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Featured image for “On Being a Dad”
June 15, 2015

On Being a Dad

by Todd Zuidema
…his question yet…I’m not sure how I would respond, but I’m prepared it’s coming). Just yesterday, I was teaching one of my daughters how to throw a football properly. The look on her face as she passed me a perfect spiral out of her tiny hands was euphoric. Much the same way that I experience that feeling when she draws a beautiful painting or completes a tasty recipe with mom. As I have gotten the opportunity to mentor my daughters and influenc…
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Featured image for “Transhumanism and the Incarnation”
January 6, 2017

Transhumanism and the Incarnation

by Derek Schuurman
…ists predict a future event called “the Singularity” when computers will become comparable in power to the human brain. At this point, they argue, we will be able to download our brains into a computer and live indefinitely in a virtual paradise, an event that has been coined the “rapture of the geeks.” With the current pace of advances in computing, some believe this will happen by 2045. I believe such a view assumes a profoundly mistaken notion…
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Featured image for “A Valley Called Weeping”
September 3, 2021

A Valley Called Weeping

by Caleb Schut
…and orphanage in Uganda. He began our conversation with a line that has become a common refrain of his, “We would like to praise God, because we are all alive here.” He says it whimsically, but not facetiously. It isn’t a throwaway cliché for him. To be alive is a gift from God. In the valley of weeping, this is foundational. Is there anything more fundamental than your present suffering? Is there anything beyond the pain and exhaustion of this p…
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Featured image for “Protests and Personal Responsibility”
April 21, 2016

Protests and Personal Responsibility

by LaKeta Coates
…g a t-shirt with a slogan on it. Change comes when you do the work! Change comes when you join neighborhood committees. Change begins with teaching our children at an early age right from wrong and knowing their self-value. Change begins when you see that teenager standing on the corner and sow a seed, whether it is knowledge or sharing the love of God. Change begins when you decide to go back to school for a law degree, a teaching degree, or deci…
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Featured image for “Technology is Imagination Incarnated”
June 10, 2015

Technology is Imagination Incarnated

by Douglas De Boer
…an application of electrical circuit theory, electromagnetic field theory, computer science and such for the practical purpose of communication. A painting to hang over your living room sofa is an application of an artistic work for an aesthetic purpose and apparently that is not a technological thing. But what if the “painting” is actually a poster-print in a frame and the owner bought it to cover a hole in the wall? To some, printing is a techno…
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Featured image for “The Groaning Creation”
April 2, 2015

The Groaning Creation

by Carl Fictorie
…manifests itself in how we do our scientific work and the results that we obtain. Some have suggested that natural disasters are a result of sin. People suffer because of earthquakes, floods, and volcanoes, but these appear to be a result of the normal functioning of creation. Some note that animals kill other animals for food, in seeming contrast with a notion that there was no death before the fall of humankind. However, many creatures are biol…
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Featured image for “Fickle Horns”
July 25, 2017

Fickle Horns

by Cole McClain
…over the word, “horn.” So I went looking for help in Temper Longman III’s commentary on Psalms. He states: “the horn is reference to the horn of an animal which, when lifted high, is a symbol of power.”1 Horns are symbols of power. In these verses, the arrogant and the wicked alike shake their horns in the face of the omnipowerful God. Three words perfectly sum up this scene: irony, foolishness, wickedness. As Longman states in summing up his def…
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Featured image for “Christmas in Nigeria”
December 22, 2015

Christmas in Nigeria

by Matthew Ojo
…rees is not a significant part of Nigerian culture; however, this act is becoming more common in malls and big homes in large cities. While Christmas is a lot of fun, the days before Christmas are usually filled with a lot of stress for anyone travelling to villages. Traffic and transport fares rise because of the many people traveling back to their ancestral villages. Transport fares increase in an upward trend starting from a week before Christm…
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Featured image for “Handiwork of our Creator”
October 5, 2014

Handiwork of our Creator

by Carl Fictorie
…r Creator. In chemistry, a relatively small number of elements are able to combine in a myriad of ways to form millions of compounds. Second, as stewards of the creation we are called on to tend and keep. Through creative chemical synthesis, chemists bring new substances into being that enables the creation to grow and flourish. Finally, chemistry is both part of the problem and part of the solution to the effects of sin on creation. The developme…
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Featured image for “Back to School”
August 18, 2015

Back to School

by Gwen Marra
…pen pencils! Pack the backpack! Older children are able to label their own materials, but they may need help to organize binders and notebooks. Help your children become familiar with the school and any important routines, such as using lockers or keeping PE clothing in a cinch sack so it is easy to grab as you walk out the door. Have healthy breakfast/snacks ready for your children. Plan breakfast ahead of time. What does your child like to eat a…
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September 16, 2014

DMCA Copyright Infringement Notification

by In All Things
…reasonably sufficient information to permit us to locate the material. For example, providing the URL is an easy way for us to locate the material quickly.); c. Explain how these materials infringe your rights (Please note that this question is optional and is not required; however, providing an answer may expedite our ability to process your request.); d. Information reasonably sufficient for us to contact you, such as your name, address, phone n…
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Featured image for “Faith and Allegiance”
July 20, 2017

Faith and Allegiance

by Benjamin Lappenga
…involves (informed, robust, and Spirit-given). On the other hand, Bates reexamines the biblical texts themselves and redirects our thinking about the place of “believing” in salvation, suggesting that intellectual assent is but a minor piece of a much richer call to allegiance to Jesus the King. Can it be both? Must we choose between Vanhoozer’s faith as knowing and Bates’s faith as allegiance? In some respects, perhaps this tension (like many my…
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Featured image for “Sensing Creation’s Praise”
August 4, 2017

Sensing Creation’s Praise

by Julie Geleynse
…reading today, we read in verse nine that “The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.” Verses 14 through 17 continue to proclaim that God provides and cares for every living thing. I like to think that this applies to all of the observations I just made: He has been carefully forming the child inside me for the past eight-and-a-half months; He also hears the cardinal and provides the materials for its nest; He provides the suns…
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Featured image for “5 Myths and Misconceptions About the War on Drugs”
June 13, 2016

5 Myths and Misconceptions About the War on Drugs

by Donald Roth
…enforcement efforts have had a vastly disproportionate effect on minority communities, particularly African Americans. With the current crisis of confidence in policing radiating out from minority communities in recent years, this significant factor cannot be overlooked. Myth 3: Legalizing drugs will lead to a huge increase in their use. This is a commonly-cited fear by those opposed to any relaxing of drug laws, and, just as frequently, the lack…
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Featured image for “Caring for Someone with a Mental Illness”
April 16, 2015

Caring for Someone with a Mental Illness

by Shirley Matheis
…esult in other medical illnesses. The causes for mental illnesses are very complex–often a combination of genetics, biology, and life experiences–most of which are beyond one’s control. It’s no more reasonable to blame a person for being depressed than it is to blame her for having a stroke or ovarian cancer. Just as we say, “She HAS cancer,” instead of “She’s cancerous,” it’s preferable to say, “He HAS bipolar disorder,” rather than saying “He’s…
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Featured image for “Caught in a Web: A Review of <em>A World Without Email</em>”
May 11, 2021

Caught in a Web: A Review of A World Without Email

by Kayt Frisch
…or change the way they interact with you” (131). Furthermore, if you are a company leader seeking to shift your company work culture in this direction, getting buy-in from your employees is critical to implementing successful change. Newport spends several pages discussing the importance of this in the context of a psychology theory called locus of control, noting that “motivation is closely connected to whether people feel like they have control…
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Featured image for “Take Long Looks at Anything”
April 11, 2017

Take Long Looks at Anything

by Luke Hawley
…the hedge maze that shows up in the first episode—a maze with 64 different solutions, depending on how McLemore’s complicated gate system is set, as well as an impossible-to-get-out null set. You can make the case that S-town is exactly that: a null set. If you’re somebody who wants your stories wrapped up in neat bows, I’d suggest you stick to O’Connor. Although I might be wrong about that, too. O’Connor, in her treatise on writing entitled Myste…
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Featured image for “Engaging in Politics: Christian Leadership in Every Capacity”
January 29, 2016

Engaging in Politics: Christian Leadership in Every Capacity

…s who are involved can build relationships and lead to a stronger sense of community. In my personal experience, I have developed friendships with many of the people I met through politics. Getting involved at the county level is a great way to have an influence on local politics while building relationships. Another way to get more involved is to volunteer for a campaign. If you support a candidate, volunteering for his or her campaign can be ano…
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Featured image for “Burnt-out Lightbulbs: A Review of <em>Can’t Even</em>”
January 7, 2021

Burnt-out Lightbulbs: A Review of Can’t Even

by Mike Janssen
…en, who are generally expected to sacrifice their careers if those costs become too much. One of the criticisms of Petersen’s original article was its focus on the white middle-class experience. This has been largely overcome in the book by the inclusion of numerous anecdotes from millennials of all sorts of demographic backgrounds. As one reviewer notes, the book is written with deep empathy for its subjects. If millennials have made choices that…
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Featured image for “Reclaiming a Biblical View for Agriculture”
February 26, 2016

Reclaiming a Biblical View for Agriculture

by Wayne Kobes
…ce. At worst, it views the Christian agriculturalist as a person who has become sidetracked from the significant, eternal quest and become occupied with what is ultimately irrelevant. To be sure, some Christians are involved in agriculture, a legitimate enterprise that puts food on the table – but the real meaning of life must be found elsewhere: in Christian worship and devotion, in what God is really concerned with. Deep down I think that most o…
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Featured image for “Lessons of Faith from a Poor Moabite Widow”
January 31, 2017

Lessons of Faith from a Poor Moabite Widow

by Jessica Evangeline Setiawan
…our ears, but for many of us, it remains a foreign concept which is rarely practiced in our daily lives. Maybe, like Naomi, we often perceive the extent of His power from the mindset of a limited human being. For instance, when we pray for someone who has fever, we’re able to confidently ask God for his healing and speedy recovery. However, when we pray for someone who is diagnosed with stage 4 of cancer, our prayers tend to end with “let Thy will…
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Featured image for “Why Give?”
October 8, 2015

Why Give?

by John Baas
…to see it, not just hear about it. Tickets to the World Series are hard to come by but, given the opportunity, being at the ballpark to see it in person would be even more thrilling. If the Cubs would win, the celebration would be almost unimaginable. Now imagine being a player on the first Cubs team to win a championship in over a century… In the ultimate cosmic contest, we already know the outcome. Christ wins! The championship trophy already ha…
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Featured image for “How Do Spouses Divide the Load?”
October 5, 2016

How Do Spouses Divide the Load?

by Donald and Erica Roth
…ill the toilet paper roll again. At the same time, Erica grumbles when she comes home and breakfast dishes aren’t cleaned up. We probably both think we do more than our fair share, so why do we do it this way? It’s not that we set out with some intentional egalitarian vision of trying to equally divide our domestic tasks. In fact, we’d call ourselves complementarian rather than egalitarian.1 Instead, Erica and I have made our marriage work by draw…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: Reformed and Biblical Counseling”
February 23, 2015

Answering Your Question: Reformed and Biblical Counseling

by Mark Christians
…This illustrates that not all Biblical counselors are the same in terms of training, experience, competence, and worldview. Psychologists, and those who wish to be psychologists someday, must discern carefully how they view the client, how they view the world, and how they view ‘problems in living’ or psychopathology. While God’s word is truly inspired, it may not contain all the knowledge and information needed to function as a trained Christian…
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Featured image for “Prodigal Theology for an Anxious Age: A Review of <em>On the Road with Saint Augustine</em>”
October 31, 2019

Prodigal Theology for an Anxious Age: A Review of On the Road with Saint Augustine

by AJ Funk
…th”), but each can be loved or utilized in a disordered manner, so as to become an obstacle to true prodigal living. Lack of space prohibits comment on each of Smith’s chapters, but perhaps the most intriguing discussion, and, arguably, the most central to his argument, is the chapter on Story. In this chapter, Smith argues that our stories matter precisely because they are normal. Our stories give us a sense of solidarity with those around us, an…
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