On this episode of the podcast, we talk with singer-songwriter, author-beekeeper Andrew Peterson, about his new book The God of the Garden: Thoughts on Creation, Culture, and the Kingdom. Together we discuss:
– How the Covid-lockdown forced AP to put down roots after being on the road for the last 25 years, and the sort of creativity that being rooted in a physical place can produce.
– Why trees have so captivated AP’s imagination and anchored his memory.
– How working with our hands connects to working with words, music, and art.
– On planting seeds of hope amidst seasons of sadness, and what it means to remain open and vulnerable instead of hardening our hearts
– On telling stories that are deeply (not necessarily overtly) Christian, and how AP navigates the tension between Fall and Redemption.
– On practices that nourish ordinary creativity among artists and non-artists alike.
The podcast includes a short reading of the opening pages of the book (12:36).
Order The God of the Garden from The Rabbit Room: https://store.rabbitroom.com/products/the-god-of-the-garden
Follow Andrew Peterson: https://www.andrew-peterson.com/
Here is a link to Ruth Clark’s IAT review of The God of the Garden: https://inallthings.org/for-the-beauty-of-the-earth-a-review-of-the-god-of-the-garden/
Bible Project Podcast on Trees (mentioned at 11:50): https://bibleproject.com/podcast/humans-are-trees/
***Production note: This is the first episode we were able to record in person. Special thanks to tech genius Alex Priore for making it happen.***
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