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Featured image for “Imagine a World Where Faith Was More than Political Eye Candy”
March 27, 2015

Imagine a World Where Faith Was More than Political Eye Candy

by Scott Culpepper
…hn Milton once observed through the mouth of his fictional Satan, “Who overcomes by force hath overcome but half his foe.”4 Those who balk at the brazen politicization of faith by politicians are all too often accused of not valuing faith enough when really just the opposite is true. We value faith too much to see it reduced to a trivial tool for political advancement. Faith is vitally important, too important to become captive to something as bas…
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Featured image for “Depression: My Story”
April 14, 2015

Depression: My Story

by Neal DeRoo
…n than any of us, in this sinful world. Depressed people are just… people. Love them. Be with them (it doesn’t really matter what you say, just so long as they know you care). Pray for them. And welcome them, as brothers and sisters in Christ, uniquely gifted and uniquely broken, in search, ultimately, of the same thing we all want: the reconciliation of all things….
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option”
April 5, 2017

iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option

by Gustavo Maya
…e of loss that carries a whiff of privilege threatened rather than witness compromised. When Dreher, for example, laments the “loss of a world,” several people notice that world tends to be white. And what seems to be lost is a certain default power and privilege. When Dreher imagines “vibrant Christianity,” it is on the other side of the globe. He doesn’t see the explosion of African churches in the heart of New York City or the remarkable growth…
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Featured image for “The Top Ten Movies of 2016”
December 28, 2016

The Top Ten Movies of 2016

by Josh Larsen
…llywood, where the star of a Bible epic (George Clooney) gets kidnapped by Commies—features everything from full-scale musical numbers to a comical powwow among religious leaders debating the theological elements of the movie within the movie. “Does the depiction of Christ Jesus cut the mustard?” the studio rep, played by Josh Brolin, asks. Well, yes and no. There is plenty of irreverence here, but Hail, Caesar! is also the closest the Coens have…
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Featured image for “In the era of mean tweets…and much, much worse”
March 16, 2015

In the era of mean tweets…and much, much worse

by Abby Foreman
…le, and prone, in our brokenness, to divide and separate and to break down community. Our communal response should be one in which we hold each other accountable for our words in a grace-filled way. We should use words to build up rather than break down. In the next few days, my colleagues will offer insights into how to build community in our homes and on an individual level. Clearly, the uncivil are not always “other people” but is very often ou…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: Is Christian education tuition a tithe?”
February 10, 2015

Answering Your Question: Is Christian education tuition a tithe?

by Liz Moss
…ould you LIKE to give? Imagine the joy that can come from that gift being put to good use. Now remember that God can take that gift farther that your imagination can run. Here’s the full article from Austin Pryor: Lyn Kingipotiki I feel pastor three was awesome with his answers. Pastor two was money for his church and was quite arrogant. Pastor was i between….
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Featured image for “Making Nothing of Evil, and Everything of God: A Review of <em>That All Shall Be Saved,</em> Part 1”
August 13, 2019

Making Nothing of Evil, and Everything of God: A Review of That All Shall Be Saved, Part 1

by Myles Werntz
…Hart: Freedom is a being’s power to flourish as what it naturally is, to become ever more fully what it is…the freedom of a rational spirit is its consummation in union with God. Freedom is never then the mere “negative liberty” of indeterminate openness to everything… (172). This is not to say that choices do not have consequences, but that choices—if they are evil—are not the things which are ultimately sought even in evil. The freedom which is…
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Featured image for ““Like a Girl”: Why our Words Matter”
March 2, 2015

“Like a Girl”: Why our Words Matter

by Jason Lief
…feld Prof. Lief here seems to make, if I’m not mistaken, what has become a common error in interpreting Galatians 3:28, “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” (Also, I don’t see the word “longer” in the verse, but we’ll leave that as it is for now.) First, nowhere does the verse say nor imply that “in Jesus Christ God breaks open every cultura…
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Featured image for “How Faith Informs Our Thoughts on Immigration”
August 24, 2015

How Faith Informs Our Thoughts on Immigration

by Matthew Soerens
…uphold the laws of the land? Why should immigrants not follow protocol of obtaining citizenship? It insures a commitment and identity with the USA. Are we the only country which require visas and naturalization? Judy Strong Very interesting article and I agree with the comments of Sharon Moss above. You make no distinction between immigrants who have followed the law to come here and those who are here illegally. We are a country of laws and peop…
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Featured image for “Sex and Social Robots”
May 15, 2017

Sex and Social Robots

by Derek Schuurman
…eem bizarre, but David Levy predicts these relationships will eventually become commonplace and that human-robot marriages will be legal by 2050. It is argued that robot companions are helpful for those who would otherwise be lonely, but opponents of sex robots suggest such developments are potentially harmful. The online “Campaign Against Sex Robots” argues that sex robots are harmful because they perpetuate the objectification of women. In her b…
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Featured image for “Pastoral Reflections on the Election Cycle”
September 27, 2016

Pastoral Reflections on the Election Cycle

by Mark Verbruggen
…es will receive. Mark Jason Lief You forgot about this party, Tom. Marion D.+Van+Soelen Thank you Mark for drawing us to the real Kingdom and the King of kings! Tom While it’s a long shot, for sure, there is a viable path to the White House for Johnson & Weld. If too many people reject that notion, then it becomes self-fulfilling. In other words, the only reason that 3rd party candidates can’t win is bec…
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Featured image for “Sexual Abuse in the Church”
October 23, 2018

Sexual Abuse in the Church

by Caleb Schut
…worship service. People no longer come to church to hear the sermon; they come to take communion. This liturgical move changes the flow of power in worship and in the church as a whole by de-emphasizing the role of the pastor and emphasizing the presence of Christ at the table. The preacher’s personality and charisma should, of course, never be central to the preaching of God’s word. However, churches built around their pastor’s personalities are…
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Featured image for “We Need to Talk”
November 10, 2014

We Need to Talk

by Neal DeRoo
…f God gets lost amid the stereotypes and assumptions. And things get said. Things that do not honor God, or God’s image, or anyone or anything. Things that cause a great deal of pain and separation and brokenness. Things like those Yik-Yak comments. And in those comments, and the things that get said (or don’t get said) in response to them, Christian communities seem to perpetuate the pain, separation, and brokenness of sin, rather than offering a…
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August 7, 2014

Getting Image Sizes Right

…tion in the Media Manager. Learn More Official documentation on Editing images in the Media Library Simpler instructions, with more screen images. (This is for the service, which is a little different and simplified) Detailed examples of how to crop and scale photos in WP. (Slightly dated but still accurate.)…
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Featured image for “Introducing the Planetary Health Diet”
May 21, 2019

Introducing the Planetary Health Diet

by Dawn Berkelaar
…The EAT-Lancet Summary Report is short and accessible, available in seven languages. The full EAT-Lancet Commission report is available from The Lancet (you will need to register for free to view and download the report). Photos of what these kinds of meals might look like can be found in the EAT-Lancet Summary, page 11. ↩…
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Featured image for “Hearing God’s Voice”
March 8, 2017

Hearing God’s Voice

by Benjamin Lappenga
…ervice, prayer, and, crucially, the reading of the Bible itself in all its complexity.10 So go ahead, make stuff up! By continually engaging the Bible within vibrant communities of faith, and in continuity with believers from across the globe and across time,11 we are freed to take to the text our doubts, suspicions, fears, hopes, and creativity—and to do so in the confidence that today we will indeed “hear God’s voice” (Heb 3:7). That Lee’s chapt…
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Featured image for “An Ode To a Small (Dying) Church”
June 13, 2022

An Ode To a Small (Dying) Church

by Caleb Schut
…ithfulness passed from one congregation to another. You can watch that story here.2  ↩  ↩…
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Featured image for “Seeing the Faces of Opioid Addiction”
February 5, 2019

Seeing the Faces of Opioid Addiction

by Erin Olson
…rates of opioid addiction and overdose, no group of people is immune. Some communities have been affected in greater numbers, but almost all communities have been impacted in some way. What drove Matt to start using? Why did a kid who seemed to have so much going for him end up dead from an overdose? In work with people who are abusing or addicted to various types of substances, professionals are often asked to consider what the addicted person mi…
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Featured image for “Rehumanized Christian Masculinity: A Review of <em> Non-Toxic Masculinity </em>”
June 28, 2023

Rehumanized Christian Masculinity: A Review of Non-Toxic Masculinity

by Kurt Frisch
…es long before they hit puberty and learn early on that vulnerability is incompatible with cultural values of masculinity. Sexual sin is often the expression of an immature emotional self. Attempts to protect children from hyper-sexualized culture combined with the purity culture suggests that preventing exposure is the sure path to success. However, Wagner suggests that long term efforts to form young men’s virtue would be the better path. Parent…
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Featured image for “Race and Policing on the Second Anniversary of Ferguson”
November 22, 2016

Race and Policing on the Second Anniversary of Ferguson

by Donald Roth
…Board in 2015 found that 1% of officers generated 26% of all use-of-force complaints and 93% of all offensive language complaints.  ↩ The same NYC Review Board report showed that 86% of officers had no complaints lodged against them during the period of the study.  ↩ The Harvard study’s data set on officer-involved shootings focused on Houston, TX, and its results should only cautiously be generalized if one has reason to believe that Houston is…
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Featured image for “The Bottom Line: A Christian Perspective on Engineering”
October 26, 2021

The Bottom Line: A Christian Perspective on Engineering

by Justin Vander Werff, Sam Walhof
…am and prefab shop. The money saved might be used by Interstates for their training program that helps high school students get two-year technical degrees. We helped the shop better understand the materials they work with. All these benefits align with a biblical perspective of stewarding God’s creation and loving our neighbors.  However, all those benefits still could have been established even if I was not a Christian. And thus, we arrive at the…
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Featured image for “Building on Abilities: Developing a Growth Mindset”
April 29, 2020

Building on Abilities: Developing a Growth Mindset

by Valorie Zonnefeld
…in mathematics as many people see mathematics as an innate ability. It is common to refer to individuals as “math geniuses” or having the “math gene” which contributes to a fixed mindset for many. I agree that mathematics may come more quickly to some students, but all students can learn math. Similar to the parable of the talents where each servant was given a different amount of talents, each was still expected to use their talents wisely. A gr…
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Featured image for “What Has Jesus to do with John Wayne? A Review of <em>Jesus and John Wayne</em>”
June 11, 2020

What Has Jesus to do with John Wayne? A Review of Jesus and John Wayne

by Scott Culpepper
…sative factors. She includes allusions to other studies that highlight the complicated array of factors that amplified and accompanied the impact of idealized white masculinity. In terms of readability and her ability to hold your interest, who doesn’t want to read a book with chapter titles like “John Wayne Can Save Your Ass,” “Pilgrim’s Progress in Camo,” and “Spiritual Badasses”? I was struck by how well Du Mez’s book compliments fellow histori…
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Featured image for “Reimagining Rhythms: A Review of <em>The Sacred Pulse</em>”
January 25, 2022

Reimagining Rhythms: A Review of The Sacred Pulse

by Erin Olson
…y vulnerable, and we often choose (usually subconsciously) anger as a more comfortable emotion, because it is seen as strength. In a culture uncomfortable with sadness and vulnerability, people are often forced to bury their emotions and mask them with more “appropriate” ones—an emotion easier for other people to understand. Fiet offers the rediscovery and connection with God’s holy rhythms as we begin to process our own losses, and she encourages…
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Featured image for “My Service Conversion”
October 5, 2015

My Service Conversion

by Aaron Baart
…called to serve because service is God’s gift to us before it is ever his commandment. Service pulls us outside of ourselves. We are all inherently selfish, self-interested, self-obsessed. Serving the others begins to free us from the prison of self-interest. It teaches me that I don’t just do good for the purpose of changing the world around me; I also do good because it changes me. And I need to be changed. I need a Savior and I need to be chan…
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The blog.