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Featured image for “Haunted by the Father: The Poetry of Li-Young Lee”
April 20, 2017

Haunted by the Father: The Poetry of Li-Young Lee

by Howard Schaap
…e is indelibly marked by his father’s presence, even though his father has passed. The final stanza further complicates this landscape of memory: White rice steaming, almost done. Sweet green peas fried in onions. Shrimp braised in sesame oil and garlic. And my own loneliness. What more could I, a young man, want. Food usually suggests intimacy, and so this scene suggests absence. Certainly, we can read this stanza as Star Wars-like resolution: Da…
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Featured image for “Gender Dynamics”
October 25, 2018

Gender Dynamics

by Chandra Crane
…orking mother, concerned about political issues that face women) wasn’t welcome on campus; when, during my class presentation those same young men laughed at squirrels, rather than even pretending to listen to my paper on the conversion of Saul in Acts 9 (examining the only New Testament use of the word ἐμπνέων as Saul “breathed out murder against the church), I relied on the Holy Spirit to keep me from breathing out murder against them. I held it…
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Featured image for “Only Love Remains: A Review of <em>Klara and the Sun</em>”
July 15, 2021

Only Love Remains: A Review of Klara and the Sun

by Myles Werntz
…ate knowledge of Josie’s movements, heartrate, and mannerisms that Klara becomes both a valued companion to Josie, and also the target of manipulation by the adults vacantly orbiting Josie. Over time, this attention—the core characteristic of Klara—grows into love for her ward. In Simone Weil’s famous essay in which she links together the attention we give to study and the life of prayer, it is through paying attention that we learn to love God, W…
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Featured image for “You Are His”
December 19, 2017

You Are His

by Tara Boer
…tion for each other (and our children). This equal responsibility is not accomplished in all homes. McKinsey and co. conducted a “Women in the Workplace” study in 2017 and reported that, on average, “54 percent of women do all or most of the household work, compared to 22 percent of men. This gap grows when couples have children. Women with a partner and children are 5.5 times more likely than their male counterparts to do all or most of the house…
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Featured image for “Water Into Wine”
June 6, 2016

Water Into Wine

by Dave Mulder
…wedding. It’s a party, as weddings ought to be: people are celebrating! My Study Bible tells me that it was not uncommon for wedding feasts of that day to last a week, and the beverage of choice for that culture and time is wine. However, there is an embarrassing disruption in the celebration about to occur: the hosts have apparently not planned adequately, and the wine is running out, long before the party was supposed to be over. Can you imagine…
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Featured image for “Discipleship and Imagination”
August 8, 2017

Discipleship and Imagination

by Donald Roth
…is so difficult is that the high octane problem-solving power of System 2 comes at a price. System 2 is taxing, not just in terms of an experience of effort and strain, but in raw physiological terms. Empirical study has shown that high cognitive load increases the brain’s consumption of glucose and impairs our ability to exercise self-control in other areas of our lives.4 This model stands in some contrast with inclinations we often have to redu…
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Featured image for “Working With an Infant”
February 29, 2016

Working With an Infant

by Kayt Frisch
…practice this looks like writing lesson plans, homework assignments, study guides, quizzes, tests, and any other tools I think will benefit my students, as well as physically teaching the classes. It also means being available to answer students’ questions. Before my son was born, I routinely worked nine to ten hours per day at the office, another hour or two after dinner and between three and seven hours on Saturday to accomplish these tasks. (Do…
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Featured image for “Worthy of Existence: Saving Wildlife from Extinction”
April 21, 2020

Worthy of Existence: Saving Wildlife from Extinction

by Katie Tazelaar Van Singel
…ian elephants reach their eighth birthday due to EEHV. That’s where humans come in. We train our elephants from the day they’re born, though we begin formal training with them around three months old. The elephants become active participants in their own healthcare, voluntarily contributing blood samples and trunk washes for us so that we can test for EEHV with our in-house polymerase chain reaction machine (PCR). The Oklahoma City Zoo is one of t…
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Featured image for “Re-evaluating Capital Punishment”
September 27, 2017

Re-evaluating Capital Punishment

by Matthew Arbo
…erced testimony. Of those 344, a full two-thirds were people of color. The comparative costs of keeping inmates on death row is exorbitant for many states. In Oklahoma, for example, it costs approximately $110,000 more to prosecute a capital case as opposed to non-capital cases, and the relative costs for maintaining a death row unit within maximum security prisons is also expensive. It costs Oklahoma 38m a year to incarcerate just over 1300 priso…
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Featured image for “Podcast Review: <em>Critical Faith</em>”
May 21, 2020

Podcast Review: Critical Faith

by Jackson Nickolay
…wing students to speak on issues which they are growing into. Bob Sweetman offers a comprehensive look at Reformation philosophy and frequent reflections on Kuyper. Rebekah Smick reflects on the intersection of faith and the arts. The president of the Institute for Christian Studies, Ronald A. Kuipers, comes on the show and talks about possibility over futility. The podcast has been around since 2017, and every episode brings on another interestin…
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Featured image for “The Practice of Listening”
June 4, 2015

The Practice of Listening

by Kae Van Engen
…recognize the changes one is making as one works to become a better listener. Listening is hard work, and it takes daily practice. Imagine the joy in families, work settings, communities, our nation and our world, if we would all practice listening…what a difference we can make by offering this gift of love to those with whom we come into contact with today!3 ILA, 1995 ↩ Bommelje, Rick. Listening Pays: Achieve Significance through the Power of Lis…
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Featured image for “Bearing Witness in a TLDR World: A Review of “Disruptive Witness””
July 13, 2018

Bearing Witness in a TLDR World: A Review of “Disruptive Witness”

by Justin Bailey
…long comments, it now introduces a shorthand summary of a longer and more complicated explanation. In a world full of noise, TLDR is emblematic of our society’s short attention span. We are busy, anxious, and stressed, awash in content streams that constantly compete for our time. We gravitate towards clips, sound bites, and bullet points; when presented with an extended argument, we have to fight the urge to skim—if not to click away. What does…
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Featured image for “Winter”
March 31, 2017


by Julie Geleynse
…iverance. At the end of the Psalm 130, the psalmist calls Israel to put their “hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption. He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins.” There is no other person that can offer the hope and full redemption that the Lord can. Just as we know that spring will come each year, we can be assured that the Lord will redeem. As we wait for that redemption, we can have hope in…
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Featured image for “Portions”
April 21, 2017


by Shaelee Boender
…ee the portion we have been given as beautiful, delightful, sweet? When it comes to portions, we want more. We could always use more money, more food, more land, more time—our portions sometimes run wide and thin. But the Lord, the Lord is the portion of my portion, my cup, the one who holds my portion. I sometimes get frustrated about my own portions—the portions that I offer people, the portions those around me get at any given time. I am often…
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Featured image for “The Foolishness of Faithfulness”
January 30, 2017

The Foolishness of Faithfulness

by Cole McClain
…himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is folly with God.”1 Today, it would be simple to read the story of Ruth and miss the principle found in what could be called her “foolish faithfulness.” Was Ruth’s response to Naomi the most logical or reasonable? Probably not. But maybe Ruth’s “foolishness” flies in the face of the world’s wisdom. Maybe she…
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Featured image for “When Civil Religion Comes to Church”
May 31, 2016

When Civil Religion Comes to Church

by Scott Culpepper
…s to civil religion in the nineteenth century. Assimilated immigrants were comfortable assuming compatibility between their religious and American identities. More recent immigrants from Europe, often more suspicious of democratic movements in their countries of origin, tended to more readily recognize the potential pitfalls of so closely identifying their faith with nationalism. These tensions emerged among groups such as Italian and Irish Roman…
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Featured image for “I am in Distress”
April 7, 2017

I am in Distress

by Roy Berkenbosch
…r truly exists.” Besides Psalm 31 and Job 13, I’ve been reading poetry and offer these as additional commentary. The first is from Gerard Manley Hopkins: All is in an enormous dark Drowned. O pity and indignation! Manshape, that shone Sheer off, disseveral, a star, Death blots black out; nor mark Is any of us at all so stark But vastness blurs and time beats level. Enough! The Resurrection, A heart’s clarion! Away grief’s gasping, Joyless day’s de…
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Featured image for “Movie Review: <em>Everything Everywhere All at Once</em>”
April 29, 2022

Movie Review: Everything Everywhere All at Once

by Tom Clark
…thout an appeal to a transcendent reality. The crisis is conquered through community and an incarnational act of kindness. However, one wonders whether even richer community is sufficient for human flourishing. Indeed, “laundry and taxes” may defeat nihilism here, but more is needed to defeat death itself. I’ve written here about the redemption (not defeat) of villains, and is starkly present quite recently in Spider-Man: No Way Home and Encanto a…
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Featured image for ““Game Night” Movie Review”
March 9, 2018

“Game Night” Movie Review

by Josh Matthews
…it all. Although there is no actual drunkenness in this movie, it tries to offer a kind of moviegoer’s wet bar. Do you want goofy scenarios, hijinks, and cute couples who all want more complete lives? You may consume them to excess here. The whole plot of this movie involves three middle-class couples who get to play the game of their lives. These couples comprise an adult gaming group that regularly plays trivia, charades, and Monopoly together o…
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Featured image for “All of Life”
September 17, 2014

All of Life

by Jonathan De Groot
…s of intentionality and purpose are at play. In true Reformed practice, we come to God in “response” to his call or action in our life.1 It is true that all of life is worship. Our lives are meant to be lived in response to the grace of God. We are meant to offer our bodies as living sacrifices and practice obedience and Christian discipline.2 We encourage the expression of art, the discovery of science and the industry of labor as a means of demo…
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Featured image for “The Bachelor Dilemma”
June 24, 2016

The Bachelor Dilemma

by Leah Baas
…aim that the Bachelor-hype is primarily a product of the satisfaction that comes with watching other people make messes of themselves. This is an enticing form of entertainment, but it is egotistical and, dare I say, hypocritical. As it turns out, the clash at hand is not so much related to justification of The Bachelor itself. (It seems as though the only people working to uphold the show’s honor are the producers.) Instead, the heart of the issu…
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Featured image for “I am a Legislative Correspondent”
July 6, 2016

I am a Legislative Correspondent

by Nathan Rider
…challenging part. Writing has always demanded more focus than I prefer to offer, but I have come to appreciate this task as it channels curiosity and reexamination into action, positions, and positive change. My day consists of so much topical switchboarding and set-shifting that I’ve also started to do some writing in my personal time to corral my wandering thoughts that parade throughout the day and late into the night. What is one thing you’d…
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Featured image for “Immigrant Neighbors Among Us Review”
March 6, 2018

Immigrant Neighbors Among Us Review

by Alberto La Rosa Rojas
…lection written by Ruben Rosario Rodríguez and titled, “Calvin’s Legacy of Compassion: A Reformed Theological Perspective on Immigration.” You have heard it said that the church ought to stay out of government affairs and be concerned only with the spiritual guidance of the people of God. This common line of argument can be heard around many church pews and often manifests itself as two seemingly disparate responses: 1) an unequivocal condemnation…
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Featured image for “Christ’s Clothing”
April 16, 2017

Christ’s Clothing

by Stephanie Doeschot
…w reality, neither do we get to stay the same as that resurrective power becomes more and more the reality of our own lives. Paul purposefully stated that we are to “be clothed with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” I’m sure you’ve discovered that to be a never-ending quest, as I have. There will never be a time in this life where we do not need to be stretched to experience a deeper, richer love for God and neighbor. Just…
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Featured image for “2020 Top Books”
December 17, 2020

2020 Top Books

by Emily Rowe
…ustly theological analysis.” The Myth of the American Dream: Reflections on Affluence, Autonomy, Safety and Power by D.L. Mayfield (Read iAt’s Review here) When Narcissism Comes to Church: Healing Your Community from Emotional and Spiritual Abuse by Chuck De Groat (Read iAt’s Review here)…
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The blog.