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Featured image for “Advent: Lamb of God”
December 1, 2014

Advent: Lamb of God

by Lisa Smith
…away the sin of the world!” Ponder this a moment. Think of all the sins we committed as a world. We do not have to worry about those sins that we have committed because Jesus took all of them away, with one payment. We can never do anything to repay him for what he has done. We have a free gift that we do not deserve. We should be elated by this verse: We should find our arm hairs and blood levels rising. We have the freedom to live for God withou…
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Featured image for “How I Chased, Lost, and Found my Dream Job”
April 28, 2016

How I Chased, Lost, and Found my Dream Job

by Chelsey Nugteren
…ain from the cupcake shop where I worked mornings, I received a phone call offering me a full-time job at Focus on the Family. My dream had become a reality. Expect change I thought the rest would be history—that I would work my way up the corporate ladder and retire with a big party thrown by the characters of Adventures in Odyssey. But, life and plans changed. My husband got a new job, we had to move, and I went through another season of jobless…
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Featured image for “In the Wilderness”
December 3, 2016

In the Wilderness

by Jeff Ploegstra
…become my morning meditation – a question to myself: Are you prepared to have the valleys filled in, the mountains made low, all your hiding places removed, and God’s glory revealed in you? Maybe the passage should even scare us a little. Christ didn’t come only to forgive our sins. He came to transform our landscape. He came to free us from our captivity. Prepare the way….
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Featured image for “Focus on Friendship: A Review of “Why Can’t We Be Friends?””
October 26, 2018

Focus on Friendship: A Review of “Why Can’t We Be Friends?”

by Erin Olson
…hat might be present. Being siblings in Christ, allows us to live fully in community and communion with one another as the Bible calls us to do and to be. Attraction, Byrd states, is not sin, and it is normal even after one is married. While it might be easier to envision a world where we lose our ability to feel attraction to someone other than our spouse, that is unusual and unlikely. Attraction may happen in certain relationships (or not all),…
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Featured image for “More Than Work”
April 30, 2019

More Than Work

by Erik Hoekstra
Freedom, where he states “money itself brings little joy to life, but…the free enterprise system brings what all people truly crave: earned success. This is what I believe the Founders meant by the pursuit of happiness.”1 I’m with Brooks on this. Work can bring us happiness—and not for the money. I do believe that experiencing joy from work is part of the creational structure that God put into our world—and into each of us. So, if the future look…
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Featured image for “Community Found by Perspective”
April 29, 2016

Community Found by Perspective

by Renee Buikema
…ight not actually be comfortable… …but discomfort produces growth, whereas comfort breeds complacency. Being unable to control a situation and unsure if/where you belong are some of the most uncomfortable feelings we can have; yet, more often than not, they are both inevitable in new situations. For months, this is how I felt. The devil shot lies at me that made it hard to press into relationships because they heightened feelings of insecurity, fe…
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Featured image for “Gender & Authority: Finding Doxological Authority in the Church”
September 6, 2017

Gender & Authority: Finding Doxological Authority in the Church

by April Fiet
…rld with the authority of Christ. The authority I have in ministry doesn’t come from a denomination, or from a region, or from a local church. These structures have promised to come alongside and support me. These structures have confirmed the call from God that led me into the ministry I’m in today. I have submitted myself willingly to their authority and discipline. But, ultimately, any authority I might have is Christ’s authority and not my own…
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Featured image for “Socially Thirsty: Creating Families Connected Outside of Social Media”
July 30, 2019

Socially Thirsty: Creating Families Connected Outside of Social Media

by Tara Boer
…Consider the “Wait until 8th Pledge.” This movement encourages parents to come together and commit to waiting until 8th grade to give their children a smart phone (while still possibly considering a basic phone with talk/text if needed). “Wait until 8th” pledgers note the importance of encouraging middle schoolers to develop interpersonal social skills and have healthy face-to-face interactions with peers. Supporters point to the consequences of…
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Featured image for “Beacons of Light in Christ’s Kingdom”
September 6, 2018

Beacons of Light in Christ’s Kingdom

by Derek Buteyn
…ll, our responsibility, and our duty as co-heirs with Christ in the kingdom is to bring his truth into our places of work, to seek justice and mercy and compassion, and to live a truth that cannot and will not be hidden by darkness….
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Featured image for “Faith, Politics, and Social Media”
April 28, 2015

Faith, Politics, and Social Media

by Dave Mulder
…o teach citizenship to K-8 students. The abilities to listen, discuss, and compromise are crucial characteristics of citizens living together in a sinful world. The partisan shouting matches from the wings doesn’t accomplish this. I fear that it can also kill the witness of the Church when people see these behaviors and want to avoid the fellowship rather than join it. Dave Mulder Thanks for the affirmation, Ed. And I’m so glad you take on this is…
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Featured image for “The Church’s Response to Changing Culture: A Review of “Future Faith””
November 8, 2018

The Church’s Response to Changing Culture: A Review of “Future Faith”

by Robert Lancaster
…hrist into which God has placed us. Our ancient faith, present faith, or future faith is a faith that is not grounded in the kingdom of this world, but one that looks forward to the kingdom that has come, is, and is to come—the Kingdom of God. I am not sure I would call individualism a heresy as he does—however do agree that it is a problem in modern evangelicalism  ↩…
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Featured image for “Curiosity: Our Key to the Wonders of Faith”
February 5, 2020

Curiosity: Our Key to the Wonders of Faith

by Carlye Gomes
…ays that we relate to other people—through spending time together, through communication, and especially through asking questions. Questions have been the catalyst to our theology for centuries, so there’s no need to fear them now. Perhaps discovering the wonders of our faith and working through the very real doubts right alongside of young people will lead our faith to depths it has never been before. Perhaps we can be blessed deeply when we allo…
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Featured image for “A Look at the Movies of 2015”
December 18, 2015

A Look at the Movies of 2015

by John Vander Stelt
…0s life is played by John Cusack. A masterful job of film editing makes it compelling to watch unfold. Bridge of Spies Steven Spielberg has effortlessly transported us to so many eras in history throughout his career. This time it’s the Cold War; an American lawyer is recruited to defend an arrested Soviet spy in court and then help the CIA facilitate an exchange of the spy for the Soviet-captured American U2 spy plane pilot, Francis Gary Powers….
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Featured image for “Humming the Tune”
February 3, 2017

Humming the Tune

by Herm Van Niejenhuis
…of the righteous life. For the one “who fears the Lord…who is gracious and compassionate and righteous and generous and lends freely and conducts his/her affairs with justice”, blessings abound, and they are delicious (just reread the psalm), and, as the wise know, they abound in the long run. It was the line from verse 4 that unlocked my memory bank: “…even in darkness light dawns”, and, at this, a tune rushed back from an old LP that I knew I’d…
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Featured image for “Being Grateful for my “Stupid Little Life”: Why We Need Movies”
February 10, 2016

Being Grateful for my “Stupid Little Life”: Why We Need Movies

by Jason Lief
…hin. The practical and objective approach to reality doesn’t attend to the complexity and mystery of the created world; it doesn’t attend to the complexity and mystery of our humanity. There are some experiences for which objective, straightforward language fails us – the birth of a child, the loss of a relationship, the exhilaration of unexpected victory, the beauty of familiarity. Try as we may, these experiences are impossible to describe, so w…
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Featured image for “Joined in Heart and Will: A Review of <em>Reformed Public Theology</em>”
October 21, 2021

Joined in Heart and Will: A Review of Reformed Public Theology

by Todd Zuidema
…llard. Dillard attended the funeral of a man who was well-respected in his community for his faith and service. As the man was eulogized, a pattern emerged. He was commended for his generosity, kindness, and service, but as his death approached, people shared the common refrain, “…none of that really mattered anymore. All that mattered was his love for Jesus” (300). Yes, our love for Jesus matters, but it matters in our living, as well as in our d…
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Featured image for “Friendship Through Citizenship”
July 11, 2017

Friendship Through Citizenship

…ur community isn’t immediately solved, the friendships developed through a common passion can be a source of immense joy. Having spent time in rural Iowa during college and metropolitan Milwaukee where I live now, I’ve been able to engage in the community in a handful of different ways. Here are a few ideas for how to build relationships around a common cause, impact your community, and be a more effective citizen. Get to know your elected officia…
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Featured image for “Beautiful Feet”
August 13, 2017

Beautiful Feet

by Jeff Ploegstra
…filiation. My impression was that as he moved into more culturally diverse communities and was able to see the Christian community through their eyes, he did not like what he was seeing; arrogance, condemnation, and abuse. Reading Romans 10 with this conversation fresh in my mind is like someone pushing his or her finger into an open wound. “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom…
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Featured image for “Christmas Songs: Why That Tune?”
December 20, 2018

Christmas Songs: Why That Tune?

by Karen A. DeMol
…nce, is “St. George’s Windsor,” associated with thanksgiving for harvest (“Come, you thankful people, come; raise the song of harvest home”) (Psalms for All Seasons 65E). And a tune option for Psalm 126, which speaks of the Israelites being brought back from exile, is the plaintive American folk tune, “I am a poor wayfaring stranger” (Psalms for All Seasons 126A). When encountering these songs in worship, we could casually note the new use of the
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Featured image for “Delight”
February 2, 2017


by Jill Heynen
…rough prayer can seem like another thing to check off our to-do list. It becomes a burden. Like the little girl, we need to enjoy the time we have to spend with our Father. Like much instruction in the Bible, this passage is not left without a promise: “…and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Initially after reading this, I selfishly thought about my own desires. I interpreted it as if spending time with God every day would give me the c…
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Featured image for “Working through Possibilities: a Theologian Reviews <em> When Did Sin Begin? </em>”
June 1, 2022

Working through Possibilities: a Theologian Reviews When Did Sin Begin?

by Jason Lief
open a dialogue between human evolution and Christian faith. This is to be commended, and from this perspective, I strongly recommend this book. At the same time, I can’t help but feel something is missing. At some point we need to acknowledge that those who interpret scripture from a particular evangelical/fundamentalist methodology are not the only ones who take the Bible seriously. Read another perspective of this book here. Loren Haarsma, When…
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Featured image for “Preparing, Advent and Psalm 51”
November 30, 2015

Preparing, Advent and Psalm 51

by Shirley Folkerts
…over when or how, but with the stark realization that we need this Christ-coming-again, Christ-restoring-completely, Christ-reigning-forever event. We can’t make this event happen any more than we made creation happen. But we are a busy people and most days our frantic waiting drowns out the echo of our cries from deep within, “Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice.” (Psalm 51:8) During this season of Advent we paus…
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Featured image for “3 Reasons Why I Take the Church Year Journey”
January 28, 2020

3 Reasons Why I Take the Church Year Journey

by April Fiet
…d asks me if I’m making the most of my days. Pentecost shakes me out of my comfort zone when I am feeling uncertain about my gifts and reminds me that the Holy Spirit was given to men and women, young and old. Holy Saturday frustrates my desire to jump over the grief of Good Friday, and invites me to sit and weep outside the tomb. The liturgical calendar consistently sends holy interruptions to wake me up and get me back on track. 2. The liturgica…
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Featured image for “The Language of Arrival”
November 29, 2016

The Language of Arrival

by Josh Matthews
…n relations. Thankfully, Banks’ preference for the nuances of language and open-ended interpretation combat militaristic paranoia. This is perhaps the movie’s greatest hope. Arrival quotes liberally from the most influential of all SF movies, 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). But the surprise is that it also quotes, and even seems to prefer, a more recent rebuke to 2001: Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life (2011). At first, the alien ships resemble a m…
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Featured image for “O My Soul”
March 29, 2017

O My Soul

by Hannah Barker Nickolay
…stranger bowed down under forbidding looks that simply say “you are not welcome here” he lifts up. He is the restorer, the maker of new things. IV “loves the righteous” You are not righteous. Neither am I. None of us are. None of us can be. And yet. You are a beloved child of God. A child that he has called his own. Paid for with blood, oh so precious. A life lost for you to be made righteous. That same life restored so that you might be restored…
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The blog.