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Featured image for “Taking the Stress out of Money”
January 19, 2018

Taking the Stress out of Money

by Kayt Frisch
…her jobs that match your priorities, which will lead you to be able to ask questions you can answer about your money: So, you want a daily latte from the local coffee shop? Well, do you have dollars assigned to your “daily latte” category? Great. Then buy the latte guilt free—understanding that assigning your dollars to that category was a conscious decision. You decided to put those dollars in “daily latte” and not “Hawaii vacation” or “rent” or…
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Featured image for “Digging into Durable Books”
October 1, 2019

Digging into Durable Books

by Josh Matthews
…are we? How much do we understand ourselves? Part of the answers to these questions, I think, come from how much the durable books are part of our lives and culture. This is a test of our educational institutions: how much do we spend time with the durable books in our classrooms? At my college, last I checked a few years ago, about twenty classes out of hundreds had students read books that were older than the 1960s. Most of these were humanitie…
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Featured image for “Interpreting Scripture through Mystery, Doubt, & Ancient Lit: A Review of “Inspired””
June 15, 2018

Interpreting Scripture through Mystery, Doubt, & Ancient Lit: A Review of “Inspired”

by Kayt Frisch
…n talks about the Biblical text. The reflection chapters mix theological research, contemporary examples, and stories from Evans’ own journey of faith and doubt. She uses a variety of voices to make her points, and the tone is folksy and accessible—unsurprisingly given her background in blogging. She does not intend the book to be a scholarly work, which sometimes leaves the theological research feeling at odds with the popular nature of the work….
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Featured image for “Fasting from Jeans, for a Cause”
December 15, 2021

Fasting from Jeans, for a Cause

by Joya Breems
…ixing and matching various thrifted dresses and cardigans in my closet and coming up with fun combinations. After the first week, that thrill wore off and there I was: cold, missing my jeans, and still not feeling more connected to those I was advocating for. After all, a little eighth grader wearing a dress doesn’t do much to help victims of human trafficking.  My mom helped me frame the issue differently. Dressember is like fasting, except it oc…
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Featured image for “Toward a Covenantal Christian Political Theology: A Review of <em>Politics after Christendom</em>”
January 10, 2023

Toward a Covenantal Christian Political Theology: A Review of Politics after Christendom

by Donald Roth
…g is that this book provides accessible depth in a field that can often be complex and difficult to follow. However, it’s not just the style that recommends considering this work. There are several substantive features of VanDrunen’s thesis that offer a good pattern for Christian political theology in general. Specifically, VanDrunen’s framework approach is appropriately limited, while his Biblical grounding and the covenantal intuitions that driv…
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Featured image for “The Shack”
April 22, 2017

The Shack

by Josh Matthews
…in clarity, it makes up for in boldness. It deals head-on with the vexing questions of why a good God allows evil to exist and why people have to suffer. Unfortunately, it does not ask more relevant questions, such as why God allows for the existence of bad movies. The last ninety minutes of The Shack looks like a Gap ad walked into a Better Homes and Gardens photoshoot. At the shack, Mack walks with Jesus from the ice-cold mountains into a color…
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Featured image for “5 Tips for a Successful Parent and Teacher Relationship”
February 6, 2015

5 Tips for a Successful Parent and Teacher Relationship

by Gwen Marra
…newsletters or post assignments on a blog. Use these to ask a few specific questions about your child’s day. Tip #4: Communicate with teachers and encourage your child. Let teachers know if your child is struggling. Ask questions when you don’t understand something. Be honest about homework. Help your child to understand a teacher’s perspective, and help the teacher to understand your child’s perspective. Inform teachers about family events such a…
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Featured image for “From Worldvision to Worldview: A Review of <em> Personality and Worldview </em>”
May 9, 2023

From Worldvision to Worldview: A Review of Personality and Worldview

by Donald Roth
…should not underestimate the cumulative impact of generations of faithful communal commitment to a Christian worldview. The effects that we can expect from this labor is not an instant conflagration of change, like switching on a gas burner. Instead, the commitment to cultivating a Christian worldview is a generational commitment to stoking coals that will burn hot long after the flames have died down. Bavinck closes with a pithy inversion: “You…
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Featured image for “Do Modern Christians Know God Differently?: a review of Chapters 4-5 of <em>Neo-Calvinism</em>”
February 6, 2023

Do Modern Christians Know God Differently?: a review of Chapters 4-5 of Neo-Calvinism

by Geoffrey Fulkerson
…e area of epistemology and the corresponding theological loci. I have some questions about the actual accounts. Yet, on the whole, Brock and Sutanto synthesize wide bodies of content and an array of rather complex concepts and arguments into succinct summary chapters. We’re given an account of revelation that is orthodox, yet modern, holistic, and organic. “…on the whole, Brock and Sutanto synthesize wide bodies of content and an array of rather c…
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Featured image for “Movie Review: <em>Everything Everywhere All at Once</em>”
April 29, 2022

Movie Review: Everything Everywhere All at Once

by Tom Clark
…ng is appropriate and may rightly turn away some viewers. The levity is welcome as the film does explore weighty philosophical questions and was occasionally hilarious – e.g., the ratatouille inspired universe with a racoon chef. However, the surrealism in some cases varied from odd to gross. I think the film could have explored other ways to deliver the needed shock from reality and been the better for it. “Evelyn’s heroic quest comedically sits…
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Featured image for “The Power of One: A Review of <em>The Education of an Idealist</em>”
March 26, 2020

The Power of One: A Review of The Education of an Idealist

by Chelsea Maxwell
…oice is not an end in itself” (267). The legacy of Senator Vandenberg, for example (my example, not Power’s), is not in that he claimed the importance of partisan cooperation, but that he embodied it. While there are moments when we fail our highest ideals and fall short in loving our neighbors—domestic and international, Power’s memoir demonstrates that complete disillusionment is not inevitable. Our principles can make a difference in policy, an…
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Featured image for “Revealing History’s Underlying Layers: A Podcast Review of <em>Revisionist History</em>”
October 22, 2019

Revealing History’s Underlying Layers: A Podcast Review of Revisionist History

by Jackson Nickolay
…o see more of society’s under layer being pulled back as our perspective becomes more complete. Now let’s descend into particulars, there is an excellent series of episodes in which Gladwell engages with memory and how untrustworthy it can be. Starting with two episodes about two different war stories, he systematically shows that memory is not something to be trusted. He reveals how the brain can fabricate complete lies—lies that, once told enoug…
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Featured image for “Bent But Unbroken: A Review of <em>Hurting Yet Whole</em>”
October 13, 2021

Bent But Unbroken: A Review of Hurting Yet Whole

by Chandra Crane
…ragile states and find Christ in the longing for something more, something complete and healed. In the remainder of section one, Huska examines the specific issues of navigating the healthcare industry, especially for women. As she moves into part two, “Becoming Whole,” her intentionality to honor the reality of inhabiting liminal spaces gives ground for trusting that she will not merely jump from lament to joy. Rather, we can find joy in lament,…
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Featured image for “Are You Distracted From Living Well?: A Review of <em>Things that Matter </em>”
July 4, 2022

Are You Distracted From Living Well?: A Review of Things that Matter

by Kayt Frisch
…by our constant connectivity), and this is where his minimalism expertise comes into play. He identifies eight distractions that he has noticed come up repeatedly, distractions which are “powerful enough to derail us from achieving our most cherished goals and purposes”6. These distractions are what he is focused on minimizing in the remainder of the book. In Parts 2 and 3 (Distractions of a Paralyzed Will and Distractions of the Lesser Good, res…
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Featured image for “What Role Do Bible Scholars Play in Your Bible Reading?”
August 16, 2016

What Role Do Bible Scholars Play in Your Bible Reading?

by Benjamin Lappenga
…of the Bible (ed. Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Baker Academic) and the Two Horizons commentary series for help on these questions. The hard part of all of this is that we all have a responsibility to discern between differing and sometimes competing voices within the guild of biblical scholarship. This is often done (consciously or not) along the lines of theological camps (“she is a good Reformed NT scholar,” “he is just promoting his Wesleyan agenda,” “t…
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Featured image for “War Against the Saints: Understanding the Persecuted Church and the United States”
January 5, 2017

War Against the Saints: Understanding the Persecuted Church and the United States

by Joel Veldkamp
…ing to Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Pakistan. This military aid often accompanies training for these countries’ militaries, and creates networks of close relationships between the Pentagon and generals in places like Egypt and Pakistan. Where Middle Eastern governments are not closely tied to the United States, they are usually under harsh American sanctions that lead to vast civilian suffering, as in Iran, Syria, and, formerly, Iraq. Since 194…
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Featured image for “We Are an Air Force Family”
May 14, 2015

We Are an Air Force Family

by Michael and Jessica Kiss
…s for granted. Be thankful you are able to live in a country where you are free. You have countless men and women who fight for your freedom on a daily basis so that you can celebrate the birth of your children, birthdays, the holidays, and vacations with your families. All the while men and women in our armed services are having to miss so many of these milestones. Be thankful! How have you experienced God’s presence? My faith and love for God ha…
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Featured image for “What Will Education Look Like in 10 Years?”
September 15, 2016

What Will Education Look Like in 10 Years?

by Tyler Amidon
…e to the world they are a part of. There is, of course, a whole technology component to this look into the future. In 10 years, technology will not be an add-on or a novelty but completely ubiquitous in the education process. Let’s be honest–technology is everywhere already, whether it is virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence or 3D printing. We are already wearing tech or carrying it around in our pockets. We are completely s…
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Featured image for “The Responsible Ones: Young People, Faith, and Letting Go”
May 19, 2015

The Responsible Ones: Young People, Faith, and Letting Go

by Jason Lief
…we need to teach them about the faith by immersing them in the liturgical practices of communal worship. Yes, it is our job as parents—-and the covenant community-—to cultivate a life of faith and discipleship with our kids. But this doesn’t mean we get to overreact by focusing on the wrong things in our anxiety and fear. We need to remember that the life and existence of the church doesn’t depend on us. The church is not something we have to anx…
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Featured image for “What Does Progressive Mean?”
July 15, 2016

What Does Progressive Mean?

by Kim Van Es
…ts that tend to define this spiritual approach. (For more information, I recommend A place to start is with the United Church of Christ’s symbol of the comma, along with its slogan “God is still speaking,.”According to progressives, God’s revelation did not end centuries ago, but truth continues to unfold through new readings of the Bible and through study of the created world. How does one apply faith in a consta…
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Featured image for “The Gift of Giving”
October 9, 2015

The Gift of Giving

by Willis Alberda
…n that we were made in the image of God? Where does the capability to love come from? Since the answers are beyond our comprehension, the best we can do is respond with praise to the Creator, who gave us all these capabilities and abilities, and do our best to create an environment in which all of these capabilities have the best possible way of developing in the way the Creator intended, both before and after the birth of each human being. Such a…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club–The Benedict Option: Optional? and For Whom?”
April 6, 2017

iAt Book Club–The Benedict Option: Optional? and For Whom?

by Erin Olson
…ist on their own” (p. 50) and therefore we must “embed ourselves in stable communities of faith”. While other authors have had commentary about the state of our current culture wars, they have given alternatives that seem more about engaging with the broader society than about removing ourselves from it. Dreher, on the other hand, finds the solution not to be engaging with culture, but instead, to “build a Christian way of life that stands as an i…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: Tension between Science and Genesis”
January 7, 2015

Answering Your Question: Tension between Science and Genesis

by Neal DeRoo
…rateful to see my son’s heart open to the vastness and beauty of creation, completely reconciled and at peace. My fifth grade struggle resulted in a blessing beyond my hopes more than 40 years later. Do you struggle with this issue? Do you have questions? I invite you to join me in the journey. I would suggest “The Fingerprint of God” by Hugh Ross as a starting point. It is a Biblically based book written by a scientist for the layperson. Or, for
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Featured image for “Civil War Staff Rides”
May 28, 2015

Civil War Staff Rides

by Paul Fessler
…also read it while walking the battlefield yourself. Secondly, you should examine a free website, History Animated, that has animated maps and shortened readings for every major Civil War battlefield. Though relatively straightforward and not graphically impressive like an XBOX game, these maps are well annotated with background and details from some of the most important histories written on the subject. Watching the troops move on the battlefie…
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Featured image for “Re-evaluating Capital Punishment”
September 27, 2017

Re-evaluating Capital Punishment

by Matthew Arbo
…continued moratorium on state executions “until significant reforms are accomplished.” The bi-partisan commission identified several “systemic problems,” from forensics gathering to injection sequencing. Its tacit conclusion: capital punishment is unjust as currently constituted and practiced in the state. This is not an emotive conclusion, you might notice, but an evidence-based conclusion determined from the facts as they stand. And, Oklahoma i…
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The blog.