The staff of iAt is forever grateful for our growing readership around the continent and around the world. Here is a list of the top ten most read articles on iAt in 2015. We are looking forward to 2016 with important discussions on human trafficking, creativity and loving God with our mind and body.
- Depression: My Story Neal DeRoo shared his story of being diagnosed with chronic, severe depression during his freshman year of college. “Depressed people are not lazy. They’re not crazy. They’re not freaks, and they don’t need to be avoided. They are no more nor less broken than any of us, in this sinful world. Depressed people are just… people.”
Christian Democrat? Featured in our series on Christians’ engagement in politics, Dave Schelhaas wrote on how it is possible to be both a Christian and a Democrat.
A Summary and Initial Response to the Same-Sex Marriage Ruling After the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in June, Donald Roth wrote an article explaining the implications of the ruling and his response as a Christian.
What is Happening? We live in an age of international terror, and an age of refugees. Countries that used to be safe from terrorism, like Kenya, France, Lebanon, and Nigeria, have seen massacres that take one’s breath away. What is behind these catastrophes? Joel Veldkamp asked how American Christians should respond to the overwhelming tide of refugees and the terrorists some believe to be hiding amongst them.
The Vanishing (Reformed) Youth In May when the Pew Research Center released some of the first data from its 2014 research on the religious affiliations of the populace of the United States, Donald Roth pointed out some of the interesting tidbits floating in the data, as well as some concerning trends.
God Loves Sex and Sexuality ”For a church that talks a lot about God’s will for sex, we seem to have very few conversations about it. Or, rather, it seems that we’re more comfortable talking about rules for sexual behavior than we are about sexuality itself.” Neal DeRoo shared some of the several myths of sexuality the church perpetuates and proposes a new way the church can talk about sex.
Dear Parents of College Freshmen For parents who were dropping their student off to college for the first time (or the last time), Kim Brinkerhoff gave words of encouragement and advice to help make the transition well. (Maybe this article should be read again as you send your college freshman back to college after the Christmas break.)
To Those Who Know a Hurting Child ”Current research tells us that kids who witness or experience hard things actually lose some ability to make good choices. It’s not that they won’t or don’t want to make the good choice…sometimes they just can’t.” Tara Boer gave advice on ways we can start caring for hurting children and ways we can care for their caretakers.
Why Christians Don’t Read the Bible “I have also become more solidly convinced over time that a huge reason why we don’t read our Bibles more isn’t because we are afraid it isn’t true but because are terrified that it really is. After all, if I declare that the Bible is the word of God and the source of all truth, then what I encounter within it demands a response.” Aaron Baart gave tips on ways to reinvigorate our Bible reading.
Immigration: A Tale of Two Grandfathers John Lee shared the two of his two grandfathers–one an immigrant and the other a native-born citizen. “For many of us, the daily struggle of 11.7 million undocumented immigrants in the United States is not a very real wound in our hearts but rather an abstract piece of data in our heads. Rather than weeping with those who weep, we are content simply to count them.”
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