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Featured image for “Through Generations”
December 5, 2015

Through Generations

by Donald Roth
…mily means? More importantly, how am I going to help her understand the welcoming comfort of the larger family of God? What can I do to see that, as far as I am able, my daughter will share the same longing for God and the same fire for the next generation that my grandmother had? As I encourage her to strain into the second Advent, I plan to share with her the generations of our God’s faithfulness, and I might just be willing to sing a few of the
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Featured image for “Mathematical Justice?”
March 29, 2017

Mathematical Justice?

by Valorie Zonnefeld
…ge for that same family of four if their income was the median household income for your town. In Sioux Center, Iowa, a family of four at the poverty level consuming a low-cost food plan would spend approximately $191 per week on food, while earning at most $466.35 per week, representing just over 40% of their budget. That same family of four earning the median income of $1,148.31 per week would devote less than 16% of their budget to food. I argu…
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Featured image for “We Need Faithful Farmers”
June 27, 2023

We Need Faithful Farmers

by Dale Vos
…l farmer is different. We don’t innovate just to get an advantage over the competition. The faithfully curious farmer remains humble as he or she innovates because we are called to feed the world with less land and more regulations than at any time in history, all at a cost to consumers that is affordable. The faithfully curious farmer is always asking, “How can we improve how we farm?” The faithful farmer realizes that we never arrive, yet we mus…
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Featured image for “The Bridge Between Beauty and Functionality”
February 19, 2019

The Bridge Between Beauty and Functionality

by Justin Vander Werff
the beauty of a suspension bridge is that most, if not all, of its beauty comes from simply being designed to accomplish its intended purpose. Suspension bridges incorporate tall towers that, in addition to being aesthetically dramatic, provide anchor points for draped cables that can span very long distances and carry load as tension-only elements. Vertical cables that hang down from the draped cables also carry load as tension-only elements. Si…
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Featured image for “Healing Christ’s Fragmented Body Through Communal Discipleship: A Review of <em> From Isolation to Community </em>”
July 13, 2022

Healing Christ’s Fragmented Body Through Communal Discipleship: A Review of From Isolation to Community

by Angela Perigo
…framework of church as a healing presence within local communities, Werntz offers a compelling vision of the how the body of Christ meant for union with God can undo our state of isolation through “the day together” and “the day apart” practices of the gathered and scattered church. A church community being knit into one body in Christ is then elucidated, and for both Bonhoeffer and Werntz, “God comes to us in and through the very creaturely life…
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Featured image for “Beyond Modesty”
November 17, 2015

Beyond Modesty

by Robert Covolo
…s good reason to believe sexual availability is not Paul’s concern in this passage. Such exegetical questions aside, sexual availability is one of the many things clothing communicates. (Others would include things such as race, gender, class, religion, occupation, etc.). And therefore, given the broader sexual ethic of the Bible, one is right to conclude that Christians (both men and women) need to consider the sexual values their dress communica…
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Featured image for “What’s in a Name?”
August 11, 2015

What’s in a Name?

by Sarah Roth
…be as we follow our mission to “honor God by serving others with love and compassion.” Of course, it’s far easier to say this than to enact it. What does it actually look like to have Christian philosophy permeating our company? For us, it means that we must view each resident in our care as a unique image bearer of God. Residents aren’t burdens with a checklist of needs. Rather, they (like us) are individuals fashioned by the hand of God. Theref…
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Featured image for “Lead Me Not into Temptation”
November 18, 2015

Lead Me Not into Temptation

by Neal DeRoo
…e all agree that the ideal is that people learn to control their eyes, for example, rather than forcing other people to cover their bodies, then while covering bodies might be necessary in the short term, it should be so only as long as we are training people to control their eyes. In this case, every dress code should be accompanied by a plan to address how we plan on ‘fixing’ the perverted sexuality. What is the plan for teaching and training in…
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Featured image for “She is to Remain Silent”
September 21, 2021

She is to Remain Silent

by Joya Schreurs
…ts of their theology they enjoy. The message endures: I am to remain quiet. I know my church’s message. I recognize the foundation of male headship and female subjugation that my community is built upon, and I have counted the cost of disrupting this structure. But I also know I cannot remain quiet any longer….
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Featured image for “Nativity Among the Broken”
December 22, 2021

Nativity Among the Broken

by Chandra Crane
…ren in her heart?  Luke 2 is a beautiful chapter, and I think its beauty becomes only more apparent when we really ponder the complex stories of those God called to witness and give testimony to the birth of his son. There are many of us who are struggling to feel happy in this Christmas season, but we shouldn’t have to. While I’m not saying we shouldn’t struggle, I am saying that we shouldn’t feel pressure to measure up to a sanitized, unambiguou…
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Featured image for “Learning to Speak the Language of Influence”
January 19, 2016

Learning to Speak the Language of Influence

by Mark Volkers
…ame clear to me when a photo was published a few years ago in national newspapers showing a young man coming out of an Apple store, holding one of the first iPhones as he walked — like a conquering hero — Photo by John Stillwell/PA Wire ccby 2.0 between rows of adoring and cheering people who were all waiting to purchase the exact same thing and become unique replicas of one another with their purchases. Others “create” their identity by aligning…
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Featured image for “The Ax at the Root”
December 4, 2016

The Ax at the Root

by Alex Ross
…cause of their ethnicity. They wanted the benefits of baptism, without the cost of repentance. They wanted things to change, but they did not want to change themselves. I confess that I am no different. I often wish that things would change, but I do not want to pay the price that change requires. For example, I want to be less busy, but I am reluctant to acknowledge the fears and insecurities that I conceal with my busyness. We all want a new beg…
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Featured image for “Teaching Our Children About Money”
March 31, 2016

Teaching Our Children About Money

by John Baas
…all from the deep recesses of my memory of Economics class is “opportunity cost”. If I choose to spend my time on playing video games now, I can’t spend that time studying or getting better at basketball. If I choose to spend my money on a piece of candy now, I can’t spend it on a toy or pair of jeans tomorrow. A good rule of thumb on a purchase is to delay it for a week. It’s surprising how many of those “must-have” items become less important ov…
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Featured image for “By Our Love”
January 28, 2017

By Our Love

by Josh Bootsma
…19 to read, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” So what about this command is new? Jesus is not claiming the command to love is somehow a new idea. Rather, he’s saying the standard for the command is new. No longer are God’s people to love their neighbors as themselves; instead, they are to love one another as Christ has loved them. Never before has the standard been this high. By giving this new command, Jesus is forever changing the way…
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Featured image for “Regulations and Flexibility”
September 8, 2015

Regulations and Flexibility

by Donald Roth
…ennial workforce doesn’t mind blending their work and home lives. In fact, analysts recommend that employers seek to expand flexible work arrangements, including a focus on outcomes over things like face time or hours worked. Currently, about 1% of employers have even embraced “unlimited vacation” policies, with notables like Netflix offering unlimited paid parental leave and Evernote paying a $1,000 stipend to employees who take at least one week…
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Featured image for “Imagining the Kingdom”
March 10, 2015

Imagining the Kingdom

by Donald Roth
…pread the Christian kingdom (and his own by proxy) by virtue of the sword, offering conquered people the choice of death or conversion. The Crusades sought to protect this kingdom’s holy sites with holy warriors, and the bloody history of the Thirty Years’ War saw the terrible cost of fighting for the religio-political identity of the Germanic region. When God’s Kingdom is imagined as something tied to land, power, and politics, like all other ear…
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Featured image for “Eating the Tornado: A Review of <em> Everything Sad is Untrue </em>”
January 31, 2023

Eating the Tornado: A Review of Everything Sad is Untrue

by Sarah Moss
…ter to be had. And there’s quite a bit of bathroom humor, which should not come as a surprise since this book is written from a 12-year-old perspective and is considered youth literature.  Everything Sad is Untrue (A True Story) might make Christians pause and ponder, “Would I be willing to give up everything—my wealth, my comfort, my grandfather—for my faith, in the same way that Daniel and his family had to?” It’s the sort of question that reade…
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Featured image for “Do Not Be Afraid”
January 5, 2017

Do Not Be Afraid

by Linda Burlew Gold
…But the immediate Presence is not the only thing that leads to fear. The uncomfortable truth is, God tends to call us to do things that scare us. And it is really hard to not be afraid! Joshua is faced with taking over for the ultimate beloved former leader – Moses. He faces the idea of leading the people into a new land, which already has people already living in it, and the locals are not likely to go quietly. He has seen the people rebel again…
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Featured image for “Replacing Scalia”
February 16, 2016

Replacing Scalia

by Donald Roth
…uralism,” the idea that we should have a society where we not only share a common cause, but we freely and vigorously express and defend our differing views. That is, silence on deep issues of politics, religion, and the like actually conflicts with the notion that these are issues that we are passionate about, and a refusal to address concerns or voice disagreement on these passion issues actually reflects a lack of trust in the other party. Scal…
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Featured image for “Re-Creating in Nature”
July 8, 2015

Re-Creating in Nature

by Steve Holtrop
…fter clapping, stomping, and yelling at an obtuse skunk that you intend to pass peacefully on the other side of the road. Frustration, pride, apathy, embarrassment, anxiety – all in perspective. After all, you didn’t get sprayed by the skunk! So recreation, I think, is a way to get an adjustment, to rebalance our facets of personhood, to allow ourselves to be totally physical, totally mental, and totally emotional all at once. It’s body and soul a…
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Featured image for “That the Next Generation Might Know”
November 12, 2017

That the Next Generation Might Know

by Jessica Bratt Carle
…ribution. Without such intentionality, it can be easy for any of us to get complacent with the stories we carry, and even forget to pass them along. We can begin to assume “everyone has already heard that story” or “we all know that already,” but the reality is that the next generation, and the current generation, will not know the stories of faith unless they are told and retold. The psalmist’s words also prompt us to remember and not forget that…
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Featured image for “Advent: Ring the Bells that Still Can Ring”
December 2, 2015

Advent: Ring the Bells that Still Can Ring

by Tanya De Roo
…hearts to feel the stripped-down desperation of an illegitimate, displaced, Middle Eastern baby in a manger. This advent, may we forget our perfect offerings, and allow our broken hearts to come to love, like a refugee….
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Featured image for “Bicycles, Bridge-Building, and Commuting Intentionally: A Review of <em>Saving Us</em>”
April 13, 2022

Bicycles, Bridge-Building, and Commuting Intentionally: A Review of Saving Us

by Jason Ho
…weighed the pros and cons. Pros:Cons:I’m in control of my own schedule I’m committing to the commute no matter the weather Buses have bike racks, so I can take the bus if I change my mind I can’t carry as much as with a vehicle I get some exercise every day Biking can be dangerous in a car-centric city Biking is normally cheaper than driving   Car engines are energetically inefficient    As a physicist, it’s the last point that really interested m…
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Featured image for “Ten Books You Need to Read”
December 4, 2015

Ten Books You Need to Read

by Gail Marincovich
…as compelling, the book offers so much more: an honest, intelligent, and uncomfortable examination of the American justice system. As a spiritual advisor to death row inmates, Sister Helen discovers the stark realities and politics surrounding capital punishment. Her involvement with both victims and criminals as they share their stories, as well as her unflagging commitment to honor the inherent humanity of all people, humbles us and challenges u…
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Featured image for “Of Bread and Stones”
September 6, 2016

Of Bread and Stones

by Nicole Baart
you right now that “he remembers we are dust” (vs 14) and “the Lord has compassion on those who love Him” (vs 13) and “from everlasting to everlasting is his love for all who confess Him, and his righteousness with their children’s children” (vs 17) ? And you know all of this. But he would want me to remind you❣And thanks for this offering. Nicole Baart Thank you so much. That is so encouraging to hear from someone who has so much more experience…
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The blog.