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Featured image for “Intentionally Rewriting My “Mom Guilt”: A Review of <em>Power Women</em>”
March 1, 2022

Intentionally Rewriting My “Mom Guilt”: A Review of Power Women

by Valorie Zonnefeld
…em by your example into the life of Christian discipleship.”5 Focusing on our calling from an eternal perspective to lead our children to Christ reminds me what is more important than fancy cupcakes and matched socks.  ↩ Ch. 5, p. 86  ↩ Ch. 2, p. 38  ↩ Epilogue, p. 207  ↩…
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Featured image for “Shows that Shape Us: The Office”
January 22, 2020

Shows that Shape Us: The Office

by Justin Bailey
…st Popular Show, Even Though It Was Made for and Originally Aired on an Old-School Broadcast Network. Oh, the Irony,”, accessed December 21, 2019,  ↩…
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March 9, 2021

A Diversity of Easter Traditions

by Chandra Crane
…ss: 2015.  ↩ Rah, Prophetic Lament, 2015.  ↩ See Jemar Tisby, The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church’s Complicity in Racism, Zondervan: 2019.  ↩ Donna Barber, Bread for the Resistance: 40 Devotions for Justice People, InterVarsity Press: 2019.  ↩ Richard Twiss, One Church Many Tribes: Following Jesus the Way God Made You, Chosen Books: 2000.  ↩ Sandra Van Opstal, The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World, InterVarsi…
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Featured image for “Unsung Holiday: Earth Day”
April 21, 2023

Unsung Holiday: Earth Day

by Channon Visscher
…ach, whether our dorm, or balcony, or backyard? What might it look like to practice this stewardship in our little corner of the world? This is, in effect, a call to be a gardener. But this noble work was, after all, our first job: to “serve” and “exercise great care over” the garden (Gen 2:15). As Berry writes elsewhere, “the care of the earth is our most ancient and most worth and, after all, our most pleasing responsibility.”1 Should it be a su…
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Featured image for “The Circle”
May 12, 2017

The Circle

by Josh Matthews
…e power. Those are ideas that The Circle plays with, but it ends up asking complex questions that result in apparent artistic incoherence. How do we use technology that benefits us without being enslaved by it or by those who control it? By the end of the movie, which features a shot of Mae and a couple of drones, I wasn’t sure what the movie’s answer to that question is. Should I view the ending as happy, progressive, biting, or as more depressin…
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Featured image for “Movie Review “First Reformed””
July 17, 2018

Movie Review “First Reformed”

by Tom Clark
…d them both in tension. She passes through the dark night of the soul to become the knight of faith. While the film is slow and meditative, it becomes exciting in the third act as tension builds to a fascinating climax that I shall not spoil here. Several times throughout, a little photograph appears of an outstretched hand cupped, holding something out. To me, it almost looked like Morpheus offering the red pill to Neo in The Matrix (probably not…
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Featured image for “Loving God With Our Bodies”
February 5, 2016

Loving God With Our Bodies

by Chad Hanson
…required to share our faith with words. We are required to proclaim the name of Jesus to anyone who will listen. “But I don’t know how to do it or what to say.” Simply put, you start with humility and honesty and prayer. Feel free to begin by asking questions about the person or their faith. The more you practice these conversations, the better your gospel presentation will go. What other tasks and abilities do our bodies have that can glorify God…
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Featured image for “Finding Your Story in God’s Story”
November 27, 2017

Finding Your Story in God’s Story

by Todd Zuidema
…A passage from Scripture is read, and maybe there is some discussion that comes from some questions that were prepared from the text. Depending on the circumstances, family visiting sometimes looks like a Bible study, other times a crisis intervention, or, unfortunately, the complaint desk. Recently, the topic at my church has been about reading the Bible. The theme text is familiar to many: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teachi…
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Featured image for “Christian Mentoring”
January 15, 2020

Christian Mentoring

by Gail Ashmore
…osphere of trust and vulnerability, celebrating and practicing all that He commands, and experiencing freedom through confession and honesty. Dig Deeper Interested in Christian mentoring? Find more information about mentoring or being mentored through ATLAS at “ATLAS provides the opportunity to partake in the life of Jesus through mentoring. We desire to help the hurting, equip the followers of Jesus, and unite the commu…
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Featured image for “What Are You Giving Up For Lent? A Review of <em>Lent</em>”
February 18, 2021

What Are You Giving Up For Lent? A Review of Lent

by Kayt Frisch
…how to create such a rule. Their reflections on the major themes of Lenten practice (self-examination, repentance, prayer, giving, and scripture reading) provide thoughtful encouragement for what to consider and focus on. Contributor Lee Nelson sums it up well in the opening pages of this section, observing “it needs to be said that Lent is about dying. But it also needs to be said that Lent is about asking God to bring about new life in us…The pu…
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Featured image for “Why the Life of the Mind: A Review of Lost in Thought”
September 3, 2020

Why the Life of the Mind: A Review of Lost in Thought

by Myles Werntz
…lections, not one which then transfigures the world out of which they have come. The community the contemplative finds is one which is not only supported by the labor of others, but that is cultivated on the basis of the insights discovered in reading. For example, the companionship one might find with the plays of Shakespeare or with the tales of C.S. Lewis ignore that the reader is not actually communing with either, but with their own intimatio…
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Featured image for “What the Numbers Tell Us”
March 28, 2019

What the Numbers Tell Us

by Caleb Schut
…, which churches are eligible for as nonprofits. Ninety-six percent of our search traffic comes through Google. We have a free account and a paid account through Google. Spending some money through Google can feel a bit wasteful. It is less expensive to pay for advertising than it is to have no one new walking through your doors. I don’t spend too much time on Facebook. Getting likes and shares is exhausting. I do find it a fun way to share exciti…
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Featured image for “Covid-19, Church, and Contradictions”
September 29, 2020

Covid-19, Church, and Contradictions

by John Lee
…es between competing goods: spiritual health and physical health, personal freedom and community welfare, our call to love God and our call to love neighbor. These are not either/or but both/and realities. My council engaged in a polarity mapping exercise as a structured way to name the upside and downside aspects of the conflicting positions we hold. Such an opportunity for self-reflection on the limitations of our own positions and the strengths…
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Featured image for “Podcast: DEMYSTIFYING Critical Race Theory with Jeff Liou”
April 26, 2023

Podcast: DEMYSTIFYING Critical Race Theory with Jeff Liou

by Justin Ariel Bailey
…the line that I remember, she says all this stuff like, you would offer it freely to me. I would become this kind of queen. And at this point, she’s towering over Frodo and she’s glowing with kind of terrifying light, and she says, all shall love me and despair. The temptation to power. Right. That’s really real. So I’m really glad for this question, because when we feel like we can identify power abuse, it makes us feel powerful. (40:55) Justin A…
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Featured image for “Gratitude as Worldview: A Review of <em>Eucharistic Reciprocity</em>”
June 18, 2020

Gratitude as Worldview: A Review of Eucharistic Reciprocity

by Donald Roth
…es not necessarily demonstrate the Christian virtue of gratitude. Still, I commend DeJong’s book as a thorough examination of and call to live out this virtue. Properly conceived, gratitude is a lens through which we can perceive all of life. This lens is crucial because it helps us, as near-sighted people, to see with the clarity we were originally created to possess. Gratitude as a virtue Gratitude has been viewed differently throughout history….
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Featured image for “Sabbath Intentions”
May 10, 2016

Sabbath Intentions

by Teresa Ter Haar
…going to church. She draws on both biblical theology and Jewish religious practice to propose a Sabbath that is about joy and freedom at the same time it is about discipline and worship. In Crazy Busy, author and pastor Kevin DeYoung writes powerfully and practically about his struggles with busyness and how it can rob our hearts and souls of joy. DeYoung writes, “Busyness does not mean you are a faithful or fruitful Christian. It only means you…
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Featured image for “Don’t Forget God”
March 26, 2016

Don’t Forget God

by Jonathan De Groot
…am away from my wife. However, if I decide to live at my office and never come home, or only come home occasionally for sleep and a meal, I would quickly forget “why” I am married and what is good about married love. The longer I am away, the easier it will be for my time and energy to be drawn into other things (or people). It is through regularly engaging my wife and the development of our relationship that our “married love” is given any meani…
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Featured image for “Seeking Connections: A Podcast Review of <em>Rabbit Hole</em>”
January 12, 2021

Seeking Connections: A Podcast Review of Rabbit Hole

by Jackson Nickolay
…by people searching for connection, searching for belonging, searching for community, searching for love. Should not the church be the source of God’s love on earth? Is the church not called to be a place of connection, haven of belonging, and source of community for those hungry for these things? How has this migration from church community to online chatrooms and comment threads happened, and is there any responsibility the church has for this m…
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Featured image for “A Christian Response to Pride Month: Pride and  Sabbath”
June 22, 2022

A Christian Response to Pride Month: Pride and Sabbath

by Donald Roth
…Day as a foretaste of the bridal feast of the Lamb. Sabbath is a Christian practice where we come to worship God in a focused way. There we are reminded of the promise of the gospel and invited to lay our burdens down. For many Christians in America, the Sunday meal that follows might be one of the few family meals that everyone enjoys together. It is in many ways already a feast in miniature. While people sometimes argue about whether we can mow…
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Featured image for “Beginning with Imagination: A Review of <em>Reimagining Apologetics</em>”
November 12, 2020

Beginning with Imagination: A Review of Reimagining Apologetics

by Jessica Joustra
…me and shows his central conviction: “the good news of Jesus Christ can be communicated in the logic of authenticity without compromising its integrity” (26) for, “God may be more present in the quest for authenticity than we think” (8). In his quest to both ground and describe a reimagined apologetic, Bailey draws on a multitude of philosophical, theological, and literary voices, from Charles Taylor to Alvin Plantinga, Friedrich Schleiermacher to…
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Featured image for “Finding Lent in Children’s Books”
March 5, 2019

Finding Lent in Children’s Books

by April Fiet
…ups in my church will be reading through Courtney Ellis’ book Uncluttered: Free Your Space, Free Your Schedule, Free Your Soul, and I have decided that I am going to un-tether myself from digital distractions in the evenings so that I have more time for reading with my kids. As part of this at-home Lenten commitment, I have decided to select one children’s book a week to share with my kids as part of our Lenten journey together. Each book touches…
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Featured image for “Dear Dordt Seniors: With Love, A Graduate From 2022”
May 4, 2023

Dear Dordt Seniors: With Love, A Graduate From 2022

by Josie De Jong
…from others and expectations from yourself. There will be interrogations. Questions from your family, questions from your friends, questions from your significant other’s parents, etc. It is quite literally endless. And insufferable. But you’ll suffer it. When you answer those questions, prepare for polite answers with facial expressions and body language that tell the truth. Everybody will think you should be doing something differently, be it y…
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Featured image for “The Walls Within Our Classrooms”
February 27, 2019

The Walls Within Our Classrooms

by Mary Beth Pollema
…can be an empowering practice that is likely to foster a greater sense of community. Welcoming and including marginalized students into the learning community is much more than an effective teaching strategy; it is a Biblical imperative to all teachers who desire to instruct students in a distinctly Christian way. Romans 12:13 explicitly commands followers of Jesus to “practice hospitality.” Philoxenia or “loving strangers” is the Greek translati…
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Featured image for “Come Hell or High Water? Scientific Progress and Ethics”
October 14, 2016

Come Hell or High Water? Scientific Progress and Ethics

by Travis Pickell
…ccelerating research employing the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technique in research on the human species, he writes: “Biomedical research… promises vast increases in life, health, and flourishing. Just imagine how much happier you would be in a prematurely deceased loved one were alive, or a debilitated one were vigorous—and multiply that good by several billion, in perpetuity. Given this potential bonanza, the primary moral goal for today’s bioethi…
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Featured image for “Joining Christ in Mission”
March 9, 2015

Joining Christ in Mission

by Darren Stoub
…will engage in a thoughtful discussion about the various answers to these questions • we will identify more questions that need to be addressed • we will grow in community • we will understand Christ’s Healing Mission and our role in it more • and, that in all things, God will be glorified. I am excited to embark on this mission with you. Dig Deeper Return to iAt every 2nd Monday of the upcoming months to read more in this series on how we can jo…
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The blog.