As 2015 comes to a close and we look to 2016, here is our list of websites to watch in the new year. The websites come from a variety of view points and approach a diverse set of topics.
What websites do you follow?
Jonathan Merritt on Faith and Culture is an award-winning writer on religion, culture, and politics. He currently serves as a contributing writer for The Atlantic and senior columnist for Religion News Service. Merritt has been named “one of ’30 young influencers reshaping Christian leadership’ by Outreach Magazine.”
At the Table with April Fiet writes about theology, culture, family and life in the church. A graduate of Western Theological Seminary, April co-pastors with her husband, Jeff Fiet (who blogs at Sideline Theology), in Nebraska. April also contributes once a month on another blog called That Reformed Blog.
WORLD Magazine offers “hard-hitting, truth-telling, uniquely Christian worldview reporting” on top world events.
Sarah Bessey is speaker and author of “Jesus Feminist” (2013) and “Out of Sorts: Making Peace with an Evolving Faith” (2015). She writes on her own faith and spirituality, the sacredness of the ordinary life, mothering, politics and “pretty much everything else that you are not supposed to discuss in polite company.”
RELEVANT Magazine has been the leading platform reaching Christian twenty- and thirtysomethings. “Covering faith, culture and intentional living, the stories tell are at the intersection of where a Christ-centered life is really lived.” Even if you don’t find yourself in this age category, we encourage you to follow this webpage to understand what is relevant to Christians around the world.
scotusblog.com For those who like to follow the U.S. Supreme Court decisions, this is a great webpage to keep up to date on legal proceedings and outcomes.
BioLogos “demonstrates how can discuss the relationship between science and the Bible in a gracious and intellectually rigorous way.” Inviting the church and the world to see the harmony between science and faith, BioLogos features resources for a well-rounded conversation.
SharedJustice.org is a community of writers and readers dedicated to pursuing these questions: What does it mean to do politics justly? And what does public justice mean for me? “An online publication written by and for millennials from all walks of life, covers today’s most pressing public justice issues.”
Q Ideas works to introduce topics that fall into the board categories of culture, future, church and gospel. Featuring different question or topics each week, Q provides educational materials and thought provoking topics to stimulate the mind and to work to expand the good of all within the communities we live.
YALT The official webpage of the “Young Adult Leadership Taskforce” for the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRC, for short), this page works to create space for the conversation between young adults and local churches about where we can best move forward in this time when many young adults (often named as millennials) are leaving the church. YALT exists to “glorify Christ through encouraging and equipping young adults to participate and lead in his church, and encouraging and equipping the church to minister to and with young adults.”
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