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Featured image for “Answering Your Question: Creeds and Confessions”
September 7, 2015

Answering Your Question: Creeds and Confessions

by Wayne Kobes
…n times of spiritual crisis for the church. Perhaps such a time is rapidly coming upon followers of Christ in North America. Finally, a comment about church confessions and Christian organizations and institutions. While “creedal statements” written by Christian schools and colleges and other Christian organizations may not always be designated as “creeds” or “confessions,” they are nonetheless important proclamations and guides as believers try t…
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Featured image for “Consuming Rightly: The Task of Christian Higher Education”
July 21, 2016

Consuming Rightly: The Task of Christian Higher Education

by Jason Lief
…sing on techniques, branding, and market niche, miss this basic point: the communal life and practice of Christian institutions are grounded either in the love of God or the love of Mammon. In an anxious and fearful world, Christian colleges have the unique opportunity to become an oasis of rest for young people who are accustomed to being hurried and fragmented. Rest, in this context, is not the absence of work, it is instead being enveloped by t…
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Featured image for “Mental Illness and Your Child: Learning to Loosen and Receive”
April 15, 2015

Mental Illness and Your Child: Learning to Loosen and Receive

by Rachel Valentine
…bedwetting) • Frequent rule breaking or behavior problems at school or home • Aggression towards others • Threats to harm self • Rejecting or avoiding being touched or held • Unusual difficulty in soothing or consoling • Inability to comfort or calm self • Not turning to familiar adults for comfort Dig Deeper Join others for a free, one-hour webinar on “Youth, Depression and Suicide” on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 11:00 am CT. Presenters will di…
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Featured image for “The Salute of Grace”
October 20, 2016

The Salute of Grace

by Joel Van Dyke
…unclean, Gentile and Jew. The Samaritan, unshackled from such allegiance, freely comes to Jesus, understanding him as both a source of physical healing and a giver of social restoration. The verbs Jesus uses in this story reveal the progression. The ten were all initially “cleansed” (tharizo- “to be made clean or healed of a disease”). But the Samaritan, upon returning to Jesus, was “made well,” (sozo- “to be healed of spiritual disease and death…
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Featured image for “Commandments in Chief”
February 13, 2017

Commandments in Chief

by Abigail Rusert
…our ability to follow the rules. The promise of the God who penned the Ten Commandments is named even before the first commandment is uttered: “I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery” (Exodus 20:2). Before anything was required of God’s people, God reminded them that they were set free—that their cries for deliverance were heard. Grace precedes the law, then and now. This promise is born afresh…
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Featured image for “The Master Narrative: The Popular, but Problematic Memory of the Civil Rights Movement”
November 21, 2016

The Master Narrative: The Popular, but Problematic Memory of the Civil Rights Movement

by Jemar Tisby
…r) by Richard Wright Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass The Interesting Narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by Himself I’ve Got the Light of Freedom: The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle by Charles M. Payne This article was previously published on The Reformed African American Network. Republished with permission. xiii-xiv ↩…
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Featured image for “Longing for Spring: Songs of Lament”
January 31, 2019

Longing for Spring: Songs of Lament

by John MacInnis
…ed to us, but still we often hunger and thirst; God proclaims that he will come quickly, but he seems deaf when we cry to him. What would become of us were we not supported by hope, and did not our minds emerge out of the midst of darkness above the world through the light of God’s word and of his Spirit? Only personal examination will show for sure, but it is possible that the songs we sing and listen to betray a preference for generic hope, assu…
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Featured image for “Lent: Unless I Wash You”
February 27, 2015

Lent: Unless I Wash You

by Tara Boer
…that God is doing a good work in them. I personally don’t care to bond or commune with people who think they have it all together. Homes are hard to keep clean, marriage is difficult sometimes, kids are naughty, loss is hard, relationships can be messy and we have personal struggles. We’re not in heaven yet so there’s really no need to act like we have this all together. The disciples were washed clean by their master and then had the privilege o…
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Featured image for “The Church and Disability Justice: A Review of <em> My Body Is Not a Prayer Request </em>”
July 6, 2022

The Church and Disability Justice: A Review of My Body Is Not a Prayer Request

by Kathleen Van Tol
…e belief that every person bears the image of God, regardless of ability or achievement. If that sounds like the type of Christian person you want to be and the type of church community you want to belong to, I highly recommend you read this book. p. 3  ↩ p. 116  ↩ p. 29  ↩ p. 137  ↩ p.44  ↩ p. 84  ↩…
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Featured image for “A Prayer for Graduates”
April 6, 2017

A Prayer for Graduates

by John Baas
…s. I am happy for them, excited for their futures and for what they will accomplish. I am proud of who they are becoming. And I’m a little bit sad they won’t be here next year. This year my wife and I have two children graduating—one from high school and one from college—so those emotions hit even closer to home. These soon-to-be graduates do not yet know much of what the next chapter holds. They may still be looking for a job. Moving to a new com
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Featured image for “Seek the Lord While He May Be Found”
November 11, 2017

Seek the Lord While He May Be Found

by Stephanie Kuiper
…to be ready now. There is no time to delay, for “the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians 5:2 ESV). Again in Matthew 25:13, we are warned: “watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” That same concept is repeated again and again throughout Scripture, with each repetition reminding us to be vigilant, to seek the Lord while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6) because there will come a time when it will b…
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Featured image for “Miracles and Superheroes”
June 20, 2016

Miracles and Superheroes

by Howard Schaap
…done to you.” Gulp. I think I grew up—like many in the church—with a faith complex. “If only I had more faith, my life would go better,” I thought, or “If only I had more faith, God would take this or that problem away.” When I read, “According to your faith it will be done to you,” it seems to be a line about my deficiency. Again if you’re like me, there are a couple of problems with thinking this way. One of those problems is that it’s a type of…
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Featured image for “Irresistible Grace”
April 25, 2017

Irresistible Grace

by Kate Henreckson
…transforms her by his love. As Lila struggles to understand the Bible, she comes back again and again to the passage in Ezekiel, where God says, “I passed by thee, and saw thee weltering in thy blood.” Lila eventually comes to realize that this forsaken child is her. She, too, has been pitied and brought back into new life. She, too, has been granted a grace beyond anything earned or expected. In interviews, author Marilynne Robinson has often spo…
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Featured image for “America and Syria’s Christians”
June 21, 2017

America and Syria’s Christians

by Joel Veldkamp
…the unilateral economic sanctions on Syria. A commitment to real talks with Russia and Iran to end the war in Syria, without political prerequisites. Syria is complicated. But American Christians shouldn’t use that complexity as an excuse for silence….
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August 23, 2014

Content Style Guide

…he chapter and verse separated by a colon: Genesis 1:1 = (Gen. 1:1) Oxford Comma Use serial commas. Hyphens, en dashes, and em dashes The hyphen (-) connects two intimately related words, like “toll-free.” The en dash (–) connects two things distant from each other in time (“May–June issue”) or proper open compound words (“pre–Columbian”) The em dash (—) is more of a separator — it often works like parentheses — or to set off an afterthought closi…
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Featured image for “Prayer of Confession”
November 25, 2014

Prayer of Confession

by Liz Moss
…“Harlem.” Or read Christena Cleveland’s post “The Cross and the Molotov Cocktail”, Sarah Bessey’s thoughts “In which I have a few things to tell you about #Ferguson,” or Ebony Adebayo’s article “When Black Victims Become Trending Hashtags.” Peggy, McIntosh. “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” (Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, 1988). Posted online as an excerpt and reprinted again in 2010. ↩…
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Featured image for “Hope in Anticipation”
December 24, 2015

Hope in Anticipation

by Adam Adams
…ore I moved away in 2013, the most touching experiences for me within this community had come from joining in the preparation, the longing, the hope, and ultimately the reunion of long separated family members. That part of the story remains unfinished, as many friends continue to wait for their family’s restoration. There is a time period of hopeful anticipation when refugees finally know their family abroad has the documentation needed to join t…
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Featured image for “What Matters to Us”
June 1, 2015

What Matters to Us

by Kristen deRoo VanderBerg
…n. Taking time to carry out this work means that Alonzo now owns his house free and clear without any risk of a landlord coming to take it from him. It also means that the house was built to earthquake and hurricane-resistant standards and can be trusted to withstand future disasters. What’s more, local men and women have been given a construction skill that they can use for future employment. Despite having to wait 17 months for this home, Alonzo…
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Featured image for “Cultural Learners: Dordt Students Reflect on Off-Campus Studies ”
May 25, 2022

Cultural Learners: Dordt Students Reflect on Off-Campus Studies 

by Daniel Moe, Morgan Stoltzfus, Caden Zonnefeld
…ged me to learn in an entirely new way by relying exclusively on primary research literature, spending countless hours researching and writing weekly essays, and defending my work during one-on-one tutorials with my professors. Thie new pedagogy was challenging and sometimes overwhelming. Thus, I found a renewed investment in spiritual disciplines to maintain my energy and focus. Even when I felt busier than I had ever been before, I found I neede…
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Featured image for “The Pervasive Power of Leaven”
June 24, 2017

The Pervasive Power of Leaven

by Josh Bootsma
…kingdom. Even from the most humble, weak, and small beginnings, God can accomplish his purposes. In fact, he promises that he will. Much like leaven will inevitably leaven the whole lump of dough, so too will Christ inevitably build his kingdom to completion. The process is a slow one, and it is often hard for us to determine where we are in timeline of the “already-not-yet,” but at the end of the day, just as we are confident in the fact that ju…
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Featured image for “Of Psychology and Christianity: A Review of <em> The Person in Psychology and Christianity </em>”
October 18, 2022

Of Psychology and Christianity: A Review of The Person in Psychology and Christianity

by Mark Christians
…yone who has an interest in human development. Overall, Gunnoe’s book is honest in its effort to “identify the seeming incompatibilities between our faith and our academic discipline” and seeks to “construct a psychologically informed, faith-compatible view of self and others.”12 I believe she accomplished both goals in her examination of the five theories of social development, and I look forward to seeing how other professors at Christian univer…
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Featured image for “Can Calvinists Save the World?: A Review of <em>Calvinism for a Secular Age</em>”
February 7, 2022

Can Calvinists Save the World?: A Review of Calvinism for a Secular Age

by Jessica Joustra, Robert Joustra
…move to mitigate fragmentation through increasingly prescribed beliefs and practices, eventually a kind of tyranny. There is a fear of collapse of free public life in both ways, inwardly toward our individualist cul-de-sacs—and interior oppression—and on top of us, through a tyranny that holds fragmenting publics together through force and terror. It is not centripetal or centrifugal collapse, it is—bafflingly—both, at the same time. What can this…
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Featured image for “Not Masters but Stewards of the Earth”
October 17, 2018

Not Masters but Stewards of the Earth

by Dave Schelhaas
…energy and desperately need economic growth to rise out of poverty and overcome its miseries.” The Cornwall Alliance is so committed to dominion and development that they believe wildness and wilderness to be undesirable. Subduing and cultivating, they say, should always be the goal. For example, one of the stated principles in the Cornwall Alliance website reads as follows: “We deny that godly human dominion entails humans being servants rather t…
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Featured image for “Once the Living Dead, Now Made Alive in Christ”
April 4, 2017

Once the Living Dead, Now Made Alive in Christ

by Jessica Evangeline Setiawan
…h faith in his son, Jesus Christ. Interestingly, now that we have been set free, God still doesn’t demand of us to carry out good works. He only demanded of us to love Him. Why does the Lord want our heart instead of the labors of our hands? Have you ever been in love, or seen someone in love? A man in love will never consider anything he does for his beloved a burden or a chore. I know a friend whose boyfriend purchase hundred of dollars worth of…
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Featured image for “Beauty in the Time of Culture Wars: A Review of “Culture Care””
November 2, 2018

Beauty in the Time of Culture Wars: A Review of “Culture Care”

by Kate Henreckson
…k with content banned from Twitter or Facebook. Though seeking to promote “free speech,” the site has become a platform for white supremacists, conspiracy theorists, and other extremist groups. “Jews are the children of Satan,” read Bowers’ Gab profile. Bowers was particularly angry about the work of HIAS: the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which aids refugees coming into the United States. Moments before he began shooting, Bowers posted these word…
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The blog.