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Featured image for “Is Christian Education ’Worth It’?”
August 1, 2022

Is Christian Education ’Worth It’?

by Sheila Mulder
…workers that desire to serve others and work towards restoration.  ↩  Graham, R. (2021, October 19). Christian Schools Boom in a Revolt Against Curriculum and Pandemic Rules. The New York Times. Retrieved May 24, 2022, from  ↩  Smith, J.K.A. (2011). Desiring the kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation…
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Featured image for “Stewarding NFTS: Yes, No, Maybe So?”
September 8, 2022

Stewarding NFTS: Yes, No, Maybe So?

by Jesse Veenstra
…g NFTs as a Scam, Christianity Today, retrieved July 25, 2022 from  ↩   Fox, M. D. (2021, December 22). You Can Now Buy the Bible in NFT Form, But Why Would You Want to? The Forward. Retrieved July 25, 2022, from  ↩  Galatians 1:10  ↩  Philippian…
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Featured image for “5 U.S. Supreme Court Cases Every Christian Should Be Aware Of”
October 27, 2014

5 U.S. Supreme Court Cases Every Christian Should Be Aware Of

by Donald Roth
…ally different issue. I suspect the law and society, especially the LGBT/Q communities, will have to ask some hard, discriminating questions as to whether the difference between hard-wired and volitional identities should be written into the law, but one thing will not be debatable, and that is the natural basis for most homosexuality. I hope you and other readers here will attend “Building an Inclusive Community: Scripture, Science & Story” this…
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Featured image for “iAt’s Top Book List for 2017”
December 8, 2017

iAt’s Top Book List for 2017

by Liz Moss
…Is Happiness a pleasure or a pain? You hardly know. Certainly it is not a comfort for comfort spells seciurity and hapiness can take you out of yourself to a degree where all secutiry is left behind. Behind a feeling of exultation, you can sense the flame of incandescent terror. This short book is entirely original and will further enhance McCabe’s posthumous reputation.” The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt “In his widely praised book, awa…
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Featured image for “In All Things…”
August 19, 2014

In All Things…

by Neal DeRoo
…eal Jesus could be that way. But the Jesus we get in the Bible is about as complex and complicated as a person can be. He refuses to judge the woman caught in adultery…but he also curses a fig tree because it has the audacity to not bear fruit out of season. He says he has come to turn son against and father and brother against brother… and that he has come that we might have life to the full. He is love and judgment, peace and violence, comfort a…
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Featured image for “The <em> How </em> of Communication: A Case for Integrity, Humility, and Curiosity”
September 20, 2022

The How of Communication: A Case for Integrity, Humility, and Curiosity

by Dawn Berkelaar
…l; we all know this. But how we speak may be at least as important when it comes to communication.  In a world of information overload, we all have to make daily decisions about whose voices we listen to. Often those with the loudest voices, the biggest platforms, and/or the message we like are the ones that get the most attention. However, we can and should find better criteria.  What People Say Though I will touch on it only briefly here, it is…
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Featured image for “Fun in Sports”
August 5, 2016

Fun in Sports

by Chad Hanson
…es to share where I will leave you hanging and not provide an answer to my questions. Example #1: A player is struggling to accomplish proper footwork which will ultimately help her jump higher and protect her body from injury. While using various training cues to enable her different learning senses to be triggered, she understands some of the concepts. We both realize it will take time for her to have these changes become automatic habits in her…
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Featured image for “Chattel and Prophets: African Americans in Presbyterian Church History”
May 19, 2017

Chattel and Prophets: African Americans in Presbyterian Church History

by Eric Michael Washington
…S) shook up the world in 1903-1904 when he provided evidence of atrocities committed by the Congo Free State against Africans.9 Upon returning to the United States, the Sheppards would have successful ministries at Grace Presbyterian Church in Louisville from 1912 until George’s death in 1927.10 Though her husband pastored Grace, Lucy Sheppard would choose to labor as a social worker in Louisville from 1918-1935. In her own right, Lucy Sheppard ha…
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Featured image for “The Vanishing (Reformed) Youth”
May 12, 2015

The Vanishing (Reformed) Youth

by Donald Roth
…activated, practiced, and formed through specific religious and spiritual practices,” particularly those practices that reflect “an ethic of self-giving that reflects Christian views on the nature of God.”1 2. Life is Worship, and Worship is Formative. James K.A. Smith argues that our lives are defined by liturgy.2 For him, liturgy is how habitual practices can powerfully shape our beliefs and identities. Our habits speak strongly to what we love…
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Featured image for “Western Society and Cultural Elites: A Review of <em>Return of the Strong Gods</em>”
August 13, 2020

Western Society and Cultural Elites: A Review of Return of the Strong Gods

by David Westfall
…mine). According to Reno, this consensus is well-established, at least in practice, among liberals and conservatives alike. Whether through interventionist economics and the ministrations of “social technologists” (e.g. Karl Popper, Arthur Schlesinger) or through the autonomous self-regulation of the free market itself (e.g. Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman), western elites promote a metaphysically void, non-transcendent means of sustaining the w…
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Featured image for “How Might We Teach Christianly?: A Review of <em>On Christian Teaching</em>”
April 16, 2020

How Might We Teach Christianly?: A Review of On Christian Teaching

by Kayt Frisch
…a set of questions that reflect on how these things might look within the practice of the reader’s discipline. One example that I find particularly thought-provoking comes from early in Smith’s career, where he recounts his realization that the German textbook he was using (and indeed most of the ones available) prepared students with vocabulary to be self-oriented international vacationers, focusing on their own needs, stories, and dissatisfacti…
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Featured image for “The Intentionality of Dinner”
February 3, 2022

The Intentionality of Dinner

by Ana Timmer
…could be spending doing something “more productive.” Eating together takes practice. Practice leads to consistency. The people that we find ourselves creating these habits with begin to expect that you will all eat together. Consistency leads to mutual care where everyone at the table wants to be at the table because they have grown to truly love those they eat with. I expect that when I go to work, I will eat lunch with everyone else. Occasionall…
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Featured image for “Cryptocurrencies: A Craze or Crazed?”
March 31, 2022

Cryptocurrencies: A Craze or Crazed?

by Jesse Veenstra
…er invested in, traded or used cryptocurrency. Pew Research Center  ↩ For simplicity and consistency, I lump all cryptocurrencies into Bitcoin for the rest of the article.  ↩ For excellent discussion contrasting gambling and investing, check out Dr. John Visser’s work.…
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Featured image for “An Uncomfortable Reminder: A Podcast Review of <em>Nice White Parents</em>”
November 10, 2020

An Uncomfortable Reminder: A Podcast Review of Nice White Parents

by Jackson Nickolay
…y has only one season and at just five episodes is a perfect podcast for a commute or workout listen. It asks hard questions about privilege, good intentions gone awry, and provides a helpful reminder to white folks—specifically white parents—to be mindful of the way that their power affects the systems around them. While it may not be the cliffhanger-filled, intrigue-laden sort of programing we’ve come to expect from Serial podcasts, it is an equ…
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Featured image for “When Civil Religion Comes to Church”
May 31, 2016

When Civil Religion Comes to Church

by Scott Culpepper
…er appropriate to acknowledge national symbols in corporate worship? These questions, like all questions related to worship and devotional practice, are deeply personal and depend as much on the motives behind what we do as the actual practices themselves. I have grown far less comfortable with the incorporation of nationalism in corporate worship over the years. I worked as a young pastor to emphasize the importance of keeping a healthy distincti…
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Featured image for “The Shared Virtues of Science and Faith: A Review of <em>Why Science and Faith Need Each Other</em>”
March 11, 2021

The Shared Virtues of Science and Faith: A Review of Why Science and Faith Need Each Other

by Channon Visscher
…work and seeks to demonstrate that science and religion can, in fact, find common ground to complement each other in constructive and beautiful ways. This is no small claim in light of the persistent (if inaccurate) cultural narrative of conflict noted above. Moreover, the reality is that areas of conflict and tension between science and religion do exist, even if the relationship is not defined by them. In such areas of tension, how might people…
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Featured image for “Gender and Authority: The Legacy of Sibling Rivalry”
August 30, 2017

Gender and Authority: The Legacy of Sibling Rivalry

by Chandra Crane
…dialogue can deteriorate. Reading the variety of responses brought up many questions for me: Where does authority come from, and how do we know who has it? How can we engage in the task of Christian love and truth-telling while online? Am I hopelessly biased because Tish is a friend? What does Christian friendship look like? What about discipleship and leadership? What is Biblical, healthy use of authority? And then, one theme of questions regardi…
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Featured image for “Top 5: Science and Religion Resources”
July 29, 2022

Top 5: Science and Religion Resources

by Channon Visscher
…-to book for me when teaching through scientific results and the difficult questions they might raise for students. The book is informative and gracious, and helpfully explores different ways Christians might engage the natural world. It also includes questions for reflection and discussion, making it a good choice for group study. 3. BioLogos, founded by Francis Collins (former director of the Human Genome Project and of the NIH, and author of Th…
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Featured image for “Lies, Statistics, Mathematics and the Truth”
March 22, 2017

Lies, Statistics, Mathematics and the Truth

by Nathan Tintle
…due to different premises or different interpretations of observation? For example, in the climate change debate, we might ask questions like: (a) How likely is it that we would see recent changes in global average temperatures if climate change is being impacted by human activity? is not being impacted by human activity? (b) What are areas of general agreement and disagreement about observations of global temperature changes? its root cause(s)? (…
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Featured image for “How to Talk to Your Children About Death”
April 1, 2016

How to Talk to Your Children About Death

by Bonnie Heikens
…y to ask you questions but to ask you quietly. Be prepared for interesting questions. For example, we went to a visitation a few weeks ago and my son asked if the person was wearing pants and how they get in the casket. Our children just want us to be honest. They often accept our answers without a doubt. It is hard, because we, as adults, don’t often know what to think about dying. To talk about death to someone else, we first need to figure out…
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Featured image for “Created to Create: Fostering Innovative Education”
January 21, 2016

Created to Create: Fostering Innovative Education

by Dave Mulder
…vity is an essential capacity for learning? What if Piaget is right, and becoming educated actually means becoming creative? Maybe I’m a little worried that school culture seems to be centered on high-stakes testing and convergent, universal curriculum. I worry about how this affects creativity, motivation, engagement and true learning. What are students going to come away with? Excellent test-taking skills? I’m sorry; I know that sounds cynical….
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Featured image for “Voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton”
October 28, 2016

Voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton

by Wesley Granberg-Michaelson
…ater)? Are police officers — both black and white — feeling more or less comfortable in communities of particular race characterizations? Are those same police officer policing more and better or less and worse? Is the black community, for which Obama has particularly advocated, doing better economically after his 8 years or significantly worse? I haven’t at all talked about abortion of course. What is even more important (more fundamental) than…
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Featured image for “The Expectations for Girls and Boys”
September 15, 2015

The Expectations for Girls and Boys

by Valerie Stokes
…the gap is because that study took all of the income from each gender and compared them and compared that women’s was 80% of men. This study didn’t take into effect the free choices of jobs each gender chose. The majority of school teachers are women, the majority of engineers are men. The free market values these skill sets differently and as a result they get paid differently. There is no CEO out there demanding their HR Dept. to pay all women…
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Featured image for “Why I’m not Voting (for President)”
November 2, 2016

Why I’m not Voting (for President)

by Donald Roth
…n the political sense. That is, a “good” candidate is characterized by the compromise that makes democracy function. So if a vote reflects a certain sense of compromise, then my decision in this case reflects my unwillingness to accept either of the primary bargains offered to me. I believe that all power is delegated from Christ, who has been vested with all authority on heaven and earth. He has charged government with certain tasks, and any gove…
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Featured image for “Why Is School Like a Prison?”
August 2, 2016

Why Is School Like a Prison?

by Dave Mulder
…rchy, you could consider your classroom a “benevolent dictatorship?” ↩ Master teacher, Dave Burgess agrees. His book Teach Like a Pirate is full of ideas to boost your creativity…and your students’ engagement. (And it’s not just fun and games; these are strategies informed by research and practice.) Burgess, D. (2012). Teach like a pirate: increase student engagement, boost your creativity, and transform your life as an educator. San Diego, CA: Da…
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The blog.