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Featured image for “Empathy is Unreasonable: A Review of <em>Against Empathy</em>”
June 27, 2019

Empathy is Unreasonable: A Review of Against Empathy

by Donald Roth
…emotional effort involved is worth expending on the other side. Reason and Compassion are Better Tools for the Common Good So, what is the alternative? Bloom argues that the alternative to the gut instinct to empathize is a more deliberative, but detached, application of compassion. In this area, Bloom’s argument moves into a broader conversation taking place in psychology, where the landmark work of Nobel-prize winners like Daniel Kahneman have r…
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Featured image for “Three Tributaries, Exploring the Reformed, Baptist, and Catholic Branches: A Review of <em> The Church’s Book </em>”
August 31, 2022

Three Tributaries, Exploring the Reformed, Baptist, and Catholic Branches: A Review of The Church’s Book

by David Westfall
…ctical, guiding the church as “the sociopolitical charter of the Christian community, at once binding it historically to the community’s founders, (the apostles) and predecessors (the prophets), while norming its response to challenges on the mission field and serving as a locus of unity for all the many divided branches of the one messianic tree.”7 For Yoder, this analysis amounts to a “deflationary” account of biblical inspiration and authority:…
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Featured image for “The Complexity of American Exceptionalism”
June 4, 2016

The Complexity of American Exceptionalism

by John Wilsey
…ond Inaugural. But inclusive exceptionalism requires struggle. It does not come naturally. During the nineteenth century, the term commonly in use to describe American patriotism was “manifest destiny.” The idea was that God had destined America to overspread the North American continent, extending the rule of the United States south into Mexico and north into Canada. By the end of the century, and into World War I, manifest destiny had a global r…
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February 9, 2015

Matthew 6:1-4

“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. 2 “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is d…
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Featured image for “A Christian Look at the Biology of Gender Dysphoria”
March 8, 2018

A Christian Look at the Biology of Gender Dysphoria

by Tony Jelsma
….Veltman, Daniel T. Klink, and Julie Bakker (2014) “Hypothalamic response to the chemo-signal androstadienone in gender dysphoric children and adolescents.” Frontiers in Endocrinology 5: 60.  ↩ Norman Doidge M.D. describes many amazing examples of neuroplasticity in The Brain the Changes Itself (Penguin Books) 2007.  ↩ For example, childhood abuse causes epigenetic regulation of a gene regulating the stress response, thus shutting down their respo…
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Featured image for “Boys and Girls Being Boys and Girls”
September 17, 2015

Boys and Girls Being Boys and Girls

by Luralyn Helming
…o intimately intertwined that we cannot possibly untangle the threads. For example, research suggests that hormones may provoke the types of play children engage in: male hormones provoke more rambunctious play and female hormones provoke more calm and quiet play. This difference in playing style leads most children to prefer to play with those of the same gender: girls are more likely to play with girls because they prefer calmer and quiet play,…
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Featured image for “5 Legal Developments You May Have Missed in 2015”
December 29, 2015

5 Legal Developments You May Have Missed in 2015

by Donald Roth
…ing task forces, and dedicating federal resources to the investigation and combating of trafficking activities. This act is a significant step forward in helping to combat a modern plague that affects hundreds of thousands of people in the United States alone, including thousands of exploited and prostituted children, and it’s a rare bit of good news in today’s world that Congress could be on largely the same page in terms of addressing this probl…
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Featured image for “For the Beauty of the Earth: A Review of <em>The God of the Garden</em>”
November 17, 2021

For the Beauty of the Earth: A Review of The God of the Garden

by Ruth Clark
…ell as the joys of his English countryside explorations, Peterson weaves a compelling argument for becoming more aware of local habitats, local decision-making, and the names of plants or tress in our own yards.   …loving a master Gardener who cares for the sparrows involves noticing the garden.” But most of all, Peterson tells stories—little vignettes that snap off the page and invite the reader to glimpse this moment, this tree, this footpath, t…
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May 22, 2023

Reformed: What is Reformed?

by Ruth Clark
…not arrived at the end of the story, and so we humbly seek to obey God’s Word as we understand it. Tradition shapes us but it is not perfect. We appreciate the insights of the past, but we acknowledge that the church has not always provided good examples of how to read Scripture or how to embody Christian faith. Thus, we seek, not simply to understand Scripture, but to stand under its authority, allowing it to speak to our tradition, shape our ima…
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Featured image for “Embracing Embodiment: A Review of <em> The Wisdom of Your Body </em>”
May 4, 2022

Embracing Embodiment: A Review of The Wisdom of Your Body

by Erin Olson
…an work to rebuild that connection. McBride uses personal experience and research to give readers a better understanding of embodiment and how we can work to practice it personally or share these ideas with others—friends, family members, or clients. McBride’s examples are helpful to evaluate, and I’ve already appreciated the relatability to my field of social work. Rather than continuing an unhealthy ‘chewing on our own tails’—approach like my pu…
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Featured image for “Letters from SPICE”
July 26, 2017

Letters from SPICE

by Ashley Huizinga
…ou left behind. I moved across a charted ocean, to a country I’m able to research on the internet in seconds, with a cell phone, Facebook, email address, and plane ticket for the flight home. That doesn’t even compare, really. Because you did choose to uproot your lives and begin anew elsewhere, I was born in the very Dutch area of West Michigan. I grew up surrounded by others of Dutch descent (I didn’t actually meet an African American until I wa…
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Featured image for “Embracing Ecumenism”
March 1, 2017

Embracing Ecumenism

by Jim Payton
…reek Catholic. As a whole, our shared concern for the people and religious communities of Eastern Europe flowed out of our faith commitment to Christ, manifest within extraordinary ecclesiastical diversity. All this factors into my passion for ecumenism. But you don’t need to engage in extended study and teaching or involvement in a service organization for this passion to awaken in you. Once you step out of the comfortable Christian enclave in wh…
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Featured image for “Patiently Waiting”
April 2, 2017

Patiently Waiting

by Alexis Kreun
…renewable resource that never expires. However, in U.S. culture, time is a commodity, something that can be bought, sold, saved, or lost. We have common expressions like “Don’t waste my time” and “Time is money.” Henry Ford, the developer of the automotive assembly line, said that “Time waste differs from material waste in that there can be no salvage.” My father, the enforcer of the get-ready-for-school assembly line, would always remind us kids…
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Featured image for “Preaching in All Places: A Review of <em>A Big Gospel</em>”
March 19, 2020

Preaching in All Places: A Review of A Big Gospel

by Joel Kok
…er’s assertions about the priority of cities in the plan of God (179). For example, in his final chapter, entitled “Common Reasons to Prioritize Big-Place Ministry,” Witmer takes issue with Keller several times and always in a highly respectful way. When Keller asserts that early Christian missionaries “went into cities and only the cities to preach the gospel,” (Keller, quoted by Witmer, 166) Witmer responds first by pointing to the earthly minis…
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Featured image for “Unexpected Provision”
June 5, 2017

Unexpected Provision

by Kermit Cornell Moss
…ns in a park is a reminder of God’s providential care for us. It is a good practice to remember instances when God gave us daily bread. Yes, wisdom exhorts us to act responsibility by planning, praying, and working hard. Psalm 104 subtly refers to this as the act of gathering in. Yet, we must always acknowledge that God is our source of daily provision. Sometimes, God’s provision can come from unexpected sources, as with pigeons eating bread in th…
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Featured image for “Cry Out to God”
November 4, 2017

Cry Out to God

by Amy DeGroot Bowling
…own whining offspring?), or someone has said these things to you. Children complain. Adults don’t. It is good to be grateful for what God has given us; is it ever ok to express our pain to God? To voice our complaint? To ask God “where are you?” Or “why?” Life is not always good. What do we do when… We find there are no easy answers to problems in our life, no quick resolutions? We are overwhelmed by injustice in our world, and God seems nowhere t…
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Featured image for “Fostering Cultural Inclusivity in our Church Music”
October 4, 2018

Fostering Cultural Inclusivity in our Church Music

by John MacInnis
…n experiences the freedom to be themselves individually and, moreover, the freedom to become something new together. In striving to outdo one another in showing honor (Romans 12:10), each culture defers to others with the greater obligation placed upon those with the most security and established power. Judging from the many churches that have adopted the Belhar Confession, I know I am not alone in finding these ideas to be fitting and desirable,…
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Featured image for “The Power of Language and Representation”
May 27, 2021

The Power of Language and Representation

by Chandra Crane
…hooses a Caananite woman with a reputation of sexual infidelity, not as an example to be avoided, but as a clear example to be faithfully followed in both word and deed. The lessons here are many, but to focus on just three, we who are preachers and teachers of the word must be careful to 1) practice humility, 2) truth-tell, and 3) include the marginalized. James draws upon all three of these when he says what seems to be a contradiction-in-terms:…
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Featured image for “Conflict as a Gift: A Review of <em> The Space Between Us </em>”
March 28, 2023

Conflict as a Gift: A Review of The Space Between Us

by Anna Mooers
…hat the inner work of our souls matters. Practicing prayer, meditation, and having an encounter with God at the core of our deepest and truest selves changes everything. Coming to regard ourselves as beloved transforms the way we engage with conflict. As we practice fidelity and commitment to this love, we reflect the image and likeness of God to those we interact with and are able to see the image of God in every person we encounter.   Pries, The…
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Featured image for “Embracing Ecology and Fantasy: A Review of <em> The Wonders of Creation </em>”
January 16, 2023

Embracing Ecology and Fantasy: A Review of The Wonders of Creation

by Carl Fictorie
…rough lament, we recognize injustice, acknowledge suffering, challenge our comfort, overcome apathy, and through all of these, we prepare for action. She is particularly critical of us in the developed West, whose actions create much of the environmental degradation while our relative prosperity insulates us from the suffering it causes for the poor throughout the world. For many of us, we are too much like Uncle Andrew in The Magician’s Nephew, w…
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Featured image for “What Online Communities Leave Out: Unlikely Friendships”
November 27, 2018

What Online Communities Leave Out: Unlikely Friendships

by Matthew Arbo
…ls. Reading each other’s work. Talking together through doctoral seminars, comprehensive exams, and academic despair. We had animated conversations with real disagreements. And yet, his friendship was one of the greatest un-looked-for gifts that I have ever received. I still preach regularly, and I often find myself wondering what he would say about the sermons I preach these days. I definitely miss those half-sheets of paper. And I am thankful th…
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Featured image for “Spirit/Body or Spirit-Body?”
February 27, 2017

Spirit/Body or Spirit-Body?

by Annie Sears
…ion in which I was at a hospital undergoing a procedure, I would feel much comfort in thinking that regardless of what happened to my body it would not change who I am. If, for instance, I must have a leg amputated it does not affect my essence (soul), but would be more akin to having a tire go flat on my car; I would be comforted knowing that, when this car dies, I will be given a new car that cannot break, and that the flat tire, while currently…
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Featured image for “When Iraq Expelled the Jews”
April 24, 2017

When Iraq Expelled the Jews

by Joel Veldkamp
…n Christians in Iraq. There were also hundreds of thousands of Yazidis—who practice an ancient polytheistic religion—and Mandaeans—who follow John the Baptist. Not so long ago, Iraq was also home to a large community of Jews. Jews had lived in Iraq for over 2,500 years, since the Babylonian exile that we read about in Scripture. As late as 1917, Jews were the single largest religious group in the capital city, Baghdad.1 Iraqi Jews were famous acto…
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Featured image for “Remember That You Are Dust”
April 5, 2017

Remember That You Are Dust

by Liz Moss
…sus. *** Psalm 143 is often referred to as a psalm to inform and guide the practice of returning to God and the repentance of our sins. “Hear my prayer, O Lord; give ear to my supplications in your faithfulness; answer me in your righteousness.” (verse 1) “Save me, O Lord, from my enemies; I have fled to you for refuge.” (verse 9) “For your name’s sake, O Lord, preserve my life. In your righteousness bring me out of trouble.” (verse 11) It is a ps…
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Featured image for “Imagining Discipleship through Narrative Metaphor”
August 10, 2017

Imagining Discipleship through Narrative Metaphor

by Donald Roth
…other. Narrative Metaphor and Discipleship in Action This is where it all comes together. If the metaphors that we utilize are a key component in how we imagine and therefore pursue discipleship, and if those metaphors bear an affinity to theological tensions that bias us toward one side or another of important theological antinomies, then we cannot do this alone. We need to be aware of our own tendencies and biases, and we need to be in conversa…
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The blog.