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Featured image for “History of Social Justice and Its Relation to American Christianity”
November 15, 2018

History of Social Justice and Its Relation to American Christianity

by Rebecca Koerselman
…ally, and commercially influence, thus touting a nonrestrictive capitalist example of free expression, high art, and the United States’ racial tolerance. In the 50s, 60s,and 70s, Americans shift from focusing on social reform to focusing on civil rights and the expansion of civil liberties and individual freedoms for everyone, including women, African Americans, and other ethnic and minority groups. A rights-based liberalism runs into problems wit…
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Featured image for “Public Worship and the Shape of Discipleship”
August 28, 2018

Public Worship and the Shape of Discipleship

by John D. Witvliet
…eived and lived. As with healthy memories, the ripple effects of unhealthy practices may not become explicit or fully apparent until years later. The fact that my students recognize these as problems is, to be sure, a good thing. However, that they come by these memories so easily is a solemn, urgent call to mutual accountability, repentance, teachability, humility, and transformation. Our worship practices need to be transformed by the Holy Spiri…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option”
April 12, 2017

iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option

by Robert Lancaster
…grew up in the PCA in the South, and although we did not incorporate every practice that Dreher recommends, we did adopt many of them. Culture has, of course (even in the South), changed since then. One aspect of Scott’s piece that I want to mention is his idea that what Dreher proposes is actually closer to an Anabaptist Hutterite Bruderhof than a Benedictine cloister. I’d say this is correct…his proposal seems similar to any Amish community, for
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Featured image for “Liberia: One Year Later”
June 3, 2015

Liberia: One Year Later

by Aaron Baart
…ast laboratory-confirmed new infection. While Liberia is technically Ebola-free today, it is far from free of Ebola’s long-term effects. International business and humanitarian groups are slow to be willing to risk investment again and yet the need is greater now than ever before. A nation kicked while it was down will now have an even harder time finding a hand to help them up. The second stage of Ebola response like orphan care for all those who…
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Featured image for “The Choices You Make”
January 6, 2016

The Choices You Make

by Lisa Smith
…ould be the discovery of Christ. Finding Christ’s love, peace, safety, and complete freedom. I can work to help free the victims of human trafficking, but complete freedom is in Christ. I pray as Christ does his work and I believe he will rescue. Prayer for the johns and pimps. A john is the customer paying for service, while a pimp is the person collecting on the service. When it comes to human trafficking, I ask the question, “How could anyone t…
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Featured image for “Grandpa and Grandma’s Table”
December 15, 2016

Grandpa and Grandma’s Table

by Brandon Huisman
…we put on new clothes. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Again, it’s not an option, for just as I am a grandson of Don and Grace Huisman, so we are all one in Christ. Further, verse 29 says: If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. Grandpa and Grandma were not wealthy in worldly things, but they were heirs, an…
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Featured image for “Sanctification and Wild Things”
December 7, 2015

Sanctification and Wild Things

by James Calvin Schaap
…eace of Wild Things When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their li…
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Featured image for “Widening the Dialogue of Classic Christianity: A Review of <em>A Pastoral Rule for Today</em>”
August 8, 2019

Widening the Dialogue of Classic Christianity: A Review of A Pastoral Rule for Today

by Joel Kok
…345 The authors of A Pastoral Rule for Today seek to liberate pastors from competing and confusing demands in order to point them “toward authentic freedom in Christ” (163). Jerry Andrews, Joseph Small, and John Burgess came together to produce their book as participants in a movement called “the Re-Forming Ministry Initiative of the Office of Theology and Worship,” a group “seeking to understand where God is leading the Presbyterian Church (USA)…
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Featured image for “Intentional Living”
April 15, 2016

Intentional Living

…e 14:27 reminds us of this truth: “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.” 2 Timothy 2:2 reminds us of our command to teach others to make disciples: “And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” Teaching within our discipleship relationship is necessary, which Scripture points out. We are entrusted with this duty of teaching,…
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Featured image for “Arguers or Lovers?”
January 6, 2022

Arguers or Lovers?

by Dave Schelhaas
…elf.”  I suppose that sounds simplistic, but I believe that if this became common practice among Christians, we might transform culture…again!  Casper, Jason. “How Militants Are Made New,” Christianity Today, Dec. 17, 2021.  ↩ Crouch, Andy. Culture Making. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2008.  ↩ Stark, Rodney.  The Rise of Christianity. Princeton:  Princeton University Press, 1996.  ↩ Yancey, Phillip. Soul Survivor. New York:  Doubleday, 2001…
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Featured image for “Theological Truths That Divide Us and Engaging in Disagreement Well”
June 15, 2021

Theological Truths That Divide Us and Engaging in Disagreement Well

by David Westfall
…on into fruitful unity. The Creator makes two, in order that the two may become one. This purpose is rooted in none other than God’s own character and identity, as an eternal union and communion of Father and Son in one Holy Spirit. What does this mean for me, then, as I approach my brothers and sisters in Christ amid our differences? It means that one of my foremost needs is for new eyes to see that our fellowship in God is not an addendum to my…
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Featured image for “Who Do Your Kids Look Like?”
November 30, 2016

Who Do Your Kids Look Like?

by Leah Zuidema
…nd purposeful, rational and thinking, creative, moral, just and righteous, free and responsible, and faithful. They are also created to reflect God’s relational nature—to be social, loving, and merciful. But because all struggle with sin, the image displayed in each one is distorted and falls short of God’s true glory.2 So That… The Bible is clear about why we have been created to reflect God’s nature. We are much more than walking mirrors. The “s…
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Featured image for “The End of Christianity in Iraq, Part II: 2003-2017”
March 7, 2017

The End of Christianity in Iraq, Part II: 2003-2017

by Joel Veldkamp
…iment here, but the president’s public rejection of nation-building raises questions about his commitment to fixing the problem. And if the sorry record detailed above is any guide, the U.S.’s foreign policy establishment is staffed with people who are not interested in the problem at all. American Christians who care about the fate of Christianity in Iraq now have a very small window of time in which to make their voice heard on this issue. If no…
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Featured image for “Unplugging from Social Media”
July 27, 2016

Unplugging from Social Media

by Kory Plockmeyer
…hard work of actually doing life with someone with whom we disagree. We become practiced at “speaking into the void,” assuming that everybody wants to or needs to hear our thoughts. I’m not trying to be a Luddite. I understand why Jes Kast-Keat suggests, “You need to stop saying, ‘You use Twitter/SnapChat/Kik/Facebook too much.’ Nope, you don’t get it. Being a digital native means these are our hangouts. These are the spaces we live in.” Yet just…
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Featured image for “Advent Love: The Advent of #MeToo”
December 24, 2018

Advent Love: The Advent of #MeToo

by Aaron Baart
…rch learned to mimic the heaven Jesus described. This is the invitation to come out of hiding and into the light, where freedom for the captive is found, and the broken-hearted move from shame to healing. So, this Christmas, as we ceremoniously light the Advent candle of love, consider it a move of sheer insurrection against the kingdom of darkness, a declaration that we will strive to love like heaven does, renouncing a lust that only ever asks,…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: Horrible Decree or Doctrine of Hope”
October 24, 2014

Answering Your Question: Horrible Decree or Doctrine of Hope

by Monica Schaap Pierce
…, as we ought to be, that our salvation flows from the wellspring of God’s free mercy until we come to know his eternal election.”3 And how deep and wide is God’s grace? Well, we all deserve death, Calvin claims, but some—and this is the sticking point—are chosen and are given the unwarranted and unparalleled gift of salvation. Although Calvin warned about speculating who is included among the chosen, his followers have largely ignored his injunct…
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Featured image for “Citizenship, Identity, and Populism”
July 7, 2017

Citizenship, Identity, and Populism

by Jeff Taylor
…to be an American, if they so desire? The populist answers to these three questions are No, No, and No. But, do these answers come from a place of racism? That’s the assumption of many grassroots Americans who stand firmly in the Yes camp regarding these questions. It’s a convenient assumption, but I would argue that it’s mostly wrong. Sure, there are a handful of hardcore bigots in the United States who openly fear and hate people who are differ…
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Featured image for “Together We Make Football”
November 6, 2014

Together We Make Football

by Timothy Van Soelen
…mall analogy to sports.1 Are the liturgies of sports fostering habits and practices that are “unjust, so it does everything it can to prevent us from asking such questions. Don’t ask; don’t tell; just consume.”2 Or, do the liturgies of sports foster habits and practices that are just, behaviors that celebrate being created in God’s image and the incredible physical gifts that are given to us as humans in order to give glory back to the Creator? S…
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Featured image for “The Prophet of Consumerism”
May 26, 2017

The Prophet of Consumerism

by Aaron Baart
…slower. Read for transformation, not for information. Ask the text lots of questions. Hard questions. Imagine readers of different times, places, cultures, and socio-economic standings, and then attempt a re-reading of the same passage through their eyes. Approach the text from a different angle. You might just notice the light hitting it a little differently. And that, in turn, might just illuminate something you’ve never seen before. When the Lo…
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Featured image for “Navigating Transgender: A Review of <em> Understanding Transgender Identities</em>”
October 27, 2022

Navigating Transgender: A Review of Understanding Transgender Identities

by Joel Kok
…ical support, we can appreciate how they address concerns for identity and community in a way that is quite compelling to many people navigating gender identity concerns.”18 In terms of the lenses that Yarhouse and Sadusky describe, DeFranza sides mostly with Sabia-Tanis by operating with the “diversity” lens. However, she writes less militantly than Sabia-Tanis, and her chapter includes a description of how she shifted from the traditional view t…
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Featured image for “Are Healthcare Bills Racking Up? You Might Qualify for Help”
February 19, 2016

Are Healthcare Bills Racking Up? You Might Qualify for Help

by Derrick Vander Waal
…romise and other healthcare systems are – the patients should not be affected much. Finally, don’t hesitate to ask questions. “Anybody is welcome to come in – not just Promise patients,” she said….
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Featured image for “Total, Unified, Catholic World: A review of Chapters 2-3 of <em>Neo-Calvinism</em>”
February 3, 2023

Total, Unified, Catholic World: A review of Chapters 2-3 of Neo-Calvinism

by Laremy De Vries
…ietzsche? “All thinkers are image bearers, fallen of course, but upheld by common grace.” I think I side more with Bavinck on this than the more anti-accommodationist philosophers in the tradition. I think a simpler way to sum up his position would be to understand that all thinkers from all human traditions have a point. All thinkers are image bearers, fallen of course, but upheld by common grace. Is Marx right? No. Does he have a point? Yes. Can…
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Featured image for “Christian Justice: A Review of <em>Becoming a Just Church</em>”
July 18, 2019

Christian Justice: A Review of Becoming a Just Church

by Abby Foreman
…itness and work (198). I recognize this wariness in myself and I see it as common among many committed Christians who care deeply about their faith and also care deeply about justice for all those who bear the image of God. Social and political power in society and within and among people must be acknowledged. When broken systems and people deny empowerment and dignity to people, Christians should lament and confess of this sin. Racial, social and…
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Featured image for “Patient Endurance as Christian Political Witness: A Review of “Why Liberalism Failed””
July 27, 2018

Patient Endurance as Christian Political Witness: A Review of “Why Liberalism Failed”

by Kevin Slusher
…very arena of human existence is not an aberration but the only logical outcome. Set free from all other spheres of belonging, the only authority left to arbitrate between competing individuals is the centralized government. The end of liberalism is not freedom; rather, it is the tyranny of modern statism. Deneen is not the first to sound the alarm. Alasdair MacIntyre, Stanley Hauerwas, John Milbank, and William Cavanaugh, among others, have raise…
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Featured image for “How To Help Your Kid Survive Middle School”
August 9, 2016

How To Help Your Kid Survive Middle School

by Dave Mulder
…agnetic pull on adolescents, and the full text is available on her website free of charge. I highly recommend reading this book! What advice do you have for other parents of young adolescents? In the U.S., there are a wide variety of different grade-level arrangements for young adolescents. In some places, young adolescents are included with elementary schools, such as in a K-8 school. In others, they are included with high schools, in a 7-12 scho…
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The blog.