighborhoods….
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Featured image for “Sphere Sovereignty”
August 20, 2014

Sphere Sovereignty

by Neal DeRoo
…t should stop doing so once the institution responsible for that situation exercises properly its authority in that area again. To use the above example, this would mean that the government offers social security only as long as: a) the people require such a thing; and b) the business world fails to adequately provide for it. Questions about the separation of church and state or whether the government or the church have primary responsibility for
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Featured image for “Zechariah”
December 8, 2016


by Dave Schelhaas
…l God. Let me sing a bit of it for you now: O bless the God of Israel, who comes to set us free, who visits and redeems us and grants us liberty. The prophets spoke of mercy, of rescue and release; God shall fulfil the promise to bring our people peace. Now from the house of David a child of grace is given; A Saviour comes among us to raise us up to heaven. Before him goes the herald forerunner in the way, the prophet of salvation, the messenger o…
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The blog.