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Featured image for “Little Wasps on the Fringes”
July 21, 2021

Little Wasps on the Fringes

by Jeremy Hummel
…s (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, in part) 7 . Amidst human-dominated landscapes, a complex site such as Oak Grove is a welcome habitat for a diversity of organisms and the diversity of ecosystem functions those organisms contribute to their environments. It gives us space to see and interact with these diverse creatures and functions. Our survey work is generating a list of insect species names, but more importantly, it is opening the book to letters and…
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Featured image for “The Turn”
August 20, 2015

The Turn

by Matt Covey
…classroom on the first day of school, I also invite you to consider three practices during this first year and throughout your child’s schooling career that are critical to the growth of your child: 1. Pray for your child’s teacher, by name, every day. Prayer, as James 5:16 reminds us, “availeth much”. Pray that God will equip your child’s teacher to appropriately connect and motivate your child to learn as God has equipped him or her to learn. A…
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Featured image for “Here We Are Now…Hold Us Together”
July 1, 2016

Here We Are Now…Hold Us Together

by Dave Mulder
…, I’m convinced that we need to help them see it’s okay to have doubts and questions—that’s part of our life of faith. I’m convinced that we need to let kids go through the motions sometimes. Perhaps “acting Christian” will help them later to live their faith more fully when it is full-grown. I’m thankful, after all, for the role models I had—teachers, especially. I’m thankful for Mrs. Aasen, my first grade teacher, who taught me to pray by talkin…
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Featured image for “Biblical Kinship, Refugees, and Immigration: A Review of <em>Refuge Reimagined</em>”
July 22, 2021

Biblical Kinship, Refugees, and Immigration: A Review of Refuge Reimagined

by Robb DeHaan
…ve as the other, whom we should keep out, this is likely because we have become settled, become forgetful of our own identity as aliens called to serve others in weakness’ 4 . In other words, we have forgotten our mission as God’s people.  The way nations treat displaced people and refugees in their countries or on their borders is being hotly debated in many countries at this point in history. The Glanvilles suggest that a well-developed Christia…
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Featured image for “Faith Shapes My Design”
April 5, 2016

Faith Shapes My Design

by Mark Volkers
…se, you know, Kuyper’s ‘every-square-inch’ and all that.” (Let many others commence eye rolling). Somewhere between these two lies a healthy balance, but I wonder sometimes if we’re asking the wrong question. Instead of examining the art and looking for tell-tale signs that it’s “Christian,” wouldn’t it be healthier to ask, “Is the artist a Christian?” What I like about this question is it now frees us to stop looking for crosses and steeples and…
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Featured image for “What Does it Mean to be Pro-Life?”
September 3, 2015

What Does it Mean to be Pro-Life?

by Erin Olson
…y day and as they become older and more independent, their needs seem to become more complicated. Ensuring their needs are met is one of the most challenging responsibilities I have. And, thankfully, I have help in meeting their needs — a husband who co-parents with me, help from my parents and in-laws, a loving and caring community, and also a supportive church congregation. Current estimates state that close to 1 in 4 kids in the United States o…
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Featured image for “The Limbic System and Christian Sanctification”
October 9, 2018

The Limbic System and Christian Sanctification

by Tony Jelsma
…God or not. A quick scan of the second table of the Ten Commandments gives examples. We commit adultery because we do not properly control our sexual desires. We commit murder (or hate our brother, Matthew 5:22) because we cannot control our thoughts and actions towards others. We give false testimony, out of either fear or anger, rather than accept the consequences of speaking truthfully. The tenth commandment, you shall not covet, forbids a diso…
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Featured image for “Immigration: A Tale of Two Grandfathers”
March 23, 2015

Immigration: A Tale of Two Grandfathers

by John Lee
…that drove men like my great Uncle Kees to try to leave family and home in search of a better life. I began to see that each person’s story was different, an idiosyncratic combination of push and pull factors, of external structural issues and deeply personal values, of altruistic virtue and selfish vice. I began to see that immigrants were not the noble but passively victimized caricatures put forth by many U.S. progressives, nor the ‘drug runner…
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Featured image for “Objectivity, Story, and the Bible”
October 2, 2015

Objectivity, Story, and the Bible

by Neal DeRoo
…e will never resonate with both equally at once. Nevertheless, both remain completely true at one time.” This idea that two interpretations of the Bible can be both different and simultaneously true is very common. We aren’t really surprised to read such things about (at least some) Biblical stories, despite the fact that there are a lot of things in our lives that don’t work that way. Normally, we do not expect things to be both different and sim…
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Featured image for “A Letter to Teachers”
August 17, 2015

A Letter to Teachers

by Dave Mulder
…nk. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. School can be a dark place for students, and even for teachers. Be light in the darkness! Remember: you matter. You make a difference. You are fulfilling your calling! Be Jesus’s hands and feet, and serve where you are called!2 The basis of this encouragement comes from Romans 12. ↩ This letter was first shared as a blessing to the…
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Featured image for “Seize the Summer (Part 2)”
May 6, 2015

Seize the Summer (Part 2)

by Chad Hanson
…them developing. We must encourage them to love God and their neighbor. Research has shown (without an actual study being done) that God is sovereign and we are called to work hard and we are called to rest well in serving Him and others. My grandfather and my father-in-law have repeated to me the expression, “a man on his death bed never says, ‘I should’ve spent more time at work.’” Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 says “Fear God and keep His commandments,…
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Featured image for “Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?”
June 1, 2016

Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?

by Mitch Kinsinger
…atter how committed we are to that platform, and that God’s truth is large enough to accommodate the opinions of all kinds of people, even those with whom we strongly disagree.2 So if conventional wisdom suggests that one refrain from talking about religion and politics in polite company, polite company would likely not be offended if those who claim the name of Christ sought to be Christ to the nation by emulating his self-sacrificial redemptive…
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Featured image for “Interpreting and the Church”
October 17, 2019

Interpreting and the Church

by Piet Koene
…me more and more diverse, interpreting languages for church services has become increasingly common as churches try to be more welcoming. Also, interpreting at church services and religious conferences reflects the changing reality of today’s global church. By including those brothers and sisters who speak different languages, the church becomes more inclusive—barriers of division and distrust are broken down. Perhaps Sunday morning will no longer…
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Featured image for “Winning and Losing”
June 8, 2016

Winning and Losing

by Mark Christians
…e coached teams who finished near the bottom of our conference. Since I am competitive by nature, I want my teams to play well, compete for high finishes in golf meets, and advance to regional or national golf tournaments. I have achieved some of these goals and have fallen short of meeting other goals. I need to remind myself daily that these goals are earthly and fleeting. My goals should and do focus on playing the game with Christian character…
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Featured image for “Is the Church for Sinners or Saints?”
January 28, 2015

Is the Church for Sinners or Saints?

by Neal DeRoo
…we get some of that back? How can we recover some of that “everyone is welcome, come as you are” mentality? Neal DeRoo Thanks Dave. I’m not sure if it’s any more up to church leaders than it is up to parishioners. The leaders can set a tone, I suppose, and set up liturgy and other things to be more or less inviting, certainly–but parishioners have to be arms of welcome. Donald Roth I resonate with what Arne says about our perception of others’ j…
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Featured image for “Colin Kaepernick and the Professional Cost of Protest”
September 26, 2017

Colin Kaepernick and the Professional Cost of Protest

by Jemar Tisby
…nsequence much harsher than criticism. To this day, he remains an unsigned free agent. Several other quarterbacks with fewer accomplishments have been signed ahead of Kaepernick, leaving many to speculate whether his protests have made him untouchable in the league. Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, a former NBA player who has been protesting the national anthem for twenty years said, “Look at all of what he has to lose by taking this position: his wealth, his…
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Featured image for “A Reformed Approach to the Interactions of Science and Religion (cont’d)”
June 26, 2015

A Reformed Approach to the Interactions of Science and Religion (cont’d)

by Tony Jelsma
…g away from a conflict scenario is not difficult. However, things get more complicated when biblical scholars argue a non-concordist interpretation, on the basis of comparisons with other ancient near eastern creation stories, that the entire first 11 chapters of Genesis do not have any historical basis but are an origins story created along similar lines.2 This view has implications that appear to lead us into a conflict between religion and scie…
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Featured image for “Upholding the Inartful Drafting of Obamacare”
June 26, 2015

Upholding the Inartful Drafting of Obamacare

by Donald Roth
…ing, receiving your credit depends on the yes or no answers to a series of questions. The first that the law asks is “is your income less than 400% of the Federal Poverty Level?” If not, you are not eligible for a credit. If you fall in that category, the law itself then looks to determine your “premium assistance credit amount.” This number is determined by reference to the cost of your policy obtained “through an Exchange established by the Stat…
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Featured image for “Prince, Common Grace, and What is Within Us”
May 2, 2016

Prince, Common Grace, and What is Within Us

by Shelbi Gesch
…yper was right with his idea of a common grace of God opening the gates to free exploration of the dark cultural expressions of fallen man in general. Kuyper warns against the dangers of his idea at the end of his first volume of “Common Grace”. A door gives the Christian “new” felt access to the world, but world pushes back and gains access as well. The term “grace,” is misleading and gives the believer a false sense of security. I am more comfor
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Featured image for “50 Shades of…Clay?”
February 17, 2015

50 Shades of…Clay?

by Neal DeRoo
…ook for when watching movies? Are there other creative outlets you would recommend, other than movies? Please post them in the comments. Yes, this is a thing, and it is not necessarily run by Christians. I have a friend who was in the film-making business a few years ago. I knew that he was not Christian, so I was surprised to hear him say he was working on a Christian movie. I asked him why he was doing that. His response? “Well, if you make some…
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Featured image for “Is Consumerism Consuming Us?”
July 18, 2016

Is Consumerism Consuming Us?

by Howard Schaap
…means to be human. Like any distortion of humanity, “consumer” as metaphor comes with a host of bad side effects. We become dazzled by packaging, fixated on the glitzy glossy surface and misled about the true value of things. Many authors have written about how consumerism paradoxically does not result in a high value of material things—consumerism is not materialism. Rather, consumerism creates a kind of abstract relationship with things so that…
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Featured image for “The Common Core: Good or Bad?”
April 6, 2015

The Common Core: Good or Bad?

by Ed Starkenburg
common core is part of the warp and woof of everyday life. On one hand our company had shirts made up proudly exclaiming that our curriculum is “uncommon” and at least once a week I find myself helping a (formerly) public school parent to transition into their new roll as home school parent using our curricula who sites this very issue as their reason for defection. On the other hand, I have yet to find anyone–whether in our organization or outsi…
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Featured image for “Should Obama have compared ISIS to the Crusades?”
February 20, 2015

Should Obama have compared ISIS to the Crusades?

by Walker Cosgrove
…review in Books & Culture. It is recommended as “Lenten reading” — Apparently he suggests “the church” (and every church) through its failure at unity betrays Christ and tends to be complicit with great evils though passivity, indirection, and feebleness if not direct complicity. Walker Reid Cosgrove Anthony. Fair enough, I never meant to suggest that racism is not…
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Featured image for “I Want to Go Home”
June 1, 2017

I Want to Go Home

by Tanner Smith
…f a person. The person we receive in Jesus Christ, and the person we are becoming because our life is hid in him. (Colossians 3:3) We become people who are formed not by the land we live in, but by the person we follow, and the adopted family to which we belong, the Church. We become a people who find ourselves on the move from death to life, from old to new, from darkness to light. People who aren’t just looking for a new home, but who are lookin…
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Featured image for “Does Gender Matter in the Academic World?”
September 16, 2015

Does Gender Matter in the Academic World?

by Neal DeRoo
…ve list, Neal! Just tonight I watched this, my TED Talk of the day: Was going to share on Facebook, but In All Things is a propos. Julie Ooms Thank you for this list, Neal. It’s great to see these kinds of thoughtful considerations of gender bias and its effects come out of Dordt and the Andreas Center. I would add that, at least anecdotally, my male coll…
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The blog.