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Featured image for “We Don’t Have a TV”
February 11, 2016

We Don’t Have a TV

by Jonathan De Groot
…e medium is the message.” In other words, the manner in which we choose to communicate shapes us more than the content found within the medium. Today, our communication mediums are instant, convenient, and customized. If we want food, sex, money, or popularity, we have immediate pacifiers in fast food chains, convenience stores, Viagra, pornography, credit cards, instant loan centers, Facebook likes, and Twitter feeds. People used to journal; now…
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Featured image for “Christian Views of the Student”
November 4, 2015

Christian Views of the Student

by Steve Holtrop
…de in the image of God and therefore full of creativity and potential. For example, since the wider culture offers so much inspiration and opportunity to kids today – “the world’s your oyster” — the school should be doing whatever it can to expose kids to wonderful new areas of knowledge and creative expression. This perspective may emphasize sweeping away any impediments to creativity and awakening in each child the wonder of creation and the var…
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Featured image for “Your Candidate Probably Won’t Destroy ISIS”
January 27, 2016

Your Candidate Probably Won’t Destroy ISIS

by Joel Veldkamp
…I do tend to think that one has to have a comprehensive plan that they can completely commit themselves to, one with a definitive end in sight, i.e. I think that we should only take actions with outcomes that we can predict, and when we’ve essentially won before we’ve even begun. As far as I can tell, the two options you see are the only ones that seem plausible and moral. Your observations have really confirmed this, and sadly it also increases m…
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Featured image for “Transhumanism and the Incarnation”
January 6, 2017

Transhumanism and the Incarnation

by Derek Schuurman
…ists predict a future event called “the Singularity” when computers will become comparable in power to the human brain. At this point, they argue, we will be able to download our brains into a computer and live indefinitely in a virtual paradise, an event that has been coined the “rapture of the geeks.” With the current pace of advances in computing, some believe this will happen by 2045. I believe such a view assumes a profoundly mistaken notion…
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Featured image for “Interpreting and the Church”
October 17, 2019

Interpreting and the Church

by Piet Koene
…me more and more diverse, interpreting languages for church services has become increasingly common as churches try to be more welcoming. Also, interpreting at church services and religious conferences reflects the changing reality of today’s global church. By including those brothers and sisters who speak different languages, the church becomes more inclusive—barriers of division and distrust are broken down. Perhaps Sunday morning will no longer…
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Featured image for “Protests and Personal Responsibility”
April 21, 2016

Protests and Personal Responsibility

by LaKeta Coates
…g a t-shirt with a slogan on it. Change comes when you do the work! Change comes when you join neighborhood committees. Change begins with teaching our children at an early age right from wrong and knowing their self-value. Change begins when you see that teenager standing on the corner and sow a seed, whether it is knowledge or sharing the love of God. Change begins when you decide to go back to school for a law degree, a teaching degree, or deci…
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Featured image for “Technology is Imagination Incarnated”
June 10, 2015

Technology is Imagination Incarnated

by Douglas De Boer
…r, or an intangible object such as a standard. By standard I mean a set of guidelines on how something should work. An example of a standard that readers of iAt benefit from would be the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)!5 Technology can also refer to a body of knowledge and techniques used to build things. Thus a welder must learn how to weld—must learn the technology of welding. The same goes for plumbers, electricians, machinists, and other, “…
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Featured image for “The Groaning Creation”
April 2, 2015

The Groaning Creation

by Carl Fictorie
…interpretation is clear enough; creation suffers because of human sin. The passage refers back to Genesis, where Adam’s first sin resulted in God’s judgment, including a curse to creation itself, which would now bear weeds and thorns. It is pretty obvious that human actions have caused creation to suffer in various ways. We routinely dump toxic waste into waterways or into holes in the ground, resulting in the death of fish and animals and polluti…
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Featured image for “Small Habits, Big Changes: A Review of <em> Atomic Habits </em>”
May 23, 2022

Small Habits, Big Changes: A Review of Atomic Habits

by Kayt Frisch
…e”10. Even with Clear’s guidance, “simple” may be an overstatement when it comes to figuring out how to implement habits effectively, but through the examples and research the author highlights, it is obvious that these steps are effective. The majority of the book is devoted to unpacking the four laws of behavioral change, which derive from the “four simple steps.” Through anecdotes, research summaries, and examples, Clear unpacks each law and se…
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Featured image for “Those Who Came Before Us: A Review of <em> Tell Her Story </em>”
March 21, 2023

Those Who Came Before Us: A Review of Tell Her Story

by Hannah Landman
…may have differing opinions, I found that Nijay Gupta brought a reasoned, compassionate perspective to this issue. Gupta’s book offers a refreshing look at women in ministry before, during, and after Jesus’s time on earth. The book begins before the New Testament Church was established. Gupta explores the leader Deborah, revisits Genesis 1, and fleshes out Roman hierarchal society. By pointing out that the introduction to men and women’s relation…
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Featured image for “Caring for Someone with a Mental Illness”
April 16, 2015

Caring for Someone with a Mental Illness

by Shirley Matheis
…esult in other medical illnesses. The causes for mental illnesses are very complex–often a combination of genetics, biology, and life experiences–most of which are beyond one’s control. It’s no more reasonable to blame a person for being depressed than it is to blame her for having a stroke or ovarian cancer. Just as we say, “She HAS cancer,” instead of “She’s cancerous,” it’s preferable to say, “He HAS bipolar disorder,” rather than saying “He’s…
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Featured image for “A Reformed Approach to the Interactions of Science and Religion (cont’d)”
June 26, 2015

A Reformed Approach to the Interactions of Science and Religion (cont’d)

by Tony Jelsma
…ost problems actually seem to come from a demand for facticity. We are not compelled as Christians to believe the concepts of sin and fallenness require a grounding in fact and still less in doctrine. (The church existed for four centuries without “original sin,” and the eastern churches never accepted it. Judaism has no such concept.) We are simply compelled to believe these ideas reveal the truth however they came to be expressed and handed down…
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Featured image for “How Did We Get our Tax System? (And What Can that Teach Us About Reforming It?)”
April 17, 2017

How Did We Get our Tax System? (And What Can that Teach Us About Reforming It?)

by Donald Roth
come until that individual made over about $440,000.  ↩ An income tax is a reliable income stream for a nation suffering the trade upheaval that usually accompanies wartime, and war is one of the most expensive endeavors a nation can undertake. This is why we see the shift to reliance on the income tax heavily tied to the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War.  ↩ For a great historical survey of tax reform efforts through the mi…
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Featured image for “Populism and the Challenge of Democracy in 2016”
December 13, 2016

Populism and the Challenge of Democracy in 2016

by Donald Roth
…ulist movements of the past in the United States cropped up, they have not completely dialed back the clock. Roosevelt’s populism didn’t ultimately kill corporations; Nixon’s populism didn’t completely undo the Civil Rights movement. Society keeps evolving at a rapid pace, and a reaction that slows that pace isn’t likely to stop that. If you’re someone who is happy with the political revolution, then push your leaders to make the most of it. Repub…
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Featured image for “Immigration: A Tale of Two Grandfathers”
March 23, 2015

Immigration: A Tale of Two Grandfathers

by John Lee
…ho in my childhood. My maternal grandfather had immigrated on a whim of compassion. His older brother Kees had booked passage on a boat to New York with the goal to establish himself and then send for his wife and young children. On the Saturday morning before his departure, however, the prospect of separation proved too much for his wife. To the sad sound of her weeping, a family meeting was called. By that afternoon, my bachelor grandfather agre…
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Featured image for “The Meaning of Christmas in Chicago”
December 22, 2016

The Meaning of Christmas in Chicago

by Caleb Schut
…door. Holding the door back with one arm, he waves us in with the other. “Come in! Come in!” he shouts. The whole mess of humanity—the shirtless, the begging, the grieved, the rejoicing, the one who has lost her marbles, and the one who has yet to—all of it comes traipsing through the door. We are welcomed to the manger, in all its unedited glory, like the shepherds, by the same refrain that the angels proclaimed so long ago: “Do not be afraid! G…
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Featured image for “A Tool for Translation: A Review of <em>The Path Between Us</em>”
September 19, 2019

A Tool for Translation: A Review of The Path Between Us

by Dawn Berkelaar
…not accept that other ways of seeing the world than their own are equally valid? After thinking about this, I’ve decided to act in much the same way as I do when I think about one of my children, recognizing certain behaviors but trying not to label them as a particular Enneagram type. In her book The Enneagram of Parenting, author Elizabeth Wagele points out that children try out different ways of behaving as they grow. She refers to children’s…
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Featured image for “The Birth and Progression of the Black Lives Matter Movement: A Review of <em>On the Other Side of Freedom</em>”
February 26, 2019

The Birth and Progression of the Black Lives Matter Movement: A Review of On the Other Side of Freedom

by Chelsea Maxwell
…r the scope of this book, Mckesson uses personal experiences to speak to a community he identifies with. That community is not white Christians. The premise every reader must accept is that what he has to say about his experiences, both individual and communal, matters. For white Christian readers like myself, reading this book requires a posture of humility, listening, and learning. There is much with which to grapple. But, not everything is new…
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Featured image for “A New Resolution: A Review of <em> Resolved </em>”
April 19, 2023

A New Resolution: A Review of Resolved

by Bruce Kuiper, Donald Roth
…s world we live in would be better served through rationale dialog. Yes, a comprehensive program like Debate-Centered Instruction probably would have amazing effects across the board in our schools. Yes, debate is a time-honored, fun, challenging, rewarding, thought-provoking, issue-raising skill that more people should be involved in.  All these are great ideas, but the reality is pretty stark, not to be overly pessimistic. Debate participation h…
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Featured image for “Revealing History’s Underlying Layers: A Podcast Review of <em>Revisionist History</em>”
October 22, 2019

Revealing History’s Underlying Layers: A Podcast Review of Revisionist History

by Jackson Nickolay
…o see more of society’s under layer being pulled back as our perspective becomes more complete. Now let’s descend into particulars, there is an excellent series of episodes in which Gladwell engages with memory and how untrustworthy it can be. Starting with two episodes about two different war stories, he systematically shows that memory is not something to be trusted. He reveals how the brain can fabricate complete lies—lies that, once told enoug…
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Featured image for “The Science Associated with Producing GMOs”
November 11, 2015

The Science Associated with Producing GMOs

by Darren Stoub
…with the bodies normal production of cholesterol) facilitating organismal communication (for example, insulin, a protein, interacts with the insulin receptor, a protein, which allows the pancreas to tell the rest of the body that blood sugar levels are too high) providing structural support for an organism (for example, the protein dystrophin provides a tether between the cell and the actin fibers which allow muscles to work effectively) transpor…
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Featured image for “Hope, Action, and Neighbor Love: The Planet and Christian Discipleship”
May 30, 2023

Hope, Action, and Neighbor Love: The Planet and Christian Discipleship

by Caleb Schut, Nate Rauh-Bieri
…nd there are many people working on solutions, practicing active hope. For example, communities who live in the shadow of refineries are advocating for more accountability on how companies treat the earth. More people are adopting sustainable practices that protect the living world. We can join changemakers like these, getting off the sidelines of apathy or despair and into action. We also need to get politicians and businesses behind solutions—an…
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Featured image for “Waiting Through the Night”
November 6, 2017

Waiting Through the Night

by Erin Zoutendam
…h an individual’s prayer request. (In my opinion, both interpretations are valid!) But, this phrase needs little explanation or adaptation—it comes down to us through the centuries with resonant clarity. The honesty of this sentence is a comfort to me. In seasons of anxiety, stress, grief, and loneliness, it can be a relief just to admit “The night is not yet over.” No need for forced smiles, no need to pretend. This phrase recognizes the grimness…
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Featured image for “Advent: Finding Joy in the Midst of Chaos”
December 15, 2020

Advent: Finding Joy in the Midst of Chaos

by April Fiet
…bumped and jolted and jostled. And eventually, we made it through and got to a place where we could rest and look back at all we had overcome. As we face the challenges in the days to come, we must lean into the discomfort and find a new way of being together. We must share grace and compassion with each other as we inevitably get things wrong at times. Then, when the dust settles, we can share with each other and remember both the tough stuff an…
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Featured image for “Getting Wet”
August 16, 2017

Getting Wet

by Linda Burlew Gold
…Unknown waves before me roll, Hiding rock and treach’rous shoal; Chart and compass came from Thee: Jesus, Savior, pilot me. As a mother stills her child, Thou canst hush the ocean wild; Boist’rous waves obey Thy will When Thou say’st to them, “Be still!” Wondrous Sov’reign of the sea, Jesus, Savior, pilot me. When at last I near the shore, And the fearful breakers roar ’Twixt me and the peaceful rest, Then, while leaning on Thy breast, May I hear…
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