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Featured image for “Between the World and Me, Michael Brown, and White Imagination”
November 17, 2016

Between the World and Me, Michael Brown, and White Imagination

by Howard Schaap
…flict with “the law” in this way. In fact, many of us within the Christian community seem to have a subconscious view that if you do come into conflict with police, it’s your own fault and you probably get what you deserve. And, sure, this thinking continues, certain people seem more likely to run afoul of police. And yes, there are labels that fit these people – among them “black” or “deplorables” or “the undeserving poor.” Before the most recent…
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Featured image for “Missionary Boot Camp”
March 21, 2019

Missionary Boot Camp

by Brandon Jones
…. I could go on. As I spent hour upon hour last summer counting the rising costs of cross-cultural missions, I was not talked out of becoming a missionary. I arrived in Brazil on November 16. One day later John Chau died on the other side of the world and sparked a global conversation about who or what talks anyone into becoming a missionary. Strangely, this was a question I had not asked myself for some time, especially the two-plus years I spent…
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Featured image for “I’ve Been Going to Yoga on Mondays”
May 10, 2017

I’ve Been Going to Yoga on Mondays

by Caleb Schut
the entire hour to get to the prayer. I have to go through the stage of accomplishment, boredom, and anxiety before I arrive at the place of stillness where I am finally free to pray. Yoga, of course, is not for everyone. People will find stillness in a variety of things. Gardening or biking or bird watching, perhaps. Right now, I need help finding it. I need parameters, blinders that focus me. Maybe it is surprising that God would use something…
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Featured image for “The Proliferation of Life”
September 2, 2015

The Proliferation of Life

by Aaron Baart
…o flourish. He stated it so clearly in John 10:10 when he said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Not just life; life to the full. Life restored from every hurt, loss, and sickness that sin had stolen from God’s dearly loved creation. That was Jesus’s understanding of why he had come. Read the verses again. Has a more pro-life statement ever been uttered? And isn’t t…
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Featured image for “Once the Living Dead, Now Made Alive in Christ”
April 4, 2017

Once the Living Dead, Now Made Alive in Christ

by Jessica Evangeline Setiawan
…true living is not a matter of carrying out religious laws. His eyes were opened to the ultimate good news of the gospel: Grace is a gift of God through faith in his son, Jesus Christ. Interestingly, now that we have been set free, God still doesn’t demand of us to carry out good works. He only demanded of us to love Him. Why does the Lord want our heart instead of the labors of our hands? Have you ever been in love, or seen someone in love? A ma…
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Featured image for “Miracles and Superheroes”
June 20, 2016

Miracles and Superheroes

by Howard Schaap
…done to you.” Gulp. I think I grew up—like many in the church—with a faith complex. “If only I had more faith, my life would go better,” I thought, or “If only I had more faith, God would take this or that problem away.” When I read, “According to your faith it will be done to you,” it seems to be a line about my deficiency. Again if you’re like me, there are a couple of problems with thinking this way. One of those problems is that it’s a type of…
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Featured image for “The Assassination of Boris Nemtsov”
March 4, 2015

The Assassination of Boris Nemtsov

by Mark McCarthy
…o Nizhny to help advise on methods of privatization of state factories and free market reforms. After this process had been completed, Nemtsov had asked the IMF to help start the privatization process of the large collective farms as well. Photo by M.McCarthy (1994). For his work and success in turning around the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region Nemtsov was appointed by Boris Yeltsin as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in 1997….
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Featured image for “Boasting is Our Worship”
January 19, 2017

Boasting is Our Worship

by Kristen Uroda
…we finally reach heaven. Hope is the gospel. Hope is the truth that holy, passionate love has broken in and interrupted our world to make the impossible possible. Hope trusts. Hope has faith that God heals, provides, sustains, sets the captives free, and is present and active every second of the day. Hope gives us the strength to shout with joy even if the enemy surrounds us, because fear isn’t the only option when we have a Father who is faithfu…
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Featured image for “A Prayer for Graduates”
April 6, 2017

A Prayer for Graduates

by John Baas
…s. I am happy for them, excited for their futures and for what they will accomplish. I am proud of who they are becoming. And I’m a little bit sad they won’t be here next year. This year my wife and I have two children graduating—one from high school and one from college—so those emotions hit even closer to home. These soon-to-be graduates do not yet know much of what the next chapter holds. They may still be looking for a job. Moving to a new com
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Featured image for “Can a Fat Person Be Made in the Image of God?”
December 2, 2016

Can a Fat Person Be Made in the Image of God?

by Sarah Vander Plaats
…exactly what they think of my body—a new phenomenon that can feel pretty uncomfortable. Please don’t get me wrong. I appreciate when people recognize the hard work that I’ve put into my appearance. I like a good compliment as much as anyone. What throws me is that being thin seems to equal being beautiful. And in contrast, being fat then equals being ugly. I certainly felt ugly when I was 100 pounds heavier, but my attitude wasn’t necessarily beca…
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Featured image for “Stories from Nejapa”
April 27, 2015

Stories from Nejapa

by Kathleen Van Tol
…s something beautiful about having a room full of children stand up and welcome you and ask God to bless you. After looking at the work that Maria was completing with her partner and touching base with her teacher, I moved on to another classroom. At recess, though, I saw Maria again. She came up to me, two friends in tow. One of her friends is American and Maria wanted her to come and speak to me in English. I chatted with this young girl for a f…
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Featured image for “Beauty in the Time of Culture Wars: A Review of “Culture Care””
November 2, 2018

Beauty in the Time of Culture Wars: A Review of “Culture Care”

by Kate Henreckson
…k with content banned from Twitter or Facebook. Though seeking to promote “free speech,” the site has become a platform for white supremacists, conspiracy theorists, and other extremist groups. “Jews are the children of Satan,” read Bowers’ Gab profile. Bowers was particularly angry about the work of HIAS: the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which aids refugees coming into the United States. Moments before he began shooting, Bowers posted these word…
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Featured image for “Fighting For Our Soul”
November 3, 2020

Fighting For Our Soul

by Caleb Schut
your lifetime, and when you find yourself there, you will be grateful that communion shaped your community every week for years. I’m grateful for the ways that weekly communion shapes the congregation I’m serving. The sacramental reminder of who we are is the sword of the Spirit we desperately need during this pandemic. Communion reminds us that those receiving the body of Christ in front of us and behind us, no matter how differently they engage…
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Featured image for “Total, Unified, Catholic World: A review of Chapters 2-3 of <em>Neo-Calvinism</em>”
February 3, 2023

Total, Unified, Catholic World: A review of Chapters 2-3 of Neo-Calvinism

by Laremy De Vries
…deems true and useful.’8 To contemporary neo-Calvinist philosophers, this passage sounds a bit alarming. Accommodation is, after all, one of the main stones Dooyeweerd and his philosophical descendants hurl at most of the history of Christian thought.9 What is needed, in their view, is a new philosophical outlook that does not suffer from accommodation. Yet here is Bavinck claiming that Calvinism needs no philosophy and can accommodate everyone e…
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Featured image for “Top 5: Movies to Watch with Teenagers”
September 2, 2022

Top 5: Movies to Watch with Teenagers

by Josh Matthews
…movie focusing on one commandment—or does it? Set in late-communist Poland, director Krzystof Kieslowski weaved the particular situation of communist-era Poles with universal questions of morality and how to apply it in thorny, ultra-complex scenarios. Few movies have come close to depicting the confusion and richness of lived experience like The Dekalog.   Dig Deeper If you’d like to check out more movie reviews, follow Josh Matthew’s work here o…
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Featured image for “Do Bakers Have to Bake Cakes for Same-Sex Weddings?”
June 6, 2018

Do Bakers Have to Bake Cakes for Same-Sex Weddings?

by Donald Roth
…ase, and it failed to do so. At the hearings conducted by the Civil Rights Commission, several commissioners showed hostility to the idea that religious beliefs have any bearing on commercial activity. At one point, a commissioner went so far as to say, “Freedom of religion and religion has been used to justify all kinds of discrimination throughout history, whether it be slavery, whether it be the holocaust, whether it be—I mean, we—we can list h…
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Featured image for “Good News to Mary”
December 23, 2016

Good News to Mary

by Kristi Kiel
…gs would be set right. Good news to Mary. Not such good news for the self-centered, the proud, the rich, the successful, the powerful. People like me. What would Mary have thought about a person like me? Would she even be able to process the idea that a woman could have so much and could be so free to pursue her own goals and dreams? As much as I like to think that I can identify with Mary, when I read her song, I realize that I am not much like h…
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Featured image for “The Case for Christ”
May 22, 2017

The Case for Christ

by Josh Matthews
The Case for Christ is about a reporter at a major newspaper 40 years ago. Let’s talk about pure movies about reporters at major newspapers 40 years ago. Zodiac, for example….
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Featured image for “War on Drugs in Rural America”
June 14, 2016

War on Drugs in Rural America

by Dan Altena
…rtunities to be mentors or consultants for the program. While the war on drugs may still be “public enemy number one” 45 years later, we have the power to end the war by coming together as a community to provide the resources and support to make a lasting change in our neighborhoods….
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Featured image for “Digging Deep”
March 15, 2018

Digging Deep

by Dawn Berkelaar
…matters immensely! “What must you know to live and die in the joy of this comfort ? Three things: first, how great my sin and misery are; second, how I am set free from all my sins and misery; third, how I am to thank God for such deliverance.” I still don’t have an answer about whether or what to give up for Lent. Maybe I wouldn’t tell you if I did. The things I would most like to give up are intangible, like my pride and selfishness. But I am t…
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Featured image for “Fasting from Jeans, for a Cause”
December 15, 2021

Fasting from Jeans, for a Cause

by Joya Breems
…ixing and matching various thrifted dresses and cardigans in my closet and coming up with fun combinations. After the first week, that thrill wore off and there I was: cold, missing my jeans, and still not feeling more connected to those I was advocating for. After all, a little eighth grader wearing a dress doesn’t do much to help victims of human trafficking.  My mom helped me frame the issue differently. Dressember is like fasting, except it oc…
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Featured image for “Fear Defeated, Joy Greeted”
December 23, 2016

Fear Defeated, Joy Greeted

by Dawn Berkelaar
…ses to come true. Henri Nouwen has written about the difficulty of waiting combined with fear: “One of the most pervasive emotions in the atmosphere around us is fear. People are afraid—afraid of inner feelings, afraid of other people, and also afraid of the future. Fearful people have a hard time waiting, because when we are afraid we want to get away from where we are. But if we cannot flee, we may fight instead. Many of our destructive acts com
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Featured image for “Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son”
June 29, 2016

Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son

by Dave Mulder
…victory? Where, O death, is your sting3 ?” Genesis 2:16, 17: “The Lord God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.’” And Genesis 3:19, after Adam and Eve’s sin: “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust y…
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Featured image for “Sphere Sovereignty”
August 20, 2014

Sphere Sovereignty

by Neal DeRoo
…tion exercises properly its authority in that area again. To use the above example, this would mean that the government offers social security only as long as: a) the people require such a thing; and b) the business world fails to adequately provide for it. Questions about the separation of church and state or whether the government or the church have primary responsibility for caring for the poor are, at their core, tied to some notion of soverei…
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Featured image for “Politics as a Creational Good: How Putting Up a Trampoline Led Me to Washington DC ”
March 10, 2022

Politics as a Creational Good: How Putting Up a Trampoline Led Me to Washington DC 

by Jason Lief
…this country without legal status who have become important members of our communities. There are common sense solutions to immigration that honor both the rule of law and human dignity. There are sensible ways to secure our borders and provide legal ways for people to come to this country to seek a better life.   Currently, our politics tends to objectify our immigrant brothers and sisters. One side can’t shake the ethnocentric, nationalistic imp…
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The blog.