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Featured image for “Dear Infertility Patient”
January 28, 2017

Dear Infertility Patient

by Julie Corby
…spouse about what to do next, and how you are going to pay for it, might become a little bit more volatile and upsetting. You will gain weight. You will have bruises on your arms, legs, hips and belly. People might mistake you for a junkie. Did you cut out caffeine like they recommended? That part sucked for me. I really love coffee. Have you been taking folic acid and prenatals? Are you eating yams and warm foods? How do you like acupuncture? Som…
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Featured image for “Advent: I AM”
December 7, 2014

Advent: I AM

by Nathan Tintle
…s world and His Spirit’s life in us, we will find I AM in all things. A recent short-lived reality television show, Same Name, matched celebrities with regular folks of the same name. “Hi, I’m Mike Tyson. No, not that Mike Tyson.” ↩ uses census records to count first and list names and tell you how unique your name is. ↩ Finding your Roots, a PBS series that shows people who their ancestors were as people seek to find out why they…
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Featured image for “The Power of Language and Representation”
May 27, 2021

The Power of Language and Representation

by Chandra Crane
…hooses a Caananite woman with a reputation of sexual infidelity, not as an example to be avoided, but as a clear example to be faithfully followed in both word and deed. The lessons here are many, but to focus on just three, we who are preachers and teachers of the word must be careful to 1) practice humility, 2) truth-tell, and 3) include the marginalized. James draws upon all three of these when he says what seems to be a contradiction-in-terms:…
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Featured image for “Top 5: Books about Human Psychology”
July 22, 2022

Top 5: Books about Human Psychology

by Justin Ariel Bailey
…y that God speaks to them. She embeds herself in a charismatic evangelical community, runs studies, participates in their practices, and ruminates on the results. See also her follow up, How God Becomes Real. 3. Relational Spirituality by Todd and Elizabeth Hall — written by a husband-wife team (both are professors of psychology at Biola University), this book draws discerningly from psychological science to construct a new paradigm for spiritual…
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Featured image for “Prepared for What: What are Pastors For?”
May 11, 2023

Prepared for What: What are Pastors For?

by Rylan Brue
…States—facing declining attendance and financial pinches—are struggling to come up with a coherent answer as to what pastors are for as well. Curriculums have been shortened, language requirements lessened, and additional formational aspects added. The training is less theological-vocational as much as it is vocational-theological.1 The guiding axiom appears to be that shepherding is best taught in the pasture and not in the classroom. While this…
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Featured image for “Divided Churches but United Faith?”
February 28, 2017

Divided Churches but United Faith?

by Todd Zuidema
…owing, but for today, how can we encourage the unity of the church? I take comfort in Paul’s words, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9, NIV). These words sit at the foundation of how we may begin to talk and approach one another. For example, the Apostle’s advice helps me do the following: Seek points of unity with others. If you stand next…
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Featured image for “The Adjective Green”
September 15, 2021

The Adjective Green

by Dave Schelhaas
…age that is at all like human language.   We don’t know how the human mind comes to have innate properties for the acquisition and use of language. Noam Chomsky says we may attribute it to evolution so long as we realize that there is no substance for this assertion—it is simply a belief. “When we study human language,” says Chomsky, “we are approaching what some might call the ‘human essence,’ the distinguishing qualities of mind that are, so far…
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Featured image for “Why I Want to Work in the Church”
May 20, 2016

Why I Want to Work in the Church

by Marta Vander Top
…a large history to rely on in the twenty-first century church, but when it comes down to it, what is most important about being the church is being a community of love. When Christ came, he did not leave behind a liturgy for his church to follow. He did not create a list of appropriate songs to sing in church, instructions on how many services a church should hold per week, or how many people make a church or ministry “successful”. The command tha…
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Featured image for “What do Professors do all Summer?”
June 29, 2023

What do Professors do all Summer?

by Dave Mulder, Mike Janssen, Kayt Frisch, Joshua Hollinger, Erin Olson
…couple camps for kids, and start to consider changes or updates to my fall courses. Summer allows me to do these things that would otherwise be difficult in the rhythm of the fall/spring academic semesters. Summer is a great reset for me. It’s a time to take a breath, re-energize, and re-center while also reconnecting with friends and family.  (Summer is) a time to take a breath, re-energize, and re-center while also reconnecting with friends and
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Featured image for “Top Articles on the Web for the Week”
November 14, 2014

Top Articles on the Web for the Week

by Liz Moss
…Body Image is Moving “The filmmakers at The Jubilee Project teamed with a company called iNature Skincare to create this short YouTube film that examines how differently kids and adults think about body image. Just when you think you know where the message is going to go, it takes a pretty awesome left turn …” 5. The Washington Post: Why We are Looking at the ‘Value’ of College All Wrong “There is a national debate about whether going to college…
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Featured image for “The Ritual Body: Growing up female and evangelical”
February 24, 2017

The Ritual Body: Growing up female and evangelical

by Aleisa Dornbierer-Schat
…in an Episcopal church. More than merely a container for the mind, Sheets comes to see the body as essential to who we are as creatures—the means through which we come to know the world, our place in it, and what that has to do with God. Like Sheets, I was drawn by the solemnity and strangeness of a High Church tradition. In college, I walked through the bright red door of an Episcopal church. The sanctuary was dim. I remember robes brushing over…
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Featured image for “Preventing Sports Injuries”
June 9, 2016

Preventing Sports Injuries

by Chris Fagerness
…s during a rapid phase of growth are less resistant to tensile, shear, and compressive forces than either mature bone or more immature prepubescent bone. Also factors such as lower lean muscle mass, increases in joint mobility, as well as imbalances in strength and growth of muscles and bones can play a role as well. Previous injuries: Multiple research studies have found that the biggest predictor of future injury is previous injury. It is import…
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Featured image for “God’s Mission Has a Church”
May 16, 2016

God’s Mission Has a Church

by Tanner Smith
…at all times. Vocation, when viewed through the lens of the missio Dei, becomes the constant state of becoming and being who God has made you to be, where God has positioned you, with those whom God has placed you. 1 Corinthians 12:27 ↩ Craig Van Gelder, The Ministry of the Missional Church: A Community Led by the Spirit (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2007), Kindle Location 164-169. ↩ Eugene H. Peterson, The Contemplative Pastor: Returning to th…
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Featured image for “What is Church?”
May 17, 2016

What is Church?

by Bryan Berghoef
…fe lived to the glory of God and for the benefit of one another. Those who come to Christ come not simply to transform this present world now, but to be transformed by the Redeemer who died and arose. When He died, we died – to self and sin. All who come should be welcomed; all who come must be called to die to self and sin and to find new life in Jesus. Indeed, we may extend a welcome to “believer or doubter, worshiper or skeptic, Hindu or Christ…
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Featured image for “Psalm 92: Worship”
July 17, 2017

Psalm 92: Worship

by Leah Dunlap-Ennis
…destroyed. Our problem today, as it has been throughout all time, is a misguided sense of mercy. God commanded the Israelites at their entrance into the promised land to absolutely abolish the Canaanites—men, women, children, and cattle. When we read this passage, and others, we fail to grasp that the wicked are God’s foes. Thus, the Canaanites, a wicked people, were to be destroyed because they were the enemies of God. Worship is good. It is app…
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Featured image for “More than a Number”
August 6, 2014

More than a Number

by Kailee Wolterstorff
…s in their life. I enjoy hearing about their goals and what they want to accomplish after four years of college. It is the students who do not know what they want to study during college that I enjoy talking with the most. Many of them are not aware of the vast amount of opportunities they can pursue, while also being able to live out their God-given talents. Having that conversation with prospective students is a great experience because they des…
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Featured image for “How Should Faith Influence Politics?”
October 4, 2016

How Should Faith Influence Politics?

by Chuck Grassley
…, that includes my role as an elected official. To the extent that I can become more Christ-like, I will be a better person and a better senator. That requires regular study of the Bible and prayer. I try to make this a priority in my day. My faith is central to who I am, whether that’s in my private life or my public life. I wouldn’t know how to separate Chuck Grassley the U.S. Senator from Chuck Grassley the Christian even if I wanted to, and it…
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Featured image for “Can Christians Believe in Evolution?”
August 31, 2016

Can Christians Believe in Evolution?

by Jim Stump
…ally when it is coupled with “believe in” — is too often taken as an all-encompassing worldview. The worldview of evolution (or evolutionism) generally involves commitments to naturalism and to human existence being accidental and purposeless. So if our question means “Should Bible-believing Christians have faith in evolutionism?” then I think the obvious answer is no. But if instead the question is understood to mean “Should Bible-believing Chris…
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Featured image for “How Do Spouses Divide the Load?”
October 5, 2016

How Do Spouses Divide the Load?

by Donald and Erica Roth
…ill the toilet paper roll again. At the same time, Erica grumbles when she comes home and breakfast dishes aren’t cleaned up. We probably both think we do more than our fair share, so why do we do it this way? It’s not that we set out with some intentional egalitarian vision of trying to equally divide our domestic tasks. In fact, we’d call ourselves complementarian rather than egalitarian.1 Instead, Erica and I have made our marriage work by draw…
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Featured image for “When God Says “Work Harder””
September 11, 2015

When God Says “Work Harder”

by Donald Roth
…xhausted. At those times when I can feel myself burning out, there’s scant comfort in the idea that God won’t give me more than I can handle. We are called to give all of ourselves to the Lord, and it’s incredibly common that the callings God places before us are bigger than we can imagine, things that may break us down and reshape us before we’re through. We may get chewed up and burned out, but in these times, there is immense comfort in the kno…
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Featured image for “Advent: The Perfect, Suffering Author of Our Faith”
December 8, 2014

Advent: The Perfect, Suffering Author of Our Faith

by Howard Schaap
…lking around writing his own memoir—he was above such things, an object of study by others rather than a scribbler himself. Or I’ve thought of Christ’s authorship as a snap—the same way I’ve thought of God’s inspiration of scripture, done perfectly, easily. A kind of afterthought perfection while filing his nails. A magic trick. Even if Jeremiah had the single copy of his manuscript burned by a ruthless king, for God as author the story comes out…
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Featured image for “The Top 10 iAt Articles for 2016”
December 30, 2016

The Top 10 iAt Articles for 2016

by Liz Moss
…rt also encouraged us to sit and really listen to the marginalized in your community and to stand in the gap by educating, advocating and combating subtle racism. Christmas in Nigeria International accounting and business administration student, Matthew Ojo, gives his perspective on how Christmas is celebrated in his home country of Nigeria, one of the most ethnically diverse countries in Africa. Ojo effectively describes the ways Nigerians prepar…
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Featured image for “Life”
May 3, 2017


by Josh Matthews
…of Calvin and Hobbes, but you’d be wrong. The works of John Calvin? Wildly entertaining compared to this movie. Anything to do with Calvin Coolidge? An explosion of aesthetic pleasure compared to this movie. Rather, Calvin is the nickname of the Martian creature in “Life” who is reanimated on an International Space Station. Orbiting somewhere above Earth in the very near-future, the station captures a sample of a hibernating single-cell organism f…
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Featured image for “Believing Together”
December 7, 2016

Believing Together

by Shelbi Gesch
…ace of hope beyond the fear of the unknown future, beyond all the daily discomforts of pregnancy, beyond the stares and skepticism of her community. God knew this was what Mary needed – time away, as Elizabeth had taken, to learn how to push away the fear, ponder the miracle and return it in a song of praise. Despite the differences in their situations – the unlikely pregnancy of an old woman who bore the shame of barrenness for years and the comp…
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Featured image for “Part Two: Journalism as a Sharing of Stories”
January 16, 2019

Part Two: Journalism as a Sharing of Stories

by Lee Pitts
…een a 25 percent increase in suicides since 1999, according to a June 2018 study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Journalists can play a role in cutting through current high levels of depression by fostering community connections through their stories: by placing humanity back into humans, by using reported pieces to build community, and by cutting through the anxieties of disconnection. Today’s social media superhighway can dump…
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The blog.